Until I Met You


I wasn't going to get rid of my baby. That I was sure of. 

Joon didn't accept my decision now, but he would eventually. I tried to make myself think that he must be scared about this, so I would give him time. 

For now, I would give him his space. 


"I'm back!" I yelled as soon as I got home. I slipped my shoes off and went inside. 

"Where have you been? The food is going to get cold! Hurry up and eat!" the ahjumma set the food on the table and told me to sit of the floor. I smiled and nodded happily. 


"Mm~ this is really good ahjumma!" I said and I ate every last bit.

"You are still calling me that…" the ahjumma hit my shoulder scoldingly. "Call me grandma" 


I blushed slightly. I never had a grandma before so it was a bit weird for me.



The ahjumma smiled and looked happier. 


I smiled. 

"How is the baby doing? What did the doctor say?" grandma asked eagerly.


"He is doing well!" 


"He? I don't think you can tell what it's going to be yet" 

I laughed. "Yes I know but I am hoping it is a boy" I smiled and rubbed my flat stomach. 


Grandma laughed. "Aigoo~ what ever it is, it will be a beautiful baby. Lucky to have such a pretty omma" 


"Ani…if we are talking about looks, he is definatly going to get them from his father." 

Joon came to my mind. "Grandma…I'll introduce you to Joon soon! You'll like him! He could be a little rough around the edges, but overall he is a kind hearted person…" 


Grandma's face became sad. "Grandma…is everything okay?" 


"Ah..yes. Dear what did you say your baby's father's name was again?" grandma asked. She looked worried. 


I told her his name was Lee Joon. He was the son of a wealthy man that had died last year. I told her all about how he loved to play the piano. Grandma looked a little relived to know more about Joon. She was still skeptical of him but seeing how I was happy the whole time I was talking about him made her feel a little more at ease. 




Ji Hoon was finally let out of the hospital. He had to wear a cast on his arm. There was no way he would be going back to work for the time being. 


He couldn't cook, get dressed on his own or even play the piano. He was helpless. Ji Hoon's butler was around more than usual because of his current state. 


Ji Hoon sat next to the window just staring out in the city for hours. He was thinking about what Thunder and Dara had told him at the hospital a few days ago. 

What was Kim Yoon Jae doing at the restaurant? He couldn't remember much of it and it was driving him insane. 


The fact that Joon was at the hospital made him nervous. Joon wasn't the type to rush to the hospital for someone unless….unless it was someone important to him. 

Was Ha Na hurt?



He grunted and pulled out his phone. He couldn't be at peace until he knew exactly what was going on. 

He dialed Ha Na's number.


It rang a few times until she picked up. 

It wasn't Ha Na though. 

"Yeobuseyo?" The person that answered sounded like an old women.


"Ah~ is this Choi Ha Na's phone?" Ji Hoon asked.


"May I ask who is calling?" 

"My name is.." Ji Hoon stopped. He knew that Ha Na wouldn't want to talk to him if she knew it was him. "Lee Joon."  


"Lee Joon? Ahh! you are Ha Na's boyfriend right?" 


"Yes…how is she?" I played along. 

"She is doing great! She just went to the hospital today to get a check up…" the ahjumma sounded happy. 

So it was true. Ha Na was sick? Why did she go to the hospital?


"May I ask why she went to get a check up? Is Ha Na sick?" 


The ahjumma laughed. "Aigoo~ don't act like you don't know!"

I was confused. Act like I didn't know what exactly?


"Your baby is getting bigger and bigger everyday! When are you gonna visit Ha Na??? She misses you a lot."


The baby?

Ha Na was…pregnant!?


I shot up from my chair and completely froze. 

"Yeoboseyo??" the women said when she didn't hear me talk. I then heard Ha Na in the back. "Grandma? Who is that?"


I hung up immediately. 


I squeezed my phone and slowly dropped my arm from my ear. Ha Na…was pregnant…?


Everything made sense now. 

Joon must've been at the hospital that day because of Ha Na. 

If Joon knew that Ha Na was pregnant why was she with that ahjumma? It couldn't possibly be her real grandma….


I knew Ha Na didn't have any family left. 

Joon couldn't possibly had left her..could he? 






"Who was that grandma?" I asked casually. 

Grandma smiled and said excitedly, "Lee Joon!" 


My eyes widened. Joon had called? My heart began to beat faster and faster. I felt like crying. 




Grandma nodded and patted my back. "He called…" 


I quickly grabbed my phone from the table and dialed his number. 

He never picked up. 

I called him up to five times, and not one time did he pick up. 


"I got to go grandma…I'll be back soon" I went to my room to get my jacket and ran outside. 

I ran as fast as I could to Joon's house. I didn't know why he didn't pick up but the fact that he called gave me hope. 


It was mid afternoon so the streets were filled with people and cars. I was dumb to cross the streets just like that but I couldn't spend my entire day waiting for the lights to turn green. I needed to see Joon now. Maybe he changed his mind about the baby. 

He probably felt bad for telling me all the harsh things he did a couple of days ago in front of the hospital. 


When I reached his apartment building I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. I stopped right in front of the elevator and pushed the button nervously. When the doors opened I was relived there was no one in it. I walked in and closed the doors. 


My hands formed light fists. I bit my lip. I was nervous as hell. What if he wanted to call me to tell me he never wanted to see me again. That he didn't care if I got rid of the baby he wasn't going to come back anymore…


I shook my head. "I'm over thinking this.." 


My heart beat accelerated when the door flung open. I was here. Just a few more steps...


I was now in front of his door. I knocked on it.


Not one sound. I couldn't hear anything. Was he home?


I knocked again, harder this time.

That's when I heard foot steps. I was really nervous. My heart was beating at an unhealthy pace, my hands where sweaty and my knees where shaking. 


The door knob turned. Joon was standing right in front of me. He was wearing nothing but boxers and I noticed a few red marks on his neck and chest. 


"What are you doing here?" he said. He didn't sound mad or annoyed like he did last time I saw him. 

I tried to look inside his apartment. He blocked my view with his body.


"Can I come in?" 


"You didn't answer my question." Joon's eyes scanned my body. 

"What am I doing here? Well…you called me earlier…so I thought I'd come over.." 


Joon looked confused. "I called you?" 


Our conversation was interrupted with what sounded like a girl inside his house. "Baby…who is that?" (the girl was american so she spoke english) 


Just what was going on here? Joon had a girl over…???


"Who is that?" I tried to look over his shoulder again. I didn't have to for long because she s her hands all over his waist. 

"Joon…how long are you going to make me wait, huh?" she giggled.

Her face changed completely when she saw me. She looked annoyed. 

"Leave. We will talk later." Joon was about to close the door but stopped when he saw me shed a tear. 


Truth was, I didn't know what to say. I was sad, angry, betrayed. How could Lee Joon do this to me? When I was carrying his child inside me?


Damn you Lee Joon…

how could you be so heartless…?


"Don't.." I started. Joon waited for me to say what I was about to say. He didn't expect me to say what I was about to. "I won't get rid of my baby. I also won't come here again." I looked up at him with confidence. "I'm grateful for the times you were there for me. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry you choose to live like this. I realized that you are all along all you've done is be selfish and only think of yourself. You act like you are alone, but you aren't. You have a father that cares about you and wants a second chance, friends that were willing to be by your side no matter how badly you treated them, a brother that loved you

I wanted to stay by your side…but you can't accept me the way I am now. I can't do it…I can't end my own baby's life for you…not after...this…" I said referring to him being with another women. 

I held my tears the best I could. The pain in my chest was unbearable. I continued. "My baby won't have a father. Don't worry about him...or me. I won't burden you with this again." At this point I don't know how I kept it all together. I wanted to apologize for saying all of this to him and hug him and tell him to forgive me for even thinking like this but I didn't. "This is the last time you'll see me Lee Joon. I don't ever want to see you again. Goodbye." 


I didn't wait for him to reply and got out of there as fast as I could. 

Part of me regretted it but I know it was the right thing to do. I didn't understand Joon anymore. He was pushing everyone away. I know he was hurt but he was full of hatred. It scared me sometimes…I didn't want my baby to be around him if that's the way he chose to live. It was all for the best. 




I pulled up at Joon's house. I wanted answers. I got off my car and made my way to the apartment building when I heard soft cries coming from the stairs. I turned and I saw Ha Na crying on the steps. She was trying not to be loud. One hand was covering while she closed her eyes shut.


"Ha Na-ssi..?" I got closer to her. She stopped crying and wiped her tears before looking at me. When she saw me, her face turned into a terrified look. 

My heart was crushed. Just what in the world had I done to her? By the looks of it she and Joon had probably broken up. It was my fault she was like this. I her…the child was probably mine…

I wanted this…so then why did I feel this empty?


"Don't look at me like that Ha Na-ssi" I tried to get closer but she moved away. I sighed. 

"I'll drive you home…it's getting late." I offered her my hand but she only looked at it. 



"I'll call you later tonight." I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to see Joon and some women in the front of the building. She hugged him and kissed him. Joon kissed her back. 


That bastard…

This is why Ha Na was crying. Joon was cheating on her..?? 


Ha Na looked away as soon as she saw both of them. 

When the women left, Joon saw that I was standing there, watching. He then turned to see Ha Na sitting on the stairs hiding her face, pretending like she didn't just see him making out with his new girlfriend. 


His face showed a little remorse but quickly changed. 


I didn't say anything to him. 

Without anything to say either, he left back inside. 


My jaw tightened. Even though I wanted them to break up, this is not what I expected. I didn't want Ha Na to be this broken. I thought Joon would never give up…this is not what I expected at all.


I grabbed Ha Na's arm and pulled her up. She got tense when I touched her. I expected that from her but I wasn't going to leave her here. 


"Don't touch me.." she tried to fight me but it was just futile. Her pushes her weak and uncertain. 

"I'm taking you home." I walked her to my car. 

When she was seated I closed the door and went over to my side. As soon as I got inside I heard her say, "Please don't hurt me…" 


My heart sank. 

"Ha Na-ssi…" I wanted to apologize. I wanted to go back and take back what I did to her. I know I couldn't...

It was stupid and unnecessary. 


"I wish I could of never done what I did to you…I regret it with--" I didn't even know where to begin. "I'm sorry Ha Na-ssi.." 


Ha Na was quiet. 

"I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me one day.." 


The entire car ride was nothing but silence. When I arrived at a bus stop Ha Na told me to stop there. 

"I'll walk home…this is fine." 


"It's dark. I won't let you walk home…it's dangerous." 

"What could be more dangerous than being in the car with the man that me.." she said. It came out as a whisper but I heard it. 


"I won't hurt you. Now tell me, where is your house?" 


Ha Na remained silent. I just drove around the neighborhood. "This is nice…I didn't know you and Mir moved" 

I looked around as a drove. 


"We didn't. I don't live with Mir anymore." Ha Na said. 



"I don't want to talk about it with you." 


I nodded and kept driving. I deserved this. Ha Na had the right to be rude or not even talk to me if she chose to. 


"Just drop me off here…it's the house on the end." Ha Na pointed to a small white house. I ignored Ha Na's request and kept going until I was right in front of it. I parked my suv and unbuckled. I went to Ha Na's side and opened the door for her.  


"Thanks for the ride." Ha Na bowed. 

"Ha Na-ssi.."


Ha Na looked up at me. 

"Punish me whichever way you choose. Despise me your whole life…I deserve it. I deserve it all. I know you hate me for what I did…

But," I continued, "If you ever need anything from me…I'll give it to you. Everything I own is yours. Although it might not be equivalent to pay for my sin, just know…" 


"I don't need anything from you." 


"Ha Na dear? Is that you?" an ahjumma called out for Ha Na. She came out of her house. She looked at her and then at me. 

This must be the women I talked to on the phone. 


"Who are you?" she looked curiously at me. 

Ha Na was about to tell her who I was until I cleared my throat and interrupted. "Annyeonghasyo~ I believe you are the person I spoke to on the phone. Let me re-introduce myself, 

My name is Lee Joon. Nice to meet you." 












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Chapter 1: I only just found this story but I’m going to start reading now to catch up. It’s great to find there’s still fanfics with 2nd generation idols still being posted. But please keep updating~
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Chapter 127: Oh whoa I never expected him to go blind
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Chapter 114: Hana x Joon *\^o^/*
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Chapter 112: Omg an update