We scream for ice cream (SeungMinho)



They both love to eat simple flavor ice cream. They often enjoy the same flavor but today is different. Summer is not yet around for another month but they just happen to be on ice cream mode. Minho goes out and buys two different flavors of ice cream in a tub just from the convenient store across them.

Minho comes back home to Seungmin already has prepared ice cream bowls and spoons in the living room.

"What did you got?" Seungmin asks as he reaches for the cellophane his boyfriend is carrying.

"Mango and vanilla." Minho replies easily, plopping himself into the couch beside the younger.

"Yes! I'll have mango then."

Seungmin quickly works on scooping the treats into each of the bowls and eventually enjoys them in complete silence. But it is a comfortable silence, just pressed together in the couch enjoying their bowl of ice cream.

Seungmin scoops a very spoonful of mango flavored ice cream into his mouth, he moans out in pleasure.

"So delicious!" Seungmin says once he successfully swallowed it all then scooping another spoonful of it.

"You eat like a dog, can you just take it slow? You'll choke on it at this rate if you do that again." Minho's loving nag just goes to Seungmin's other ear. He can't just help it when the ice cream tastes so good.

Minho just rolls his eyes fondly at the younger, he feels like enjoying watching his boyfriend's pleased and satisfied expression than himself eating the actual treat. Seungmin suddenly turns to his side and eyes on Minho's bowl of vanilla ice cream. Before Minho could move his hand away from his boyfriend, Seungmin already has his own spoon dipped into the bowl and scooped a spoonful of Minho's share.

"Mmm~" Seungmin moans out after the vanilla ice cream melted on his tongue.

"Hey, you have yours!" Minho complains but it really doesn't have a real bite on it.

Seungmin says nothing and just puts his own bowl back to the table and leans his body completely to Minho's making him slantly hovers over the older's lap just so he can reach Minho's bowl.

"Hey!" Minho's completely powerless at the moment and just clicks his tongue in disbelief.

"Hm, babe, vanilla's good too." Seungmin comments.

"Well, yeah, but that is supposedly mine, pup." Minho says and affectionately smacks the younger's bum with his free hand.

Seungmin giggles as he straightens and properly sits beside Minho again, "what's yours is mine as well." He says, flirtatious, before he leans his head on Minho's shoulder and back to eating his own ice cream.

Minho can't even reply to that because, well, his boyfriend has a point.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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