Chapter 146 - Preparing for the Wedding

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Aish.” Jiyong struggled to hold Elle comfortably in his arms without poking her with one of his rings. Oh, if Hoku could see him now, she would have hung him just for attempting to hold her with those fingers littered in rings.

“Come on.” He whispered holding her up in front of him, lifting his sock covered feet onto the coffee table before resting her on his jean clad legs, before sighing in content.

“There you go princess.” He whispered to no one in particular, pulling her shirt down a bit to hide her umbilical cord that still had not fallen off. “Where are you’re crazy uncles?” He asked chuckling when she giggled a bit, showing him a flow of bubbles down overflowing from .

“Aish baby, what are you doing?” He asked amused, reaching over for her cloth to wipe it up before it got to her clothes.

“Omo, let’s take a picture Aegi!” Jiyong announced grabbing his phone from the other side of the couch before pulling up his camera app.

“Come here princess.” He pulled her up carefully into his arms, before turning the camera towards him smiling.

“1, 2, 3.” He whispered before smiling as he took the photo.

“There we go.” He placed her back on his lap before looking to the photo he had taken.

“Oh look at that, my baby girl is just too pretty.” He praised turning the photo to her, as if she could see it herself. She just aimlessly looked around the room, cooing.

Jiyong had never felt so proud of something, well not this proud. Being a father was definitely worth all the hardship both himself and Hoku had gone through to get where they are now. He was now holding someone that meant more than his music to him in his arms. He was a proud father, and would do anything to protect Elle from the world he lived in.


Knock Knock


“Oh that must be them.” Jiyong whispered quickly putting his phone done before carefully standing with Elle to his shoulder.

“Let’s go answer the door, huh?” He patted her back before slipping into his house slippers and walked over to answer the door. He pulled it open before breaking out laughing when he saw the many hands already reaching out to hold her. He held her tighter, pulling away from the crowded doorway where s just piled in begging to hold her.

“Hyung!” Seungri whined wriggling his fingers out in a come-hither motion.

“No! It’s my turn!” Daesung shouted shoving Seungri playfully out of the way while the 3 oldest just chuckled.

“I say, since I’m the oldest, I get to go first.” TOP mentioned proudly pulling up the sleeves on his sweater before adjusting his glasses.

“YA! HYUNG! That’s not fair!” Daesung and Seungri both whined as Jiyong chuckled, patting Elle’s back.

“Anyways, where’s the tuxes we’re supposed be trying on?” Jiyong quickly changed the subject when he passed her willingly over to Daesung who actually needed the practice for his own on the way.

“Oh, where’d she go?” Taeyang muttered walking back to the still open door before peeking out.

“Oh, come in.” He quickly said grabbing the rack of bags followed by a young girl with her head hung low.

“Omo, whose this?” Jiyong asked confused by seeing a young lady walk in when he was clearly explained that Hongbum Hyung was doing their fitting.

“Ah, this is Ha Eun, she’s Hyung’s daughter. He’s busy with the girls so she was sent over in his stead.” TOP explained as Jiyong nodded, bowing his head to her.

“Nice to meet you.” He said politely as she blushed before quickly bowing back. He blinked in confusion to her expression before looking to the guys.

“Did I say something?” He asked confused scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Seungri chuckled before shaking his head.

“No, she’s a huge fan of yours hyung.” Seungri whispered patting Jiyong’s shoulder.

“Did Hoku-ah leave already?” Taeyang asked as they walked into the large living room of the suite.

“Oh yeah, just a little while ago.” Jiyong plopped down on the couch, quickly grabbing Elle’s things before tossing them onto the coffee table.

“Oh! Hyung! She threw up!” Daesung shouted now holding Elle at arm’s length away from him, panicking.

“Ya! Hold her nicely!” TOP snapped running over before ripping her out of Daesung’ arms and into his arms, carefully.

“Aish, Dae, be careful.” Taeyang added as Jiyong walked over, wiping the mess off the ground and from Elle’s face.

“Geez, Hyung, you do that with Steph and she’ll kill you.” Seungri teased causing Daesung to growl.

