Chapter 136


"You seem happy." Sey stated when we entered our apartment.

"I am." I smiled dreamily. "But there is one thing bothering me.."

"What is it?" she scowled.

"He stole my bra!" I pouted. Sey started to laugh.

"Does it mean you finally made a progress?"

"Kind of.." I admitted shyly.

"I can't believe it!" she hugged me, excited. "Was Yongguk happy? What did you do?"

"Can I breathe?" I asked, trying to release her tight grip around me.

"Tell me everything! I want details!" she exclaimed.

"He stole my bra."

"I got it the first time you said that." she said. "At least your bra is still in one piece. Himchan just tears them to pieces. Do you know how much money I spend on buying new ones because of him?" she pouted.

"I don't want to know that!" I exclaimed, making a disgusted face. "Please keep your life to yourself."

"Just wait. You'll keep asking me questions soon." she smirked.

"Sey.." I said quietly.


"What is an ?" I asked in an inaudible voice. If we are already talking about it I might just ask her what I want to know, but it's so embarrassing.

"Did Yongguk told you he has that?" she asked, her face lit up.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I heard it in a movie." I lied because I was too embarrassed to tell her the truth. It's too embarrassing as it is.

"What kind of movie?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She sensed I was lying.

"I don't remember the name of it." I said innocently. "Can you please answer my question now?"

"Alright. Come over here." she sat near the kitchen table and patted the empty chair next to her, signaling me to sit down. I obeyed, looking curiously at her.

"What do you actually know about ?" she asked.

"N.. No.. Nothing.." I stuttered, embarrassed.

"Okay." she smiled. "So, for dummies like you, it just mean that the guy likes your ."

"And that's it?"

"And when you get to business it can also affect that, but it depends on the guy."


"You never had the talk with anyone, right?" she asked. I shook my head, embarrassed. My parents didn't really care, school didn't teach that and I never dated anyone so I didn't have the need to explore the subject.

"Alright." she sighed. "Do you want to do that now?"

"No, you ert." I teased.

"Yah! You were the one asking!" she exclaimed.



"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. That's what friends are for." she poked my forehead.



"Yongguk told me you have some weird es." I teased and her face were getting red as a tomato. I smirked. It's not fair when I'm the only one that is embarrassed, and it's quite rare seeing Sey embarrassed since she is open about these things, unlike me.

"Tell your boyfriend to mind his own business!" she exclaimed. "He doesn't know anything."

"What do you like to do?" I asked.

"You are too innocent for that."

"Fine. I don't want to have nightmares because of you anyway." I teased.

"At least I'm actually doing something. Your boyfriend is going to have nightmares from not getting anything. He might forget how to use it until you'll actually sleep with him.." she retorted and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go to sleep, we need to get up soon."




Yongguk went back to his dorm with Himchan. He placed his bounty in his closet before going to bed, smirking. It was a good night indeed.

Himchan didn't miss it. "Second base?" the younger male asked, smirking.

"Not your business." Yongguk muttered, closing the closet's door and getting into bed.

"You know, her bra just screams Hyeri. There is no way Sey will wear such a cute lingerie." Himchan commented.

"I don't need Hyeri to wear y lingerie. She is perfect as she is."

"Did you have fun?" Himchan changed the subject. From the look on his face, he was starting to have erted thoughts and Yongguk didn't like it.

"Himchan, go to sleep."

"Was my guess correct?"

"What guess?" Yongguk's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"About her bra size." Himchan smirked.

"Good night, Himchan." Yongguk turned around, his back facing Himchan.

"I'm happy you finally made a progress." Himchan said. "Good night."




Three hours of sleep. That's what I managed to get before waking up for ISAC. It was four in the morning and it was way too early to get up. I groaned and turned my alarm clock off. I looked at the other girls. They were sleeping soundly and I sighed, knowing I'll have trouble waking them up. I got out of bed and started waking them up one by one. Sey was the easiest to wake up. Yujin turned around a few times but eventually got out of bed. Eun Hee was refusing to get up, but when Sey raised her voice she got out of bed as well. The only person left was the hardest person to wake up - Sumi.

"Sumi, get up." I said, nudging her arm lightly.

" you." she muttered and turned around, her back facing me.

"Sumi.. We have schedules." I tried again.

"I don't care. Leave me alone."

"Get up, you skunk." Sey yelled from her spot.

"I'm not getting up because you cursed. Get scolded as far as I care. I'm staying in bed." Sumi threatened. Why does she have to be this annoying? She should be happy we have schedules since it means more screen time for her.

"Yah, you little.." Sey started to get mad.

"Sey, stop it." I stopped her before things will get worse.

"Why are you letting her do this? You are too nice. You need to put her in place." Sey exclaimed.

"Can you shut up? I'm trying to sleep!" Sumi complained, covering her face with her pillow in an attempt to block the noise.

"Sumi, please get up." I asked nicely, ignoring Sey. Sumi removed the pillow from her face, smirking.

"Apologize for your idiot friend." Sumi asked.

"Fine. I'm sorry Sey cursed you." I apologized.

"On your knees."

"Piece of ." Sey cursed. "Who do you think you are?"

"Sey, leave her." I groaned.

"Kneel down until I'll tell you to get up." Sumi ordered.

"Jinu will be here in ten minutes." Yujin called from the living room and I started to panick. I'm not ready yet. I didn't even brush my teeth because I was trying to wake the girls up and I need to convince Sumi to get out of bed, which doesn't look like it will happen soon.

"Let Jinu handle her. You tried your best." Sey told me.

"But.." I mumbled.

"If you are not going to kneel down I'm going to raise the price." Sumi stated.

"Would you stop acting like a princess? You are just a commoner. And a pretty ugly one." Sey groaned, glaring furiously at Sumi.

"Fine." Sumi sighed and got out of her bed.

"We are not over yet, fake princess." Sumi turned to me, smiling in a fake cuteness.

"Such a ." Sey muttered when Sumi was out of sight.

"Don't start fights with her." I told Sey.

"Why are you letting her order you around?"

"Because I don't want to get into a fight with her. I don't have the energy to do that."

"You are too kind."

"That's not going to change." I said and headed towards the bathroom, finally starting to get ready for the day.




"Good morning." we greeted Jinu when we entered the van. We were dressed in our sports clothes for the day. The clothes were in a dark blue color without any print or text, but it looked pretty. Jinu told us earlier that we are going to be in the same group with B.A.P, meaning they will be wearing the same kind of clothes. That's a relief that we are in the same group. Also, it might be the closest thing to couple clothes if you ignore the fact that too many other people are going to wear identical outfits..

"Good morning, girls." Jinu smiled warmly. "Ready to go?"

"No. We're tired." Sumi complained.

"Sleep on the way." he said and started the engine.

I fell asleep the moment I rested my head on the headrest, and I think it was the same for the other girls as well. When we reached the stadium Jinu stopped the van and woke us up.

"So tired.." Sey yawned while stretching her limbs.

"Where are the boys?" Yujin asked and looked outside the window, trying to search for their van.

"They should be here soon." Jinu answered.

"Let's get out of the car. There are probably reporters outside, we should greet them." I said and got out first, setting an example. The girls followed.

I was right since there were indeed reporters waiting for us. We greeted them and posed for the cameras.

"Girls!" I heard Himchan's voice. I looked at his direction and B.A.P was there, wearing sports clothes in the same color as ours.

"Good morning." I greeted, smiling. My gaze moved to Yongguk, who was looking at me, grinning.

"Good morning." the boys said in unison.

"You are pretty energetic today." Sey commented after examining them.

"No.. We just know how to hide it." Daehyun said and we chuckled.

"Let's go inside, they will probably start soon." B.A.P's manager said and we followed him quietly.

