

“I’m home!” Jaehwan announces softly as he enters his apartment. He usually will announce with his loud voice as he makes his entrance but he thinks its better to be quiet today since his boyfriend had been working all night for his company’s project.

He walks softly to the living room as he knows how grumpy his boyfriend will be if he disturbs the elder’s peaceful sleep. He softly turns the door knob and enter their bedroom. He expects to meet his boyfriend’s sleeping figure, sleeping soundly on the bed, looking adorable as ever. However, the moment he opens the door, the sight in front of him scares him.

On their bed, there is Taekwoon and another guy. Or to be exact, the elder’s ex boyfriend, Hakyeon. He doesn’t mind the elder still keep in touch with his ex boyfriend since he himself is still in contact with Wonshik. However, he can’t accept that Taekwoon is hugging Hakyeon on their shared bed. Hakyeon buries his face in the crook of Taekwoon’s neck and Taekwoon’s hands are wrapping around the other’s waist.

“What are you all doing on MY bed?!” Jaehwan yells with his tears flowing freely on his face. The two figures on the bed quickly pull away from each other. Taekwoon looks dazed and just stares at Jaehwan while Hakyeon just says “I had some hard times and Taekwoon is just comforting me” he ends his sentence with a slight smirk.

Jaehwan is shocked at the smirk, it tells him Hakyeon had another intention other than just getting comfort from HIS Taekwoon. He glares at the eldest, “I guess you have get enough comfort, can you leave MY house so that I can rest on MY bed.” Jaehwan says while emphasizing the word ‘my’ in his speech. “Jae, don’t be rude. He is having hard time.” Taekwoon says while patting Hakyeon’s back. Jaehwan’s eyes go wide, his boyfriend is touching another guy, not him on the bed that supposed to be only for him and Taekwoon.

“Can’t you see his intention? He is not hurt! He just wants your attention! And you, Cha Hakyeon, don’t you go too far? Coming up MY house, meet MY boyfriend, hugs him on MY bed?!” Jaehwan bursts with anger as Taekwoon is still as dense as ever and didn’t notice the smirk on Hakyeon’s face.

“Lee Jaehwan! I told you not to be rude. And he is elder than you!” Taekwoon raises his voice at Jaehwan for the first time in their 4 years relationship. Another batch of tears flow again on Jaehwan’s face, his gentle and soft boyfriend just yells at him for another man. Why you don’t understand me? Why you can’t see his intention? How can you hurt me for him? Jaehwan thinks sadly.

“Alright, I will leave for now. But later when I come back, I hope I will not see both of you again in my house, especially you, Cha Hakyeon.” Jaehwan says coldly and grabs his phone, turning around and leaves.

Taekwoon is still in shock, everything happens too fast. He was sleeping soundly earlier, suddenly his ex boyfriend, Hakyeon came and asked for his comfort. He forgot how they ended up on him and his boyfriend’s shared bed. He was comforting Hakyeon while hugging the later and suddenly Jaehwan came back. It ended up with an argument between him and his Jaehwan.

“Hakyeon, I think you should leave. I’m sorry I can’t be there for you anymore..” he says softly and pulls himself away from Hakyeon. Although he feels bad to leave his ex like this, but he feels worse when he sees the hurt look on Jaehwan’s face. He never think before that he will ever hurt the younger, he is always gentle, patient, soft, loving towards the younger. He still remember the hurt on Jaehwan’s face vividly when he raised his voice at the younger. The younger is cheerful and playful but sensitive at the same time, he is 10000% sure that the younger is hurt, upset, disappointed on him.

“Why should I? Your annoying boyfriend finally left. You and I can finally together again. Why should I leave? I know that you still love me. If not, you will not raise your voice at Jaehwan.” Hakyeon says and leans forward to hug Taekwoon.

Taekwoon suddenly feels nausea the moment Hakyeon said that. He immediately push the elder away from him. He feels betrayed, used and disappointed. “! I let you come in because you look hurt and needed comfort. How dare you?” Taekwoon yells with frustration. Hakyeon smirks, “if you love him then you wouldn’t let me on his bed, isn’t it?” Hakyeon says and leans forward again but this time pecks on Taekwoon’s lips.

Taekwoon immediately stands up, pulling Hakyeon and drags him to the entrance. He pushes the elder out of the door and says sternly, “You’re a great friend. But if you intent to destroy my relationship with Jaehwan, I will not forgive you. I love Jaehwan, only Jaehwan. Leave now and don’t ever come to me again if you have any bad intention.”.

After forcing Hakyeon out of the apartment, Taekwoon immediately runs to the bedroom to get his phone. He calls Jaehwan but the younger does not pick up any of his calls. He sighs, of cause he will not pick up, I hurt him he thinks.

He sighs and picks up his car key, intending to drive out to look for the younger. The only place he can think about is the art studio that the younger owns. He parks his car in front of the studio while praying that Jaehwan will be there. The younger doesn’t like to bother others with his own problems and always choose to be alone at the studio to calm himself instead.

He enters the studio with a heavy heart. His heart breaks when he sees a figure at the corner of the studio. There he is, Jaehwan is curl up at the corner, hugging his knees close to himself, tears non stop falling, looks hurt and upset.

“Jae” he calls softly and walks towards the younger.

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with Hakyeon?” Jaehwan glares at him and continues crying.

“I’m sorry, I should trust you. Hakyeon is just acting.” Taekwoon says with guilt and reaches out to hold the shaking figure in front of him.

“So you are not leaving me for him?” Jaehwan says softly and stares at his own feet.

Taekwoon sighs, he didn’t know that Jaehwan is hurt that much. He knows the younger is more towards the insecure side in their relationship and afraid that he will leave him. Jaehwan has been in few relationships before but all ended sadly, leaving him hurt and trauma.

The elder engulfs the younger in a tight hug, “I will not leave you, I will not let you leave me as well. I love you so much. So much that it hurts me to see you crying. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much, Lee Jaehwan.” he confesses and kiss the younger’s forehead softly.

Jaehwan remains silent but he returns the hug with same tightness as a sign of forgiveness.

“How can I leave you when you are so lovable?” Taekwoon says softly. 

An update! Enjoy!

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Cupcake231 #1
Chapter 88: Your story is so beautiful, keo couple in these drabbles is really cute. Hope you will comeback soon and thanks you!.
Happiness03 #2
Chapter 115: Huweeeeㅜㅜㅜ whereee areee youuuuuuuㅠㅠㅠㅠ i miss you and your updateㅠㅠㅠ please come back soon ♡
itskimka25 #3
Will you update this again? Just wondering tho nothing much......
Happiness03 #4
Chapter 115: I cant imagine that :D hahahahahahahahahaha omooooo jaehwan is too cute!!!
cyrano #5
Chapter 114: aawwww...hwannie is soooooo cuteeeee ~~~~~~
meilidwi #6
Chapter 114: "Boo boo is gone now! Hyungie will be fine!!!” THE CUTEST >…<
meilidwi #7
Chapter 113: Nearly chokes on my water coz of it ><
Happiness03 #8
Chapter 114: Aooooooooooww baby hwannieeeeeee ♡♡♡
Happiness03 #9
Chapter 113: Awwwww need another part of thisssss ♡.♡
nitanit #10
Chapter 113: Omygod i love protective wonshik and taekwoon who tried to court hwaniiii