Chapter 162 - Busy Life

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Bye baby.” Jiyong whispered as he hugged me tightly outside the driver side of my car. I chuckled against his shoulder, burying my face into his bare shoulder to inhale the familiar cologne he always wore.

“Call me when you have time.” I mentioned back causing him to laugh this time, he kissed the side of my neck sending me into a fit of giggles before we finally pulled away from each other.

“Be sure to eat.” I scolded him as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly before nodding.

“I know, I know.” He whined before diving in to pull me into another hug. The way it was going this morning, we were never going to leave the driveway and off to work.

“Ji. You’re going to be late for rehearsals.” I whined wrapping my arms tightly around his tiny waist, gripping at the shirt he had chosen to wear.

“I don’t care, I’m going to miss you too much.” He whined back in aegyo sending my heart fluttering like the wings of a bird.

“Aish, look at his boy.” I teased pulling him away, keeping him at arms distance while I traced his face with my eyes.

“We haven’t even been away from each other all weekend, and now you’re going to miss me?” I asked amused causing him to snort before looking away proudly.

“Well excuse me for wanting to spend 24/7 with my beautiful girlfriend. You know it’s not every day I get to spend time with her.” He pointed out outraged as I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders teasingly before stepped into my car, hearing him gasp.

“Aish! Are you going to just leave like that?!” He shouted shocked as I shut my door, starting my car so I could roll my window down and look at him, smiling.

“I’ll miss you too baby. Call me.” I spoke smiling his favorite smile, almost immediately melting the anger in his heart.

“Alright, alright. Drive safely, alright?” He addressed, walking over towards my car, placing his hands on the window seal before leaning over, inches from my face.

“I always drive safe. It’s your aggressive driving that worries me.” I retorted causing him to chuckle.

“Hey baby, a bit of the fast and the furious is needed in a guy’s everyday life.” He teased, puffing his chest out as I snorted, putting the car into reverse as he flinched in surprise.

“Hurry and go before you’re late. Call me.” I whined turning to his upset face.

“Fine. Fine. Fine.” He whined finally leaning into my car as I devoured his lips immediately before pulling away, seeing his surprised expression made my morning.

“Love you baby.” I called as I slowly reversed, chuckling when I noticed he was still standing in the same spot I left him.

“Go to work!” I shouted from the road, waiting till I saw some sort of movement. I waved at him before finally making my way towards the stadium.


This week was going to be more than hectic for the both of us. Jiyong had taken time off of his personal rehearsals for his upcoming tour to rehearse for this weekend that was turning out to be larger than any of us had expected. The results and expectations for this event were so huge, that we were getting fan mail complaining about the need to have more tickets. So that’s just what we did last week, YG had released more tickets to the public to purchase. The tickets were seats that weren’t that great, since you could barely see anything on stage from where they would be sitting, but there was nothing we could do about that. They wanted more tickets and that’s the best we could do with the stage already set up and out.

“Ah yes, they need to be there no later than 8am that day.” I spoke to the man that Selena and Eden had set me up with for the festival shirts. Just as they had admitted, he was cheaper and a whole lot nicer than the previous man we had gone through. I had even seen the shirts and purchased one for myself, just because it was incredible.

“Yes, I’ll be there from dawn. You’re already on the list for security, so we’ll be able to have you and your crew directly deliver the shirts to the booths.” I explained into my ear piece, being sure to keep my eyes on the road.

“No sir, we don’t need that. Yes, I would appreciate a receipt.” I spoke politely to the man.

“Ah yes, if that’s alright with you. We’ll pay the extra needed for that.” I mentioned turning off the highway finally.

“Yes, thank you so much for your consideration and hard work.” I thanked quickly smiling.

“We’ll see you on Friday for delivery.” I smiled before he hung up. I sighed loudly, unable to hear the music playing from my radio, pulling my earpiece out before tossing it onto the empty passenger seat. This was so stressful.


I finally arrived at the stadium, even more cars than usual, security fences and rails were set up around the entire grounds, only two openings in the front where fans would enter and exit from. I smiled at the scene, parking my car before finally stepping out into the open. Pulling my bag over my shoulder before pulling out my binder with everything I needed.

“Well it’s about time you got here.” A voice startled me against my car causing me to look over to see Selena, arms crossed as she looked at me un-amused.

“Jesus Christ, don’t do that.” I whined patting my chest as I shut the car door before locking it.

“Sorry, didn’t expect you to attack your car like that.” She teased as I snorted, curling a stray hair behind my ear annoyed.

“Whatever. What are you doing here anyways? I thought you guys weren’t coming till Thursday?” I asked confused as she walked with me towards the building.

“Originally I was supposed to fly in on Thursday after I finished a few things for Ri, but I finished early so I came to help.” She explained causing me to smile over to her.

