Until I Met You


"Lee Joon?" the ahujumma repeated. 

Ji Hoon adjusted his suit and nodded respectfully. "I am sorry for an inconvenience I have caused for treating Ha Na like I had. I was just…surprised at the sudden news." 


Ha Na was completely in shock. She couldn't believe what Ji Hoon was doing right now. How dare he pretend he was Lee Joon?? Not only that but he knew about her baby?! 


"Oh no!…no inconvenience. I know it's only been a few days but I really enjoy Ha Na's company. She is such a good girl…you don't have to apologize Joon-ssi." 


"You can drop the formalities ahjumma. I don't mind if we start to get comfortable with each other as to I will be coming very often from now on." Ji Hoon smiled. The ahjumma was liking Ji Hoon more and more every time he opened his mouth to say something. Ji Hoon had a persuasive way of talking…that much was obvious.


"Well, it is getting late. I should be going now." he walked closer to the old women. With nothing but sincerity in his eyes he looked into her eyes and pleaded. "Please take good care of my precious Ha Na. I trust her with you…I will be back tomorrow." 

"Yes, I will take care of her. Don't worry." she smiled warmly. 


Ji Hoon nodded and went over to Ha Na now. He grabbed her head gently and brought her close to his lips. He kissed her forehead. He then moved his lips close to her ear and whispered, "Forget about Joon. I will take care of you now. I know you hate me but…" he moved away. Ha Na had tears in her eyes. She said nothing and waited for Ji Hoon to finish. "…know that I will start to make up for everything from this point on."


Ha Na's eyes widened. Ji Hoon hugged her once more and left. 


When he was gone, the ahjumma came up to Ha Na and elbowed her. "That's the father of your baby?? He seems like a great guy! I really like that boy" 


"He isn'--" Ha Na paused. She didn't want to explain about the real Joon to her grandma. Not after what she had witnessed this afternoon.  She had to erase Joon from her thoughts and not to mention, life. Ha Na was convinced that Joon was the father but there wasn't much she could do because he wouldn't accept the baby as his own. Her baby would have to grow up without a father…

…that is what hurt Ha Na the most. 


What Ji Hoon had told her made her think. She was confused about what she should do. It seemed that Ji Hoon and her grandma were the only ones on her side. Should she lean on them? Even though she didn't even know the ahjumma all that well and Ji Hoon was he man that her. 


It was crazy how her life was turning up to be. 

She needed the man she loved the most by her side but that was not possible. 

He even had the nerve to cheat on her…

Ha Na knew Joon was having a hard time but what about her? She was pregnant. She had lost her best friend and big brother…the friend that she trusted was a fake all along…she had no parents and up until she had found the ahjumma she had no place to live. 


Joon on the other hand, had her, a place to call home. A father that wanted so desperately to be in his life…friends that begged him to turn back from his dark path….

He wanted dispair. He wanted to be alone and be miserable. 

Joon had the power to change his fate, even now it wasn't too late. 


Ha Na's fate was sealed. She didn't know what the future had in store for her. She was worried…







A few months later


Ji Hoon came quite often to the ahjumma's house to vista Ha Na. The ahjumma took a big liking to Ji Hoon and would be expecting him every week. Ha Na's feelings had also changed a bit. She no longer hated Ji Hoon as she once did. She hadn't particularly forgiven him for what he did to her, but she was grateful for the care he had given her. She didn't feel so alone anymore. 


"Ha Na! Can you get that for me dear??" Ha Na heard her grandma yell from the kitchen. She was in her room reading a book. She yelled, "Yes halmeoni!" 


With the baby growing in her, she had gotten bigger and it was harder to move around freely. 


She walked to the door and when she opened it she saw who'd she had been expecting. 

"Ji Hoon-ssi" 

Ji Hoon smiled and gave Ha Na a hug. "I wish you'd stop calling me that." he laughed. 

"I wish you would stop prentending like I like you."

Ji Hoon smirked and ignored what Ha Na had just said.

"Where is halmeoni? Is she home? I brought her a little something." 

Ha Na nodded and lead him inside.


"Joon-ah! Come here my child" the ahjumma grabbed his arm and took him inside the kitchen. "What's all this halmeoni?" Ji Hoon asked as he saw a bunch of different food plates sitting on the table. 

"Ha Na and I made all of this for you!" 


Ji Hoon looked surprised. 

"Ha Na said you work alot and you must not have time to eat a home cooked meal…so she thought it be nice if we came up with a little surprise." 

"Halmeoni!! It wasn't my idea…" Ha Na pouted, blushing at how her own grandma sold her out even though she promised she wouldn't tell him it was her idea. 



Ji Hoon covered his mouth and laughed cutely. He was trying his best to stop laughing but he couldn't. Both Ha Na and the ahjumma stared at him. 

