Chapter 116 - Anniversary Planning

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings


“Sorry I’m late.” Hoku bowed to those that had already showed up, YG, his secretary, some of the planning committee, a few of the guys publicists, just a lot of YG folks.

“No, it’s alright. Have a seat, we were just about to start.” YG announced as Hoku hesitantly nodded before walking over to the free seat.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Mr. Kim, YG’s assistant asked as she slowly sat down, biting her lip.

“Still a bit sore, but I’ll be fine, just waiting on those pain pills to take effect.” She explained as YG nodded.

“How’s Elle? Is Jiyong helping around the house and with her?” He asked like a typical father causing her to chuckle and nod. Since her folks had to fly back to the states for work. Her step-father and brother were in Japan again for work. Jiyong’s family came over on the weekends to help with everything. Omma Kwon and Appa Kwon were so excited to have a grandchild, they wanted to spend any free time they had with her. Dami is beyond ecstatic that she sends new toys, clothes, & accessories every chance she gets. It was bad enough Jiyong wanted to buy his daughter everything in the world, but his family wanted to do the same.

“She’s fine, he’s helping as much as he can. But with his packed schedule, I want him to rest also. He needs it.” Hoku answered causing YG to smile and pat her shoulder.

“Jiyong-ssi’s got himself a respectful and polite woman.” One of the publicist teased causing Hoku to hang her head in embarrassment before chuckling.

“Alright, let’s get with planning.” YG announced while everyone began pulling out notepads, Ipads, laptops, anything to take notes and research things.

“Oh, I wanted to mention something before getting started.” Hoku quickly interrupted causing everyone to look up in interest.

“Yes, what is it?” YG asked adjusting his glasses as she pulled out the I Pad Jiyong had just bought her a few days ago.

“I want to plan a surprise birthday party for Jiyong next week.” She answered looking straight at YG who nodded.

“Ah, I see. You need any help?” He asked as she sheepishly nodded.

“I’m not closely in contact with those that he associates with or consider friends, so if I could have some help contacting them and inviting them, I would appreciate it.” She answered as he nodded, writing something on his electronic notepad.

“Do you need help with anything else?” He asked looking over as she looked up in thought.

“I wanted to have it at a club that he likes to go to, if possible, have it closed down so that he and his friends can party without any media or fans getting in the way.” She added as he nodded writing a few more things down.

Hoku-ah, after everything you have done for me, the company and the band, let me handle it. I just want you to keep him busy that day, ask his family if they would babysit, and just enjoy yourselves, alright?” He offered causing Hoku to smile.

“Thank you sir, there is a few things that I would like to have input on if that’s alright, but I’ll let you know.” She added as he nodded before turning back to the group of planners and assistants in front of them.

“Alright, now we have a location already booked ahead of time.” YG announced striking Hoku’s interest.

“Seoul Olympic Stadium.” Mr. Kim added as Hoku’s eyes shot open.

“Wow, that place is huge.” She added causing a few of the publicist to laugh and nod.

“The guys have gone through a lot this past year, also last year. I want this year’s anniversary to both celebrate BIGBANG and also the fans that have stuck with them.” YG explained while Hoku nodded.

“That’s why I have asked for your help Hoku-ah.” YG added as Hoku looked back up from her notes.

“The concert part of the day will be held that night, we are planning for about 7pm, that way they don’t have to perform out in the sun.” YG explained as Hoku nodded, adjusting her reading glasses.

“What I need from you is your input on booths, ideas, activities we can hold that day.” YG lastly added as Hoku looked at him confused before something registered in her mind.

“Wait, wait, wait. So we are planning this like an actual festival, like KCON?” She asked as YG smiled and nodded.

“And with you being the original founder and president of their state side fanclub, I think it’s safe to say, you would know better than anyone else in this room, what fans would want at this festival.” YG teased causing Hoku to chuckle safely before nodding.

“As true as that sounds.” She spoke causing them to chuckle.

“So anything?” She asked hesitantly as YG nodded.

“Anything.” He added as she nodded, sitting back in her seat before looking to his collection of Bearbricks sitting on the shelves.

“Hoku-ah, you think of some ideas while we discuss a few more things, then we’ll get back to you when you’re done.” YG informed while Hoku nodded, pulling up some web pages to do a bit of research. While Hoku researched ideas, YG spoke to the others about future promotions, concert ideas, Seven’s military enlistment, the fanclub, solo activities, schedules, etc. Finally it was time to go back to Hoku.

