Thirty Six

Until I Met You

"Ji Hoon was just released from the station" Min Woo had just hung up from calling the police station where Ji Hoon was being held. 

"I'll call him on his cellphone" I quickly dialed. Within seconds he answered. 

"Miss Jung" he sounded weak. 

"Ji Hoon-ssi! Where are you?" 

"I am leaving the station. My driver just picked me up. I am heading home now" 

"We need to talk" I said. 

"Yes...we do. Come by my house later today. I will send my driver" 


We hung up. I waited impatiently. 


As his driver drove me to his apartment, I kept thinking about Joon's words. I wasn't truely worried about Ji Hoon, was I? I was worried about the fact that if Boosung fell, I would go along with it. That was the reason. It had to be right?

I kept repeating that to myself. 


When we reached the building, it seemed like I had been here before. We reached his door and shortly after knocking Ji Hoon was the one that opened the door. He looked like he hadn't eaten in days. He was skinner. Not to mention his very pronouced dark circles under his eyes looked like he hadn't slept either.

"Thank you for bringing her. You may leave Geon-ssi" he dissmised his driver and he bowed and left.

He invited me in and I looked around. 

I got a flashback. Very faint..


"What are you doing Ha Na?" Ji Hoon looked amused. I was being very cautious about everything. 

I laughed nervously. "I just don't want to break anything. I-I'm just a guest here after all..." 


Ji Hoon took my arm and brought me close to his big strong chest. "Nothing in this house is worth more than you. Besides, you live here now. You are my fiance. Soon to be my wife." 


"Miss Jung, are you okay?" he questioned me when I didn't say anything. I probably looked like I was out of it. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "I'm fine. I am more worried about you Ji Hoon-ssi" 

I had been here...I remember this place. Could it be that Byunghee was right? Was I truely engaged to Ji Hoon? Did....I fall in love with him? 

All this was driving me crazy. It was black hole of memories I couldn't seem to remember.

His wife came into the room and her nose crinkled up in disgust when she saw me. I rolled my eyes. 

"What is that women doing here!?" she yelled and pointed her finger at me. Ji Hoon closed his eyes in annoyance. 

"She is my guest. If you don't like it...leave" he said. I was surprised he talked to his wife in that way. 

"Ji Hoon!" she protested. It seemed like they were used to talking to each other like that. 

Ji Hoon stood up, angry. "GET OUT NOW" he yelled. I jumped a little, I wasn't expecting him to loose his patience and yell at her like that. Tae Hee stepped down. "Before I completely throw you out, get out of my house. I no longer wish to continue to hear your voice." 

My eyes widened. Tae Hee bit her lip, clenched her fists and ran out of the apartment.

"Ji Hoon-ssi.." I said. Ji Hoon grabbed his forehead and took a deep breath. He definatly looked frustrated, mad, sad...all at the same time.

"My apologies Miss Jung. I am incredibly defeated. I don't know what to do..." he clasped his hands over his head. "Perhaps you should come another time"

I went over to him and kneeled closer to him. "Ji Hoon-ssi..." I didn't know why I was behaving like this. Why did I want to show compassion to this man? Something about seeing him like this made me feel unsure about everything. This was not the man I thought him to be. He was lonely...had he always been like this?

He was sad and it was all because of what he lived before. Everything that he told me about his life and his past was finally catching up to him and it was beginning to take a toll on him.

My fight was not with him. That had become clear as day. I couldn't ever forget about what he did to me, but I understood where it all came from. I wasn't ready to forgive him for it, but I wasn't going to focus my energy and hate at him. Not anymore. Ji Hoon being like this was strictly because of Lee Joon. 

Instead of talking I took his arm and brought it closer to my chest. Ji Hoon slowly raised his head and looked at me in my eyes. His eyes were red, swollen and shocked.

"I wasn't going to say this to you...but I now know that I need you Ji Hoon and you have proven to me that you are my aly." He was confused. I hesistated but reluctantly said,"I...I am Choi Ha Na." 

His eyes widnened. 