"I don't see what's so funny Ji Ho--…" Ha Na stopped herself. As far as everyone was concerned, Ji Hoon was pretending to be Joon. She almost gave it away. 

"Er, I mean..Joon.." 


"I am just touched. I never thought our Ha Na would do something like this for me…" Ji Hoon smiled. 


"Don't get use to it."

"Ha Na-yah…you should be nicer too Joon. I don't understand why you are always so rude to him…" the ahjumma smacked her arm. 

"Yah! Halmeoni, that hurt!!" 



"Gwenchanayo halmeoni…Ha Na has always had a temper. Truth is, that is one of the reasons I like her so much." 

Ha Na blushed. Why was she blushing?? She didn't even like Ji Hoon...


"When I met her the first time, she was so fired up.." he chuckled. "I thought she was going to kill my dongsaeng that day." 


"Wuaa…jinjja??" the ahjumma couldn't believe her sweet Ha Na could want to kill someone. 




(part of chapter 1 when she meets Ji Hoon and sees Joon for the second time) 



"Thank you!" we both bowed and made our way to the door. Before we could make it someone came in from those doors. I knew that face too well. It was the jerk! 

"You!!" I pointed rudely at him. Mir looked like he was about to puke yesterday's dinner. "Yah!! Ha Na are you crazy!?" Mir whispered. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away. " friend is a little crazy...please excuse us. We will be going now." He bowed. 

"Why are you apologizing to this pig headed moron!? Oppa!! Let me go...! I have to kill that mean jerk!" I strugged to get free. 

"Hyung. What is this? I didn't know you invited low class things like...." he looked at me with a nasty glare and continued, "this to your party." 

My heart stopped. Low class things?! Now he was really going to die. But before I could say anything, Mir dragged me outside. 

This isn't the end....I'll get you back for sure!! I thought. 

-end of flashback-


Ha Na was remembering that time. That day she met Joon. She smiled at the fact that no matter how much she loved him now, she couldn't stand him at first. He had always been a , but back then they had no feelings for each other so he treated her like any other girl…

How much he had changed…


"Halmeoni…can I ask for a favor?" Ji Hoon asked. 

"Ofcourse my boy. What is it?" 


Ji Hoon looked back at Ha Na. She was lost in her thoughts. He turned to look at the ahjumma again. "Can I take Ha Na out tonight? She won't be out late, I promise." 


"Aigoo! You don't have to ask me permission! She isn't even my real granddaughter!" 

"But she is in your care…" 

"Well, you can but don't worry about bringing her back early. If she is with you, I am at peace." the ahjumma assured Ji Hoon. 





Ha Na wore a light white dress.



"Ji Hoon-ssi.."

"Hmm?" Ji Hoon kept his eyes on the road while he drove.

Ha Na bit her lip nervously. When she didn't say anything for a while Ji Hoon focused his attention to her. He looked at her with nothing but concern. 


"What is it Ha Na-ssi?" 


"You…aren't embarrassed of being seen with a pregnant girl?" 

His face complete changed to a serious one. 

"Ha Na…

I am nothing like Joon. I wouldn't give up my happiness for my pride. Let the whole world see that I am with you. I don't care. I rather let everyone talk about Boosung and me instead of abandoning you again…never again you hear me? Never will I let you go Ha Na..." he grabbed Ha Na's hand and squeezed it. 


Ha Na squeezed his hand. She trusted Ji Hoon. As crazy as it sounded…she was beginning to trust him again.

"Lean on me for anything. I will be by your side from now on. I was stupid before. I acted upon jealously…I wasn't thinking straight. But now, I am and I know what I want. My only purpose now is to make you happy." 


"Ji Hoon-ssi…" 

"Oh and one more thing.."

Only in her wildest dreams, would of Ha Na ever imagined what Ji Hoon was about to say.


"That kid…is mine." 

Ha Na's eyes shot up and gasped. 




A/N: Here is the chapter I promised!! I hope you guys like it(: 

Currently working on the next! 

Have a great day guys











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Chapter 1: I only just found this story but I’m going to start reading now to catch up. It’s great to find there’s still fanfics with 2nd generation idols still being posted. But please keep updating~
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Chapter 127: Oh whoa I never expected him to go blind
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Chapter 127: Oh whoa I never expected him to go blind
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Chapter 125: Oh what Roy kinda too powerful for me lolol
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Chapter 121: I've always been rooting for them so these heart to heart convos always scare me because I'm scared something is going to happen lol
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Chapter 118: Ahh another sibling
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Chapter 114: Hana x Joon *\^o^/*
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Chapter 114: WAIT WHOAAA
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Chapter 113: ahhh noo! I've been shipping them since long time ago and I still am! LIKE GIRLLL THERE IS HOPE
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Chapter 112: Omg an update