Zelo 25

B.A.P. Oneshots


            A figure moved across the night. The darkness hid his motions well and he moved without any noise. His companion followed at a slightly slower pace, but just as agile. “Stay here, I’ll go over and you’ll be backup.”

            The companion, clearly a female once she spoke, was indignant. “Why do you get to go? I’m smaller. What if they see you? You’re a bit tall.”

            He peered at her from underneath his hood. His curly hair fell into his eyes. He was grinning mischievously. “Shh! I’m telling you, I got this.”

            The girl rolled her eyes. “If you get caught, I wasn’t here with you. If I’m caught, I’m going to rat you out immediately.”

            He gave her a hard stare and walked back a few paces. He crouched and with a spring, ran towards the wall. He jumped at the right moment and used his long legs to help him. He clutched onto the top and sat on the ledge. “Hand me the equipment,” he ordered.

            She reluctantly handed over the dark bag. “Go and get down before they see you! And change a mask,” she hissed.

            He clutched protectively at his shiny metallic mask. “No. It’s the height of fashion these days.”

            “Zelo! Go!” she motioned urgently. He looked down and saw a light had directly in front of him and slid down. She heard a tiny thud of impact and an oomph. She bit her lips nervously. This mission wasn’t even worth it.

            She could hear him move. Why was he so loud? She heard crackling in her ear and startled until she realized he was trying to communicate with her through their walkie talkie. She fumbled with the switch.

            “Yeah, what happened?”

            “Okay, this is what you have to do. I’m going to start filming. But I’m going to need you here. Can you enter through the back gate? You need to be careful. I’ll open the lock for you.”

            “Oh now you need me.”

            “Come on! Stop wasting time. I just saw Princess walk in.”

            It took a minute to realize that he was using their codenames. “Oh, well okay. Let’s go.”

            She packed their bags and slid over to where the backdoor was. Zelo was there and he let her in. He ushered her across the lawn and had her be stakeout. “I’m going to go hide and go to the top of the shed. That way I’ll have a better view of the house. You should spy on the lower windows. If you see something, you should have your camera, right?”

            She held up her own black device and grinned. “Go. Be safe. Don’t fall over and watch out for that stupid cat. It’s always sitting there.”

            “That wasn’t a cat; it was the demon’s spawn. The way it kept staring at me was creepy.”

            She pushed him. “Go!” He gave her a thumb’s up and scrambled up the shed.

            She watched him anxiously but sighed in relief when he was perched happily. He sat and she set up her camera. The windows gave a clear view into the house and she could see Tigger and Princess talking. They were sitting on the couch and holding hands. She hid her face and smirked. And he denied they were a thing.

            She snickered and started to film, snapping a couple of photos just to have a variety. Princess’s leg was draped over Tigger and the two of them were starting to get a little too close. Tigger was focused resolutely at the flickering screen in front of them but Princess was nuzzling against Tigger’s neck.

            Princess’ hands were starting to move to Tigger’s leg and she prayed Zelo was ready. Tigger turned off the television and the two of them headed upstairs. She giggled. Show time.

            Upstairs, Zelo saw them enter the room. The cat was again staring at him. He scowled and shooed it. The cat let out a yowl and hopped off the ledge. Good. He focused his camera. The two of them came in and immediately sat on the bed. Zelo prayed that they wouldn’t do anything that if he filmed, he would be hauled off to jail for. He was still sixteen.

            The two of them reached over and grabbed a textbook. They took out notebooks. Ugh, how boring. Is this what couples did on a date? It was boring life spying on these two. Why had they decided to stalk them?

            Then things got interesting. Princess was withdrawing the textbook, forcing Tigger to reach over. The two of them got into a wrestling match. Tigger had Princess pinned and Zelo closed his eyes, afraid to see what happened next. But when he opened his eyes, he saw that they were just having a tickle fight. He sighed. Not much different than from what he did with her.

            He saw her staring at him. Her hands were on her hips and she was scowling, unhappy that he got all the action. He waved at her, a little gloatingly and she stuck out her tongue. He refocused on the window and saw that the innocuous tickling has turned into a full on make out fest. This sudden change caused him to nearly drop his camera.

            Zelo felt himself slipping and scrambled for footing. dropped open as she saw Zelo start to slide down the ramp. She ran to try and catch him as he fell but he was too heavy and the two of them were pushed down onto the floor. She let out a tiny yelp, unable to control herself. He immediately tried to shush her but it was too late.

            Their subjects had heard the commotion. Tigger was running out the door with Princess staring out the window. When he approached, Tigger’s flashlight shone directly on Zelo’s conspicuous mask. He was furious when he saw the cameras.

            “What do you think you guys are doing?”

            Zelo grinned sheepishly. “Hi, Yongguk-Hyung.”

            From upstairs, Himchan shouted down, “Were they spying on us?”

            The answer was evident and she quickly grabbed Zelo and their equipment. “Gotta go!” It wasn’t until they got away five blocks later that they collapsed with laughter. 


requested by MusicChibi ^^

I don't know. I wanted to make it angsty, but decided to spare you all :P

So it's a bit cracky? 

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144 streak #1
Chapter 21: This was cute! Pretty unexpected but cute
144 streak #2
Chapter 6: So much emotion, it was good!
144 streak #3
Chapter 1: Ooh lovely start! Interested to see where this goes.
Chapter 297: The way he drew her got me dying out of laughter :,D

“Himchan da kimchi” I wheezed :D
Chapter 281: This made me cry :(
Chapter 227: This was so sad but so good
Chapter 30: This one is really cute, it also made me laugh :D
Chapter 278: asdfghjkll I cannot TT possesive and angry Yongguk is kind of so hot oml. I wish this was longer TT but thank you