Ah these allergies... (SeungMinho)


"Achuuu!" Seungmin sniffed and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. Tiny raindrops had drenched the hood and the shoulder part of the hoodie he's wearing. He got home late since he chose to stay for another hour at their company's dance practice room to still continue practicing their new choreography and on his way home, he noticed that dark clouds above he thought that it would rain hard tonight, so even if he half jogged his way home, raindrops still caught him.

After locking up the door, he was surprised to see Minho holding a glass of water in front of him, "hey, hyung. You're still up." Seungmin cleared his throat when he felt like sneezing again.

"Take off your hoodie and drink this." Minho's voice was plain just like a typical Minho but Seungmin can't help but wonder, the older was obviously sleepy, it's clear from hearing his voice alone, but was he waiting for him to come home? It's strange, but he liked it, he then pulled his hoodie over his head and took the glass of water from the older's hand.

"Thanks, hyung." Seungmin quietly said, a tiny smile on the corner of his lips. Minho just hummed and already reaching to take the glass back after Seungmin had gulped down its content and his other hand was taking the hoodie too. Before he left Seungmin there by the doorway, he murmured something.

"Go take a hot bath so you'll not catch a cold."

It's not the first time seeing his hyung so caring towards the members but it's just so rare when Seungmin is the receiving end of it. They're not awkward or anything like that to each other but they also are not the best of friends. The world knows that already.

When he got out of the shower, Minho was already there in his own bed, Seungmin quietly walks towards his closet and carefully got everything he needed to avoid any noise that could disturb his roommate but his allergy seemed to kick in already as he can't control himself but to sneeze again. He covers his mouth with his hands while turning his head to look at the other corner where Minho's bed was located at. He breathed in relief when Minho didn't react, maybe he's already asleep.

He quickly put on his pajamas and then quietly walked towards his own bed and saw a glass of water on his small nightstand beside his bed.

"Drink that while it's still warm. I put a pinch of salt into it so that you will not deal with a sore throat or something tomorrow." Seungmin slighty jumped at Minho's voice, he assumed that the older is already asleep but guess he's not. He felt a sudden unfamiliar beat of his own heart, it was strange and new, so he quickly shook it off while clearing his throat.

"T-thanks, Minho-hyung. I thought you're asleep." Feeling the warm glass around his palm as he slowly gulped down all the content. He didn't hear anything from the older and Seungmin just let that be, his hyung was tired already and yet he still waited for him.

"Good night, hyung." He turned off the light on his nightstand, only the fairy lights on the wall had lightened up the room. He didn't get a response which was understandable. Minho, on the other hand, has a small smile on his lips before he let himself go to the dreamland.


By the next morning, Seungmin woke up with a slight dry cough and a stuffy nose, there's also a slight itchyness in his throat. He tried to clear his throat only for him to cough agreesively. It was also the time that Minho got inside the room, he must have woken up early then.

"H-hyung.." the crack in his voice already told Minho that the younger has a sore throat. He sighed, he knew Seungmin would end up having a hay fever anyway, he's always like this during this weather.

"Aaachhuuu!" Seungmin sniffed, then there's a dry cough.

"Wait here, I'll get you something."

"It's fine, hyung. It wasn't bad at all, It'll go away." Seungmin wasn't so sure about that himself. Minho definitely didn't buy it.

When Minho came back, he has a glass of something Seungmin can't pinpoint but was actually looking familiar.

"Here, drink this just to lessen up the soreness in your throat and this is also good for a dry cough." Seungmin wordlessly accepted it and slowly starting to drink the liquid, it's actually a warm calamansi juice. It somehow helps the itchiness in his throat to subside a little.

"Thank you, hyung. That's really tasty." Seungmin grinned at the older.

When their leader knew his situation, he got a slight scolding for being so stubborn and for overworking himself, but nonetheless Chan still looks and sounds worried, I mean he's really worried with the younger, and yet he knew s, especially Seungmin with his situation at the moment, need rest.

"Stay here, Minie, and rest. Come back to practice when you're feeling much better than this." Chan had sternly said, slightly glaring at the younger when Seungmin was about to cut him off.

"Hyung...." Because he's stubborn, he would always find a way to retort back.

"No, stay here. I'll let someone to check up on you later."

"But I'm fine, it's just- achuuu!" Seungmin scrunched his nose, slumped his shoulders in defeat because he did feel unwell, his eyes were teary, he has itchy throat and a little bit sore and has a runny nose and to top it all, he felt a little dizzy and the side of his head is aching from the constant dry coughing. So, he might as well listen to his hyung and just take a rest, practicing is not a good idea for the situation he was in.

"Fine." He sounds like he's sulking but a cough covers it.

Chan chuckles at him, "rest well, Minie. Minho is making a rice porridge for you, so you better eat them before taking some pills, okay?"

Seungmin nods his head and smiles at his hyung, "thanks, hyung."

"Don't thank me, I am disappointed with you and your stubbornness. Thank Minho because he's the one attending your sorry and has managed to tell me about your situation."

Seungmin pouts, Chan is scary when he's mad, but he's not really mad at Seungmin right now, sometimes he just have to use his stern voice to make a point.

"Oh no, that pout won't work for now, young man."

"I'm sorry, hyung. I'm fine, just a little something of cough and cold. I'm sorry, I'm stubborn."

Chan smirks, "take the rest, eat and be healthy again, and I'll consider it."

Seungmin clicked his tongue, their leader is also stubborn. It was then the moment that Minho walks in with the bowl of porridge, a gallon of water, a glass and some pills with him.

"Right, we'll be going then." Chan said, eyeing Minho for a second before he completely out of the door.

"Here's rice porridge for you, eat it while it's still warm. Take these pills for your cough and cold. Stay hydrated, in case you'll get lazy to go downstairs, here's your water, I mix some calamansi in it, it's good for a sore throat. There's still porridge left in the pan, you can just reheat it later- what?" Minho stopped talking while looking at the younger's fond face. It was whatever, he looks cute but ugly at the same time. Seungmin has a fond look on his ugly face, it could have been cute but there's snot below his nostrils and his eyes are watering, his chapped lips are dried-

Seungmin smiled at him, "thank you, hyung. You've been taking care of me since last night. I'll eat this well and take the pills and I'll rest well so I can come back to practice again." This conversation (could it be counted as conversation already?) was one of the rarest moments he got to talk to Minho in a civil way- there's no teasing remarks and whatnots.

"Right." Minho was at loss of words because even if the younger looks ugly (in a cute way) today, it still does wonder into his heart just by that smile and he suddenly froze at the realization that hit him.

"Don't get any ideas, Kim Seungmin. Chan hyung just asked me to take care of your stubborn and I know Chan hyung has a lot on his plate right now already if he still had to take care of you." Minho blinked his eyes fast for a second, a sign that he's partly lying and partly saying the truth.

"I'm not! I'm just genuinely thankful." Seungmin tsked at him while sulkily takes a spoonful of hot porridge. So much for a civil conversation.

"I'll going now then."


When Chan said he will send someone, he was expecting it to be the other members besides Minho but no, the older was the one checking up on him and reheating the rice porridge.

He's not complaining though, with an hour of sleep earlier after the members left felt like it did help his situation. Sure he still has a runny nose but at least his throat is not itchy anymore and he's not coughing anymore too.

"Hyung? Why did you leave the others? I felt okay now, just a runny nose." Seungmin asked once he was seated in the table and Minho was putting the porridge in his bowl.

"It's fine, Chan hyung really called a long breaks plus Hyunjin and Felix got the choreography covered." Minho replied then looked at the younger when he felt like the younger's eyes were on him.

"Hey, I told you-"

"-not to get any ideas, you're just doing Chan hyung a favor, sure, hyung. That's why Chan hyung texted me just now, informing me that you volunteered to check up on me." Seungmin grinned. This felt nice and new and he likes nice and new, he giggles at the redness of the older's face.

"Shut up, just eat."

Ah, who would have thought this hay fever will be the way of seeing this side of Minho?

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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