Call me Daddy: 25

YoonHyun Story 2
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25 | A Reward



"Aigoo, careful." Yul sighed, as he find himself sitting in a couch. And apparently, Seohyun is helping him with his new bandage, wrapping it around his shoulder blade. He never thought the night would end like this -- him inside Seohyun's apartment. He just planned to go to the mall and have some relaxation time. Yet, he saw this very familiar kid in the parking lot, running. And like the instinct from a father, he did his best in saving him, before that car could crash on his son. Unfortunately, since he uses his strength - too force, his wound opened and blood flows. Thank God and Seohyun and Yoona are kind enough to take him to their ride, and end them in this apartment.


It made his heart flutter, while cheeks are so red, as he can see how careful is Seohyun taking care of him. It was a touch in his heart. Seohyun has never change indeed. She still has the kind heart despite from his mistake. And that made him fall all over again. She's just too perfect. 


While he's immobile in his seat, Seohyun was finishing the bandage, careful to hurt him. And oblivious indeed. How he wishes he could ask her to be his girlfriend again, but that would be his imagination only, as he knows, Seohyun hasn't forgiven him.


But it wasn't only Seohyun in the living room, Paul is also in the same room with them - sitting across. The latter was seen pouting while drinking his milk, so sad with what happened to his twin, and his father, having a wound.


"Paul? I'm glad to see you here - and... it's... it's really good to know you are surprisingly my son too." He said, softly - earning Seohyun's little smile. It came so surprise for the young mother herself, after knowing Yul and Paul have met in Jeju.


Paul didn't answer - as he just lie down on the couch, back facing them, and suddenly creating tears silently. 


Oblivious, Yul and Seohyun exchange a brief eye-contact before they turned away. They're both quiet, couldn't seem to form any words to say. Seohyun is really awkward whilst Yul is comfortable under her touch.


"Daniel, is he alright? Why is he crying while running away from you guys?" However, Yul couldn't get himself stop thinking over what happened earlier, that break his silence.


Seohyun finally stopped taking care of Yul's wound and looked over Yul. She hesitated to say, "He... he didn't know Paul and him are siblings... Fine, I admit, we were too careless when we confessed to him. I should have seen that coming, but... aish! I'm the fault here. It almost risk his life. And don't get me started, I've been trying to tell him since then." she groan frustratingly. She too is like Paul, blaming herself from what happened. If they had push it back, things like this shouldn't be happening.


"What? So you keep Paul from him?" Yul yelled, didn't like it. "You should have told him! I can't believe you did this!"


Seohyun doesn't like the tone of Yul's voice. It made her mood swings. "Don't talk to me like that. I too doesn't know Paul is my son. Until my parents revealed it." she confessed firmly. The way Yul had reacted made her blood boils in anger.


Yul sighed, turning away. "I'm sorry. I was just surprised." and apologies from him that instant.


"The twins doesn't honestly know it from the start. We are all the victims here. I hope you tried to ask softly first, before you had say like that. You're not here to witness what IS! happening with my life." stated Seohyun truthfully. As then, she gathered her first aid kit and picked it up, as she got up and approached Paul on the other couch. Much to her surprised, she can hear him crying. "Oh my God, Paul." She eventually turned him so he's facing them.


"Don't fight please, it's Paul's fault. It's not Omma's fault." Paul cried.


Seohyun quickly pulled the latter up and pick him up in her arms. "Shshsh... it's not your fault baby. It's not." she started to his back through her free hand, and sway her hips from left to right. She doesn't know what to say anymore. It's making her heart heavy and a little hopeless. She hope that, the moment Daniel woke up the next day, she could have a better explanation for him to understand it well.


"Omma... Danny... " Paul cried harder.


Yul was on the couch, watching in defiance. He can't even say a word, feeling so bad for Paul. If only he has the right to explain everything, he would do it. Too bad, Seohyun's words to him are true. He just keep his mouth shut, watching his son and Seohyun, broken.


Meanwhile, inside the room, a certain doe-eyed girl couldn't contain her feelings. She's pacing back and forth, trying to convince herself that nothing is going wrong about Yul and Seohyun outside. Well, Paul is outside. But still!


Even though Daniel is okay now, because he just fainted and apparently sleeping, a new problem arise. Yul, her brother - striking a point with her girlfriend.


