2/23/13 -- Hurt (Part 8/14)

[365 Days Challenge- 1 word a day (2013)]

Title:Hurt (Part 8/14)
Pairings:NinoxSho, NinoxAiba (hinted)
Genre:Fluff, AU, , Angst
Disclaimer:I own nothing but the plot
Word Count:1567
Summary:He wished Sho wasn't his brother.


Kazu woke up from the sound of soft murmurs rapping gently against his head. He didn’t have to open his eyes to know who it was so he kept them closed. Sho told him once that if he lost a sense his other senses would enhance. As for now, his eyesight was impaired since he wasn’t using his eyes at the moment. The longer he kept them closed, the more he can hear his brother’s whispered voice over him. It gave off a melodic sound as if his voice was just music itself.

He continued to lay still besides his brother just because they rarely do these now that they’re both grown up. It used to be fine when they were just kids, a time where Kazu wants to go back to. Then again, it was fine to be grown up as he watched himself and his brother change altogether. But if time could stop now, it would be a morning he’ll never forget.

It was almost time for breakfast since he can feel the hunger in his stomach. Just as he was about to open his eyes, he stopped. It’s not that breakfast wasn’t tempting, but the fact that half of his body couldn’t move. Alarmed, he opened his eyes. He expected some part of the roof over him since there might have been an earthquake last night, or something so heavy that he couldn’t lift his body up -- boy, was he wrong.

What covered half of his body was in fact Sho who laid fast asleep on him. He realized that his arms and legs were around his brother as if he was clinging onto him like a Koala. There was no way he fell asleep like that last night. He remembered facing away from his brother while he was being fanned, and falling asleep in that same position. Was it cold last night? No, it wasn’t. Why would it be? It was summer and there was no reason to cling so hard onto him!

He weakly tugged his left limbs from Sho careful not to wake him up.

“Dammit,” He lightly cursed. “Can’t move.”

“Mmm... Kazu?...”

His eyes widened at the same time he felt his heart almost skip a beat. At times like this, even though he wasn’t about to die, he knew he shouldn’t panic-- but he was doing exactly that. What would his brother say? Instead of responding, he closed his eyes. Every second that passed by was getting longer the faster his heart was beating.

“Ka-- You still asleep?”

It was so tempting to answer! But he couldn’t get himself to do it. He can’t even act to wake up.

“Good,” His brother hummed.

Sho said nothing more and hummed a pop music that they used to enjoy back then. Kazu couldn’t remember the title of the music or the musician who sang it, but he remembered the lyrics well. As if his brother’s humming triggered his memories of the lyrics, it popped up in his mind and began scrolling down by itself.

He thought by then that his brother was asleep when he became silent, but he was so wrong. Just as he was about to open his eyes he felt his brother’s arms snake their way around his neck. It seemed as if Sho didn’t care about him being a friggin’ Koala after all. For what seemed like a long time, they stayed in that position until his brother’s breathing became deep and shallow. He took this chance to sneak out and probably play some games with his stupid friend from school...

It was late when he came back home because he didn’t realize it until his friend pointed out. When he came back home, though, he thought Sho would be in front of the doorway, waiting and looking as mad as ever for not letting him know he was gone. Instead, though, the doorway was empty, and so were the rest of the apartment when he looked around. Maybe he was getting grocery or something. Shrugging, he decided to grab a quick snack before showering the dirty and musty smell he had on him from the arcade. After a nice and refreshing shower, he retreated to his room and was about to change when he heard sounds of muffled talking. It sounded like two people, or two males to be exact. And one of them surely sounded just like his brother. Could it be a friend of his?

He decided to go out and greet this friend of his since he has never met a college friend of Sho’s. As he grabbed the knob to his door, he stopped when the conversation stopped and a door was being opened. A loud thud followed after as if something heavy fell down.

“Sho!” He yelled, imagining that his brother was being thrown to the ground.

As soon as he made it to where the sound was, he realized that it was in his brother’s bedroom. He paused for a second, wondering why they would be in their bedroom. When he opened the door, however, he realized why. On his brother’s bed, the bed they had just shared last night and the morning after, was his own brother and a man who was as equally perfect looking as his brother. They weren’t fighting, or just having a friendly wrestling match.

“Sho...” He called out weakly, feeling something unbearable in his chest forming like a huge tumor. Even though his voice was like the wind, he saw his brother react.

“Kazu! It’s--”

He turned around and headed for the front door, not caring about putting some clothes on. All he had on, when he left the apartment, was a towel around his waist, and he was glad that no one was around to witness a half- teenager running around. It was also past his curfew, but he didn’t care.

After running for what seemed like a long time, he ended up under a freeway and was standing in front of a river. He could clearly see his reflection on the water and he could see how red his eyes were from the crying and the running. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, wishing the tears could stop from falling down, but it just wouldn’t. It was his heart telling him to cry automatically after seeing what he had just witnessed.

So his brother didn’t like him the way he likes him, all because of the rules society has on family. But he knew just how wrong it was to like his brother in a different way, making the rules all the more a hinder to those feelings. And if what he had seen hadn’t happened, he would continue to believe that his brother was always there for him.

“I wish Sho wasn’t my brother...” He sniffed as he continued to look at the reflection of his face on the water. “I wish--”

“Is that true?”

He sharply turned to his right and saw his brother was not far from him. panting and trying to catch up with his breath.

“How’d you find me?!” Kazu yelped as he jumped back and was ready to run away again. “I--”

“That wish... Don’t ever say it again...”

“Why would--”

He was cut off when he was suddenly pulled towards something by force: his brother.

“Sho! Get--”

“I’m sorry,” His brother cut him off again, his arms tightening around him like a boa snake. “You weren’t supposed to see that and I didn’t mean to hurt you so much to say those words...”

He snapped. “Then why’d you do it?”

“It’s... It’s complicated Kazu. Let’s just go home.”

“No, not until you tell me,” He protested, hating how his anger was getting the better of him.



He was cut off by something soft being placed on his forehead. Even though his brother did that to him a couple of times in the past, it surely shut him up real good. Besides, he still wasn’t used to it.

“I promise it won’t happen again, Kazu. Stop being stubborn and let’s go home.”

Kazu frowned. “Don’t wanna. Take me to a carnival.”

He knows he was acting like a kid just now, but he needed a place to get his mind off of what he had witnessed. And right now, he was in the mood for being in a carnival, it’s just the right place to take his mind off of everything. He still wanted to know what his brother meant, but that didn’t matter right now. A carnival at this time of the night sounds good.

“This late?!”

“Bring me or I’ll... I’ll dive in the river!” He threatened as he pulled away from his brother and stepped aside to the ledge. “It must be like... 10 feet down...”

“Fine, we’ll go!” Sho finally gave in by the time he was about to dive in. “We’ll go, but we need to go home and get you--”

“No!” He yelled. “Get it from somewhere else.”

After mumbling and grumbling for some time, his brother finally told him he’ll get him clothes from a nearby store that was still open so late at night. Once they found clothes for him, they headed to the only carnival that was open during midnight till 5AM.

Kazu hopes that the carnival would remedy him...


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Chapter 116: Please continue updating this story. It's a good story. A touching one at that. :) I hope you'll be able to read my comment. :)
Chapter 140: I loved the way you made this Matsumiya fic. :)
Chapter 13: I had so much fun reading these chapters!
I got chills because of this. Great! ♥
Jmskitten04 #4
Chapter 116: Lemme guess, he's taking him back to jun?
Jmskitten04 #5
Chapter 111: I really want nino to give jun a chance. Poor guy.

And the story of the adopted brothers is my favorite I think. It's really cute! And did his mum have an affair with jun? Is he really his fathers kid? Hmmmm makes me think!
Jmskitten04 #6
Chapter 108: Liked the kiss one ^^

These are fun n cute!
Jmskitten04 #7
Chapter 106: Oh very nice! ^^ can't wait for more!
Chapter 3: Kore ga Arashi one shot no collection desu ka?
camitake #9