Chapter 54


19:55. I examined myself in the mirror. I wore a black dress with a little cleavage. The dress ended slightly above my knee. It also had small patterns on it. My hair was curled lightly and I had light makeup on. I completed the look with a small bag and high heels. I was satisfied with my appearance. I hope he will like it..

The doorbell rang, signaling a visitor. I glanced at the time - 19:58. He is punctual. I smiled.

"Hey.." I heard Yongguk's voice from the living room. My heart started to beat a little faster. Why am I like this before even seeing him?

"Don't tell Himchan I said that, but you look handsome." Sey said.

"Thanks." Yongguk answered shyly. I decided to go to the living room to avoid further embarrassment for the both of them and before they'll start talking about me. Who knows what they might say..

"Oppa.." I called him when I went outside. He turned his gaze to me, surprised. His mouth was hanging slightly open, and he just kept staring at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"Close your mouth, you don't want flies to go in there.." Sey teased Yongguk.

"Oh, right.." Yongguk mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, not looking at me.

"Is it that bad?" I asked. Why is he not saying anything?

"No, no! You are just beautiful. Too beautiful."

"Am I over-dressed?" I hesitated, moving my fingers nervously. It will be bad if I have to change now, especially because I don't know where we are heading.

"No. It's perfect. You are perfect." he smiled his gummy smile. I blushed like a tomato.

"Give me a break.." Sumi muttered from the kitchen. I didn't know she was here.. She went out of the kitchen and made her way to the living room.

"You are disgusting." Sey stated and made a disgusted face. "You are making everyone around you get diabetes."

"Way to ruin the moment.." I muttered, glaring at her.

"Bring her back by midnight, she is turning into a pumpkin afterwards." Sey said to Yongguk, ignoring me.

"More like returning to the ugly person she is in reality." Sumi muttered from her seat on the couch.

"Come here, Cinderella. We have things to do." Yongguk smiled and streatched his hand for me. I took it, smiling, and we left my dorm.


"Here." Yongguk gave me a red rose. I wonder where he kept it, since I didn't notice it earlier.

"Thank you." I blushed, staring at the rose so I won't have to face him.

"Do you like it?" he asked, unsure because I didn't look at him.

"Of course! I love it!" I smiled, finally looking at him.

"I'll bring you flowers more often if you like it." Yongguk smiled happily.

"You don't have to.." I said quietly. I'm really fine with just being with him, I don't need material things in order to be happy.

"I want to." I blushed. I finally examined him. He was wearing a gray suit and it looked really good on him. He is always handsome to me, but he was more handsome than usual right now. I bit my lower lip.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Yongguk asked. I guess I was staring at him for too long. Oops..

"You are handsome." I stated.

"Thanks." he answered shyly. "Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded.

"Where are we going?"

"Surprise." he smiled.




"What is this?" I asked while staring at the building in front of us. It looked like some kind of museum.

"I have a photographer friend and this is the opening of his exhibition. Will you please be my date?"

"Gladly." I smiled. "You could have just told me earlier.."

"But it wouldn't be a surprise like that. It's ruining all the fun." He smiled. "Besides, it's only our first stop."

"There is more?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes." he confirmed. My heart was almost jumping out of my chest. It's so sweet of him to plan this.

"Let's go inside." Yongguk said and grabbed my hand, leading me inside the building.

"Let's take a picture." Yongguk said and pointed at a photographer who was standing at the enterance, taking pictures of the guests.

"Media.." I said quietly, not moving from my place.

"Come on, we are just normal guests. Even if he is a reporter, he is probbaly not a gossip one since it's a photo exhibition. Most of the people don't care about this kind of events."

"Every reporter will sell gossip if he have a scoop. You can't trust that. Besides, your fans will probably find out anyway since they are playing detectives on a daily basis."

"In that case my fans will find out with or without this picture. Stop worrying too much, we will take care of everything when the time comes. Just act normal and have fun for the time being." he said and pulled me towards the photographer. We stood next to each other, smiling.