“Ya! I’m still learning!” Daesung snapped before plopping down on the couch where Jiyong had been earlier.

“So what are we doing then?” Jiyong asked taking Elle from TOP before placing her in the portable swing that he had brought from their house.

“Ha Eun-ah.” Daesung called scaring the girl still standing behind the couch.
“Can we try on the tux now?” he asked smiling over to her as she nervously nodded before walking over to pull off each individual bag to hand to each, blushing bright when Jiyong took his from her.

“So remind me why we are getting fitted again when the wedding is like 2 days away?” Taeyang asked stripping of his hoodie, leaving him in his white wife beater to pull on his nice dress shirt.

“We’re just making sure that everything fits perfectly.” Daesung whined pulling his on also.


“Gosh Hoku! Are you done yet?! You’ve been in there forever!” Selena snapped as all the girls sat on the couches outside waiting for the last bridesmaid to emerge from the bathroom.

“Keep your on!” Hoku shouted back through the bathroom door, making sure that it was on perfectly along with the heels she was given also.

“She seems a lot like Jiyong-ssi.” Hongbum mentioned as the girls chuckled.

“ ‘Seems’ is an understatement. Those two are attached at the hip, they are so much alike.” Eden mentioned looking down at her long dress. Hoku finally emerged, adjusting it in a few areas she thought didn’t embrace her body the way it should before looking up to those waiting.

“So? It seems a bit too tight, I still haven’t gotten my post baby body back.” Hoku mentioned before waiting for an answer.

“It’s perfect.” Hongbum pointed out standing up smiling.

“You look amazing in it.” Steph answered as Hoku smiled.

“I’m still working out with Hwangssabu, so I’m not totally rid of everything yet.” Hoku added as she sat down nicely next to Crystal.

“What are you talking about unnie? You don’t even look like you’ve had a kid.” Crystal whined causing Hoku to smile.

“So all the dresses look amazing on everyone.” Steph announced standing just as Hongbum pulled off the last bag.

“Oh!” Eden spoke surprised.

“Are you going to finally try yours on?” Selena asked in relief while Steph smiled and nodded.

“Alright! Hurry and get in there!” Hoku shoved her into the bathroom with Hongbum behind her.

“So?” Selena asked back as Hoku as Hoku kept her eyes on the bathroom.

“Did the baker let you cancel the order YG made?” Eden asked as Crystal leaned in.

“I took Jiyong with me, so he gave them an ear full.” Hoku snickered as the girls shook their heads laughing.
“How’s the design? Did you get it to them in time?” Crystal asked as Hoku sighed and nodded.

“Another good reason why I took Jiyong, he forced them to use my design and had to pay extra since it wasn’t one of theirs.” Hoku explained as the door opened.




Everything was set, tomorrow everyone would driving down to the wedding area to help set up with the hired helped that is already down there.


“Alright, got everything?” Hoku asked over to Jiyong as they packed things they would need during the day.

“Yeah, I just spoke to my mom, they are meeting us down there.” Jiyong’s parents flew in this morning to help with the wedding and to also help watch Elle so that Hoku and Jiyong could help their friends and enjoy with them.


“You feeling ok today?” Daesung walked into the bathroom to see Steph pop a prenatal vitamin into before drinking some water.

“It’s a bit hot today, but either than that I’m fine.” She answered once she put the cup down.

“Can’t believe it’s tomorrow already.” Daesung whispered walking over to wrap his arms around her waist, resting on her small bump.

“Time is moving too fast.” She answered smiling when he kissed her neck gently.

“Too fast, tomorrow you’ll be Mrs. Kang.” Daesung added, rubbing her stomach gently.

“Alright, alright, we have to leave before we’re late.” Steph whined pushing off of him playfully before turning into the room.

“So are you staying over at Hoku-ah tonight?” Daesung asked as he watched her pack a few things into a duffle bag.

“I know you guys may not have the same standards here, but in America, it’s actually bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.” She teased causing him to chuckle.

“Alright, then I guess I’ll meet you at the alter?” He asked arching his eyebrow causing her to smirk.

“I’ll be the one in white.” She added smiling. This would be a blessed day, no matter what. 

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog