Convince Me Not





Tiffany’s P.O.V.



“Are you not gonna eat that?” I asked Hugo who was holding a tuna sandwich. We’re on our way to my place for the after party. Well… Mom and Dad insisted on throwing an after party.


I used the much bigger Pajero instead of my own car. This time, Taeyon Unnie is on the driver seat. Sunny Unnie is on the front passenger seat, Jessi and I on the middle seat and Hugo and Bogart at the back. Sunny and Jessica’s parents were already at our house.


“Leave my sandwich alone Hwang.” Hugo answered then made a big bite on the sandwich. She faced me while chewing severely.




“Oh hey! What the?!-----“ I snatch the remaining sandwich from Hugo’s hand and immediately shoved it in my mouth. I faced her while chewing severely.


Loud laughter filled the vehicle. Hugo huffed and scratched the back of her head then laughed with us afterwards.


“So… Ms. 2nd Runner Up…. My y Babe… what have you in stored tonight?” Jessica asked me while snuggling on the crook of my neck.


“Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww………….” The other four acted like throwing up.

Huh?! What’s wrong with them? It’s a clean question. O.o


 “Well.. lot of things. I have a plan especially for you.. we will do it once again… the one that I do to you almost every night.” I answered her.


“Eheerrmm-heh ehm.. *cough* *cough* *eyes teary ‘coz of coughing*”


“Here Sunny Unnie.” I handed a bottle of mineral water to Sunny Unnie. Taeyeon Unnie rubbed her girlfriend’s back then darted me a glare through the rear view mirror.


“Easy with your words, Stephanie.” Taeyeon Unnie said expressionless.


She called me by my name… ohh.. she’s pissed.. but why?! O.o


Hugo and Bogart were chuckling and poking each other with “we-know-their-monkey-business-bwahaha” look on their faces.


“You do to her almost every night?” Hugo asked with grin plastered on her face.


“Yeah.. even in the morning.” I answered.


Taeyeon Unnie shook her head, Sunny Unnie’s jaw dropped, Hugo and Bogart were trying to fight the urge to burst out laughing and Jessica was tomato red.


What’s wrong with Jess? O.o


“What’s wrong Babe?” I placed my hand on Jessi’s forehead and neck to check her temperature. She’s a little hot… maybe a little fever. She shoved me and moved to the corner with her arms crossed on her chest.


“Jess are you sick?”


She darted me with a “what-the-hell-did-you-just-say-you-” look. She huffed and puffed her cheeks then look the other way.


“Babe….” I reached for her.


“Don’t Babe me! Hmp!”


Huh? What’s wrong with telling the others that I sing for you almost every night and even in mornings? O.o


“What’s wrong with telling the others that I sing for you almost every night and even in mornings? Do you want that to be a secret?” I asked her.




Bogart and Hugo burst out laughing which made me confused. What’s funny? Why are they laughing at my statement?


“You’re such a clueless cheese ball.” Taeyeon Unnie sighed heavily and shook her head again.


“Stefan is the 2nd Runner up.. whoah… the judges really love your dance number.” Hugo said.


“And Jessica helped a lot” Bogart added.


“Is that because my sister became the alternate partner of Stephie?” Sunny Unnie wasn’t able to watch ‘coz she’s from another school.


“Yep.. and groping Stefan while ily grooving with bodies pressed on each other really made the crowd go crazy. The crowd loved it… the judges loved it. Haha.” Hugo.


“Yeah.. ert judges!” Bogart.


Sunny Unnie’s eyes widened.


“Jess! Don’t be vulgar! Control your lust!” She said to her sister.


Jessica was huffing and her face was red as ever. I wonder why.





Taeyeon Unnie honked the car at our gate. Afterwards the gate opened and Unnie maneuvered the car in the garage.


Unnie stepped out of the car then went to Sunny Unnie’s side and opened the car door for her girlfriend. Girlfriend.. yeah.. Taeyeon Unnie is Sunny Unnie’s girlfriend. Both sides of our parents decided on this matter on that shocking day. Teayeon Unnie despised it at first but she went along with it later on.


“We’re going out now. You two do your car rituals. Hehe.” Hugo teased while Bogart laughed then the two stepped out of the vehicle.


“Babe….” I called for the still pissed off Jessica.


“Hmp!” she puffed her cheeks once again.


Oh…. I know. Hehe.. ^_^


I grabbed her nape and the crook of her neck. She tried to push me.


Playing hard to get huh? Okay..


I stopped and acted like stepping out of the vehicle.


“Damn it Tiff!!!” Jessi  yelled.


“What?” I asked expressionless.


“Why the hell did you stop?” She asked.


“You’re pushing me away.” I said.


“Damn you! Do it again!”




“ me again and give me a sizzling and steamy French kiss!!! NOW!!!” Oh man… she has too much raging hormones… but I’m not complaining. Hehe ^_^


Instead of giving her what she wants, I gave her a short but warm deep kiss instead. She gave me an annoyed look afterwards.


“Not now Babe.. you might lose control again. I told you that I want to make love with you in a private and secured place and not just anywhere.” I kissed her once again.


She smiled warmly at me.                    


“You have no idea how romantic you are… “ She told me while my hair.

I leaned and claimed her lips again… her delicious lips that I look forward to taste every single day. My hand slipped inside her shirt and caressed her smooth silky back.



Jessica’s P.O.V.


She kissed me again. I felt her hands slipped inside my shirt and caressed my back. Tiff’s warm hands leaves trail of warmth on my body.


She stuck out her tongue and I immediately grabbed the opportunity. I and her delicious tounge.


“Mmmnnnnn…. Tiff…” I moaned within the kiss.


Arrgghhh!!! I always lose! I’m the one first. Aaaiiissshhhh!!!  >.<


She pulled away from the kiss which made me craving for more.


“Am I romantic?” She asked.


“Yes you are, silly! You don’t any idea how much you are….. that’s why-------” I said unable to complete my sentence.


I poked her cheek. Her next question left me speechless…… her eyes accusing.






“Is that why you love me?”




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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
Chapter 98: Ohhh noooo! They are being stalked!
Chapter 56: Tiffany just confessed! Yes!!!!!
Chapter 40: I love rereading this!
Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
Chapter 118: Thornim.... I'm waiting for you... Always... To be right here... Back to this story... Thankss
Chapter 117: Whatttttt.... Eunjung is the new coach.. 🤭🤭🤭
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