He led us to two dressing rooms located next to each other. One was for us and the other one was for B.A.P.

"We will see you soon, girls." Youngjae said and entered their dressing room, not before his eyes lingered on Eun Hee. She noticed it and moved uncomfortably in her place.

"Bye, girls." the other boys greeted and and followed Youngjae. Yongguk was the only one left behind, and I was happy because I wanted to talk to him.

"Are you coming?" Yujin asked when she noticed I'm not following the girls to our room.

"In a bit." I smiled and she finally noticed Yongguk waiting.

"Don't do anything stupid." she winked and ran to the room before I could scold her.

"Be careful of reporters. They might be lurking inside as well." Jinu adviced.

"Yes, oppa."

"Thanks." Yongguk said and Jinu entered the girls' dressing room, leaving me with Yongguk in the now empty hallway.

"Good morning." I smiled shyly. I suddenly felt embarrassed around him, maybe because of last night.

"Good morning." he said and got closer to me. Now there was only a few millimeters separating us, making my heart beat fster.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Good. What about you?" I scanned his face. He looked tired, probably from the lack of sleep. Since we got back to our dorm at the same time, he probably didn't have more than three of four hours of sleep either.

"I slept well. But I'm feeling better after seeing you." he pinched my cheeks and I blushed.

"Oppa.. Can I talk to the boys?" I asked.

"Of course." Yongguk smiled. "But there is a condition."

"What condition?"

"I want a good morning kiss first." he said and my cheeks heat up.

"There might be reporters here, like Jinu said.."

"Fine." he sighed. He was slightly disappointed, but he knew I was right.

"After you." Yongguk cleared the way for me to enter the boys' dressing room.

 "Good morning, oppa." I tiptoed and pecked his lips quickly. I rushed to the boys' room, trying to hide my embarrassment. Yongguk chuckled, his gummy smile decorating his face.

I knocked on the door, waiting for permission to go inside.

"Come in." I recognized Zelo's voice. I opened the door and entered the room. B.A.P was there with their manager and a few staff members from the company.

"Kiddoh, what are you doing here?" Himchan asked.

"I wanted to talk."

"Don't lie. You just wanted to see us shirtless, didn't you?" he teased.

"Himchan, who in their right mind will want to see you shirtless? I don't want to go blind." I retorted and the boys started laughing.

"Just so you'll know, I'm quite popular with girls." Himchan tried to repair his damaged pride.

"And how many of them are your fans?" I teased.

"Hyung, she is sharp." Youngjae commented. "You should give up."

"Does your boyfriend know you tried to look at other guys that are not fully dressed?" Himchan asked when he noticed Yongguk sneaked into the room quietly. My face paled. Yongguk won't think I'm cheating on him, right? Especially not with one of the boys..

"Of course I know." Yongguk said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I relaxed. "She can look as much as she want, she will always come back to me."

"Amazing!" Daehyun exclaimed.

"Hyung, you lost. Just give up already." Jongup added, looking at Himchan.

"Just shut up." Himchan muttered, slightly annoyed. "Hyeri, what do you want?"

"I.." I released myself from Yongguk's grip and approached the other boys. "I want to apologize."

"For existing?" Himchan teased.

"For not killing you when I had the chance." I retorted.

"Hyeri.." Yongguk said and I got his intention. In this case, using my real name means I went overboard and that I should stop bickering with Himchan.

"Sorry.." I apologized quickly. "I want to apologize for making you worry and for delaying your comeback. You didn't have to do that."

"We wanted to." Zelo said.

"Right. Even the idiot over here.." Deahyun pointed at Himchan, "Wanted to do that."

"Thank you. I appreciate it, but I feel bad."

"Don't be." Jongup said, smiling. "All of us wanted to do that and we knew what the cosequences will be. The CEO is being unfair."

"Hyeri, don't blame yourself for that. He won't delay our comeback for long." Youngjae said, trying to cheer me up as well.