"When I woke up from my coma I didn't remember anything about you except when you attacked and me. Everything after that was wiped from my memories. To this day, I can't remember fully. When I found out that I had forgiven you and I was even engaged to can imagine how frustrated I was."

Ji Hoon's eyes where spilling tears. But he was completly quiet.

"I wondered why I didn't feel such hatred towards you when I saw you after all those years. I was confused why you seemed the Ji Hoon I met many years ago." 

"Ha...Na..." he whispered and moved his hand to my cheek. "You are...Ha Na" he grabbed my shoulder and brought me close to his chest and embraced me. 



After Ji Hoon had gotten over the shock that Ha Na was back in his life, they both sat in his living room, talking for hours.

Ha Na sat across from Ji Hoon with her arms crossed. 

"That's why I am sure it was Joon." she said bitterly.

"I figured as much. He is finally making his move." 

"He must be stupid. Doesn't he know that we have the means to prove he wasn't murdered?" Ha Na scoffed. 

"I don't believe that is what he is worried about. He has always wanted to taint my image. I think he is up to something else." Ji Hoon was sceptical of Ha Na's thoery. 

"Daddy?" Both Ha Na and Ji Hoon turned around to the small voice that came from the kitchen. It was Dayoung, Ji Hoon's young daughter. 

" are awake" Ji Hoon got up and went over to his daughter. He took her in his arms and carried her. 

"Where's mommy?" she asked. Ji Hoon said, "She went out, she will be back soon."

"Ji Hoon...that girl" Ha Na came over to them. The look on her eyes softened and she smiled warmly at the girl. 

"Ha Na...this is my daughter. Lee Dayoung" he introduced her to Ha Na. Soon tears began to form in her eyes. 

"She's beautiful" she said. Ji Hoon noticed this. 

"Daddy? Why is this ahjumma crying?" Dayoung asked her dad. 

"I'm not crying because I am sad Dayoung-ie...I am just happy to meet you. You see..." she cleared her tears and smiled. "I also had a son...and he would be alittle older than you are now" 

Ji Hoon's eyebrows furrowed. That made his heart ache. 

"What is his name?" she asked curiously. 

"His name was Leo" she smiled. Dayoung was a very smart girl. "Why do you keep talking about him like he's gone?"

Ha Na's eyes teared more. "Because he is no longer with me..."




It was late and I had to get home before Min Woo got worried. I glanced at the clock and it was already 11p.m.

I waited until Ji Hoon put his daughter to bed. He insisted he give me a ride back home. He called his nanny to get to his house before leaving since Tae Hee had left.

 Once he had put Dayoung to sleep and the nanny had arrived, we left.

As he drove, I wanted to make something clear to him. 

"Ji Hoon...I might of confessed who I really am but it doesn't change a whole lot. I know we were engaged at one point, but that time is long gone. I am a different person with goals." 

"I know that Ha Na. I am just glad you are safe" Ji Hoon smiled at me. "5 years ago when the hospital staff told me your had dissapeared, I automatically belived the worst. I thought you were dead..." 

"I wasn't dead...however I felt like I was. When I woke up without my son...I wished nothing but that." 

"Ha Na..."

"I came back only to satify my need to revenge against Joon and you." 

"Do you still feel the need to get revenge on me?" 

I shook my head. "I do not." 

We drove quietly for a while. When we neared my house I saw Min Woo's car outside. Good...he hasn't gone out to find me...

I turned to Ji Hoon. "Do you still have the will to fight?"

"Joon killed my father. He tried to kill Leo and hurt you. He continues to attack Boosung. I have enough will to continue to want to fight" 

I nodded. 

"Then allow me to ask something of you Ji Hoon. We need to work together and be prepared for whats to come. I have a feeling Joon is going to come at us with all he's got." 

"I understand. What is it you need me to do?"
"Make me Vice President. Give me access to Boosung and together we will beat Joon and bring him to his knees. He will end up where he needed to be 5 years ago. In prison for the rest of his misreable life..





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Chapter 1: I only just found this story but I’m going to start reading now to catch up. It’s great to find there’s still fanfics with 2nd generation idols still being posted. But please keep updating~
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Chapter 127: Oh whoa I never expected him to go blind
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