Convince Me Not


CHAPTER 25                TABLES TURNED


Tiffany’s P.O.V.


“Its nice… but I prefer you ”

What did she just say?  O.o

I stared at her intently. She likes seeing me ? Hmmnn…


 “And why is that?” I asked her.

“What?” She answered..

“Jess… you just told me that you prefer me …”


Jessica’s eyes widened. Her head moved from side to side and her eyeballs were moving like she was looking for something.

“Jess… I’m waiting…” I crossed my arms on my chest.

“Uhm… ah… I… well…. Uhm….”

Gangster Terminator Jung was fidgeting. She was combing her hair with her hand while looking at the ceiling.

“You like seeing me because……..” She suddenly turned her attention to me. Her eyes blinked consecutively.

“…….because you……..” I stepped closer to her.


Jessica’s P.O.V.


“You like seeing me because……..” My eyeballs went from the ceiling to Blue’s mischievous looking handsome face. She was smirking.

Oh no…. this is not good….  T^T

“…….because you……..”    She stepped closer.

Waahhhhhhh Huhu     T.T                      


“…you feel like I’m so open and comfortable with you, is that it?” She stepped back and smiled at me with arms still crossed on her chest.

Huh?!  O.o


“Ah…Uhm..yes.. yes that’s it…yeah.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“Let’s proceed to the shirt section. We have to go home early.” I held Blue’s hand and started to walk.


I was leading the way and Blue was behind me. Blue was quiet again?.... well, she’s mostly quiet though….


I glanced back at her. She smiled when I shifted my head to her, but for a moment before she smiled, I saw a hit of sadness in her eyes. It somehow puzzled me but I shrugged it off anyway.

Maybe I was just thinking ahead of myself……


Tiffany’s P.O.V.


“Jessica is feeling so awkward… I have to think of some good reason.” I thought to myself.

Hmm…think! Stephanie think!


“…you feel like I’m so open and comfortable with you, is that it?” That should do it.

“Ah…Uhm..yes.. yes that’s it…yeah.” She let out a nervous laugh.

Good… it worked.

She held my hand and pulled me as she lead the way. I just stared at her long and wavy dark brown  hair.   


My Jessi…… *sigh*

I may be lacking on so many things….        


I may misunderstand a lot of things…

But I’m not as dumb as you think.


Don’t you worry ‘coz I won’t leave you…

Instead… I will be much closer to you.


Don’t take this as a torture…

I just want you to help you get over what you feel…


Although you deny it…

I know now the truth…



“! What the?!” I woke up in the middle of the night when I felt warm and moist lips pressed on mine..then those lips began to move asking for response. Her hand was rubbing circles on my abs. It was my first sleep over at the Jung’s.


“What are you doing?!”I mentally asked the girl who was I think… dreaming.


We were facing each other, our bodies almost pressed on each other. I was laying on my right and she was on her left.


Her right hand left my abs and went to my left cheek. She my cheek while still kissing me. She leaned closer and tilted her head..seriously demanding for response.

“Who was she dreaming about?” What the heck! Whatever.


I responded…..

She moaned and mumbled incoherent words then deepened her kiss.


This happened over and over every time I sleep at the Jung’s.    

The succeeding nights were more intense. I would even wake up with feeling Jessica’s hands roaming my body.. even on the parts that I only have the right to touch.


Moans… moans… and moans… grunt… hiss… mumble… mumble… moan… incoherent words..

I wondered so much who was the person in your wet dreams….


Last night… you answered my question…..

Moans… moans… and moans… grunt… hiss… mumble… mumble… moan… incoherent words..


“Aaahhhh…. Uhhmmm… !... Oh God…….Uhmmm…”

“Uhmm… Tiffany….”


So…all along… all those nights…. It was me.




I wished you didn’t blurted out that I’m your girlfriend..

I wished you didn’t show your jealousy…


I wished you didn’t show awkwardness…

I wished you didn’t say that you prefer seeing me …


‘Coz of those things…. It solidified my suspicion..

My dearest friend, Jessica….. You’re in love with me.




She glanced at me….I smiled.

I’m so sorry Jess…..                                                



A/N  :    Redwine and cola again.. this time a mixed a larger portion of red wine (to a drinker's point of view :  "you call larger portion? you sissy!!!)

             It was just one small glass... in a span of two hours.. and take note, I'm only half way to it. (secretcode! you're such a wimp!)

            First sip.. I felt like I was hit on the head by a frying pan. Psshhh...

            So I took my time... (Yeah wimp! 2 hours only halfway on finishing your drink which is in a 250ml glass.. and with lots of ice too)

            Sheessshhh... *hides*


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