"Alright, you have the right to face them. I'm the freaking girlfriend here." Taking a deep breath, Yoona opened the door and casually walked out. Yul turned to her way right that instant, she flashed a smile, a meaningful smile somehow. "How's your wound, Oppa?"


"It's good. Um, Seohyun just put a new bandage and cast it. How's Daniel?" ask Yul, softly to his sister.


Yoona sighed, as she approached them in the living room. But as soon as she made an eye-contact with Seohyun, the latter smiled and excused herself with Paul - as she entered the room this time.


"He's Okay. Like Seohyun have said, just fainted. Must be from the shock he had from his almost accident. Thanks for your help Oppa. He would have hit that car if it weren't you, saving him." Yoona said, smiling, albeit her little jealousy with his shoulder. Even though she also agreed to bring him in the apartment, she can't help it. He's freaking the ex-lover, she should be careful with him, especially that he still likes her girlfriend.


Yul sighed, running his fingers on his temples. "I really didn't expect this - I mean... Paul and Daniel. I thought I only have one son. Wow. Just really wow." chuckled him at the end.


"Yeah, I'm sorry also Oppa... we kind of keep this from you. You know, Seohyun is focus in her twins." sighed also, Yoona softly replied.


Yul stand on his feet and took his jacket, not minding putting on his shirt, he casually just wear it. "Are you staying over, or not?" He ask. "I want to stay for a little while, but since I kind of shouted with Seohyun earlier, I don't think it's a good idea." He really scolded himself for shouting on the younger girl. 


"Um, nope. But I still want to stay for a while. I'll discuss something with Hyun first." Yoona decided to show confidence now. "I have my car anyway. I'll follow later."


"Are you sure?"


"Yeah. Just go ahead." Yoona stood up. "I'll walk you out." and offered her company.


Yul shrugs and walked out casually with his sister.


"Just say my thanks and apologies to Seohyun. And tell her, I'll comeback tomorrow again." said Yul, as soon as he got into his car.


Yoona who was standing outside, just raised her shoulders. Indicating that she agreed on it. 


"I'll just see you in the Im Mansion then." with a salute, Yul finally drives off.


Breathing out in relief, Yoona dropped her shoulders and went back to the apartment. She caught the sight of her girlfriend, still concerned to her twins. She was silently creating tears, while Paul's back, while he was falling asleep. And Daniel, she would occasionally check on him from time to time.


It breaks her heart.


Never thought the simple confession will turn out like this. She approached the bed and sat at the edge of it. Since the bed is quiet small, she can only sat there, taking Seohyun's other hand to hers. But the girl sat up and wrap her arms around her waist inside, hoping to have a comfort from her. She gradually opened her arms and wrap her arms around her as well, her back softly consequently. As much as she doesn't want to get carried away, a single tear also drops in the corner of her eyes, especially when her eyes landed to the twins -- and their mother is crying in her arms. The more she can hear Seohyun's faint sobs, the more her heart is getting heavier. She seriously hated the feeling. Especially that she grow up like everyday is happy. Everyday should be celebrated happily. 


She's not really used, to even recall Daniel's reaction. It's so rare for him to cry. Sigh~ 'Stress is all over in this house. Daniel, I hope you accept Paul right away. We will go out always if you do this. hehe' In her thoughts, despite the sobbing girl in her arms. She pulled back and kissed her forehead affectionately, whispering, "It's going to be a good day tomorrow again, don't worry. You have me by your side, No worries, baby. We'll make this out."


Seohyun gratefully pulled Yoona's body closer, so she can put her head back to the crook of her neck. Likewise, she always feel so loved. Yoona's love is so big, that she felt so lucky too. Her heart beats like she found the one for her.








Aside from the bright lights coming from the sun rays, coming in to the small room, Seohyun also noticed the entire room was seemed... decorated? 


Blinking softly for a couple of times, she had her eyes slightly widened when she find it very impossible to see - pieces of different colors of paper flower, hanging in every corner of the room. As if there was a garden suddenly grows in the room, the aroma also has change - she felt very fresh. Then out of a sudden, a petal drops in her face. As she rose up from her lying position, she barely could sit when two arms prevented her to do so. She looked into her left, Paul was sleeping, lips are slightly apart. When she turned to right, it's not only Daniel's arms was wrap around her waist, his one leg was entangle with hers. Then he'smiling unlike last night.


