Chapter 141 - Exhausting Day

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Jiyong's POV....

I slightly tossed and turned in my spot, groaning when I felt an uncomfortable warmth, engulfing my face. I swung at it a few times, giving up before rolling to face away from it. That's when I felt a warm breath to my face. Yawning slighty, I blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the sleep in my eyes before coming face to face with the reason to me living. She was fast asleep, the top of her bare mounds visible, one arm under her own head while the other hung over my bare hip lazily. I smiled, lying my head back into my pillow as I watched her sleep, the small twitches in her face, the small snore coming off of her, the quiet mutters under her breath, her hair lying effortlessly around her head on her pillow. She was gorgeous. No wonder my daughter was a beauty. It was all thanks to her mother. She was lucky both her mother and father were gorgeous, but that would mean, the boys in the future would fall for her easily. They better think twice before stepping near my princess. They don't know who they're messing with. I growled under my breath at the thought before feeling her hand suddenly caress my cheek. I flinched in surprise, looking down to her unchanging face, eyes shut.

"What are you thinking about so seriously, this early in the morning?" She asked with her eyes still shut. She had been awake the entire time. Typical. I got comfortable in my pillow, lying on my arm before intertwining my fingers through hers. Kissing the back of her hand, I held it to my chest.

"Nothing important. Good Morning." I whispered leaning over to kiss her still warm lips. She chuckled when I tried to take it deeper, only to have her push me away playfully. I was now hovering over her as she looked up to me through her long eyelashes.

"We'll save that for later. I need the feeling in my legs for now." She teased pushing my fringe back as I smirked.

"Don't worry, I'll carry my baby everywhere." I offered amused, leaning down to kiss her collarbone only to have her push me away laughing.

"Jiyongie. I slept with my hair full of hair spray and my makeup. I need to shower." She whined under me as I sighed, looking down to her slightly smudged lipstick, smeared eyeshadow. Even with it all, she looked breathless.

"I don't mind the way you look now." I pointed out causing her to snort and roll her eyes.

"Baby, my head in killing me. At least let me make some hangover toxin. I'm sure you need it too." She whined as I sighed, kissing her cheek once before finally pulling away. She was right, but looking at her face took the pain away, for a moment. 

She stretched under the sheets before finally sitting up, holding the sheet to her body.  I leaned back against the head board, lying my arms under my head as I got a good look at the beautiful, unscathed tattoo still running down her spine. I reached out gently, brushing my pointer finger down it, chuckling when I saw her shiver under my touch. She looked over my shoulder with the cutest glare ever as I smirked.

"Would you stop doing that?!" She whined trying to reach her back, probably to rub the tickle sensation away. I tilted my head and pouted.

"Why? I like your tattoos." I spoke up, reaching out to poke at the lowest one I could see that was just above her hip bone. She yelped in surprise, jumping across the large king size bed to the other end, sheet wrapped tightly around her. She was adorable.

"I told you I'm ticklish, stop it!" She snapped playfully as I broke out laughing at her attempt to seem upset.

"So when are we going to get Elle?" I asked interested, tossing my legs over the edge of the bed, picking up my discarded boxers on the ground, slipping them on before finally standing up to turn to her.

"We're not." She answered as my eyes shot open in confusion and surprise.

"What? Why?" I pouted as she chuckled, climbing off the bed with the sheet still around her. She walked over to stand in front of me.

"Because, this weekend is gonna be all about you." She whispered teasingly poking my nose before walking away. As much as I loved the fact that I would be alone with my baby girl this weekend, I kind of missed the feeling of waking up to my princess crying. I sighed, blowing a stray hair out of my face before walking over to the open bathroom door where Hoku was now dressed in a bathrobe, brushing her teeth. Her eyes opened before she noticed me and turned to look at me.

"What?" She asked through foam filled mouth causing me to chuckle as I leaned against the doorframe.

"If we're alone all weekend, what do you want to do?" I asked interested as she shrugged, nudging her head in my direction.

"Up to you." She answered after she spit into the sink. I smirked, amused by the answer she gave me.

"So we could just get back in bed?" I gestured over my shoulder causing her to snort before rolling her head to look at me.

"Baby, I told you, I can barely walk as is. If we do anymore, I won't be able to get out of bed to use the bathroom." She whined, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout as I smirked proudly. I had ravished her over and over last night, I would be extremely surprised after what happened if she was even walking normally today. I rested my head on the doorframe before sighing.

"Wanna go out then?" I asked as she smiled and nodded.

"I'll get dress and make some hangover toxin." She answered, stopping to kiss me gently on the lips before walking over to our walk-in closet.

"That girl." I whispered smiling as I watched her figure disappear around the corner.


Author's POV...