“Alright, Hoku-ah, have you got any ideas?” YG asked after an hour of them discussing other things. She nodded and looked up from her notes.

“I did a bit research on past years KCON’s, if you don’t know what KCON is, it’s a festival that is held every year in the states for K-pop fans along with Korean actresses and actors, also Kpop stars.” She explained as all eyes were on her.

“I came up with a few ideas, that will give fans the best experience during the festival.” She added as they nodded, everyone getting their pens ready.

“First idea that came to mind would be an obvious fan meeting/ photo op with the guys. I know this may be a swing in the dark since there are so many crazed fans nowadays that will go over the line to do things to the guys when given the chance which is why I suggest two things on top of this, one increased security during this activity, and two, we either set it up that the first say, 100 fans in line are allowed in, or we do some sort of VIP addition to tickets for this particular event. And with those VIP add on, we’ll make it so that only a certain number of people will be able to purchase it. It will keep us more organized with less people trying to fight in, when we’ll just scan tickets.” Hoku explained as some nodded while the others mumbled to those sitting next to them. She kept her eyes peeled on anything.

“And what sort of things will be held during this fanmeet?” One of the publicists asked as Hoku looked down to her notes.

“Fanmeet will consist of a handshake event with optional photo op at the same time. We can also have a Q&A segment.” Hoku explained as they nodded.

“With the handshake/ photo op part of the fanmeet, won’t that be too much for security to handle at one time?” One asked as Hoku looked to YG who nodded in agreement.

“Well we could always give them the option of both, you either get a handshake or a photo.” She added as they smiled and nodded.

“That is better.” YG nodded while Hoku wrote it down.

“Where or when would we hold such an event?” One asked interested as Hoku looked up adjusting her glasses.

“Well I’m assuming that it is planned to block the entire stadium for the concert itself?” Hoku asked looking to YG who in turn nodded.

“Well ¾ of it anyway, the other fourth will be the stage and storage area.” He explained as she nodded.

“What if we held the fanmeet in one of the arena’s press rooms?” Hoku asked as YG looked to the publicists.

“That way, fans that have tickets to the fanmeet can go into the press room a couple hours before the actual concert. Enjoy the fanmeet before escorting them out to the arena for the concert.” She explained as YG smiled proudly before nodding.

“So the VIPs tickets that we will be selling will include early entry, VIP standing area and the fanmeet?” One of the publicist asked.

“That’s the idea.” Hoku answered as YG nodded.

“I told you she’s incredible.” YG announced proudly sitting back in his seat.
“Anything else?” YG asked as Hoku nodded.

“We could have a tent set up for fans, almost like a convention. It can either be in a tent or out in the open on the grounds around the arena.” She pointed out getting their attention.

“Various booths, we could even bring in fan made fan clubs, those that aren’t official, for the BIGBANG members, either solo ones or the group fan clubs. Give them the option of running their own booths on the ground whether it be selling their fan made merchandise, hosting games or anything else they want just to give their various clubs promotion.” She explained as YG’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“I would have never thought of that.” One of the publicists whispered causing YG to chuckle.

“This way it will give fan clubs an opportunity even if they aren’t official to participate in such a huge festival.” She added as they nodded.

“I really like that idea, it’ll make YG seem like they are interested in fan clubs, even those that aren’t official.” One of the publicists added while Hoku nodded.

“How will we get in contact with clubs in such a short time?” one of the publicist asked as Hoku smiled.

“Well like KCON did, they sent out an announcement through their Facebook page, that way those that were already followers saw it and passed the word on to others. In the announcement you can have an attachment of some sort, like an application for a club representative to fill out and email back in. If we want, we can narrow it down by also adding that we will only allow say, the first 100 or so applicants to enter. We can set up a designated Facebook page for the festival, that way fans can find it easier. Making announcements on the various Official BIGBANG or YG Facebook or various networks can also bring a lot of traffic through to the Facebook page. We may even get foreign fans coming in for it.” She explained as they nodded before one held up his hand in question.

“Well anyone can send in an application, but what if they come just to get free entry of the festival?” He asked as she nodded, pointing her pen at him.

“Good question, so what if we added a segment to the application that entitles them to give us a list of merchandise, activities, games, food, etc. things they plan to have at their booth. That way, also for the festival flyers, we can add their various items along with their fan club, adding a map would make it easier for others to find specific groups.” Hoku added as YG nodded, smiling over to the surprised publicists.

“Sounds good to me.” YG agreed, nodding towards Hoku.

“Also what if we…..” 

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog