Convince Me Not




Tiffany’s P.O.V.


I was in the middle of demonstrating Yuri my completely innocent groping of Jessica’s curves when the door swung open. Right after that, Yuri and I heard a loud gasp. Our eyes darted on the door.

It was Jessica… the terminator.

“What is it this time?” I thought to my self. And what’s with that look on her face? I’m not doing anything wrong. Tsk tsk.


Aarrgghhhh! This girl! Doesn’t she realize that she’s disturbing my demonstration? I haven’t fully elaborate to Hugo what happened! Now Hugo would think that I’m a ert because I couldn’t explain well.


“Hey Jessica… what brought you here?” I asked her. Sheesshh…. I have to remove my hands from Hugo. Maybe I’ll just continue with my demonstration next time.


I felt Hugo’s hand tapped the back of my head and walk towards the frozen wide open mouth and wide open eyed Jessica. The punk glanced at me and winked then waved her hand frantically on Jessica’s face.


“Hello Jessica! I’m Yuri… Tiffany’s friend and team mate.” Acted cutely. Owww  goosebumps! Aegyo is not for everyone… and you’re one of them!

Hugo pulled Jessica towards me then she wrapped her arms on my shoulder and started to talk. Blah blah blah. This and that… laugh… blah blah blah. Stefan is a nice person but an idiot.. … I’m confused if she’s praising me or insulting me.

Hugo probably got tired of talking. Well, its about time since she talked so much. She put on her shirt, grab her bag and headed to the door.

 “And Jessica… one more thing. As I said, Tiffany and I are friends… just friends. So… don’t get jealous, okay?” Yuri winked at Jessica and gave me a devilish grin before coming out of the room.

Tsk tsk Hugo…. I want to strangle you sometimes.


Stitched head, broken eardrum….. now what?! I faced terminator and asked her again. She recovered now. Her wide opened mouth is now closed.

“Hhuuugghhhhh” She sighed…. for what?

“So Jessica… what brought you here?” do I really have to repeat my question?


“I just want to say sorry. I felt violated with what you’ve done but… I.. I’ve gone too far…” she lowered her gaze.

Hah! Good thing you knew! Hmm…. But maybe…. Hugo was right. Maybe I really violated Jessica.. although I really don’t understand they found it violating.

She looked sincere… again.  She even had the time to come see me personally. I find it uhmm… what’s the term… uhmmm… nice. That’s it. Its nice. (A/N: This super dense, oblivious, lust less and extremely unromantic person meant SWEET. Ohh.. my head hurts from frustration!)


“I’m really sorry…” I placed my hand on her chin causing her to stop midsentence. I slowly pulled her chin up that made our eyes meet.

“Its okay Jessica… its always okay…I’m sorry too. I violated you. I didn’t realize it. I’m so sorry.” I told her truthfully…. I’m still wondering why it was a violation though.

She smiled at me. Hmm… I smell vanilla. Maybe it’s from her lip gloss. I’m not quite sure… I think I would know better if I tasted it. I think she wouldn’t mid, right? Oh well, maybe next time. Being friends with her is my top priority now.


“So we’re friends?” I asked.

“Uhmm… I don’t know. I think you should convince me more. You know my reason, right?” Seriously? Convince you?! I know your reason but… do I really have to? Oh well… terminator is made of steel that’s why she’s dense.  (A/N  :  Aww look who’s talking!)

“Ah… okay..”  I nodded… now expressionless. That’s my face’s natural state so I can’t help but to be expressionless.


There’s something bugging me all this time. Maybe she could help. There’s no harm in trying.

“I respect your decision. Hey… Uhm… can I just ask you a favor?” I leaned forward to her.

Terminator is spacing out…her battery is low.



“A little favor please?.....” I smiled.


“What favor?” she asked. Why does she sound nervous? There must be something wrong with Terminator’s circuits.

“Could you please choose a shirt for me?” I picked up my backpack and pulled out two shirts.. two blue shirts.

“I can’t decide what to wear. Could you help me pick one?”

She sighed.

“This one. I prefer this one.” she happily stated.

“This one?” I took the shirts from her and return the shirt that she didn’t picked to my backpack.

“Hmm… I was more of choosing this one also. Thank you for completely making up my mind.” I told her while unfolding the shirt.


“By the way, where will you use the shirt?” she asked.

“Well…. I still have to change my shirt.”


Hyoyeon’s P.O.V.

I came out of the locker room earlier that Hugo and Stefan because I have to finish my written report that I have to pass tomorrow.

As I reached the open field (which is near the gate), I saw a familiar person.

“Is that Stefan’s Jessica?” I thought to myself.

Why is she here? Is she looking for Stefan? But why?

I approached her. She was oblivious of my presence. I poked her back to get her attention. I succeeded, she turned around.

“Looking for someone?” I asked her.

 “Uhmmm….” What kind of answer was that?           


“Are you looking for Stefan?.... Oh I mean Tiffany.” I smiled and tapped my forehead. I should stop calling Tiffany Stefan infront of this girl.

She didn’t answer. Oww… maybe she’s surprised that I knew she was looking for Stefan. Hmmnnn… this is interesting.

I studied her. Well… she’s quite tall.. but I’m taller. She looks kind of mean and bratty… but she’s still cute.


She was a bit surprised when I mentioned her name. After what she did to Stefan?... the collegiate soccer superstar and the sister of collegiate volleyball superstar. Jessica even trended in Twitter. I think she’s completely unaware of that.

 We had a little chitchat. I still want to talk to her but I really have to go.

“Sheesssh! Look at the time. I still want to talk to you but I have to go. Oh and yeah… Stefan is still in the locker room with Hugo!” I said and dashed away.

When I reached the gate, I took out my cell phone from my pocket and texted Hugo. Oww… this will be fun!



From: Bogart15

To: Hugo12


I saw Jessica. She was looking for Stefan. I told her that Stefan is still in the locker room with you. I wonder what will happen next. I can’t wait. ! Haha!

Message Sent



Tiffany’s P.O.V.


I took off my shirt in front of Jessica. I don’t see anything wrong with it since we’re both girls and I’m comfortable because I know her.

Before I put on the other shirt, I first folded the shirt that I took off and put it in my bag.  I noticed Jessica’s expression. I wonder why she’s gawking at me? Is it hot here? Jessica’s face was beet red. What is that?


“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked her.

“N..Nothing” she stammered. Ahh… maybe she’s not feeling well.

I pulled her closer to examine her. I pulled maybe too hard because she slightly bumped my shirtless body.

I reached for her forehead. She’s warm… oddly warm. Is she sick or something?


“You should go home and rest. You’re not feeling well. Look at you. You’re warmer than normal and your face is so red.” I got concerned about her.

She didn’t answered. She’s just staring at me. Her face is tomato red. Looks like she would faint any moment.

I held her waist to give her support if ever she faints. She move her hands into my shoulder… I think she’s using my shoulder also for support. Oohh… poor her.

Then her hands slid downwards. Ooww… she’s too weak. Maybe she’s really sick.

Her hands landed on my sides. And because I was shirtless… the ticklish sensation was unbearable. I laughed so hard and got slightly off balanced. My back slightly banged my locker.


After few moments of laughing, I felt Jessica’s hands moved away from my super ticklish sides. Ahh… finally.

I recovered from laughing. I realized that I’m now leaning at my locker and Jessica is leaning on me. There was almost no gap between our bodies. Our faces only few centimeters away from each other.

Our gaze locked. And because I’m taller, I was looking down on her.

She’s not saying anything. She’s just staring at me. I think I should take her to school clinic first. But before that, I need to put my shirt on.


No answer.


Still no answer.

“Jessica, I need to put my shirt on so I could bring you to the clinic. You’re burning with fever. Come on. Let me go.” I placed my hands on Jessica’s arms that were wrapped around me so I could pull away. Before I could pull her away from me, my curiosity was aroused again.

That sweet vanilla scent… is that really vanilla I smell from her lips? With this proximity of our faces, I’m about 99.99% sure that’s her lip gloss is vanilla flavored. Oh.. anyway. I really want to make sure. I think she wouldn’t mind. I’m just checking the flavor of her lip gloss. There’s nothing wrong with it, right?

I put my right hand on the back of her head. I leaned forward and closed the gap between our lips. After 65 seconds of tasting (I was really making sure its vanilla)…Aahhh… I’m right it’s vanilla.

I retreated and smiled at her.

Oohhh… there she goes again with that look of hers! What have I done this time?!


Then the unexpected happened again… for the third time. Different spot.




Her right fist flew and landed on my jaw.


Whoah! My head is spinning!

I tasted something like metallic on my mouth. I put my thumb inside my mouth  to check for the fluid. Blood… again… blood.

I looked at Jessica and something happened. She fell on the floor… unconscious.


Wait! I should be the one fainting not her!

Oohh… I forgot she has a fever.




Here is the new chapter. hope you enjoy this. ^_^

If there are any typos (as always) i will edit it later.

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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
Chapter 98: Ohhh noooo! They are being stalked!
Chapter 56: Tiffany just confessed! Yes!!!!!
Chapter 40: I love rereading this!
Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
Chapter 118: Thornim.... I'm waiting for you... Always... To be right here... Back to this story... Thankss
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