Hoku quickly got dress in the simple outfit she had picked out for the day. She somehow knew that Jiyong would naturally want to go since she had refused him a repeat of the previous night, well at least until tonight, she could wait. She wanted to spend some quality time together with Jiyong, just like a couple. Once she was dressed, she did some light makeup, curled her hair, grabbed her hat, glasses, shoes and bag before finally emerging from the room and in the living room. She slighlty froze when a few memories popped into her head, she dropped her bag at her feet before grabbing at her head.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Jiyong's voice startled her as she flinched, almost jumping out of her skin as she looked up in terror.

"Hey." he quickly said, placing the cup of coffee he had in his hand before running over to her worried.   Hoku shook his hand off, stepping over to the wall holding her head.

"Baby! What's wrong? Talk to me, please." He begged unable to help her since she wouldn't let him in. He was beginning to panic as he watched her shiver against the wall.

"Baby. Please." He begged on the verge of tears. Hoku took a deep breath, scratching her fingernails through her loose hair before turning to Jiyong's panicked eyes.

"What?" He asked almost practically yelling in her face. She quickly jumped across the small opening between the two of them, jumping into his chest while she held him around his waist. Jiyong yelped in surprise before looking down to her around his chest.

"Baby. Please talk to me, you're scaring me." Jiyong begged again hoidng her tightly around her shoulders before kissing the crown of her head. 

After some time, Hoku finally pulled away before looking up to Jiyong's eager face.

"Just some memories, scared me, that's all." Hoku whispered as Jiyong sighed in relief before holding her cheeks between his palms.

"Geez, don't do that." He whined as she smiled up at him.

"I'm sorry, it kind of hit me like a sack of bricks. I didn't have time to react." She answered as he sighed, feeling his heart lighten up a bit before realizing that this must mean that she is still slightly afraid of what happened a few nights ago.



"Anyways, it's not about me. Come on, let me make you some breakfast." Hoku quickly recovered walking away, leaving a speechless jiyong standing in the hallway, unmoving. Of course, what happened would traumatize her a bit, why didn't he think of that? He sighed, putting a fustrated hand through his hair before following her footsteps into the kitchen to see her already putting a pot of boiling water on the stove. He watched the way she moved in the simple outfit she had dressed herself in today. This woman had to be one of the strongest he knew, even stronger then his own mother, which he wouldn't admit to anyone. The things this woman had to go through in life, sometimes alone or having the extra responsibility on her shoulders of a child. What he must have done in a previous life to be blessed with such a woman at his side. Even after everything he had put her through at the start of the relationship, she still found her way back into his life. It was a miracle.

Jiyong walked quietly into the kitchen, walking up behind her before wrapping his arms tighlty around her waist, burying his nose into her shoulder.

"Omo." Hoku spoke surprised from the stove as she looked down to see Jiyong's ring covered hands resting on her stomach.

"What's wrong?" She asked innocently as he sniffed her shoulder before pulling up to kiss it.

"Just let me hug you." He whispered as she relaxed into his arms.

"Is something wrong?" She asked hesitantly enjoying the hug.

"I love you baby." He whispered as she smiled, resting her own hands on his.

"Aw, I love you too Jiyongie." She answered back causing him to smile.

"Thank you for everything you do for me, and everything you will do. I'll cherish you forever." He whispered sending her heart thumping in her chest.

Hoku quickly got their hangover toxin together, before starting on some simple breakfast, Jiyong's favorite, her omelets. The pair sat at the table, quietly eating before Jiyong's phone went off on the table. Hoku's eyes lit up as she looked over. She clearly knew that YG gave him the weekend off for his birthday, so she wondered who it was.

"Oh, bae." He answered as her shoulder's loosened a bit, listening into the conversation he was having.

"Yeah, the 3 of us." He answered as she looked up from her fork.

"What did YG say about that?" He asked as Hoku rested her chin on her hand, staring over at him intently.

"Ah. Alright, sounds like a plan." He sighed, leaning back in his seat.

"Yeah, I'll let her know." He added looking up to smile at Hoku.

"I got it." He answered nodding unconsciously.

"Yeah, it's Monday." He added as she figured he was talking about his Music video shooting that was supposed to start Monday and end Thursday, in time for them to go to Steph and Daesung's wedding.

"Alright, thanks bro." he hung up before looking up to Hoku's expectant face.

"So?" She asked as he smiled.

"Youngbae said our flights, car and hotel are booked for the wedding. We'll leave Thursday night." He explained as Hoku immediately smiled before nodding.

"Wait? Thursday, but the wedding isn't till Saturday. Don't you still have filming?" She asked confused as he nodded.

"It looks like you forgot who I am. I'm the Great G-Dragon. I can finish this Music Video filming before that." He proudly stuck out his chest causing her to snort and roll her eyes.

"Alright, alright, breathe before you hurt yourself." She teased as he rolled his eyes before going back to eating.

