Convince Me Not





Tiffany’s P.O.V.


It was around 5pm when the street dance competition wrapped up. I dragged them to the food stalls immediately after, not wasting any moment.  I’m really not into these kind of things but since attendance is a must, a had no choice but to go and watch it.


Watching the competition made me realize that it wasn’t as uninteresting as I used to think. I had fun with Hugo, Bogart and Jessica.


I was planning to ditch the compulsory attendance and go straight to the food stalls then sleep at the study area like I always did in the past. Well, this time, I went to a different route… all for Jessica’s sake.


Even though it’s her hobby to inflict pain on me, both physical and emotional..more on the physical side obviously… but I still want to be there for her, understand her, listen to her and fulfill her wishes.


And seeing Jessica happy and having fun makes me feel good. She was dancing and grooving along with the other students and my two friends as the groups’ mixed tape played. It made me wanna dance also.. too bad I can’t dance. *sigh*

Maybe, I should just ask her to teach me.


“Are you not gonna eat that?” I pointed my fork on Hugo’s plate with half eaten spaghetti.

“Mind your own plate, Stefan.” Hugo replied coldly while pressing the screen of her phone not bothering to look at me.


I shifted to Bogart. She immediately covered her plate.

Damn these brats!


“Are you still hungry? Do want something else?” I asked Jessica.

“Why?.. You want to buy food for yourself again huh?” She smiled and teased me.


“No, I want to buy something for you… if you’re still hungry..” I tucked her hair behind her ear.

“And besides.. Stefan still have untouched chicken sandwich and jumbo asado siopao.” Hugo pointed to my plate.


“Hello pretty boys!” We heard a familiar voice. Next thing I knew, my jumbo asado siopao was snatched from my plate.


“Doc Eunjung!” Hugo

“Hello Kwon.” Doc Eunjung


“Heeeellllloooooooo” Bogart

“You sound too excited, Kim…” Doc Eunjung


Jessica gave a nervous smile and nodded.

“Ms. Jung… how’s your crotch?” Doc Eunjung


“Doc… my food…” I pouted at her.

“Your food?... bleeeeeeeeehhhhhh!” she stuck her tongue out at me.


“If you need me, you know where to find me. And Stephanie.. thanks for the food……”

You stole it from me… T^T

“………. And Kwon…. Thanks for the drink.” Doc Eunjung already fled the scene before Hugo could even react. Everything happened so fast. It was a traumatic experience.

"My iced tea....." Hugo pouted and sighed heavily.


Doc moves swiftly and stealth like… could she be a secret agent disguised as a school physician? Huh?.. I’m getting weird. O.o


My phone vibrated. Taeyeon Unnie is calling.


“Hello unnie…”

“Mom called. They won’t be able to come home tonight.”


“Okay… so what do you want me to do?...”

“Skip sleepover tonight.”



“Just stay at our house.”


“So.. the two of us won’t be coming over to the Jungs’ place?...” I’m disappointed.

“Well.. you won’t be.. but I’m sleeping over at their place.”


“You? You’re leaving me behind? Unnie! That’s unfair! And also, Jessica and I have a scheduled session tonight!”

“Cheese Ball! Jessica will accompany you at our house! I already informed her parents..”


“Oh.. that’s good. I can have Jessica for myself again tonight.. I will be alone with her tonight.. that’s good news.”

“You’re such a cheeseball… focus on your lessons. Don’t give Jessica a hard time.”


“Uhhhmmm… okay.. take care Unnie. Tell them I said hi.”

“You brat.. you like that don’t you… well.. take care also. Bye.”


“Okay.. bye.” Huh?! Did she just told me to take care? O.0


Unnie hanged up. Her last statement made me smile.

Unnie… hehe.. ^_^


My smile slowly turned into a frown and my eyebrows furrowed when I noticed the attention of the students that surrounded us was on me. Bogart and Hugo were grinning. Jessica’s face was pale.


“What seems to be the problem?” I looked around and asked them with a calm but dangerous voice.

“I’m tutoring her! Please don’t think of anything else.” Jessica was frantically waving her hands and shaking her head to the students.


“Why are you explaining?” I asked her.

She glared at me. Scary… T^T


The students nodded and continued on what they were doing.


“You won’t be sleeping with me tonight!... I mean.. you won’t be spending a night with me!.. No!.. I mean in our house.” She whispered angrily.

“Yes… I won’t be sleeping at your place tonight. And no… you will be spending the night with me.”



“My parents won’t be able to come home tonight so I can’t go to your place. Don’t worry… Unnie already asked permission from your parents… you’re mine tonigh, Jessi… whether you like it or you like it.. you will like it.” I winked at the confused looking and flustered girl.


“What makes you think that I will agree?” She crossed her arms on her chest.

“Well.. if you don’t agree.. I will kiss you infront of these people….” I started to lean on her.


Jessica’s P.O.V.


“Okay! Okay! Okay! I’ll sleep with you.. and tonight I’ll be yours again…” Geez! That really sounded wrong! O.o

This punk will really kiss me infront of these people! I know that! *sigh*


Excited?... Hihi ^_^

No I’m not!

You will be alone with her again tonight…. Hihi ^_^

So what?

You will taste her again… Hihi  ^_^

Shut up!

But you want it….. Hihi  ^_^



“Good… I’m looking forward to lay you in my bed..” She smiled and her lips.


Blue.. you really have to do something about  your choice of words.  T^T




A/N:   Hot chocolate malt drink with coffee... 

          Another tidbits about me..

         I don't eat mushroom and pineapple.. so if I'm eating food with those two things... somebody's plate will be the "dumpsite".

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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
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