

Jaehwan hums softly while pushing the shopping cart around the super market.

He stops when he reaches the bakery ingredients section.

It has been a long time he baked something for his boyfriend. He still remember that the elder always praises him for his talent in baking. The elder always says that his baking is a perfect match for the coffee made by the elder, just like both of their personality, complementing each other.

Oh ya! Maybe I can bake his favorite strawberry shortcake for him since I’m leave today!

He smiles widely at his thought and quickly walk over to choose some important ingredient and of cause some fresh strawberry from the fruits section.

As soon as he reaches his apartment, he settles everything on the dining table in the kitchen and wears his cute chopper apron.

He sings along to the radio as he starts to prepare everything. He can’t help but grins as he remember the first time he baked cookies for the elder.


“Hyung~ I made this for you!” Jaehwan said while handling a well wrapped plastics that filled with cookies.

Taekwoon smiled at his sweet boyfriend. The younger never failed to give him surprise and happiness every single day.

Taekwoon took out a piece of the cookies and Jaehwan looks at him with wide eyes, it looks like the younger has done something wrong.

“Why you look so anxious? It taste good, real good.” Taekwoon smiled widely, one that he rarely show others.

Jaehwan smiled at the compliment and clung to the elder’s arm.

-Flashback end-

He sighs happily as he stares at the oven to wait for the cake to be done. He decides to cut and prepare the strawberry and whipped cream for the decoration for the cake later.

After an hour, he smiles with satisfaction at the product of his hard work. The cake looks decent, just like those that sell at the shops. It looks sweet, and surely delicious. He keeps the cake in the refrigerator and cleans up the kitchen.

Few hours later…

“Hyung~ you’re back!” Jaehwan shouts loudly and launches himself onto the elder.

Taekwoon chuckles and hugs the younger tightly.

“Hmm.. What did you do today? I hope you had a nice day, love.” Taekwoon says and brings both of them to the couch at the living room.

Jaehwan sits on Taekwoon’s lap and starts telling the elder his schedule of the day, from going to get coffee from the café nearby to going for grocery shopping at the supermarket.

Taekwoon smiles at his cute boyfriend and sighs. I guess this is why all lovers love going home after a day of hard work at the office. It’s nice and comfortable to be with someone you love at a cozy and warm place.

“Hyung~ wait here! I have a surprise for you.” Jaehwan exclaims excitingly and gets off from the elder’s lap.

Taekwoon almost wants to roll his eyes at the younger. He just beginning to feel comfortable and relax with the younger in his arms but the younger leave so soon, too soon for his liking.

The younger comes back a while later holding a piece of strawberry shortcake in his hand.

Taekwoon looks at the younger with a sweet smile. “So this is what you did today?” he asks while patting his lap.

Jaehwan walks over and sits on the elder’s lap, “ya.. since it has been a long time I have baked something for you, I think it would be nice if I make something for you.” he says with a blush.

Taekwoon opens his mouth widely, a sign to signal the younger to feed him.

Jaehwan feeds him while blushing and hope that the elder will like the cake.

“Do you like it? I have spent a lot afford in it.” Jaehwan whispers the last part and hold onto the plate tightly.

“It is the best cake I ever had. It is as sweet as you. Or I should say you’re the sweetest?” Taekwoon says and pecks the younger’s cheek.

“Hyungggggggg~” Jaehwan whines but grins happily at the compliment.

Both of them spend the rest of the day by lots of cuddling and watching some outdated romance movie at the couch.

Before they go to sleep, Jaehwan lies on Taekwoon as usual, as he claims that ‘I can sleep better on you because your heartbeats calm me down’.

“Sleep well, sweetie” Taekwoon whispers softly and pulls the duvet cover over both of them. 

Hi people! Another update for you all! About the chaptered story, I have already planning it. :) If it progresses smoothly, it should be up around next week. 

Thanks for your support and I hope that you will like my story ^.^

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Cupcake231 #1
Chapter 88: Your story is so beautiful, keo couple in these drabbles is really cute. Hope you will comeback soon and thanks you!.
Happiness03 #2
Chapter 115: Huweeeeㅜㅜㅜ whereee areee youuuuuuuㅠㅠㅠㅠ i miss you and your updateㅠㅠㅠ please come back soon ♡
itskimka25 #3
Will you update this again? Just wondering tho nothing much......
Happiness03 #4
Chapter 115: I cant imagine that :D hahahahahahahahahaha omooooo jaehwan is too cute!!!
cyrano #5
Chapter 114: aawwww...hwannie is soooooo cuteeeee ~~~~~~
meilidwi #6
Chapter 114: "Boo boo is gone now! Hyungie will be fine!!!” THE CUTEST >…<
meilidwi #7
Chapter 113: Nearly chokes on my water coz of it ><
Happiness03 #8
Chapter 114: Aooooooooooww baby hwannieeeeeee ♡♡♡
Happiness03 #9
Chapter 113: Awwwww need another part of thisssss ♡.♡
nitanit #10
Chapter 113: Omygod i love protective wonshik and taekwoon who tried to court hwaniiii