Until I Met You




"How did it go?" Min Woo was still awake when I got home. He was in the living room reading a book. 

"You aren't upset that I got here late" I took off my coat and handed it to my maid. Min Woo shook his head. 

"I assumed you were fine." he said. I smiled. He was such a confident man. 

"Well...were do I begin?" I said as I sat down. "Brace yourself...this is about to get crazy" 


After I told him, Min Woo kept a calm face. "He agreed to it?" 

I nodded. "He did." 

"So you no longer harvest hate towards him?" he raised a brow. 

"I am not saying that I forgive him for what he did to me, but I am not going to focus my hatred towards Ji Hoon. He is not the enemy. At least he has turned from his ways and feels some type of guilt. Joon feels no remorse at all..." 

" have power now. That's worth something." 

"Not exactly. Being Vice President is not a least not now. Boosung is in a really bad fiancial situation. No other companies want to work with Boosung." 

"I see. So there is work that needs to be done. Well no one said revenge was easy" Min Woo said. I nodded. 

"You know...I never thanked you for coming back Min Woo-ssi" I said. Min Woo furrowed his eyebrows. 

"You don't need to thank me. I told you I was going to help get Leo back and that's what I intend to do."





I walked Ha Na to her room. 

"I'm still worried about one thing Ha Na." I said. She looked at me, worryingly. 

"Now that Lee Ji Hoon knows about your true identity...won't he--"

"No." she interruped me. "I made it clear to him that my only goal in life is to get rid of Lee Joon. There's nothing to worry about Min Woo-ssi." 

"I see." 

Once we were at the door, I said goodnight to her and started to walk away. I felt her grab my arm. Damn. Don't do this Ha Na...

"Do you need something, Ha Na?" I asked but refused to look at her.

"Why did you ask me that?" she whispered. I closed my eyes...why was she asking that? I turned to look at her. 

"Ask what?" 

"Are you worried about Ji Hoon? That I might succum to him?" 

I smiled. "You were engaged to him once before, right? I am only worried about what he might think is all." I stayed for a bit longer and when she didn't say anything else I began to walk again.

"Goodnight Ha Na"

"Stay here with me" 

My eyes widened. She blushed, hard. "I been having nightmares recently..."


Ri An was in bed resting but she wasn't asleep yet. Min Woo had agreed. He was sitting on the couch by her night stand.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep" he said plainly.  Ri An reluctantly agreed. He had grown so cold towards her.

Min Woo was reading a book. He loved to read and he would always do it back when they lived in France. Sometimes he would stay in her room reading until she fell asleep. She smiled and then she couldn't help but giggle a little.

"What's so funny Ha Na?" he asked with his eyes glued on the book. 

"Nothing Min Woo-ssi. I was just thinking about the time that you use to do this for me when we were in France" 

"You would wake up crying and screaming." 

"You've done so many things for me Min Woo-ssi. I never thanked you for any of it." 

"Thanked me.." he repeated. "I never asked you to do such a thing Ha Na. You know why I did all of that" he turned the page of his book. 

Ri An looked down. Ofcourse she knew. Min Woo was in love with her. 

"I know Min Woo-ssi" 

He glanced at Ri An and noticed she was upset. It tore him to see her like this, but he had to protected his heart. He knew that she only had eyes for Lee Joon. He didn't understand it at all but he wanted to be respectful of her and her decisions. He already felt awkward doing this for her but it was only until she fell asleep. 

After about half an hour she seemed to be asleep. He set his book down on the nightstand and was about to turn off the lamp when he stopped. It didn't matter how hard he tried to give his feelings for her up, it was useless. 

In his eyes, she looked so defensless. For a man like Lee Joon to still hold her heart was beyond him. He was a beast. He was not worthy of Ha Na's love. Even though she tried to deny it and claim that her only goal was to end him, Min Woo knew that when it came down to it, she wouldn't be able to do it. She was weak when it came down to Lee Joon.

He turned off the lamp. 

“Byunghee..” she called out in her sleep.  First it was a whisper. She began to cry. “Byunghee.!..” it was a little louder. He flicked the lamp on again. 

“Ha Na? What’s wrong?” Min Woo shook her a bit. She jolted up. Her eyes were wide opened...she looked scared. What could she be having a nightmare of? Min Woo thought.

“Min Woo!" she cried "I had a nightmare.”

"You called out for Byunghee." Min Woo sat on the bed, hesitant. "Was it really that bad, Ha Na?" 

She nodded. She clucthed the blanket close to her. 

“I’ve been having them everynight...but today was the worst."

"I wonder what could of triggered it" he said. Ri An noticed how Min Woo was trying to hold back. Before he would get on the bed with her and hug her close until she fell asleep again. This time around, all he did was sit on the bed but didn't go past that. 

"Min's okay. I think I'll be fine now." she smiled. "You can go if you wish" 

He wasn't sure if he should leave but ended up going. 



I made my way back to my room. It wasn't like me to behave like I was behaving. When it came to anything relating to Ha Na, I wanted to be there for her in every way. The fact that I knew she was having a hard time and I couldn't do anything about it made me so frustrated. 

I stopped walking and closed my eyes. I had to gather myself or I was going to end up going back to her. 

I couldn't do that. I had already decided I was going to distance myself from her. I had to be strong.

All that played in my mind was her face. Full of sorrow...sadness...




Her door wasn't all the way closed, and I could hear her.  She was crying softly.

 It broke my heart to see her like that.

“Ha Na-yah”

She jumped when she heard my voice and she wiped her tears quickly. Too late Ha Na...I already saw.

“Ha Na-yah...I thought you were okay. I really can't leave you alone now, can I?” I smirked. 

She sniffed. "Min came back"

It had been recently that she began to call me 'Min Woo-ssi'. I didn't particualrly like it. I sat on the bed and grabbed her hand. "Hmm..." I wiped tears from her cheeks. "It wasn't that long ago that you called me oppa. What happened?" 

She blushed. “Oppa” She finally said. 


“Can I ask a favor of you?”

I laughed. “Youre wish is my command. Always” 

“Even if its embarressing?” she blushed.

“Even if its embaressing.” I smiled. I couldn’t take her cuteness.

“Can you….stay with me tonight?”

I smiled even wider. I decided to a little. This was the Ha Na I remembered and loved. So innocent like a child...

“Oh my love, that is kinda embaressing”

She shot up from her bed. Her cheeks were a flaming red color.

“I’m kidding” I laughed. 

“Thats rude!” she grabbed her pillow and hit my arm with it.



Could I allow myself to be like this with her? 

Was she going to break my heart again? 




Once they settled down and both were tucked in she said, “I keep having nightmares...they don't go away" 

“Why is this the first time im hearing about this?” Min Woo raised a brow. Concerned and annoyed at the same time.

“To be honest...I thought you were mad at me up this this point. That's why I didn't tell you sooner”

“I wasn't mad. I was just trying to keep some....distance.” Min Woo said. Ri An looked at him with a confused look. He sighed. "But I can't."

"I don't ever want to loose you oppa"

Min Woo remained quiet. "You won't. I guess I am a fool after all..." 

"What do you mean?" 

He smiled and touched her cheek. "Nevermind that. I guess these nightmares of yours aren't as bad for me as they are for you" 

“Because it means that I get to be this close to you”

Ri An smacked him.

“What did I do now?!” Min Woo playfully asked.

“You don’t know what youre even taking about” she rolled her eyes.

“I might not be sure about alot of things, but when it comes to my feelings for you, it’s very real.” Min Woo smiled.


Min Woo changed the subject.

“Try and fall back to sleep.” Min Woo suggested. Ri An looked scared. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here if you wake up scared again.” he reassured her. She nodded and got comfortable. Min Woo did too. He turned to his back and put one arm behind his head. He closed his eyes. Soon enough he felt a smaller presence holding on to him. He peeked and she had cuddled up to him.

Her head was resting on his chest and her arm was wrapped around his waist. He took his free hand and put it around her.

He smiled. It felt so good to have her this close. He was scared that his heart was beating too fast that she would wake up.

He took another peek. She was sleeping soundly.

She looked so beautiful to him.

He kissed her head. “I love you so much” he whispered.






Ri An opened her eyes, to find Min Woo right next to her. She smiled. He looked so peaceful. The rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains into the room.

Min Woo was embracing her.

“Good morning Oppa” she said. He opened his eyes at the sound of her voice. He smiled.

“How did you sleep? No more nightmares?” he asked. He was still holding her.

“You know, it’s weird but….that was the best sleep ive had in months.” she laughed.

“Thats what i like to hear. I should come over more often.” he closed his eyes not in any rush to get up. 

“Min Woo oppa I need to go to work” Ri An tried to tug herself out of Min Woo’s hold.

He held her tighter. “Last night was the best night yet”

“Nonsense.” Rian tried to make things less awkward. As hard as she tried to repress it, she was blushing.

“Believe it or not, it’s true. When I look at you," he looked right into her eyes, "I still see the girl I met 5 years ago. You're entire apearence has changed but your eyes don’t change. Thats probably what Lee Joon stills sees in you too.”

Rian stayed quiet. 

“I envy the bastard. He got the best side of you…

He got all of Choi Ha Na. I only saw the broken, sad Choi Ha Na. But even it being so, I still fell in love”


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Chapter 1: I only just found this story but I’m going to start reading now to catch up. It’s great to find there’s still fanfics with 2nd generation idols still being posted. But please keep updating~
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Chapter 127: Oh whoa I never expected him to go blind
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Chapter 121: I've always been rooting for them so these heart to heart convos always scare me because I'm scared something is going to happen lol
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Chapter 118: Ahh another sibling
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Chapter 114: Hana x Joon *\^o^/*
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