"See? I told you they wanted to do that. It wasn't my idea." Yongguk said, standing next to me.

"Thank you."

"If you are thankful, just stay healthy and don't cause troubles." Himchan said and I smiled. Even if he teases me a lot, he has a soft and caring heart inside.

"I'll try."

"Hyeri, I think you should go back to your room, they are going to start filming soon." B.A.P's manager said.

"Okay, oppa." I said and bowed. "I'll see you later, guys." I waved shyly and got back to the girls.




"You need to gather in the hallway, they are splitting you to groups." Jinu said after a while.

"Yes, oppa."

We stood in the hallway with other idols. There were a lot of them. A staff member started reading the groups in each team and a few other staff members gave nametags to the idols that their name was read. We waited patiently until our name was called. It took a while since we were the last group. We were in team G, along with B.A.P, U-KISS, Mamamoo and Brave Girls.

"Hyeri!" Hwasa called happily.

"Hey, girls." I greeted the quartet. It has been a while since we met and I'm always happy to see them. It's good we can meet at events like this.

"How is everything going?" Moonbyul asked.

"Great." I smiled.

"It's really nice seeing you again." Solar said.

"Thanks. I'm happy to see you as well."

"The opening ceremony is about to start." the producer announced and we stood in place, waiting for our turn.

When we entered the stadium I noticed there were a lot of fans there, cheering for different groups. I always saw this on TV, but it's more amazing seeing it live and having fans cheering for me. I never thought it would happen.

"Close your mouth, it makes you look uglier than you already are." I heard Himchan next to me. I immediately closed my mouth. I didn't even realize I opened it from the surprise.

"Thanks.." I mumbled.

"No problem." he smiled. "You don't want the camera to capture you like that, right?"


"Have fun today, it's your first ISAC." he ruffled my hair and kept walking forward and stood next to Daehyun.




"Eun Hee.." Youngjae tried to get the female's attention.

"Youngjae, please don't bother me." she said dryly and kept walking, leaving him behind.

"Hyung.. Why is she mad at you?" Zelo asked curiously, resting his arm on Youngjae's shoulder.

"I just messed up."

"So she has a reason to be mad?"

"Yes." Youngjae admitted, feeling his heart sinking.

"Then just try harder." Zelo patted Youngjae's shoulder before walking to Jongup.




After all the teams entered the stadium and the hosts spoke, several athletes went on stage to say the athletes' oath. Zico was one of them and I frowned. I can't believe I have to see him today.. There is no way he will leave me alone. I just hope there won't be any trouble with Yongguk..

"Is everything okay?" I heard Yongguk next to me. I was focused on Zico so I didn't notice he approached me.

"Zico.." I mumbled.

"Don't worry. I'm here." he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Promise me you won't get in trouble because of him."

"I promise."

I turned my attention back to the stage and the ongoing opening ceremony. I also released my hand from Yongguk's because I was scared someone will see us. There are fans everywhere and there are also other idols and cameras here so getting caught is just a matter of time if we'll keep holding hands.

When Zico and the others finished their part there was a performance and we waited patiently. When everything was over we had a break while they were setting the area for the first competition. In the meantime me and the girls greeted our fans. There were about twenty of them, most of them familiar faces by now. I actually like the fact that I know them by their name and other details, it feels closer. I want to treat them like friends and not like idol and a fan and break the distance a bit. Not too much, of course, because that can be dangerous, but I don't want them to feel that I'm unreachable. I'm human just like them, not a star in the sky.

After talking to the fans for a while I decided to do some stretching and warm-up. I wasn't participating in other events besides the rhythmic gymnastics, but I felt like I need to move my limbs a bit. A little stretching is always good. Other idols did the same, so I wasn't the only one doing warm-up. I noticed that the other girls were talking to other idols or resting and I smiled. It's good to mingle.

I bent down in order to stretch my body when I felt someone standing next to me. I looked to the side and saw Zico. I frowned.

"You can at least pretend you are happy to see me." he said when he noticed my expression.

"I can't pretend." I turned around but he followed me.

"Smile." he pinched my cheeks, pulling it upwards and forming a smile. "You don't want our fans and the cameras to see you are frowning at me, right?"

"Bastard." I cursed through gritted teeth. He has a point and I hate it. It's obvious he is using it against me.

"You are cute like that." he commented, an annoying smirk decorating his face.

"There are people watching." I used the same tactic as him and he finally released me. I guess it can work both ways.. He probably doesn't want to have dating rumors with me.




"Yongguk.." Himchan called.


"Look over there, discreetly." Himchan said and gestured the place where Zico was talking to Hyeri. Zico was currently pinching Hyeri's cheeks and she didn't seem to enjoy it. Yongguk clenched his fists.

"Don't cause a scene." Himchan said. "Trust Hyeri to take care of herself. Getting involved in this means to tell everyone you are dating."

"You are right." Yongguk sighed. He needs to find a way to help Hyeri without being discovered.




"You still owe me a signed album." Zico stated.

"I'll make sure it gets to you." I said dryly. Can't he get hints? I'm not interested in talking to him or being around him, so why is he bugging me?


"What?" I stopped stretching and looked at him, placing my hands on my waist.

"Do an OST with me."

"Take another singer. I'm not interested." I resumed my warm-up.

"It's Won Bin's comeback drama. Do you know how many people are anticipating it? It's a great opportunity for you."

"So a lot of people will be happy to do it instead of me. Offer someone else."

"I want you." he smirked.

"I'm not interested." I repeated. I think I was clear enough, why can't he get it?

"You know I can make you way more popular than your lousy boyfriend.."

"I don't care about being popular and I'm not dating him in order to be popular. There is this thing called love, you know."

"And you expect me to believe you love each other?" he scoffed. "Because I don't."

"Think whatever you want." I shrugged. "It's not like your opinion matters anyway."

"I'll talk to your company about the OST. Want to guess what they are going to do?"

"Please leave me alone."

"Not a chance." he smirked.


"Hyeri.." Jongup approached us and I was relieved. Maybe he will save me from Zico..

"Hey, hyung." Jongup greeted Zico sheepishly. "Sorry for interrupting you."

"It's okay." Zico replied.

"Hyeri, we should practice on our dance.." Jongup said. Yeah, Jongup is definitely here to help me since we don't have a practice scheduled. I don't know who exactly sent him, although I can guess, but I'm grateful for that.

"Oh, right!" I exclaimed. "I completely forgot about it!" I pretended to be sorry for forgetting such an important thing.

"Let's go." Jongup smiled sheepishly.

"Bye, Zico." I faked a smile.

"We didn't finish talking yet." Zico said, smirking.




"Himchan!" Sey called the older male.

"Hey, honey." Himchan smiled.

"Don't call me honey, I'm mad at you."

"What happened?" Himchan frowned. He tried to think if he did something to annoy her, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Did you tell Yongguk about our intimate encounters?" she asked in a loud whisper.

"Not really.. We just talked about in general, without intimate details. What do you take me for? I'll never reveal that information about you.."

"Yongguk told Hyeri we have weird es in bed." Sey said and Himchan's face paled.

"Well, Hyeri might have misunderstood."

"Are you really trying to claim right now that our relationship is normal?" she questioned and Himchan stayed quiet, knowing she is right. Their relationship is not really 'normal' in other peoples' eyes, even if it's normal to them. "How can she misunderstand that?"

"You know Hyeri.."

"Himchan.." Sey hissed.

"I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what really happened and what Hyeri knows, but I'll talk to Yongguk."

"Do it."

"I never shared intimate details about you. I would never do that. Besides, don't you have a girls' talk about as well? Don't act like I broke the law or something."

"With Hyeri?" she scoffed. "I'll become a nun before she'll have this kind of conversations." Himchan chuckled at her comment.

"Give her time. She is making a progress."

"Just talk to Yongguk and make sure it won't happen again."

"Alright, honey."




"Thanks." I told Jongup when Zico was out of our sight.

"No problem." Jongup smiled. "You looked like you need help.."

"I was."

"Is he still bugging you? I mean, besides now."

"Not that often, thankfully. But I can manage most of the time, so don't worry." I tried to smile.

"If you say so.."




"Attention everyone. The women's archery competition is about to start." there was an announcement in the loudspeakers.

"Let's watch the competition." Zelo tugged my hand and pulled me to the sitting area where all the idols that weren't competing and wanted to watch the competition sat.

"Why aren't you participating in the men's competition?" I asked curiosuly.

"Since we were supposed to have a comeback the company decided that we will participate only in running and futsal because archery requires too much practice." he answered and I felt bad when he mentioned their comeback because the guilt started to surafce again. Zelo noticed it.

"It's not your fault." he ruffled my hair. "It's not a big deal anyway and we can participate next year. If we really wanted to do it we would have insisited on it."

"If you say so.." I mumbled.

"Let's sit down." he said and sat down on the ground. I did the same.

Soon, the other boys joined us, minus Yongguk and Youngjae who were playing futsal in a different stadium. Sumi joined us as well and sat on Zelo's other side. The other girls were preparing for their match.

"Go Mamamoo!" I cheered when it was their turn to compete. Unfortunately, they lost to G-friend.

"It's the girls' turn now." Jongup stated. Sey, Yujin and Eun Hee took their places and we cheered and clapped. They were up against Twice. At first they were leading, but Twice closed the gap, eventually winning the match.

"You did well!" I exclaimed when the girls joined us.

"We lost." Sey pouted.

"Well, it was your first time." I tried to cheer her up. "And you really did great."

"Stop lying. They were terrible." Sumi said from her spot.

"Be nice." Himchan scolded Sumi. "You were good." he turned to the girls, smiling.

"Thank you."




The women's archery preliminaries ended and there was a break before the men's preliminaries. Yongguk wasn't there so I walked around, looking at the idols around me. For some reason, Sey caught my attention. She was frowning, her gaze fixated somewhere. When I followed her gaze I noticed she was looking at Himchan, who was talking to Hyejeong from AOA.

"What are you doing?" I asked and Sey jumped, startled.

"You scared me!" she put one of her hands on her heart.

"Why are you spying on Himchan?" I asked and she blushed.

"He is talking to someone."

"I can see that. But why do you care?"

"She is pretty." Sey said quietly, looking at the ground.

"Are you being insecure?" I teased. It's rare seeing Sey like that.

"No. It's just annoying. You know how flirty Himchan can be.."

"But he stopped flirting with girls when you started dating."

"What if he'll feel like starting again?"

"Then I will rip his head off." I said and Sey finally smiled.

"Would you really do that?"

"Of course. No one hurts my best friensd." I said and hugged her.




Eun Hee was sitting on the ground with Yujin, looking around her. She couldn't help but wonder how Youngjae is doing at the moment, even if she tried to force herself to forget about him. She just can't.

"Unnie.." Yujin nudged Eun Hee's arm lightly.

"Huh? What is it?" Eun Hee asked, startled.

"What were you thinking of?" Yujin asked curiously.

"Nothing.. Just the archery earlier. I could have done better." she pouted.

"Oh. We should have done better. But at least we tried."

"True." Eun Hee smiled. "Let's go talk to our fans." she stood up, dragging Yujin with her. Maybe this will distract her.




"What are you doing?" Himchan found Sey inside the building. He wanted to get something from his dressing room when he saw Sey walking by so he decided to surprise her.

"Nothing." Sey said dryly.

"Are you still mad at me for the  thing? I'll talk to Yongguk."

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" Himchan asked, confused.

"Go talk to Hyejeong, she is probably waiting for you." Sey muttered and kept walking. Himchan smirked, realizing what is bothering her. He passed her and stood in front of her, blocking her way.

"Are you jealous?"


"Liar." he smirked.

"Get lost."

"She is my virtual wife. I just talked to her out of courtesy." Himchan explained.

"So why did you talk to LE earlier?" Sey put her hands on her waist.

"Because we debuted in the same year. We have known each other for several years now so I was just having a small talk with her, nothing special or important. It's rude ignoring other idols, you know. You have to meet them in various occasions and you'll never know when you'll have to work with them or ask for their help, so it's better keeping a good relationship with other idols. It's called networking."

"I know what networking is." she said bitterly.

"Come on.. You can't possibly get jealous over every girl I talk to.."

"Yes I can."

"So now you are going to ban me from talking to other girls?" he questioned. He didn't show it, but he was starting to get annoyed. He didn't like where this conversation was going and he also didn't like the overly jealous side of Sey. She wasn't like this and he had no idea why she was being like that today. She was jealous before, but not like this. He was still allowed to talk to girls, especially if it's for work, as long as it stopped in talking.

"Of course not." Sey said and Himchan was relieved. Maybe he was overthinking things..

"Just don't do that when I'm not there." she added and he felt like a rock landed on his head.

"Sey.." he hissed.

"What?" she exclaimed.

"You are being ridiculous."

"I don't care. I'm jealous."

"Well, you don't have to be. I'm not going to leave." he caressed her cheek gently.

"That doesn't make me feel better." she pouted.

"I'm not flirting with them and I'm not interested in them even a bit, so please stop being ridiculous?" his thumb rubbed her cheek, hoping it will relax her.

"Make it up to me." she asked quietly and Himchan was relieved. It seems like he was convincing her.


"A date?" she asked shyly.

"A date. Whatever you want." Himchan smiled.

"Thank you." Sey hugged Himchan and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Just stop being insecure. I'm dating you, and it's not going to change."

"I'll try." she leaned her head on his chest.

"Thank you."




The archery's men preliminaries started. SinB from G-friend was asking the participants questions before the match started. When it was BtoB's turn to compete the crowd started to go crazy, knowing what's about to happen. They usually wear costumes when competing, and this competition wasn't any different. Peniel was waiting while Sungjae and Eunkwang came out, dressed as Legolas and Cupid.

"They are amazing." Sey commented while holding her stomach after laughing too much when they introduced themselves.

"They really are." I agreed. "I envy them because they don't have a problem to do this kind of things.. I would probably want to bury myself from embarrassment."

"BtoB has bo shame." Daehyun joked.

"Why don't you ever do fun things?" Eun Hee asked the boys.

"The CEO thinks it will ruin our image." Jongup answered.

"Right. Everytime there is an offer or we suggest something he just declines it." Zelo added.

"I don't get it. It can bring you more fans.." I said.

"He thinks we should be manly and this.." Himchan pointed at BtoB, "Doesn't seem manly enough to him."

"But you had songs like 'Crash' and 'Stop It' that are not really manly like your debut for example.." Yujin said.

"Ask the CEO." Daehyun shrugged.

"Wait, but if you'll promote a fun song, can't you do it even then?" Sey asked curiously. "It should fit the image of the song.."

"In the past he didn't let us do it even then. I have no idea what will happen now.. He might change his mind if he'll be desperate for money." Himchan said.

"Go BtoB!" Zelo cheered and we all diverted our gaze back to the ongoing competition.




Himchan sat on the ground, waiting for the next competition to start. It was break time again and the boys were scattered in different places. He was trying to find Sey when he felt a weight of his shoulder. He looked to see what it was and he smiled when he saw what it was. Hyeri fell asleep, resting her head on his left shoulder.

"You should't fall asleep that easily on guys' shoulders." he said, slightly moving his shoulder in an attmept to wake her up.

"You are not a guy." she mumbled in her sleep and adjusted her head better. Himchan sighed, realizing she is not going to move. Yongguk and Youngjae hasn't come back yet, so he couldn't ask Yongguk to take care of her. He looked at Hyeri again and examined her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful and like she needed the rest, so he decided to stay that way and not disturb her.

It didn't last long, though, since soon enough he had an idea and a playful smirk appeared on his face.







Author's Note:


Sorry for taking longer to update, I was busy and didn't have much time to write :\


Any guesses what Himchan might have done? ;)


The next chapter should be more interesting in my opinion. I guess this chapter was more of a warm-up\introduction..


I'm excitd for the project album, although I hoped we would also get a duet of Daehyun and Jongup. But studio versions are great as well and we are going to see Daehyun perform next week :)


Thanks for reading, subscribing, commenting, etc.!



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Anfia976 #1
How are you? We miss you
Anfia976 #2
How are you? We miss you
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 156: Wow, I was blaming both of them at 1st, as things could’ve been handled so much better on both sides. I loved how Himchan & Sey reasoned with both of them, but Hyeri crossed a line once Yongguk apologized. I didn’t feel she necessarily deserved it, but I knew they both needed it.... sure the way he apologized, did seem like a back handed apology, as her kissing technique could’ve been discussed privately. But Hyeri towards Himchan, she needs to make this better, and of course, he hit below the belt, but she had consistently hit below the belt prior & then to hit him!!! I’m not sure how this is going to turn out, thank you for updating!!
infinitecuties #4
Chapter 156: I still one hundred percent believe that this entire situation is one in which Hyeri is very much at fault. I don’t think Yongguk is in a position where Hyeri requires an apology and I don’t think Hyeri even DESERVES an apology. She completely blew a small and minor incident out of proportion.

I do believe that Himchan went slightly too far with the comment he made however Hyeri shouldn’t have been as horrible to him as she was.
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 155: Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!! I was BEYOND happy to see the update, wow so much happened, where to begin? I see Hyeri & Himchan are still at each other’s throats, I do wish they could get along, and that Hyeri would see the validity in what Himchan said, but no matter what, I think time stopped when Yongguk said Sumi was a better kisser. I felt bad, that super slam, even if honest, that was the time to lie. Especially knowing Hyeri... I was shocked she would kiss him after that was said, and kept thinking why does kissing Yongguk keep coming up, even after he said she wasn’t as good of a kisser. .... sighs, once again, he’s storming out and even with his stupid honestly, I can’t say I blame him. Thank you so much for coming back & for updating,
infinitecuties #6
Chapter 155: WOOP WOOP!! MY FAVE FANFIC IS BACK!!! And OMG this is spicy as hell. I just wish Hyeri would stop being a drama queen and finally realise that she needs to get some help and that Yongguk loves her.
Anfia976 #7
Hello how are you? Happy new year ?? Authornim we miss you and the story ? Hope you are fine bye
infinitecuties #8
Chapter 153: Chapter 152: I miss this :,) it was legit the only reason I kept on checking this website
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 153: Thank you for updating despite your busy schedule. I truly hope that Hyeri is ok! She let a lot of things off her chest the night before, and while I do wish she would've thought of the impact her leaving like that would have, I hope they catch her in time before she does something that would change all of their lives. Regarding the comment I just read, there's a difference between constructive criticism & just plain being rude. While it's true, being factual or doing some research on weightier subjects is a good rule of thumb, most of us are adults that don't use fanfics as our barometer of social issues. Assuming what someone's language is, was completely unnecessary to state. You don't have to read the story, if you're a writer, you should understand what it takes to create, upload & continue a story remembering details from previous chapters...etc. If you're not a writer, perhaps you should put yourself in the author's shoes before you begin.
Chapter 153: I look forward to the next update!