Convince Me Not





Tiffany kept on running and running. She stopped and took a breather. She’s leaning on a big tree, panting extremely.

“What the hell was that?” She ask to herself. Still panting and coughing from exhaustion.

She’s being persued. They are going to kill her for sure. Bad for her… she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Her legs felt weak because of all of the running. Muscles ache here and there. She felt like dying.

She is not sitting under the big tree, eyes closed.


A strong gust of wind made her open her eyes.

She looked at her sorrounding. Checking for any life form.




That’s all what she sees.

Silence…… an eary silence….

“This…. Is…… not… good….”

She heard a sound that made her jolt up.

Footstep?..... Footstep… Pair of legs running?.... no… PAIRS!!!

The faint sound became louder and louder.

She took a peek out of curiosity… even though she knows who they were. Stupid of her.

“There she is! Get her!” Shouted one of her persuer as she was spotted.


Tiffany made a run for it. Running as fast as she could for her dear life.

She witnessed a gruesome event. Aww… that’s what you get for being nosy.     

And now here she is. Running for her dear life. Away from the army of giant CUCUMBERS. The same CUCUMBERS that slaughtered those poor MUSHROOM soldiers.

Run Fany run run run run run……

She heard a song playing on the backround as she was running.

Run Fany run run run run run…….

The song became acapella. Someone’s singing……. O.o

The army of angry giant cucumbers is fast approaching. She will be caught in a matter of moments.

Ahead, there’s a girl. Her head bowed down.

She is now few steps from that girl, with that army of cucumbers right behind her.

“Something’s not right with this girl….” She thought.

The the unexpected happened. The girl infront of her looked up and stares at her. No she’s not staring…she is… glaring at me!!!

“Whattodo! Whattodo! Whattodo!” Tiffany panicked. As in PANICKED.

Her head snapped from side to side, looking at the cucumbers and the girl one after the other.






While she was looking at those merciless cucumber, she tensed up as a cold hand touched her wrist.

Trembling with fear, she slowly faced the owner of the icy hand.

And there it was. The girl is glaring at her…with its eyeballs almost popping out of its sockets… and a big devilish grin plastered on its face.

“You know what time it is, don’t you….?” She heard an icy voice that sounded it came from the grave.

She shook her head violently.

“Yes you do my dear…” the creep hissed to Tiffany’s ear.





A piercing scream filled the air.


“It’s time to wake up, you punk!” Tiffany heard.

She opened her eyes upon hearing that familiar voice.

Its her older sister. Taeyeon. The no nonsense, serious as ever, poker faced smartass sister of hers.

“Get up. It’s the first day of school.” Taeyeon said as she turn towards the door but before she exits her sister room….

“I don’t want to be late for school. Get ready immediately if you don’t what me to leave you.” Expressionless… poker faced.

Tiffany sighed.

“What a lovely sister.”


Hwang Taeyeon.                                                                                                                                  

4th year Mechanical Engineering student. Same school as Tiffany’s.

Member of Womens Volleyball Team of their school.

Stands 172cm. (A/N Yes people, I made her tall. ^_^)

She is how her sister described her. Oh and yeah, she forgot, her sister is a big bully too. Really scary. Sheeeshh…. Poor Tiffany.


She stood up and imediately prepared for school without wasting time. She can’t let her sister wait and most of all, she doesn’t want her sister to get annoyed. Its not that she’s too scared of Taeyeon but the fact is, she loves and respects her older sister too much. Too much that she allows her sister to beat the living daylights out of her whenever she makes mistakes.

That’s who she is. A loving sister.  Stephanie Hwang.

3rd year Civil Engineering student.

Member of Womens  Football Team of their school.                                                                                   

Stands 169cm. (A/N Danshins became tall. A dream come true. Hehe. ^_^)        


First day of class at school….


Tiffany’s P.O.V.


“I’ll see you after class.” I heard my sister say.

I just nodded in response as she made her way in her classroom. Mechanical Engineering is in 3rd floor while Civil Engineering is located at the 5th floor of this 5 Storey Engineering Building.  

I entered the classroom of my first subject.

I scanned the room hoping to see any familiar faces. Yes there are familiar faces, but, I don’t know them personally.

I’m not a people person not like my psycho sister. She may act like a mafia leader but she is a highly sociable person. Unlike me.. loner and snob as ever.

Well, I do have friends… few friends… as in FEW.

There are a lot of people that I know and know me. But they are just acquaitances… not friends. It takes time before I consider someone a friend. This is me. Don’t judge me because…. I am not a book. O.o                

I sat at the backrow. Right beside the door. A door without a DOOR…. Just an opening. Genius huh?

And because this is the first day of school, we had to introduce ourselves. I hate it. Feels like grade school.

Introduction started at the front row. Since I’m in the 6th and last row…right beside the doorless door.. Am I making any sense?....I will be the last one to introduce myself.

As the introduction proceeds, I turn to look at the empty seat beside me.

“Hah!” I smirked and shook my head.

“Late at the first day of school, huh? What a shame.”

My professor seems like a frustrated showbiz news host. She kept on asking the student about this and about that. The whole period may end just with this question and answer portion.

Im bored, annoyed and sleepy.

After a few moments, finally its my turn.

“You there with a blue shirt.” I heard her say while pointing at me.

“Introduce yourself.”

I stood up. Soon as I stood up, I felt someone bumped at me….hard. Next thing I know, Im laying on the ground… someone laying on top of me.

I wasn’t startled. My face expressionless.

I don’t know who this person is. Her head is resting on my shoulder. Panting hard.

Her…. yes, her. The person on top of me is a girl. Why do I know? Well… her s landed on my hands. Right ie left hand, left ie right hand. I repeat… her s LANDED ON MY HANDS. I’m just making it clear.

We were in that position for I don’t know how long. Let me clarify, I’m not intoxated with our situation, nor I enjoy it, I just really lost track of time. Hep Hep! Don’t you dare raise that eyebrow! Just believe me when I say so. Stop imagining things, ok?

I felt her move. She slowly lifted her head to face me. Finally, I was able to see her face.

I was shocked. Well ofcourse I didn’t made it obvious. Don’t ask how I do it, I just can.

“I know this girl…” I mumbled.

“Death glare Jessica Jung!”


A/N:      Here it is guys! Chapter 2. Thanks for the warm response.

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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
Chapter 98: Ohhh noooo! They are being stalked!
Chapter 56: Tiffany just confessed! Yes!!!!!
Chapter 40: I love rereading this!
Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
Chapter 118: Thornim.... I'm waiting for you... Always... To be right here... Back to this story... Thankss
Chapter 117: Whatttttt.... Eunjung is the new coach.. 🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 103: Who...who shot tiff?