The pair finished eating before standing in the entryway for their shoes.

"So you sure you want to do some shopping?" Jiyong asked unsure as he watched her slip on the pair of Jeremy Scott High Tops he had been sent for her last week.

"Yeah, if that's what you wanna do, I'm all for it." She answered uncaring fixing her shoes.

"Are you sure? I mean, what about your fans? They may go Cray- Cray seeing you out in the open like this." She teased standing up before adjusting the hat now sitting on her head. He snorted, pulling on the bracelets that littered his arms.

"I'll be fine, I have my bodyguard." He teased grabbing her by the waist before pulling her into him roughly. She chuckled at the comment before pushing his chest away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it." She answered laughing as she playfully hit him in the chest. This has to be the first time he had gone shopping with her, he was both nervous and excited to do so.


They both decided to take his Bentley, he insisted on driving even though it was 'his day' as she referred to it.

"Come on baby, don't pout." Jiyong whined as they pulled onto the highway. Hoku had been quiet ever since leaving the house, she had planned to do everything for him today but he fought till the bitter end to drive his own car. Hoku sighed from her spot, keeping her eyes glued to the window next to her.

"I just wanted to drive, you couldn't let me?" She asked slightly annoyed as Jiyong quickly looked over to her before turning back to the road.

"Baby." he whined again seeing the upset expression on her face.

"If this is 'my day', then let me do what I want to do." He added as she rolled her eyes before looking away.

"Whatever." She muttered under her breath. The car was extremely quiet the entire way, all the way till they found parking outside the shopping mall. Jiyong parked the car, pulled the keys out of the ignition before quickly grabbing Hoku by her wrist as she tried to hop out of the car unnoticed. He yanked her back into the car before pulling her into a mind blowing kiss. At first, she fought against him before finally giving into the kiss.

He pulled away panting, holding her cheeks in place as she stared at him.

"Don't be upset with me baby. You've just done so much for me. I can at least drive myself." He whispered keeping eye contact with her. She sighed, slowly giving in as he slowly smiled.

"Come on, I wanna take my baby shopping." He joked, kissing her nose before climbing out. She snorted, curling a hair behind her ear before she climbed out, slipping her sunglasses one.

The pair walked hand in hand to Korea's own Time Square Shopping Center. The moment the couple walked in the front doors, Hoku being the only one taking off her sunglasses, the pair was hounded by fans and those that were surprised to see them there.

"Unnie! Oppa!" Many shouted as the pair, still hand in hand, waved and bowed politely to them. Nice enough a pair of security had seen their distress and offered to help on their own accord.

"Thank you so much." Hoku thanked the 4 security that were now following them up the escalator.

"I totally forgot how it was to be out in the open." Jiyong teased leaning over to kiss her cheek. She blushed at the gesture, looking around to the dozens and dozens of fans that were now following and watching them.

"Oh, sunglasses!" Jiyong cheered the moment they stepped off the escalator, immediately pulling Hoku along with him. Security blocked off the entrance of the store so the pair could walk in.

"Omo, G-Dragon-ssi." One of the male employees spoke when he saw who had just walked into their store.

"Morning." Jiyong offered, bowing his head as Hoku followed suit.

"Oh Hoku-ssi!" He added as she smiled.

"It's so nice to meet you both." He bowed over and over again causing them to smile together.

"Is there anything in particular you are looking for, that I can help you with finding?" He asked professionally as Jiyong slipped off his sunglasses to rest on his head while he looked around.

"Just looking for now. Thank you though." He thanked as the employee bowed before shuffling away to the other employees still standing star struck behind the counter.

"What about these baby?" Jiyong suddenly called as Hoku looked over, almost practically falling to the ground in hysterics.

"BWAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" She laughed holding her stomach as Jiyong did a few poses in the ridiculous pair.

"What in the world are those?" Hoku asked once she stopped laughing, walking over to put them on.

"Hey, you look good with those." Jiyong teased immediately welcoming a playful hit from Hoku to the chest. He chuckled.

"Are these brand name?" Hoku asked in disbelief once she took them off to better view them.

"No." He answered laughing as he walked away to the brand name glasses.

"Oh, these are nice." Hoku cooed walking over to a pair of white Ray Ban aviator sunglasses. She slipped them on before turning to the mirror on the wall.

"Oh, my woman looks y in those." Jiyong whispered too soft for anyone else to hear, before giving her a slight tap, out of view.

"Ya!" Hoku snapped quietly, shooing his hand away from her as he chuckled looking over to the employee.

"We'll get this in every color you have!" he announced pointing to the sunglasses in Hoku's hand. Her eyes shot open at the command as the employee bowed before disappearing into the back room.

"No. No. no. no. no." Hoku disagreed putting the glasses back where she got them.

"Jiyongie." She whined as he smiled turning to her with a new pair of sunglasses on.