She faintly smiled at the sight of her number one kidwolf. He's just too precious. No, Paul and him.


Slowly laying back, Yoona then walk in the room, greeting her with,


"Good morning my three sunshine~ Good morning my life, and Good morning my baby~ how was the beautiful dream land?" Yoona really has the brightest face ever could painted. Seohyun was agape and speechless at Yoona's sight. As she climb to the bed, she put the tray down on the night stand and kick the covers from them. As then, she shake the twins' arms, waking then up. "Big boys!!! Time to wake up!!! It's already a good morning, boooy!!!" but it didn't even made them open their eyes.


Seohyun chuckles at Yoona's rising voice. Yet, she copied her afterwards, after noticing both boys aren't opening their eyes.  "Wake uuuup Sunshines!!!" Together, they tickle their stomachs. Both boys had waken up, laughing and trying to stop them from attacking. But the two girls aren't stopping. Until they can no longer take it and jumps off the bed, running towards the door, hugging each other.




"Daddy stop it!!!"


"Andwae!!!"  and whining like they mean it.


Yoona and Seohyun looked at each other, having the same surprise look. Both then looked at the boys, they know what is in their front is quiet impossible to see. Daniel hugging Paul, and Paul hugging his twin.


"Wow. So I think everything is now good?" Yoona smiled from ear to ear.


"I want to cry, Yoong." said Seohyun on the other hand.


Daniel and Paul slowly looked at each other, only to realized the scene. Quickly, they let go and heads are lowered. Seohyun's heart just melted. She approached the two and lowered herself to have an eye-contact with them. Both boys looked at her, yet, different from Daniel. His eyes are slowly showing tears again. Before she knows it, her son throw her body, holding onto her neck, crying. Yoona got up from the bed and picked Paul up, to bring him to the bed again.


"I'm sorry Omma... I'm so sorry..."


Seohyun wants to cry, but she end up smiling, getting used to her son's antics. She also picked him up and went back to bed, wherein, Paul and Yoona is staring at her with smiles in the face. Then they also help her comforting the precious baby in the house, by his head, while Seohyun is his back, continuously giving Daniel the reason to cry. She made sure she's embracing him tightly, to tell him - he is not alone. And that, she will always by his side no matter what.


After a couple of minutes, Daniel stopped crying but she never let go of his mother. He was in deep thoughts while he is resting his head on his mother's shoulder.


The room was in silent mood for a couple of minutes that past, until Yoona speak up.


"It's a new day guys, we should celebrate!" She took the tray to the bed and presented it to Paul, Seohyun and Daniel, who wasn't still speaking. "I cooked bacon, fried eggs, toasted a bread and Daniel's favorite, egg rolls. I also made a fried rice."


"Whoa, Noona... can I ask you something?" Paul's eyes just sparkled to its own.


"What is it Paul?" Yoona replied with the same bright on her face.


"Can I call you, Daddy too?"


"Omo. Are you serious?" Yoona must have wished a lot last night and Paul seemed to grant one of her wishes. "Because if you are, then Daddy Yoongie is the happiest!!!!" 


Paul got on his feet and lean in forward to kiss Yoona's cheeks. "So you are my Daddy Yoongie too." He said, only to be pulled by the latter and squeezed the hell out of him.


Seohyun gently pulled back and faced her other son. "Don't you want to have breakfast now baby?"


Daniel turned to Paul and his Daddy, he once again pouted, but he voluntarily stepped out from his mother's lap and sit before them. He just looked at them chuckling to one another, a bit jealous over their happiness.


"Look, I guess it's time for celebration!"


"A double celebration!!!" Paul jumps up and down on the bed. And like an instinct, Daniel got on his feet and jumps up and down, trying to reach the flower paper hanging in the ceiling with his brother. Both were laughing as they unconsciously compete who will have a lot of flowers.


Amused, Yoona and Seohyun are watching like proud parents.


They soon started to eat their breakfast together. Unlike last night, Daniel is sure happy, eating with his Omma, Daddy, and Paul. His buddy that turned his brother.








"What is it again?"


"I and Paul are siblings."


"Good. I want you to put that in your mind always. Okay?"