“Well I could use the help, there is a ton of things I have to do this week.” I whined over, tapping my binger under my arm as she sighed.

“Well I’m here to help, so just tell me what to do.” She explained stretching her arms in the air.


Today they were setting up the tents on the stadium grounds for the booths along with large tents that would house larger booths mostly merchandise that we would be selling.

“Oh this is the map we made for the fan clubs. Here are the signs so you just tape them at the back of each booth. But make sure it’s the right one.” I explained Selena handing her a bunch of papers causing her to nod.

“You want me to post them to the tables or the back back of the tent?” She asked gesturing to the one we were standing in front of. I grabbed the first paper, placing some tape on it before walking behind the table to post to the back of the tent.

“I think it’s better to have it in the back, just because the wind might catch it.” I explained as she nodded before going on to do the rest.


I spent all my time at the stadium all through the week, the only time I would see Jiyong was when he came home late at night, but I was already half asleep after putting Elle down to bed. It was quite sad, since I had missed him a lot this week.


Thursday came around, YG had called to let me know that everything had been done, so that there was no reason for me to come down today. He gave me the day to rest and work on anything I needed to from home such as getting ready for an upcoming show YG was planning on doing to determine the next debut boy group from YG. Jiyong also stayed home today, he was out with Elle in the backyard, sitting on the patio, watching Gaho and Jolie chase each other around the yard.

I sat at the kitchen table, laptop and files sitting in front of me causing me to smile when I saw Jiyong being the one chased around the yard by the two pups. This is the reason I fell in love with this idiot. I adjusted my glasses before looking back down to my work. Even when I was supposed to be resting, I was hard at work, working on the next big project for my boss. I sighed, massaging my forehead before finally shutting my laptop, I needed to relax for a bit. Leaning back in the chair I had been occupying, I stretched out all the kinks before looking around to the clean living room, my eyes landing on the grand white piano Jiyong had placed at the corner. I still have yet to play on it since we moved in a few months ago.

Smirking over to Jiyong who was now lying on the grass, both pups crawling over him and him continuously, I simply chuckled, rolling my eyes at him.

“Dork.” I whispered standing, adjusting the short sweat shorts I was wearing before walking over towards the piano. I stood there for a bit, my hands gently landing on the cover to the piano keys, smirking when memories of seeing my father popped in my head. He really never left my side. I smiled, taking a seat before lifting the cover to see the untainted keys shining up at me.

“It’s been a while.” I whispered massaging my fingers as I looked over to see Jiyong now sitting up, Elle in his lap while the two pups stayed at a careful distance from her, Jiyong speaking to them both.

“What song should I try?” I whispered placing my fingers on the clean keys before the perfect song popped in my head. An OST from one of my favorite Drama’s lately, To the Beautiful You. I honestly loved the OST Onew did for that drama, it was beautiful. Looking up in thought to how the song was since I had never played it on the piano before, I knew all the lyrics but the keys were what worried me.


Finally I remembered, and begun playing it, adding the lyrics I knew my heart to my own tone. I heard the door to the backyard slide open, causing me to look up in interest as Jiyong peeked in to the house in surprise, his eyes landing on me causing me to smile.

“Oh Omma is playing.” Jiyong mentioned to the 2 pups and Elle in his arms, shutting the door as I continued playing. Gaho and Jolie ran over, sitting on either side of me on the ground while Jiyong walked over, taking a seat next to me on the bench.

“Whatcha doing?” Jiyong asked over as I just played the instrumental for the song.

“I’m playing.” I answered back innocently causing him to chuckle at my answer.

“Never thought I would see you play this piano.” He teased causing me to chuckle and look over.

“I’ve been busy, but it was calling my name this time.” I pointed out looking to my hands dance across the keys.

“I miss seeing you play.” He whispered resting his cheek on my shoulder as I looked over amused.

“I played for you at your birthday party and at the wedding.” I pointed out causing him to sigh.

“It’s better when you play, just for me.” He teased kissing my bare shoulder as I stopped playing and looked over surprised. Never thought he would actually rather me play for him instead of playing when there were tons of people around. I shook my head smiling as I placed my hands on the keys.

“I’ve been playing around with something.” I explained playing a few notes as he looked at me eager.

“A new song?” He asked interested as I chuckle and nodded, smiling at his excited expression.

“Oooh! Show me!” He about shouted placing Elle down in her bouncer before making his way back to my side, he was overly excited for such a thing.

“It’s not done yet though.” I answered looking over to his pout.

“Come on baby, I wanna be the first one to hear it. Wait. I’m the first one to hear it right?” He asked narrowing his eyes towards me, I just simply smirked.

“Not sure.” I answered teasingly feeling the ominous aura coming off the idol sitting next to me.

“I mean, if you don’t count Teddy Oppa, Lydia Unnie and a few other employees at YG, then yes, you’re the first.” I smiled widely over to his pissed off expression.

