

Taekwoon and Jaehwan were a pair of happy couple. They were content with what they had despite their parents disagreed their life style. Their parents always urged them to get a more stable and better job so that they could have more salary. However, they protested saying that they chose they spent more time on life and for each other rather than working all day long.

They had been with each other for as long as they remembered. Although they knew that nothing will last forever, they were willing to do anything and everything to make things work for both of them. That’s what lovers always do for each other.

For Taekwoon, he was really grateful that Jaehwan was there for him whenever he needed the younger. Although the younger said that he was his pillar of support, Taekwoon felt that it was the other way round. He loved the younger so much that he felt that he was willing to sacrifice anything for the younger and he knew that the younger was willing to do so as well.

That night, they were out of their apartment to have dinner at a new restaurant nearby. They were having a good time, enjoying each other’s companion to a point that they wished that the time should stay at the moment forever.

When they were walking back to the apartment, they saw that there were some men who were drunk and fighting near the entrance of their apartment. As much as he wanted to use another path to go home, he couldn’t afford to do so. The other path was much further and Jaehwan was freezing despite he was having the younger close with his arm. Thus, Taekwoon decided to take a risk in which he didn’t expect it was a bad one.

He tugged the younger closer to him and asked the younger to stay calm. He wanted them to pass through that area as fast as possible. To be honest, he was afraid as well but he tried to keep calm as possible so that the younger would feel protected. He quickly walked past with Jaehwan stuck close to him.

However, thing wasn’t as easy as he planned or wanted. One of the drunk men accidentally pushed them and Jaehwan slipped and fell. Taekwoon immediately rushed to help the younger but got pushed away as well. What happened next was unexpected, Taekwoon fell while his face facing the hard road. The next second, his face in contacted with several pieces of broken glass.

Jaehwan let out a scream in horror while the drunk men ran away as quick as possible from the scene. Jaehwan rushed over and placed Taekwoon’s face on his lap. He cried so hard and felt so scared when the elder’s face was covered with blood and some small pieces of glass stuck on it. He immediately asked for help from the security of their apartment and sent the elder to hospital. Throughout the journey to the hospital, Jaehwan was praying and crying non stop. He was so afraid that something bad will happen to the elder. I’m so sorry hyung.. you became like this because of me.

Taekwoon’s parents rushed to the hospital as soon as they received the call from Jaehwan. Although they were upset and worried as well, they knew that Jaehwan wasn’t the one to blame with. The younger wasn’t the cause and Taekwoon would have blame himself forever if Jaehwan was in his place in this situation.

“Is he okay?” Taekwoon’s father immediately asked when the doctor came out from the surgery room. “He is fine. The probability that there will be scars on his face is pretty low.” the doctor answered and three of them released a sigh of relieve. However, they immediately frown when the doctor mention the word “but”. “But.. The glass hurt his eyes quite severely. He might have high chances of being blind. But everything has to be confirm after he wakes up.” the doctor continues.

They cried at the news. Jaehwan stood there in shocked.

Hyung will be blind? How can hyung play football if he can’t even see the ball? Although everything was still unsure, Jaehwan was afraid. He felt scared. For the first time in his life, he felt like he would lose the elder.

The next day, much to their relief, Taekwoon woke up much earlier than predicted. However, the bad news came true as Taekwoon really lost his eye sight completely became blind officially. For the first few days, the elder spent his time by screaming in frustration, pushing everyone away including his lover, Jaehwan.

Jaehwan felt his heart was breaking into pieces day by day. He tried his best to take care of the elder but the elder pushed him away with harsh words and action. Thus, he opted to only visit the elder during the elder’s nap time. During the short 2 hours, he would stares at the elder lovingly, brushing away the bangs, cried silently while praying the best for the elder.

Days passed, Taekwoon showed no sign of improvement. His harsh treatment towards the younger continued and even turned worse. His parents felt sorry for Jaehwan and tried to convince Taekwoon. However, Taekwoon was too stubborn.

One month passed, Taekwoon was still in the hospital in his ward. Although he had healed, but he was forced to stay because of his refusal of food. Jaehwan tried to make his favourite dish and brought them to the hospital. However, as soon as Taekwoon knew that the food was made by the younger, he refused to eat. Taekwoon knew that he was being unfair but it was for Jaehwan’s good and future. Jaehwan deserved a better life rather than being stuck to a blind man and had to take care of him forever.

One day, Jaehwan screamed in horror in the ward when he saw Taekwoon was trying to commit suicide. His heart broke completely as the sight. The tough and confident Taekwoon was gone, the one in front of him was the Taekwoon who was stubborn and pessimist. The doctor managed to save the elder but the elder didn’t appreciate the doctor’s afford one bit. “Why do you save me? let me die! What can I do without my eye sight! I can’t even play football!” Taekwoon screamed in frustration while Jaehwan cried in desperation.

That night, Jaehwan wasn’t able to sleep as he was thinking hard to do a decision. He went to discuss with his parents in which the adults protested and disagreed at first but end up decided to support their lovely son. It was the first time Jaehwan begged them, he even kneeled in front of them while crying.

The next day, Jaehwan went to the hospital for a consultation with Taekwoon’s doctor. The doctor was shocked with his decision at first. However, the doctor was soon convinced when he begged the doctor, speaking up various reasons behind his intention which led to his big decision.

Few days later, Taekwoon’s parents entered the ward with a big smile on their face. The mother immediately walked over and held his son’s hand. “Taekwoon ah.. the doctor said he had found a donor for the cornea.. if you agree to do the surgery, you will be able to see the world again..” Taekwoon’s mother said. Taekwoon’s eyes brighten for the first time ever since the incident at the news in which he immediately agreed to it. He didn’t even question why there was suddenly a donor and they didn’t even notice there was someone standing outside the ward crying while looking at them.

Throughout the previous week, he felt that something was missing but he didn’t think much about it as he was too happy at the thought that he would be able to see again. A week later, Taekwoon gone through the surgery. The surgery was successful, Taekwoon regained his eye sight and able to see the world again. He cried in happiness while hugging his parents tight.

In the moment, he finally realized it was not that something was missing, it was someone missing. “Umma, where was Jaehwan?” Taekwoon asked confusedly but his mother only replied by saying “I’m not sure.. he didn’t come lately..”. Taekwoon didn’t suspect anything and assumed that the younger was upset at his previous harsh words and action. He decided that he would look for the younger once he was released from the hospital and apologize to the younger.

However, after a month of him came out from the hospital, he couldn’t find the younger. It was as if Jaehwan never existed. He went back to their shared apartment and found that the younger had removed his belongings and left. He went to Jaehwan’s parents house only realized that they had moved away. He went to the younger’s work place only found that the younger had resigned.

----- 2 years later ----

Taekwoon is now working in his father’s company, helping his father to expand the business. He has been single for the past two years. He is missing Jaehwan crazily and is still trying to look for the younger.

Although sometimes he feels discouraged and thinks that maybe the younger has given up on him, but he is determined to look for the younger. At the very least, he has to know where the younger is and whether the younger is doing well.

Today, he wakes up earlier than usual to catch up the flight. He has to attend a charity event which holds in Jeju. Despite his protest, his father insists that he has to go so that he can further understand the company’s operation.

Much to his surprise, the event is held in a help center which mainly targets the people who are blind or with visual impair. He smiles bitterly at his memories and it makes him misses Jaehwan even more.

After the ceremony, one of the workers, Hongbin offers him an introduction of the center. They walk around the center and go through every facility. Hongbin is explaining everything patiently while Taekwoon is amazed at the well-equipped center despite the center isn’t that big.

They stop when they reach a small room. Inside the room, there are a group of kids and a volunteer who is singing with passion along. “Do you want to go in? It is one of the daily activities we have here” Hongbin offers with a smile and Taekwoon nods in agreement.