"What?" He asked innocently tilting his sunglasses forward to look over them, causing the fans outside to scream at his adorable face.

"Stop buying me stuff, we're supposed to be here for you." Hoku whined under her breath as he took them off and put them back in place.

"Baby, I own practically every inch of clothing in this mall already." He mentioned as her eyes shot open before she glared over at him.

"Then why the hell are we here?!" She snapped quietly causing him to smile.

"Why? I can't buy my baby pretty things?" He asked outraged, sarcastically as she snorted, rolling her eyes. It was like this for the rest of the day, every store they went into, Jiyong ended up spending a bulk of money on her, even on things she didn't put on. He just thought she would look adorable in them.

"YA!" Hoku shouted after him as they walked through the underground parking lot, Jiyong now littered in shopping bags. Security had left them at the exit, so as of now, they were fending for themselves. Jiyong bowed his head at a few fans who were getting dangerously close to his side as Hoku walked a few feet behind him, with the same problem.

"Can I take a photo of you unnie?" The fan next to her asked as she inwardly wanted to say no, she turned and smiled, putting up a V-sign while a ton of girls and guys took a photo from the side. She turned, getting slightly upset by the girls reaching out and touching Jiyong as if no one was around. Before she could do anything, she felt a tug on the shirt she had been wearing, causing her to stop and turn just as she was surrounded by girls and guys all asking her something. It was slighlty suffocating.

"Unnie! Where is Elle?" They were constantly shouting at her, she was growing slightly more and more uncomfortable.

"Excuse me." She tried to say a few times, trying to get through before a fanboy grabbed her into a forceful hug. She had to admit she was slightly uncomfortable being held this tight. She tried pushing away and when she did, another fanboy dove at her, almost causing her to lose her footing. She yelpe in surprise before she felt him being pulled away from her forcefully, everything grew quiet as she felt a warm arm around her shoulder. She looked up to see Jiyong's clearly pissed off expression. Being fans, they were clearly not used to this side of Jiyong that I had seen on more than one occassion.

"Leave her alone." He hissed glaring at the two young boys in front.

"She clearly doesn't want to be hugged like that. Don't do something against her will." Jiyong added, pulling her into his chest before walking off towards the car. They didn't follow this time. Jiyong quietly drove out of the parking stall, speeding pass the fans waving at the pair.

"Are you alright?" Jiyong asked 10 minuted later. Hoku looked over to his emotionless expression just staring at the road ahead.

"I'm fine. I was a bit startled, but I'm not hurt." Hoku reassured as Jiyong sighed, putting a fustrated hand through his hair.

"Can we go somewhere?" Hoku quickly interrupted his thoughts, knowing that he was clearly pissed at those fanboys.

"Hm? Where?" He asked suddenly calm as she smiled.

"Just follow my directions." She answered smirking as he hesitantly did before they pulled up in front of one of the various fastfood restaurants in town.

"McDonalds?" he asked amused, looking up at the massive golden arch pinned to the top.

"I remember you saying, you could die for a McDonalds cheeseburger." Hoku teased unbuckling her seatbelt as she chuckled, looking at her surprised.

"You remembered that?" He asked shocked as she nodded.

"I know it's not healthy for you, but it doesn't hurt to have one every once in a while, right?" Hoku asked as Jiyong smiled.

"Come on." He spoke, climbing out with her behind him. The moment they walked in the front doors towards the empty cashier, the once loud restaurant was now dead quiet, whispers, small squeals and gasps were the only things heard.

"Welcome to McDonalds can I ......." The cashier started before looking up to the pair in front of him, hands locked together, both concentrating on the menu.

"Omo." He whispered shocked as the other employees just stood there in surprise.

"What are you getting?" Jiyong asked down to Hoku, uncaring that it was as if they had walked into a quiet funeral.

"Can I get a #11 with  Rootbeer?" Hoku ordered looking down to the cashier who was still just frozen on spot.

"Excuse me?" Hoku called when he hadn't moved, waving her hand in front of his face before he finally moved. Ordering their food, paying for it, picking it up, they finally took a seat in a booth back in the corner, thankfully away from stray eyes.

"I haven't been here in forever." Jiyong mentioned slipping a whole fry into his mouth.

The day ended with the pair finally making it home. Jiyong chuckled when he updated his Instagram, catching Hoku's attention.

"Ya! What are you doing over there?" She askes suspiciously walking out of the bathroom towards him. He quickly hid his phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at him sitting in bed.

"Nothing. Just texting Bae." He answered innocently looking away as she narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, let me call him and ask." She quickly countered, pulling her own phone out as he reached across to try and rip it out of her hand.

"Ah-Ha! I knew you were lying. So what was it?" She asked amused as he sighed, pulling his phone out before showing her his post.

"McD's with my future wife." She read before blushing. Damn him.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog