Convince Me Not





A tall girl walked aimlessly towards the carpark of the school. Her face was expressionless but her eyes showed all her emotions.










The girl occasionally let out long heavy sighs as her heavy footsteps trailed the ground. People immediately move away from her path as the lone sight of her made them tremble.


“Why?..... Why did you do this to me?...” The girl mumbled in agony with tears flowing in her furious  eyes.



Jessica’s P.O.V.



Then she turned her back from us and walked away… with a clenched fist.


Tiffany…………………………..What have I done?.....


“Jerry… I have to go.” I fled the scene and ran after my beloved girlfriend.


Those eyes… those eyes full of pain and anger hunted me. I bumped to some people as I frantically chase her. My love… My life.


Then I finally caught onto her. She was standing on the driver side of her car. I got shocked when she suddenly fell down on her knees and slumped on the ground. She leaned her back on the car and mumbled with her eyes closed.


I felt my heart shattered in a million pieces when I saw her wiping her tears. She looked so helpless… and hurt.


No Tiffany.....


It’s not what you think!.......


I love you…


I love you so much…..


My mind fought. Should I go to her? Should I explain to her and clarify things? Yes.. I should. But…. She’s hurt… she won’t listen.


But Jessica… she loves you.


Damn! Damn! Damn! What should I do?

Then she stood up and opened the car door. She got in the car and closed the door. I fought with myself again. Should I go after her or give her some time to clear her head?


I made up my mind. I made a decision.


I ran towards her car as I screamed her name. This should be resolved immediately.


“Tiffany!!! Tiffany wait!!!” I shouted.


The car didn’t start and I caught up to her. I banged to her side of the window and called for her name.


“……………………” She blankly stared at me after she rolled out the window.


“What are you doing here?” She asked in an exhausted whisper.


Tiffany……. Please…….


I felt my blood boiled. I don’t like what I’m seeing and I am so decided to put some sense on her very jealous mind.


“You’re leaving me?” I asked in a cold tone.




Hurt and anger are very evident in her eyes. She took a deep breath and let out a long heavy sigh before talking.


“Move a little… I’ll open the door.” She said.


I scooted a little bit and she slowly opened her door. She stepped out of the car and stared at me straight at my eyes.


She went around the car and opened the passenger side door. I knew what she meant. My cheeseball girlfriend could still be a gentleman even she’s so hurt.


Tiffany closed the door once I got in. She circled the car and hopped inside.


The door made a loud thud as she closed it.


She started the car engine and dove off. My eyebrows knitted when the car was aiming to cross the street as she guided the car out of the carpark.


Is she planning to take me home instead? We should be staying at her place tonight.


“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked her in annoyance.


“I’ll take you home…….” She answered without looking at me.


What the?


I pushed my luck.


“Are we going to stay at my place tonight instead of yours?” I asked.


She took a deep breath before answering… still not looking at me.


“I’ll take you home then I’ll go home.” She answered blankly.


“No!” I said sternly.


She sighed.


“If you’ll take me home then you should stay at my place.”




Tiffany’s eyes were on the road as her eyebrows furrowed. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and hummed frustratingly.


“Choose. It’s either your place or mine.” I said.


She sighed once again.


“Jessica… I’ll take you home… then I’ll go.”


Now, its my turn to take a deep breath. Arrgghhhh!!! I think I’ll have a hard time dealing with my girlfriend tonight.


“I told you Tiff…. My place or your place.” I crossed my arms on my chest.


“Stop doing this.” I heard her say.


“Please do as I say.” She added.


I stared at her in disbelief. What did she just told me? Well… I don’t blame her for saying it.. but… I don’t like her being narrow.


Then you should explain!


“Take me home…” That’s what came out of my mouth instead.


We both stayed in silence as we headed to my house. She occasionally let out sighs and grunts along the way.


She kept on mumbling inaudible words as she tapped her palm on the steering wheel. She won’t talk to me and won’t even look at me.


Pain pierced all over my body. My heart ached like it never ached before. Why is this happening? Why can’t I explain what really happened?


A teary eyed Tiffany was the last thing I saw before I drifted to sleep.


“Jessica………………” A voice called.




Who is this brat dared to ruin my sleep?!

“Jessi…….. My beloved Jessi…….”


Huh? That voice……..


“Baby… wake up…..”


Am I dreaming? I could hear an angel’s voice. A very familiar voice.


Images of Tiffany flooded my head and snapped me out of dreamland. A blank faced Tiffany greeted my eyes.


“We’re already at your house.”


I looked around. I expected to see a car interior but instead, I saw the walls of my room. I’m in my own room. On my bed… with Tiffany.


I felt lack of clothing and peeked under the covers. I’m used to being under the covers with my girlfriend… but this time is different so I was a little shock finding myself .


But wait!.... Tiffany… she’s…. why is she fully clothed?!


“What time is it? I thought you’re going home?” I accused.


“It’s past  11pm. And I……… I decided to stay.” She said.


“Why am I ?......” I asked.


“You took your clothes off.” She answered.




She looked calmer. It’s a good opportunity for a confrontation.


“Tiff…. I……..”


“Jessica… “ She cut me off with questioning eyes. Her one single question shattered me. Her voice was low and calm… but it showed so much pain.




“Tiffany….. I……. I……. what you saw was…….”


“You saw her too? You saw them? That evil scheming son of a !”


Then tears flooded from her eyes again. She pulled me to a tight hug. I felt her body rocked as she sobbed heavily.


What….. happened?....


“Jessi… she betrayed me! After all I’ve done for the team! She betrayed me!”


Huh?! O.0






She pulled away from me and stared at me.


“I was there at the openfield… I saw you…. I didn’t saw anyone else.” I said.


“You were there? I thought you got bored and go to my place already.” She said in between sniffs and sobs.


“You didn’t see me?” I asked. She shook her head.


“I was….. I was with Jerry….. I thought you saw us and got so jealous.” I said in a soft whisper while avoiding eye contact.


“With Jerry?...........”


Uh oh….. not good….


“Why would I get jealous?”




I immediately looked at her. And I saw a warm smile…. Loving smile.


“I told you Jessica Jung… I love you… and I TRUST you…..”




Her smile faded and her expression changed into pleading.


“Jessi…. I know that your restraining yourself… that’s why I wanted not to sleep with you in one bed tonight…. Because I’m so hurt and I want to… I want you to ease my suffering.. to make me forget….”


“…….but I know we can’t make love….”




She looked down.


I stared at the device on my wrist. Amidst of my body’s proximity to my girlfriend’s… I’m surprised that it wasn’t alarming and blinking like crazy.


Is it broke?.....


No….. I don’t think so…..


Then the device fell off from my wrist by it self.


Wait! There’s still 4 days left! What happened?!


“14 days Jung….. or even earlier…. As long as you start your session with this device not alarming or blinking like crazy. It is when you could already control yourself.”


Doc Eunjung…….


“Tiff…….. I’ll erase all of your suffering…….”




“Tell me everything tomorrow….tonight…Let’s make love all we want…. “ I caressed her cheeks.


“Jessi……. I love you…..”


This is a shock. I’m not burning like a wildfire… but this is a good sign…. Finally… I could control myself.


Arouse me…….” I said before I pulled her into a kiss.






I was planning to make this a cliffhanger and make it drama-ish.. but I already got a lot of drama in real life so I decided not to go with it.

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Chapter 112: Lol at the stink bomb
Chapter 109: So cute with the locket!
Chapter 102: Oh no!!!!!!
Chapter 98: Ohhh noooo! They are being stalked!
Chapter 56: Tiffany just confessed! Yes!!!!!
Chapter 40: I love rereading this!
Chapter 21: I love this fic. It's so hilarious!
Chapter 118: Thornim.... I'm waiting for you... Always... To be right here... Back to this story... Thankss
Chapter 117: Whatttttt.... Eunjung is the new coach.. 🤭🤭🤭
Chapter 103: Who...who shot tiff?