Convince Me Not




Tiffany’s P.O.V.


“Come on in!” I told Jessica as I opened the door of our house. I stood by the door while still holding the knob and let her in first.

Jessica was looking around, scanning our living room.


“Your house is nice.” She told me while her hand was running through the backrest of the sofa.

“Cozy……” She added while still looking at the furniture.       


I shrugged my shoulders and pouted a little.

“Yeah.. I know. My mom likes it this way. She wants her home to look like those in the magazines.”       


“So… you came from a well off family, huh? But you don’t act like it.. and you don’t look like it.” She sat at the sofa and started bouncing.

“Ahh… so comfortable.” She lay comfortably and closed her eyes. She was smiling ear to ear.


I agree with Jess… I get that a lot. I’m not the kind of person who flaunts what I got… except when I’m playing.

“Does that mean you like to live here… with me?” I teased a little.


“Yes.. I ‘d love to.” Quickly after her response, she suddenly bolted up and waved her hands.

“Yes, I mean… I like your house.. I like to live in a house like yours.” She told me while frantically waving her hands in front of her.


I just stared at her. A non intentional mischievous grin formed in my lips.

Dead air.


“Speaking of your mom… where are your parents? And Taeyeon Unnie?” She asked me while rocking back and forth, still sitting at the sofa.

“Taeyeon Unnie… Hmmnn… I don’t know. Maybe hanging out with her fellow mafia friends. About Mom and Dad?..”


I walked towards her and kneeled in front of her.

Hmmnn.. she looked so uneasy.. My eyebrows furrowed.


Maybe she feels nervous because in case, this will be the first time she will see my parents. Although they talked for a few times already in the phone.

I have to say something to make her relax.


I placed my arms above Jessica’s lap. I felt her tensed up.

Huh?!  O.o


I have to think of something….soothing words… hmmnnn….            




Aha!    ^_^     Hehehe.               




I leaned closer to her. My left cheek rubbed with her right cheek. I whispered in her ear.


“Mom and Dad are not here… they went out of town for a business trip. So that leaves only the two of us… alone in this house…we…”

“…..we can do whatever we want…..”

“…just you…… and me………….”

I told her while rubbing circles at her back, my other hand massaging her thigh.


“Ouch! Hey! What’s up with you?!” I got off balanced and hit the floor when Jessica suddenly jolted up.

“We should start with the lessons now. Where’s your room?” Her back was facing me so I couldn’t see her expression. Her shoulders were moving up and down like she was catching her breath. Then, I noticed her fists, they were tightly clenched.


Huh? What did I do?!  O.o


Oh…maybe she thinks I’m slacking again. Yep! I am.

I just want to hit the shower and then go to sleep. That’s it.


Well.. Jessica was being nice to offer help. Okay fine.. I’ll try not to sleep when she’s lecturing.

I stood up and led her to my room.


Jessica’s P.O.V.


I felt my spine tingling when Blue whispered in my ear.

Ohh.. that seductive husky bedroom voice… Ahh..           

Her touch was melting me like a butter on a hot frying pan.


It turned you on?... hihi… ^_^

No it didn’t!


You have the whole house for only the two of you…. Hihi   ^_^

No! Taeyeon Unnie will come home!            

But you pray she won’t… Hihi   ^_^

Yes!.. I mean No!.. What?!

You… and Blue.. alone.. in one room… Hih ^_^

So what?! We’ve been alone in my room a lot of times!

But this time.. no Unnies… no parents… Hihi… ^_^

Stop with your maliciousness!

The night is young Jessi….

Shut up!

Start now so you could go as many rounds as you can…. Hihi… ^_^

Why you?!!!!

But not too much.. Blue still has special exam tomorrow… Hihi   ^_^



“We should start with the lessons now. Where’s your room?” I want to get this over and done with. I feel so exhausted already.

Blue led the way.


“Jessi Baby.. you look so tensed. Loosen up a little, okay? Your so stiff.” She told me as we went upstairs.           

Huh?! I’m stiff?! And what did you just call me? O.o


We stopped at a door with a sticker that says “DON’T DISTURB. ONGOING”.

My eyes grew wide open.

What the?! Don’t tell me this is Blue’s room?

I darted at the tall handsome girl standing beside me. She was looking at the sticker.

“Your room?” I pointed my index finger at the closed door.

“Aaaeeeiisshh! Taeyeon Unnie is really--------- *sigh*”

So this is Taeyeon Unnie’s room……                                                    

“Taeyeon Unnie’s?” I asked her.

“No. This is my room. Unnie’s is over there.” Blue pointed at the next door. I noticed a sticker on that door and read it.


Taeyeon Unnie… *sighs*


Blue turned the doorknob and slightly opened the door.

“You go inside first. I’ll just remove this. Aaaeeiisshhh!!! Unnie really loves to play tricks on me.” She said while looking at the sticker at her door.

“Okay…” I pushed the door and almost fainted with what I saw.

“Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I let out an eardrum cracking scream.

“What what what?!What is it, Jess?” I felt Blue’s hands slid under my arms then rested on my shoulders. Her head was in between my shoulder and neck. She was back hugging me.

“………………….” I couldn’t speak. I was so surprised.

I felt Tiffany’s head move a little.

“Oh that? It’s the one Hugo took with her phone.”

Yes… I know that. But if my memory serves me right, it should be on a picture frame on top of your bedside table…

But this one is on a 1 meter by 3 meters tarpaulin!!!

My jaw dropped. The tarpaulin was placed in a manner that anyone lying on the bed will be greeted by it the moment they open they’re eyes first thing in the morning.

“Are you surprised?” She snuggled much closer, still back hugging me.

The hell I am.. you freak!

“Hugo came here and handed me a tarpaulin. I was puzzled. She dragged me and my whole family inside my room and did the grand unveiling.” I felt Blue’s lips on where my neck and shoulder meets.


Holy cucumbers!   T^T

Get a hold of yourself Jess!!!

Just let it loose….Hihi ^_^

I’m not listening to you!

Go ahead and let it out. Hihi  ^_^

Aww shut up!


I got curious with her family’s reaction.


“So what did they say when Hugo..I mean Yuri showed the content of the tarpaulin?”

“Well.. Unnie picked that so she obviously loves it. Mom and Dad..well… they were surprised.”

Hmp! Ofcourse they would be surprised! A tarpaulin that shows their daughter making out with a fellow girl?! Who’s parent wouldn’t be?


“My parents were shock and surprised. They congratulate Hugo for a job well done. They said it was a beautiful , emotional, intense and unforgettable moment captured.”

“For my parents, this is a wonderful piece of art. What can you say, Jessi Baby?” she said while planting small kisses on my ear.


Blue.. why do you have to be insanely non malicious and innocent? For you this is just a friendly cuddling.. but for me… Aww!!! What the hell is wrong with this body?!  Huhu  T^T


Oh God… I badly need a cold shower!                                                       




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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
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