"Oh, look what we have here." the photographer smiled. My heart skipped a beat. I hope he didn't recognize us. "I haven't seen such a pretty lady in a long time." he smiled while looking at me.

"Thanks.." I said shyly. Looks like he didn't recognize Yongguk.. Maybe he was right.

"Are you to dating? You look close."

"No." I said before Yongguk could answer. Better safe than sorry..

"Alright, so smile and stand a little closer to each other." The photographer said, and we did just that. Yongguk casually wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thank you." the photographer smiled after taking the picture and we moved on, into the exhibition.

"That was close.." I said while we were examining the first picture.

"Relax." he squeezed my hand reassuringly. "If anything happens, I'm here."

"Thank you." I smiled.


We looked around the different rooms, examining the photos. All the photos were pretty. His friend is talented.

"Bbang!" A manly voice called. We turned around and I saw a man that looked about Yongguk's age, dressed in a suit as well. In fact, everyone here were dressed fancily.

"Hyung!" Yongguk smiled happily and patted the older male back.

"And who is she?" The man asked, looking at me. I blushed.

"Hyeri, nice to meet you." I offered him my hand for a handshake. Instead of a handshske, he kissed the back of my hand.

"Tae Joon." the male presented himself. "It's my pleasure." he smiled.

"Is she the girl you told me about?" Tae Joon asked Yongguk, and he blushed. Quite a rare sight..

"Yes." Yongguk said shyly.

"She is prettier than I thought." Tae Joon said, ignoring my presence. I blushed. "And she is also cuter." he turned to look at me, causing me to blush harder. I clutched Yongguk's arm.

"Tae Joon oppa!" A female came over to us, clinging onto Tae Joon's arm. She was beautiful.

"Sorry, guys, I have other people to attend to." he smiled. "It was really nice meeting you."

"You too. You are talented." I smiled.

"I'll see you later." Tae Joon told Yongguk and they hugged. Afterwards he went with the girl.

"Intersting friend.." I said while still holding onto Yongguk's arm.

"Yes, he really is something." Yongguk said and we walked towards another photo. It was a sunrise photo taken from the top of a mountain. It looked amazing.

"What did you told him about me?" I asked while we were admiring the photo in front of us.

"Nothing, just that there is an annoying girl that keeps hitting on me all the time.." he said without looking at me.

"Oppa!" I hit his arm lightly.

"Babe, we are in public. You should really stop hitting me around people." he said while looking at me. He wasn't mad or scolding or anything, it was more in a teaching way.

"Right." I blushed and removed my hands from his arm.

"I was just joking.." he laced our hands together. "I'm getting used to it and it wasn't that strong."

"Sorry.." I lowered my gaze.

"Nothing to be sorry about." he kissed the top of my head. "Now smile." he pulled my cheeks so my mouth formed into a smile.

We moved forward and we saw a picture of two kids playing. I watched Yongguk smile brightly. Such a daddy material.. I squeezed his hand.

"How many kids do you want?" he asked while looking at the photo.

"Hmm.. I don't know. I haven't really thought about it yet." I said, a little embarrassed.

"Right, you are too young." I frowned. I hate people looking down on me because of my age.

"I want three or four." I stated. What about you?"

"A hunderd." he said casually.

"Are you crazy? What are you taking your future wife for? She is not a baby making machine.. How do you even take care of so many kids?"

"Take it easy.. I was just joking." he poked my forehead. "It's true I want a lot of kids, the more the merrier, but I have to be reasonable. So maybe five or six? We can adopt some, so it won't be a burden on my partner."

"We?" I questioned.

"Me and my future wife. Did you think I was talking about you?" he stared at me, smirking.

"No, of course not! We probably won't get married anyway.." I was flustered. That idiot!

"Your'e cute." Yongguk stated, smiling. "How do you know we won't get married someday?"

"Let's go." I dragged him towards the next photo, ignoring his question. The truth his that my stomach was turning upside down with excitment because of this conversation. It's not that I'm thinking of getting married soon, it's just that it would be nice if we could get married someday in the future. A part of me wants to stay with him forever. It's weird since we don't know each other that well yet, but somehow it just feels right.




When the exhibition ended we went to a restaurant. It looked quite fancy..

We sat in an isolated table. A nice waiter came and offered us menus. I scanned mine, and my eyes widened in shock when I saw the prices.

"What's wrong?" Yongguk asked when he noticed my discomfort, lifting his eyes from the menu he was holding.

"It's.. Expensive." I said quietly.

"Eat whatever you want, It's my treat." Yongguk smiled warmly.

"No. Let's pay half each." I offered. Yongguk sighed.

"Let me spoil you for once. I just wanted you to have a memorable date.."

"It's memorable either way because I'm with you." I mumbled.

"Babe.." he held my hand. "Let me do this for once? please? We don't go out much, I just wanted to make it special.." I was thinking about what he said. "Besides, we are already dressed fancily.." he tried to joke.

"I'm paying for the next date." I stated.

"Fine, you stubborn person." Yongguk sighed.

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly.

"Choose what you want to eat." Yongguk smiled as well, and went back to look at his menu. I did the same. All the food looked delicious.

"Ready to order?" The waiter came asking.

"Ready?" Yongguk asked me and I nodded.

"Steak." I said.

"Make it twice." Yongguk smiled. "And a bottle of wine, please."

"No problem." The waiter smiled and walked away to place our order.

After a while the waiter came back with our food. It smelled amazing. The waiter opened the wine bottle and filled our glasses.

"Let's make a toast." Yongguk said. I lifted my glass.

"For?" I asked.

"For our first date." he smiled.

"For our first date."




"You still didn't answer me." Yongguk said while we were eating.

"What was the question?" I asked, confused. We didn't talk about anything special and I answered everything he asked me..

"How do you know we won't get married someday?" he repeated the question from the exhibition. I started to blush. Why does he have such a good memory?

"I don't." I took a sip from my drink. "I have no idea what will happen in the future, but either way I don't think I'll get married before I'm 30."

"Why?" he asked, curious.

"Because I can barely take care of myself right now, so I can't take care of other people. I don't want to start a family knowing I can't give them what they need."

"You can always marry a rich husband." he joked.

"That's not funny." I pouted.


I took another bite from my food. It was delicious.

"Your'e so mature to your age." Yongguk smiled, staring fondly at me.

"Thanks." I blushed. "What about you?"


"What age do you want to get marry at?"

"I don't know.. When it comes." Yongguk shrugged.

"I'm surprised you don't have a deep answer for this question." I smiled.

"Not everything has to be deep." he took another bite from his steak.

"Did you seriously just said that?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. What's the problem?" he asked confused.

"You are changing." I smiled.

"It's your fault." he teased.

"Just eat quietly."


When we finished the meal we went for a walk near the han river. It was starting to get cold, so Yongguk gave me his jacket. It smelled like him, and I like it. His scent is intoxicating.

"I like it here." I said while staring at the water.

"Then we will come here often." Yongguk said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Do you think we could have more outdoor dates?" I looked at him. "I don't mean on a daily basis or anything, just sometimes.. I know we should probably stay at the company, but it can be suffocating at times."

"I can't promise you anything, but I'll try." he moved a strand of hair from my eyes.

"Thank you."

"Stop thanking me all the time. I'm doing it because I want to, so you don't have to thank me."

"Sorry.." I looked down.

"And that too. Stop apologizing for everything."

"Sor.." I started apologizing again, but he cut me off with a kiss.

"Finally you are not talking." Yongguk smiled when we seperated. "Everytime you thank me or apologize when you don't have to I'm going to do this."

"It can have the opposite effect."

"Fine with me." the gummy smile came back. I smiled genuinly.




"Last stop.." Yongguk said when we were back in front of my door.

"I had fun." I said.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Thank.." I started talking. Once again, I got cut off with a kiss.

"I warned you." Yongguk smiled mischiveously.

"Go back safely, oopa."

"That's it?" he asked, pretending to be offended.

"Yes?" I hesitated. What does he want?

"What about good night, oppa.. Dream of me, oppa.. I like you, oppa.. I'm going to miss you a lot, oppa..?" I rolled my eyes.

"Then imagine I just said all of this things." I offered, and he pouted. Such a kid..

"Good night, oppa. I had an amzing night, it was the best first date I could ask for." I said and pecked his lips. He turned it into a french kiss.

"That's better." he smiled. "Good night, princess. I had a lot of fun tonight."




Author's Note:


Sorry it took me a little longer, I had some things to finish for school and I had a small writing block.


This chapter came out weirder than I thought.. Hope you'll still like it.

At least Hyeri got a good first date :)


Finally, the next chapters are more about the girls and their debut. It's about time..


As always, thanks for reading, writing and subscribing! <3



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Anfia976 #1
How are you? We miss you
Anfia976 #2
How are you? We miss you
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 156: Wow, I was blaming both of them at 1st, as things could’ve been handled so much better on both sides. I loved how Himchan & Sey reasoned with both of them, but Hyeri crossed a line once Yongguk apologized. I didn’t feel she necessarily deserved it, but I knew they both needed it.... sure the way he apologized, did seem like a back handed apology, as her kissing technique could’ve been discussed privately. But Hyeri towards Himchan, she needs to make this better, and of course, he hit below the belt, but she had consistently hit below the belt prior & then to hit him!!! I’m not sure how this is going to turn out, thank you for updating!!
infinitecuties #4
Chapter 156: I still one hundred percent believe that this entire situation is one in which Hyeri is very much at fault. I don’t think Yongguk is in a position where Hyeri requires an apology and I don’t think Hyeri even DESERVES an apology. She completely blew a small and minor incident out of proportion.

I do believe that Himchan went slightly too far with the comment he made however Hyeri shouldn’t have been as horrible to him as she was.
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 155: Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!! I was BEYOND happy to see the update, wow so much happened, where to begin? I see Hyeri & Himchan are still at each other’s throats, I do wish they could get along, and that Hyeri would see the validity in what Himchan said, but no matter what, I think time stopped when Yongguk said Sumi was a better kisser. I felt bad, that super slam, even if honest, that was the time to lie. Especially knowing Hyeri... I was shocked she would kiss him after that was said, and kept thinking why does kissing Yongguk keep coming up, even after he said she wasn’t as good of a kisser. .... sighs, once again, he’s storming out and even with his stupid honestly, I can’t say I blame him. Thank you so much for coming back & for updating,
infinitecuties #6
Chapter 155: WOOP WOOP!! MY FAVE FANFIC IS BACK!!! And OMG this is spicy as hell. I just wish Hyeri would stop being a drama queen and finally realise that she needs to get some help and that Yongguk loves her.
Anfia976 #7
Hello how are you? Happy new year ?? Authornim we miss you and the story ? Hope you are fine bye
infinitecuties #8
Chapter 153: Chapter 152: I miss this :,) it was legit the only reason I kept on checking this website
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 153: Thank you for updating despite your busy schedule. I truly hope that Hyeri is ok! She let a lot of things off her chest the night before, and while I do wish she would've thought of the impact her leaving like that would have, I hope they catch her in time before she does something that would change all of their lives. Regarding the comment I just read, there's a difference between constructive criticism & just plain being rude. While it's true, being factual or doing some research on weightier subjects is a good rule of thumb, most of us are adults that don't use fanfics as our barometer of social issues. Assuming what someone's language is, was completely unnecessary to state. You don't have to read the story, if you're a writer, you should understand what it takes to create, upload & continue a story remembering details from previous chapters...etc. If you're not a writer, perhaps you should put yourself in the author's shoes before you begin.
Chapter 153: I look forward to the next update!