“Never mind, I don’t want to hear it.” He snapped, crossing his arms over his chest like a tantrum throwing child. I chuckled, watching as he turned his back towards me. Secretly, I hadn’t played this song for anyone since I had dubbed it only for Jiyong to hear. Smiling, I turned back to the keys, placing my hands on it before beginning to play with the lyrics.


Feels like love

Feels like lvoe

Hey yeah

Hey yeah


I chuckled slightly when I saw from the corner of my eyes, Jiyong quickly turn to face me in surprise.


You got me spinning now

I feel your happiness all around

I'm not sure what I'm getting into

(Feels like love)

We're not the same everybody knows

That's the best thing about us though

So hard to believe it but it's true

(Feels like love)

See the world in different ways

But I'm lovin' every minute of every day

Against the odds we'll make it through


As I sang the chorus, I turned singing it towards Jiyong as he stared at me intently.


Maybe this could be

More than just fun

This could be everything

That I want

What's happening to me

Could you be the one

This could be everything

That I want

I didn't know how good it could be

And it feels like love to me


“Stop being a sour puss.” I teased before continuing.


Feels like love

Feels like love

Hey yeah

Hey yeah


I didn't know I could feel this way

It's a new world baby that's OK

You're like the part of me I never knew

(Feels like love)

You're the one I need next to me

But I know that it's hard to be

Livin' for everybody else but you

(Feels like love)

Real love's not supposed to be

Afraid what everybody thinks

So let's show em all what we can do


Maybe this could be

More than just fun

This could be everything

That I want

What's happening to me

Could you be the one

This could be everything

That I want

I didn't know how good it could be

And it feels like love to me


I've got to say it now

(seems too hard to do this)

We've got to work it out

(Nothin' about us makes sense)

I feel the bridge

From where I am to where you are

It shouldn't have to be this hard


Maybe this could be

More than just fun

This could be everything

That I want

What's happening to me

Could you be the one

This could be everything

That I want

I didn't know how good it could be

And it feels like love to me


Feels like love

Feels like love

Feels like love to me

Feels like love

Feels like love

Feels like love to me


I broke out laughing the moment my fingers left the ground, Jiyong pulled me into a hug, carefully falling off the bench onto the carpet where he held me to his chest.

“Did you write that song for me baby?” He asked from under me, using one of his hands to curl my hair out of my face. I snorted, rolling my eyes to look away, acting uninterested in him.

“You really thought I played that song for anyone else, when I clearly remember writing it only for you to hear.” I spoke looking away from him, smiling on the inside when I felt him tense under me.

“So you did write it for me then?” He asked happy as I looked down before smiling.

“Of course.” I whined causing him to smile brightly before bringing him lips up to meet mine. My heart raced as he kept one hand on my cheek, the other resting on my lower back, playing with the bottom hem of my shirt.

“I love it baby.” He whispered when we parted for air. I blushed under his stare, feeling his thumb brush across my cheeks in amusement.

“Don’t play it for anyone else though.” He warned as I chuckled, looking down to him before nodding.

“That’s for me only.” He pointed out, poking the edge of my nose with his finger.

“I heard you! Geez.” I snapped playfully watching as he laughed under me.

“I love you baby.” He whispered looking up to me through those warm chocolate brown eyes. I smiled.

“I love you Jiyongie.” I whispered back kissing him, about to take it further which I knew he wanted by the tightness of his pants. He moaned into my mouth when I forced my tongue into his abyss, his fingers now digging painfully hard into my hips. I pulled away gasping for air before looking down to see him panting, looking up at me with pure lust, didn’t help that I was basically leaning down on his manhood.

“Baby.” He whispered panting causing me to smirk deviously.

“Hm?” I asked reaching over with one of my hands, using my finger to gently caress down the side of his neck, watching the goosebumps travel down his bare arm. He hissed at the sensation before I leaned down bringing his lips to mine again.
“I want you.” He said between kisses causing me to smile, tilting my head to give him more access to my mouth. Just as I felt his fingers traveling up the underside of my shirt, we both froze when we heard the wailing of Elle not a few feet from us.

“Aegi-ya! Seriously!” Jiyong shouted in frustration causing me to break out laughing as I rested my head on his chest.

“Next time baby.” I teased, patting his chest as I pulled myself up to stand up over him.

“Come on, now what am I supposed to do?” He asked irritated, sitting up before gesturing down to the obvious tent in his pants. I smirked at the sight, picking Elle up from her bouncer before gesturing with my head down the hallway.
“Take a cold shower, you’ll live.” I teased as he cursed under his breath before quickly walking down the hallway, slamming the room door. I laughed, sitting on the couch, already getting Elle settled against my .

“You are going to kill your Appa one day.” I teased, brushing some hair out of her face. But it did make me feel proud that even after all this time, I could still bring such a person down to his knees, so easily.



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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog