Chapter 1 - A Wedding Invitation

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Hoku's POV...

Life had a funny way of running itself. I had been hurt, physically and mentally in the last year more than ever in life. I had been loved, tossed aside, I made new friends and lost them within months, I witnessed a death that was my fault, kicked the only thing I held meaning to me to the side, sent him back to his home country and then found out news, news that I didn’t know if it was happy news or something I should cry about. Nonetheless, I cried all night the day I came home from the doctors.

“Oh dear, it’ll all be ok.” My mother’s voice chirped in my ear as she hugged me on my bed. I didn’t want someone telling me it was going to be alright, it wasn’t, it never was going to be alright.

“Baby, calm down, you need to stop crying.” She whispered as I quickly pulled away from her annoyed startling Jolie who had also tried to comfort me.

“Mom! Stop saying it’ll be alright! This will never be alright!” I snapped waking everyone in the house up, obviously.

“Geez, what’s with all the yelling?” A groggy voice asked from the door as I turned glaring daggers at my brother.

“GO AWAY!” I snapped tossing the first thing I could get my hands on; lucky for him it was my body pillow. He quickly ducked out of the way before sighing. After the small quarrel with my mom and brother I kicked them both out of my room and just curled up in my pillows. Jolie jumped on the bed hesitantly before curling up into my chest.

“I’m sorry I scared you.” I whispered down to her as she looked up and my face.

“What am I going to do Jolie?” I whispered letting the tears fall again. She just stared at me confused.

“What am I going to do?” I whispered once more before finally letting all my exhaustion suffocate me. Letting my exhaustion catch up with me.


4 Months Later…

Life had been hard, I’m serious, after everything that happened, I basically threw any connections I had to anyone in Korea out the window. It was hard at first, I missed the guys dearly and my friends, but it wasn’t healthy for me. I needed to have a normal life, now especially for the child growing inside me. I had to be honest, in the first couple days after finding out why I was getting sick all the time, I had the thought of abortion. It had crossed my mind a few times when I would cry myself to sleep at night. I didn’t think my mind or heart would be able to raise something that would most probably come out looking any close to its biological father. But then another thought interrupted me, it wasn’t the babies fault for what was happening in life. It had nothing to do with it, so now at 4 months pregnant and barely showing, I looked at the child as a blessing, what it should be.

For the past couple months, I had started working at my father’s financial company. I was still training under my brother Kona, but nonetheless everything kept my mind off what was right in front of me. After training so many times, I began to pick up on the schedule and run down of what my father had asked of me, helping finance various projects in the country, singers, movies, etc. It was actually coming around to be exciting, always wondering what project we would get next on our plate.

My father’s company and another financial company that wasn’t as prosperous or popular as my fathers had a dinner party one night. I met the most amazing person there that night. He was one of the new workers in the company, a year older than me. After my ugly breakup, meeting this sudden man seemed to immediately pull me out of the hole I had been hiding in. I’m sure a lot of folks would look at me and say it was too early for me to move on, but this was the only thing keeping me sane in life. Aside from the job, I would find myself at home, crying with Jolie. I felt so bad for her. But now with, Michael Wright, he was the son of the CEO of Wright Financial. The only thing that I had been hesitant about him at first, was the fact that he was Asian, it scared me to begin with, but after spending much time with him, that worry disappeared.

After having lunch a few times he had finally asked me out formally, it was romantic. But I had to tell him about my pregnancy, knowing that he would find out sooner or later in the relationship. It was better for him to know now then for me to be attached to him, than be left. He took it surprisingly well; he mentioned that he didn’t mind it at all and that he was great with kids. I was shocked to say the least; I did not expect him to be that welcoming about dating a pregnant woman.

I was finally happy in life, everything was fine, I was getting better day by day. That’s all that really matter.

“Are you taking Mikey with you to your doctor’s appointment today?” My mother asked once I was dressed and down for breakfast, taking the nasty pre-natal vitamin, nodding. Mikey is what everyone called him for short; I found it awkward at first since I had met the other Mikey at Chromes Heart, took me time to get used to it.

“I asked him to pick me up at work.” I answered once I gulped down the entire glass of water taking a seat at the table.

“How are you feeling today?” she then asked her usual 20 questions.

“I didn’t throw up today.” I pointed out proud as she smiled slipping a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

“That’s a great start. Maybe you’re morning sickness has left you finally.” My mother pointed out before we heard a snort enter the room.

“If I have to clean up one more of Ms. Puke-oohla’s messes, I’ll kill myself.” Kai carried himself in the room causing me to laugh.

“Hey, I changed your diapers when you were a baby. I think we can call this even.” I mentioned pointing my spoon at him before he snorted.

“When I clean your mess, I can see and smell everything you’ve eaten in the last 24 hours. At least when you changed me, it came out in one whole piece.” He hissed back at me causing me to roll my eyes.

“Geez, how long does pregnancy last anyways?” He asked taking a seat before planning his forehead on the table.

“9 to 10 months.” My mother spoke from the stove as he groaned annoyed.

“Don’t worry doofus. I won’t be throwing up the entire time.” I whined annoyed before digging into my food. Soon I got up and left for work, but not before giving Jolie a hug. She had been through a lot of stuff these past couple of months, and I could tell at times it was weighing on her. I felt for her, she was carrying all my emotions on her, she was my lighthouse when everything seemed dark around me.

“Be good for mama, alright?” I mentioned kneeling down in front of her, ruffling her wrinkles.

“Love you baby girl.” I added kissing her nose before standing, cracking my back.

“Bye mom!” I called out into the house, not receiving a response I walked out of the house into the spring air. Thank god it was summer yet, or I might have been dying in that heat. The things I was looking forward to in a few months, yippee. I climbed into SUV, putting the seatbelt carefully on before getting on my way to work. Today was a short day, thankfully, by the time noon rolled around, I shut off all of my equipment on my desk and began making my way towards my father’s office. Knocking once, I stepped in to see Kona and dad talking about something.

“Oh, just the person we wanted to see.” My father announced standing up before gesturing to the seat next to Kona.

‘Um, I’m actually supposed to meet Mikey for my doctor’s appointment.” I explained while he quickly waved me over.

“Don’t worry, it’ll only take a minute.” He reassured before I nodded, taking a seat before looking over to Kona’s hesitant face.

“What’s up?” I asked confused as my father pulled out a white envelope and slipped it over to me.

“This came in the mail this morning.” He offered as I leaned forward to pick it off the desk, turning it over while reading the inscription.


You are cordially invited to our Wedding!


“Wedding?” I whispered in confusion trying to rip open the envelope.

“Kona, are you and Aubrey getting married?” I asked over shocked before he shook his head.

“It’s from Korea.” My father mentioned causing my heart to stop along with my hands.

“What?” I asked hesitantly before he sighed and nodded.

“Just open it.” He mentioned as I shook my head, tossing the envelope back over to him.

“I don’t want it.” I whispered standing up before I heard the tearing of the envelope.

“It’s from Eden.” He answered while I froze halfway of opening the office door.

“She’s getting married in a few weeks.” He added as I looked down to my heels. Damn it, it just had to be one of my closest friends.

“There’s a letter in here for you too.” He explained as I took a deep breath, holding my stomach before closing the door in front of me. Turning to see my father and brother looking at me concerned I finally walked over and took the folded sheet of paper carefully. Flipping it open, I about smiled at the letter written in her unusual chicken scratch as I called it, writing close to impossible to read honestly.



I’m sure you are extremely surprised to have received this letter let alone the invitation it came with. If you are in disbelief, don’t be, it’s true. I can’t believe it also, it’s only been about 7 months since we’ve met them. It’s still so surreal to me. I haven’t seen you in forever, why don’t you answer our calls anymore? Are we that unimportant in your life now? I miss you and so do the girls. Well as the invitation said, Bae and I are getting married in a few weeks, and we really want you to be there. I know it’ll be extremely hard for you to be here, but I really want you in my wedding party. If that is asking too much, then please at least show up to the wedding. It would mean so much to me and Youngbae. When you get this letter, please could you at least call me to let me know you’re still alive? I love you Hoku, always do, and always will.




I was in tears by the end of the letter. Kona stood up and pulled me into his chest.

“Eden’s dad called us earlier about their plans to fly over a few days before the wedding and wanted to know if you were going.” My father mentioned as I pulled away wiping my tears.

“I don’t know what to do.” I whispered opening the invitation finally to see the beautiful photo of them taken at some beach. Youngbae still looked as handsome as ever, all white outfits, silver vest but his hair wasn’t in his sporty Mohawk but now corn rolls. He had the Snoop Dog look going on. I chuckled before my eyes turned and landed on my friend, she looked so different in the last 4 months I hadn’t seen them, she cut her hair and even looked like she had dyed it a lighter brown than it was.

“They look so good together.” I mentioned as those in the room nodded.

“It’s your call dear. With your current condition this may be the last time you’ll be able to travel before the baby comes.” My father pointed out as I looked up to him in realization.

“Hoku, you don’t have to go. I know you’re worried about seeing ‘him’ there. He’ll most definitely be there since this is one of members were talking about. But think about it. Eden has been there for you through the thick and thin. Even when you pushed them back to Korea without an explanation she still calls in to check on you.” Kona explained massaging my shoulders before my phone began ringing in my bag.

“Think about it dear. If you plan to go, please let me know. We could also have you do some business up there.” My father mentioned one last time before I nodded and answered the phone.

“Hello?” I answered stepping out of the office before making my way to the elevator.

“Where are you? I’m downstairs.” His voice chirped into the phone causing me to smile.

“My father wanted to talk to me; I’m on my way down.” I answered climbing into the elevator.

“Something bad?” he asked hesitantly while I sighed and leaned against the door.

“I’ll talk to you when I get down.” I quickly said before hanging up. I dropped the back of my head onto the wall of the elevator before shutting my eyes in thought. Almost immediately ‘his’ face popped up into my mind. My eyes shot open while I cursed at him, rubbing my temples. I quickly climbed off the elevator and into the lobby area, seeing him almost immediately. He turned to me and smiled, dressed in his usual business suits that made him look twice as handsome as he was.

“Hurry up or we’ll be late.” He whined taking my bag from me so he could carry it. I smiled at the gesture feeling his arm snake around my waist before kissing the side of my head.

“Did you eat already?” he asked helping me into the passenger side of his car.

“I ate already, don’t worry.” I teased causing him to chuckle before shutting the door. I pulled out the envelope once more and stared at the gold inscription on the front.

“A wedding?” His voice shook me from my thoughts as I looked over surprised.

“Whose wedding is it? Is Kona finally getting married?” He asked in a joke before I sighed and looked out my window.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked concerned reaching over and holding my hand. I turned to his soft expression before looking down to the envelope.

“It’s my friend’s wedding.”  I answered as he looked at me confused.

“Isn’t that a good thing? Why does it look like it’s an invitation to a funeral instead?” He asked as I pulled out the envelope and then the photo. I turned the photo to him before his eyes lit up slightly.

“Isn’t that your friend Eden?” he asked pointing to the girl while I nodded. I had showed him old photos of us many times, he knew everyone by now.

“She’s getting married?” He asked surprised before I nodded.

“Why is that bad sweetheart? I still don’t see the big problem.” He spoke as I sighed showing the senders address to him.

“Seoul, Korea?” He asked speechless as I pulled it away and nodded.

“Are you going?” he asked a bit on edge before I shrugged my shoulders.

“She’s one of my best friends but she wants me to be in her wedding party also.” I explained folding the sides of the envelope to busy myself.

“When is it?” He asked suddenly as I looked over to his determined face.

“I would have to leave next weekend.” I pointed out before he looked out the windshield in thought then nodded turning back to me.

“Let’s go, I’ll go with you.” He offered before my eyes shot open.

“You’re going to come with me to Korea?” I asked flabbergasted before he nodded.

“Sure, why not?” he asked as I sighed leaning my head back.

“I don’t know if I should go.” I whispered looking out the window.

“Are you afraid that ‘he’ll’ be there?” He asked hesitantly while my stomach tossed at the mention of him. Of course I had told Michael practically everything that happened to lead me to where I was today.

“I am.” I answered never looking away from the window.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him near you, alright?” he spoke flashing me his charming smile.

“Fine, we’ll go.” I gave in causing him to laugh and lean in to kiss me gently. It was going to be one interesting trip.


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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog