Never Been Kissed: Intro 1

YoonHyun's Story
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You know in some movies, they have a dream sequence? Only they don't tell you it's a dream?

This is so not a dream.

It wasn't suppose to be like this.

I was just trying to do my job.

And then, things happened. My life happened.

And now I'm here.


Standing in front of the crowd, hearing all the cheers and whistles. Well, not exactly as I've imagined. 


Trust me, I'm not the kind of girl who does things like this. I mean, 2 months ago, you could have pick me out of the crowd.


*A man passes by*


"Hi! Call me!"


*The man smiled and waves*



Told you, I'm over there.





I was the youngest copy editor at the SONE Times.


"Hey! Miss Seo!"


"Hello Georgia~"


*smiles sweetly*


I have my own office, Unlimitted stationery supplies, and a proffessional dedicated assistant.


"Yeah, I told you. Oh come on, it's only once a year. And take note, everyone will be there, including your crush. Hahaha-"


"Sooyoung-ssi?" But not that really professional. She's Choi Sooyoung. And every time I come to my office, I always caught her talking to her phone.


"Yeah? Oh, wait. My boss is here. Yes, Miss Seo?"


But you know why I couldn't fire her? She's just too friendly and she has never failed me with her loyalty. I have never heard her complain about my work, anyway.

I think that's because I'm just really so... generous? kind? thoughtful?Friendly  Or... just simply beautiful? What else could I actually add for? 


"Can I get my messages?" 


"Hmm... hold on. I'll search for it. " 


Yeah, she's such a professional assitant. I need to wait for a little while, as she search for it. But hey, she's good. Good at being so friendly.


"Um, It's beside your keyboard Sooyoung-ssi." I pointed to a piece of paper, interrupting her.


She quickly got it for me and handed it, as I accepted with another friendly smile. 




"Have a good day, Miss Seo."


"You too, Sooyoung-ssi." 


What I love about my job? Is that, I can always see my name; Seo Joohyun, Copy Editor of SONE Times, hanging in my door. But someday, it's going to be; Seo Joohyun, SONE Times Reporter. Hehe.


However, I always see my board hanging vertically. I just wonder why everytime I'm back at the office, it's already vertical?


Everyone in the office is just busy, so I can't really tell who always does this thing.


Well, not like I'm complaining.  I can always hang it back horizontally, anyway.





Normal POV


"Guess where am I last night?"


Seohyun was about to sit on her leather chair, when she heard her friend, another copy editor, Kim Hyoyeon.


"You went on a date?"  She smiled and sit on her chair with a teasing smile.


Hyoyeon pulled a chair next to her, and sit down excitedly.


"And guess who?"


"Alex from Seoul Journal?" Seohyun just flatly answered. 

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updated 2 chapters tonight. I hope u enjoy readers~


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Akejxn #1
Yourmomisgay #2
Chapter 21: I really like the stories you write pls don't give up on yoonhyun or writing
16 streak #3
Chapter 150: Di hari pertama Seohyun sudah buat yoona emosi wkwkw itu lucu sekali
16 streak #4
Chapter 149: Sangat menarik aku suka jalan ceritanya yang tidak neko-neko
yoonalim__ #5
Chapter 178: yes yoona you are lucky to get Seohyun's kiss but the problem here is that Seohyun objected because the kiss she dreamed of actually happened in the car hahaha.. ohya what sms did Seohyun send until Hyoyeon said Seohyun wanted to declare a role and yoona felt frustrated like that.. oh so that's the sms Seohyun was just right, Yoona didn't seem to accept it hahaha Seohyun can also joke... his jokes also scare people, tsk!! Seohyun, you don't realize that Yoona came to Seoul just to meet you, she and So Eun don't have a relationship anymore. think that yoona still chooses so eun.. wow so eun really won't be happy if the relationship continues because the person she loves doesn't even have her heart for her anymore.. it's a matter of time, because there was never time for her lover so yoona's heart quickly turned away to the person who can always make her happy.. krystal you are too curious but don't worry, teacher lm will chase Seohyun now it's Yoona's turn to fight for Seohyun hehe!! calm down yoon even though Seohyun is no longer a student in Gwangju at least she will be yours because her age is not much different from you hehehe.. it's great that you use handcuffs eh so Seohyun doesn't run away hehe but that's cool.. aww how sweet yoona is to Seohyun they will did their first date but with their hands in handcuffs.. kyaaa for the third time they kissed this time they both kissed each other even though it just stuck accidentally haha ​​and again yoona was hit by a hit from Seohyun.. yoona here is lucky, huh got a kiss from so eun and also a kiss from Seohyun wkwkwkwk yoona is very lucky hahaha
yoonalim__ #6
Chapter 177: already explained who the thief was haha ​​of course Seohyun wkwkwk.. how did her friends not run away, Seohyun just appeared like a ghost hahaha.. what's aabar Seohyun, yoona now chooses you why so Eun has let go of Yoona now.. Seohyun's first kiss was not in the car he wanted hahaha but unfortunately it was yoona who took Seohyun's first kiss.. jinwoon and hyoyeon now got a big problem and yes who do you think Seohyun will punch haha.. even though yoona's intention was to propose to Seohyun eh instead yoona got a surprise punch from Seohyun hahaha laugh
yoonalim__ #7
Chapter 176: yoona finally realized her feelings that she still loves Seohyun and her heart is full of Seohyun's name is no longer So Eun!! and who is hurting the most now is Seohyun!! Yoona can't choose it!! and yes yoona wants both of them isn't that selfish!! and in the end Seohyun gave up on getting yoona even though she got yoona's love but how else can yoona not choose her!! Why is it so sad to read it, especially when Seohyun wants to unite the lovers.. So Eun finally let go of Yoona and told Yoona to go after her love, which was going to Seoul. the best because if they continue their relationship it will not be the same anymore especially Yoona's heart is not for her anymore.
yoonalim__ #8
Chapter 175: tskck so Soeun did that on purpose to Seohyun how come she's so cruel this Soeun.. so Eun also saw Yoona's changes, hehe, how else can the girl you hurt earlier is the girl who is already in Yoona's heart now.. when she has a boyfriend, Yoona is still there the time to think about Seohyun that's how worried yoona is about Seohyun.. you are wrong so eun if yoona has to forget her feelings for Seohyun because her feelings for Seohyun are bigger now.. aww at least there was a sweet moment yoonhyun earlier and so eun saw it clearly that they both still love each other especially yoona hehe.. who doesn't feel hurt being accused like that.. Seohyun certainly feels bad especially being accused like that from So Eun.. well so Eun, yoona is still yours. Seohyun's goal is clear, just wants to apologize, it's not stealing yoona from you.. tsk tsk annoyed with So Eun's character here.. not only forgive you Seohyun but Yoona also wants to have you.. as a boyfriend It must be sad when you find out that your lover is having an affair, who doesn't hurt to know and Yoona here still thinks I'm guilty huh.. how about now! Seohyun pu is also here injured and again 3 hearts are broken here.. so who is to blame in this story? I think it's the author who should be blamed because those of us who are reading are emotional right now hehe joked Thor-nim.
yoonalim__ #9
Chapter 174: this is the second time Seohyun kissed Yoona's cheek! Yoona secretly likes that kiss hahaha!! It's also known that you, Yoona, miss Seohyun, yes, if the ego is higher, wow!! tsk tsk who's trying to breathe in Seohyun's body scent now eh tsk tsk yoona still denies that she misses Seohyun so much that she even bought Seohyun popsicles too heheh. to you, fighting Seohyun we are here to support hahaha!!! Seohyun's jealousy is cute hahahaha!!! struggling Seohyun hahaha it's very funny, Seohyun took the opportunity to massage yoona when soeun wasn't there hahaha my stomach hurts after reading it.. the third attempt failed again hahaha.. wow what will Soeun do to Seohyun later.. yoona said that there might be the worst possibility Yes, maybe!
yoonalim__ #10
Chapter 173: In the eyes of the public, it will be considered wrong for snatching someone's girlfriend or you can say pelakor (taking someone's boyfriend) hehe! but hey who started here is yoona she was the one who confessed her feelings to Seohyun so it wasn't Seohyun's fault completely if she fell in love with yoona.. wow Seohyun now got yoona's new number hehe.. and finally Seohyun will go to Jeju to meet yoona wow.. already it's clear yoon that you only want Seohyun now not soeun.. and you hope that Seohyun is the one who hugs you tsk tsk.. as long as you know that your boyfriend's Soeun has changed now that his heart is gone you are actually still there but maybe only 30% of the rest is owned by Seohyun So you can say that Yoona seems to have changed now.. Yoona here is really pretentious, in fact she was very happy to be called by Seohyun, her enthusiasm was multiplied, hahaha.. What's in that flash drive? It's clear that Yoona has completely changed from her feelings that really love Soeun now that she is no longer there because her heart is already filled with Seohyun.. wow their second meeting after a week! and here it seems that Seohyun is more daring to show herself as an adult now, let alone dared to kiss yoona on the cheek first hehe tsk tsk, look at those who still hate Seohyun but their cheeks are already red when kissing Seohyun aigoo yoona don't dodge again if you still love hahaha