Paul couldn't understand well what is happening inside the room. "Daddy, what is happening inside? What is Omma doing to Danny?" As apparently, he and Yoona are eavesdropping the conversation between his twin and mother. "Is He scolding my twin?"


"Shshsh... Don't say it loud Paul. I'm trying to understand it too." Yoona scolded instead, while she keeps her left ear against the door.


Giggling, Paul just pressed his one ear again to eavesdrop. It has been a couple of minutes since they noticed the two had gone to the room after they prepared for the day ahead them. It's like a heart to heart talk between a son and a mother. In regards to him, as part of the family.


Meanwhile, inside the room, Seohyun is now open to Daniel's questions.


"Why did you keep it from me? Why did it seem like you are favoring to Paul? And Omma, do you love him more than me now?"


Seohyun is certain Daniel's questions are out from his jealousy. Despite from his serious face, it was adorable to see him like that. 


Taking his hands to hers, She answered truthfully, "Why - I did keep it from you? It was because of this. You will freak out. But I really did not like it when you run away Baby. You know how you almost killed the hell out of me. Don't do that anymore. Okay?"


Daniel simply nodded.


"Then, Am I really favoring with Paul? Okay, for the past weeks, what did you notice to Omma every time Paul will visit us?"


"Omma also gives an attention to Paul." Daniel pouted sadly.


"Of course, because He is my son. He is your buddy and brother. But it doesn't mean I like him more than you. I love you both the same way. I thought you like him too?" Seohyun said, hoping her son will understand.


"I do, But I hate it when-"


"Listen, The amount of love I have given to you... ever since the first day of your life is still the same baby. It never lessens when Paul even appeared in our life. It's not like Omma loves Paul, I have stop loving you. Rather, I have love you more, more, and moooore!!! And that won't ever change baby!!!" She pulled her son and squeezes the hell out of him. Daniel chuckles a little and pushed her a little so he can have a look at her face.


"And, who save me last night Omma? Was it Daddy?" Daniel has a grin crossing his features. "I didn't see who was it because my world suddenly went black. Did Daddy save me?"


Seohyun was quiet speechless for a couple of seconds. As much as she wanted to tell the truth, she couldn't do it. "Yes. Danny - Yoongie Daddy saves you. If it wasn't for her, you would be hurt, so you should thank her too, Okay?"


Daniel felt really happy hearing it. "Of course. No wonder Daddy is here too. I should kiss her too." he giggles at his plan.


"And about Paul-"


"So Omma, I can't complain about Paul? What will Danny do?" Daniel purse his lips.


"Spell accept." Seohyun smiled inwardly.


Daniel got off the bed and runs to a box in the corner of the room. He picked up the letters he thinks will spell the word his mother said and runs back to her. "A." As he put it down on the bed, one by one. "C.C.E.P.T. Is that it Omma?" cutely, he looked back to his precious mother.


"And you know what that means, right?"


Daniel sighed and nodded his head. "I and Paul are siblings, and Danny should accept it."


"Not just accept. Can you spell love?"


Without hesitations, Daniel went back to the box and picked up the pieces of letters. He went back almost immediately. "L.O.V.E. Love?" He said, smiling warmly to his mother.


"Yup, and you know what that means already. But baby, can you spell punishment?" Seohyun softly ask. Though she doesn't want to do it, she can't just let this pass and want her son to know what he did was wrong.


Daniel's bright face slightly turned a frown. "Omma, are you going to punish me?"


"I've told you,

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Chapter 48: who dumped Seohyun?
Permission to read your story, Thor
Chapter 48: Keren ini intro nya
Chapter 147: Good to know that’s not the real kidnapper,
Chapter 142: Who’s the culprit? Who’s take Taeyeon? What the relate with Mr Im fake his death??

Jessica like want winning in 2
Chapter 45: Yeahhh happy ending
Chapter 44: yoon you have to be patient a lot now because there is danny who makes you the driver!!!

Chapter 43: I hope Paul is okay it must be really sick!!

I hope Mr Kwon goes to jail he is too evil!!!

he shot his own grandson!!
Chapter 42: yes at least yul and danny's meeting had a good impact!!!
Chapter 41: hahah seohyun angry because of yoona now yoon is getting sick again haha!!!!

lol damage!!