Convince Me Not





Tiffany’s P.O.V.



“Oh! What’s going on here?” I heard a man’s voice.

“Are you guys enjoying the party?” he asked to the guy that approached me and Jess. He’s smiling. He looks friendly.

Most probably Jessica’s dad.


I noticed Jessica’s odd silence. I tilted my head and peeked at her face.

Huh? She looks so shock. Why?


I followed the direction of her eyesight, only to find people gawking at us with shock and disbelief written all over their faces.

My brows furrowed. What’s wrong with these people? Is it their first time to see a person with a bad bruise? 

I switched my attention to the person who came out of the gate.


“Hello Sir. Good Evening. I’m Stephanie Hwang, Jessica’s schoolmate.” I bowed at the man.

He just stared at me.

“Gosh…. This feels soooo awkward.” I thought to myself.


“Honey, you brought someone home with you?” he asked Jessica without breaking his “who-the-hell-are-you-and-why-are-you-with-my-daughter?” stare.

I suddenly felt alarmed.



I glanced at the still frozen Jessica.                                  


Jessica’s dad stepped closer to me in agonizing slow motion manner.

Jessi… please look here!...


He inched closer and closer to me. His head tilted slightly side wards, chin up, eyes wider than usual. A psycho killer – like smile formed on his lips.


Jessi please……… your dad looks like he’s possessed.

“So…. You took home my Jessica?.....” he hissed as he leaned forward… barely a gap between our faces. I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks.


Jessica!!!! Help me!!!        T^T


I closed my eyes. It’s cold but why am I sweating?

I felt his face moved away from mine. Now, a pair of hands is holding my shoulders.. no, not holding… those hands were gripping my shoulders.

“Honey… you’re not answering my question……”his voice low and scary. My eyes still tightly shut.


Taeyeon  Unnie…. Help me…         T^T


I was calling all the saints that I knew when I felt pair of hands harshly pulled me away from the tight grip on my shoulders.


“Dad! What are you doing?” I heard Jessica said with annoyance. Finally, Jessica stopped spacing out and noticed me. I’m so relieved.

“Stop it! You’re scaring her.” I felt her cupped my cheeks. I opened my eyes only to be greeted with Jessica’s face so close to mine.

“You okay babe?” she asked me with worried expression but quickly changed into confused one, like saying something that she shouldn’t have.


Maybe it’s the “Babe”….. maybe she realized that she called me a pig’s name…. hhmmmnnn…. Yeah… that’s it.    (A/N:  Yo Pips! Search for the movie “BABE”….for the youngsters out there. Hehe.  I saw it on local tv when I was a kid.)


“Yes dad, she’s with me. Wait! Uhmm… she’s with me but not with me. Sheesshh! How do I explain this?!” She emphasized on the second “with” and with the addition of hand gestures.


Jessi… you’re already explaining. No need to elaborate.


“You…………” I heard a low and dangerous voice near my ear. Barely audible.


“Yes, sir?” I found the courage to look at him straight in the eyes. I stood my full height. My fear evaporated in thin air. Jessica gave me strength.

“Dad….” Protest from Jessica.


Jessica’s dad stared at me intently, eyes squinted. He looked like he’s studying me. He held me by the shoulders again and inhaled a lungful of air.

I braced myself.






“Welcome to our house!!!” he screamed with so much enthusiasm then he hugged me like there’s no tomorrow.

“I’m so glad you came home with my Jessica! Hahaha! I’m so happy!!!” He said while still hugging my and swaying me from side to side.

 This is weird…… O.o           


“This is the first time she brought someone to our house. Hahaha!”  Jeez.. he lost it!

“Come, come inside.” He broke the embrace and dragged me into the gate.


“Honey, what are you waiting for? Come inside. Tell me about your Stephanie!”

“Dad!” Jessica sounded mad.


As we entered the gate, Jessica’s dad wrapped his arm on my shoulder and continued on his blabbering. Nudging me and patting my head like a puppy.

He acted like he knew me for so long. I got so confused. Everything seemed to be weird. I couldn’t help myself to ask him.


“Ah… sir..?”

He looked at me and patted my head again.

“Awww come on,  Blue! Drop the formalities.”


Did he just called me Blue?    O.o

Ohh…I know…because I’m wearing a blue shirt.


“Why do you act as if you know me so well?” I can be brutally frank sometimes.

I looked back at Jessica who was looking somewhat shocked.


“Come on kiddo! You and Jess are close to each other. I felt like I already know you for so long. I was really looking forward to see you in person.”

I turned my attention back to him.

“Jessica told you something about me, sir?”

”I said stop with the formalities okay? And since you’re close with my unsociable daughter, you can call me dad. Hahaha!”  He winked at me. Boy… he really loves laughing.


Dad?..... okay…..


“To answer your question, no, she doesn’t tell me anything about you….”

I stopped on my tracks. I stared at him with questioning eyes.


“Every night……she keeps on saying your name while she’s sleeping.”





A/N:   I had something on mind but it vanished into thin air. This is what I squeezed on my nearly dried brain. I went to the bookstore a while ago and bought a reviewer. AAggghhhhh!!!

          Drinking cola with redwine again... 

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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
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Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
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