Convince Me Not









Tiffany’s P.O.V.



“I’ll get going now. You guys take care of my car, okay?” I told my friends that were busy catching their breath on the side of the road.


“I want my Mommy.” Hugo whined while sitting on the sidewalk… panting and sweating from head to foot.


“I’d rather watch you and Jessica make live rather than this…. Ouch… my back…” Bogart grunted and rubbed her lower back.


“Now now kids.. don’t be such babies.” I told them and they both glared at me.


“Okay… how about a kiss?” I leaned at the two and pouted my lips. Hugo’s eyes sparkled and pouted her lips gesturing for a kiss. Bogart scooted away forgetting about her aching back. I pulled back looking at Hugo incredulously.


“Hey buddy! What about my kiss?!” Hugo retorted.               


“I haven’t loss my mind.” Seriously Hugo? You want me to kiss you?! O.o


“Stefan doesn’t want to kiss… let’s just kiss Bogart. No tongue involved this time.” Hugo stared at Bogart and protruded her lips.


“Are you guys……….?” I stared at them suspiciously.


“No! No way! You know how us teammates kiss each other right? But this moron right here happened to stuck out her tongue when its my turn to receive her kiss.” Bogart let out a frustrated sigh.


“Hugo….. you became so ert…. Who influenced you to be like this?” I asked her accusingly and its her turn to look at me incredulously as if its my fault.


Seriously…… what could have I done to influence her? I’m decent.


“You guys take care. Tow service is on the way. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I ruffled their hair then I hurriedly jogged away.



While in the train, my phone continuously rang and I know it’s my drama queen girlfriend who’s calling. Right after I got off the train, I called her.


“Babe what took you so long? Why aren’t you answering my calls?” Her high pitched angry voice almost broke my left eardrum.


The first word you should say when answering the phone should be HELLO, right? Oh well, Jessi is Jessi. The phone ethics doesn’t apply to her.


“Sorry Baby…. The train was so jam-packed and I couldn’t even move a finger. I just got off the train. I’ll be there in no time.” I said while racing down the stairs.


“Don’t make me wait too long.” She said in a soft voice.


“Okay Babe… I love you.”


“I love you too, Tiff.” Then I hang up.


I got out of the train station eager to ride a vehicle going to Jessi’s house but to my disappointment, the vehicles aren’t moving an inch.


“Oh  damn it! Traffic jam is all the way to 2nd intertown junction! What happened? A cement truck hitting a closed van and a car before flipping in the middle of the intersection?! That’s awful!” I heard a man speaking to someone on his phone.


2nd intertown junction?... its 4 kilometers from here. If I’ll run… it would take me--- okay… I don’t want to compute. I’ll just run.


I stretched my limbs and do some warm ups then I started to run. Running in this span isn’t a stranger to me. Infact, one of our training days devoted to running around the open field for 100 laps without stopping.


Imagine this, 450 meters openfield perimeter times 100 laps is equal to 45000 meters of continuous running…run-jog to be exact.  Its gruesome I know… I thought I’m gonna die of exhaustion back in my trainee days.


There….. I just showed off my math skills! Hehe.


I kept on running. I could even imagine running with the Olympic music theme on my background. It feels like I joined an Olympic triathlon and there was this lady handed me a bottle of cold mineral water as I passed to their car. *Insert the slow motion version where I drink water then poured cold water on my head with the Olympic song on the background*


And because it just rained on this area about 3.5 kilometers from the train station, my straight cut jeans and slightly fitted v neck plain blue shirt became muddy along with my newly bought aqua blue sneakers… which Jessi and I argued because she wants me to buy pink colored which I truly despised.


Then I reached the 2nd Intertown junction. I stopped for a while as I stared in awe with the damage. It was like I’m in a middle of a Hollywood action film.


“Damn….” I muttered and continued running.


I exited the main road and entered the subdivision road which leads to Jessi’s house. I’m currently 1 km away from the village where Jessi lives.


On my way there, I took a short cut to the neighboring village so I could arrive at the Jungs’ a little faster. Great idea? Yeah…. If it weren’t for the monster that I encountered along the way.


“Mommy! Mommy! Kitty is up on the tree! She won’t go down Mommy!” I heard a little girl whining.


“Its okay Sweetie. She will get down on her own.” The mother assured her daughter.


“But look! She wants to go down but she couldn’t! She’s scared! I’ll help her, Mom.” Then the little girl, I think no more than 8 years old, escaped from her mom’s grasp and started to climb the tree.


“Hey kid… its dangerous…” I said while approaching the kid.


“But my Kitty…….” The kid looked at me and teared up.


“It’s okay… I got it.” I smiled to the kid and ruffled her hair. I looked up to where the cat was and I wondered how it ended up way up there. Did I mention it’s a large tree… around 30 meters high?


I inhaled a lungful of air and started climbing. I could hear the cat’s desperate call for help.


“Be careful.” The kid’s mom told me. I didn’t bother to look.


The cat’s loud meow is getting in my nerves. It’s like hearing Jessica whining when she’s being a drama queen. Really annoying actually… and the fact that this is just a cat and not really Jessica that makes it more annoying than it already is.


“Hey Kitty…. What are you doing there?” I whispered when I got near the frightened slim yellow cat. She hissed and scrunched her back while glaring at me. I stared at her.


Why do I feel like I’m looking at Jessi?


“Come Kitty…” I call for the cat. She just stared at me.




What?! O.o


Man… I must be really tired. The cat’s face changed into Jessi’s face and she mocked me.


I scooted closer to the cat which was hissing violently on the tree branch. The cat and I had a staring battle again. I swear she really resembles Jessi a lot.


“ Tiffany” Now the cat is smirking at me.


Darn this Jessica look alike!          


“Hey look cat…… I’m trying to save you here. It wouldn’t hurt to cooperate, right? Quit being a drama queen and come to me.”


“Why would I? .” Jessi.. I mean Jessi’s look alike flipped her tail and turned her back on me and began wailing again.


“Seriously cat.. come here. You’re owner is waiting for you.” I reached out my hands.


“Meeoooooowwwrrrrr Hiiiiisssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!”


“Ouuuuuchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Darn it Jessi!!! Stop scratching me!!!”


“Meeoooooowwwrrrrr Hiiiiisssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Get off me !!!  *scratch scratch*”


“No!!! Not my face!!!”


“Let me go!!!”


“Got you now!.....Oopppsss……”






I managed to get a hold of the violent cat’s nape. It was a victorious for a moment but I got off balanced making the two of us plunge down 20 meters from the ground.


The hard impact that I expected didn’t happen, instead, I landed on a soft and fluffy mattress which happened to be forgotten outdoors.


“Hisshhhhh!!! !” The cat stomped on my chest and turn around. She didn’t forget to whip my face with her tail.


I want my Jessi   Huhu . T_T




“Ah ah ah! Unnie! Unnie that hurts!” My suspended in mid air as I blew on my scratches where alcohol landed.


“Shut up idiot!” Unnie scolded me.


“Unnie.. unnie… careful..careful..please be gentle..unnie.. *pouts*”


“You’re making it sound that I’m deizing you. Stay still.”


“…………………. *on the verge of tears*………….”


“Stop being such a baby. What the----- what’s this?!” Taeyeon Unnie asked me after she lift my shirt and discovered the wound on my left love handle.


“Who did that?! Where did you get that?!” Unnie continued to interrogate.


“Well…its…its…….” Damn it! What would I say?!


“No…. save it. I think I know who did that. Cheeseball……. Tell Jessica to lessen her bed adventures. She’s hurting you already.” She said while cleaning my wound courtesy of Jessi.


Taeyeon unnie went upstairs to get some clothes or me…which I found to be really weird. The mafia leader Taeyeon Hwang taking care of her younger sister whom she loves to bully? That’s out of this world actually.


And now what? She’s cleaning my body.


“Don’t shower. I’ll just wipe you clean.”


Taeyeon Unnie wiped my body with a damp soaped towel. I laughed when the towel touched my sides and my armpits. Unnie hit my head and told me to stay still…. Uhm… yell actually.



“Hey Cheeseball… get up.” Taeyeon unnie reached out her hand to me after strangling me on the floor. She pulled me up.


“Come on… I’ll send you to your room.” She wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I glanced at her and for a while… I caught her smiling.


“Unnie……….” I called for her in a soft whisper.


“What?” She asked in a soft voice without looking at me.


“I love you too….” Then I kissed her cheek. She smiled widely…still not bothering to look at me.





I slowly approached Jessi’s bed… our bed. I hovered above her and fitted my way to her side. She stirred a little when I spooned her head and bury it to my chest.


I lifted her head to see her face. There’s a tear stain on her cheeks.


“Tiff….. don’t leave me…..” She mumbled and buried her head back to my chest again. She’s having a bad dream again I suppose.


“Baby I’m here… I wont leave you…” I hugged her tight and kissed the crown of her head.


I hummed a tune….. and eventually ended to singing.


I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad 
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad 
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you 

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches 
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks 
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you 

I'll miss you 
Kiss you 
Give you my coat when you are cold 

Need you 
Feed you 
Even let ya hold the remote control 

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink 
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink 
I could be the girl who grows old with you 
I wanna grow old with you


I lifted her head once again and kissed her softly on her lips and forehead. She smiled and snuggled back to my chest. I kissed the crown of her head again and fondled her hair. With that, I drifted to slumber.






“Good morning….” I greeted everyone sitting on the dining table as I entered the dining area along with my still sobbing girlfriend.


“Happy B--------- What happened to you?!” Daddy Jung asked me… well.. quite overacting.


“Honey! You’re being too rough again. Look! You even scratched her face!” Daddy Jung pointed accusingly to Jessi.


“Stephie… making love is not a wild , okay?” My dad scolded me. Taeyeon Unnie scoffed and Sunny Unnie glared at her sister.


“Its not Jessica’s fault. Tiffany was scratched by a cat last night on the way here.”  My mom explain to our dads. They nodded but still stared suspiciously at Jessi.


“Why does everyone think I’m such a wild cat on bed?!” Jessi retorted.


We all stared at her accusingly.


*cricket sounds*


“Wahhh…….. I’m not a wild cat! I’m not a wild cat!......”


And we watched Jessi rolled back and forth on the floor.








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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
Chapter 98: Ohhh noooo! They are being stalked!
Chapter 56: Tiffany just confessed! Yes!!!!!
Chapter 40: I love rereading this!
Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
Chapter 118: Thornim.... I'm waiting for you... Always... To be right here... Back to this story... Thankss
Chapter 117: Whatttttt.... Eunjung is the new coach.. 🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 103: Who...who shot tiff?