Taekwoon smiles unconsciously at the sight of the kids singing happily along the music. “They are all blind since born. They will come here everyday and enjoys some activities offered here” Hongbin further explains. Then, Hongbin brought chairs for them and they sit at the back of the room while enjoying the choir.

However, Taekwoon feels like something strikes him when the volunteer turns around and facing them. In front of him, Jaehwan is there. The younger looks the same as he remembers, still so perfect and flawless. Yet, he feels that something is wrong when Jaehwan’s eyes are empty and not focus on certain object. Hongbin who sees Taekwoon is in confusion, he says “the volunteer is Jaehwan. He has been here since two years ago. He helps out a lot and play well with the kids”.

“Is he?” Taekwoon asks, although he can roughly guess the answer, he is afraid of knowing the truth. “Yes, he is blind, too. But he is not blind since born. He told me that he gave up his vision for someone who is important to him. Sometimes I feel that it is stupid. But, he is an amazing person. Isn’t he?” Hongbin says.

Taekwoon sits still at the seat. Someone important.. is that me? is that the reason why Jaehwan never come to visit me despite I have recovered? Is he running away so that I will not feel guilty?

Taekwon feels like crying at the very moment. Suddenly, every question in his mind for the past two years has the answers. He waits until the activity is finish and approaches the younger.

“Jaehwan ah” he calls softly, tries to sound as steady as possible, as he is at the verge of crying. “Hongbin? Is that you?” Jaehwan answers, slightly confuse.

Taekwoon then pulls the younger into his arms, “Jaehwan ah.. I’m so sorry.. I’m sorry for coming to you so late.. sorry for being harsh.. sorry for being worthless.. sorry for everything.. I love you so much Jaehwan ah” the elder says in hurry, afraid that the younger will run away from him again.

“Taekwoon?” Jaehwan asks in shocked and trying to digest everything in his confused brain. He then calms himself and allows himself to snuggle against the wide chest in front of him. The realization hits him. The musky cologne in which only Taekwoon uses out of all the people he knows, the wide which is perfect for him to snuggle against due to their difference in height. He is 101% sure that the person in front of him is Taekwoon.

“Thank you for sacrificing so much for me.. now.. its time for me to take care of you, my love.. will you take me back?” Taekwoon asks sincerely, his fingers now are playing with the younger’s soft locks.

Jaehwan nods while crying in happiness. For the first time ever since he lost his vision, he feels complete. Taekwoon smiles in happiness and carries the younger in bridal style.

Jaehwan ah. It’s my turn to sacrifice and do anything and everything for you. I love you.

An update! Enjoy reading. It turns out to be much longer than I expected ><                                                                                                          




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Cupcake231 #1
Chapter 88: Your story is so beautiful, keo couple in these drabbles is really cute. Hope you will comeback soon and thanks you!.
Happiness03 #2
Chapter 115: Huweeeeㅜㅜㅜ whereee areee youuuuuuuㅠㅠㅠㅠ i miss you and your updateㅠㅠㅠ please come back soon ♡
itskimka25 #3
Will you update this again? Just wondering tho nothing much......
Happiness03 #4
Chapter 115: I cant imagine that :D hahahahahahahahahaha omooooo jaehwan is too cute!!!
cyrano #5
Chapter 114: aawwww...hwannie is soooooo cuteeeee ~~~~~~
meilidwi #6
Chapter 114: "Boo boo is gone now! Hyungie will be fine!!!” THE CUTEST >…<
meilidwi #7
Chapter 113: Nearly chokes on my water coz of it ><
Happiness03 #8
Chapter 114: Aooooooooooww baby hwannieeeeeee ♡♡♡
Happiness03 #9
Chapter 113: Awwwww need another part of thisssss ♡.♡
nitanit #10
Chapter 113: Omygod i love protective wonshik and taekwoon who tried to court hwaniiii