Jeonghan (2,044 jeonghan stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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The Puppeteer

By Carat_Authornim Updated
Characters Hong jisoo, jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Vernon, Hansol Chwe
With 31 chapters, 26 votes, 196 subscribers, 100 comments, 176859 words
Status Subscribers Only

  Mingyu and Wonwoo work as detectives in the Homicide Department. With their special skills, they are assigned to a case they already know. A gruesome serial killer who has never been caught resurfaces, and they have little time to solve the case. With Jisoo, Jeonghan, Minghao and Jun they  form a task force to solve the case and find the killer this time once and for all.


By Aster_deep Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   jeonghan   scoups 
Characters 【珉漢/澈漢】UNDER THE ROSE 01
With 7 chapters, 26 subscribers, 5280 views, 4 comments, 35 words
Status [M]


By chipsjeong Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 60 views
Status Members Only

刚认识尹净汉的时候,我问他,会爱我吗?他没有回答,低头点着叼在里的香烟。         他没说话,而我也是贱,明明知道答案却还是不死心的渴求他的肯定。       尹净汉不爱我,或者,换种说法,尹净汉不爱任何人。       我和他是在巴黎街边认识的,午夜寂寞的男女总是需要相互短暂的慰藉从而能继续蝼蚁般地生活下去。       他靠着旅馆的铁门,勾勾角,神情微妙,问我要不要一起度过快乐美妙的夜晚。阴暗角落的对面是华灯初上的车水马龙,我抓着他细细的手腕,彻底走进他早就布置好的陷阱。       旅馆破旧的木板床上,他衣衫半敞,故意撅起被皮质长裤包裹着的,如同为了吃掉人心脏而在岸边勾引路人的海妖。我抓着他的长发强迫他跟我交换一个又一个湿热的,他擦了擦被咬破的角笑着说这得加钱。


By chipsjeong Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 120 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

被后辈们拥着走出休息室的时候,尹净汉的脑子还有点发懵。 虽然后辈们的脸还没有认全,但面对摄影机,尹净汉还是拿出了专业的水平,微笑点头打招呼,一副完美到不能再完美的前辈做派。 “前辈,请帮助我们完成challenge任务吧!” “内~” 尹净汉并不喜欢这种突袭challenge,但考虑到摄影机拍摄着可能要被剪进花絮里,也还是积极配合着,被几个后辈拉着在舞台后面临时教学。 “前辈辛苦了!喝水吧!” 尹净汉擦了擦额头上的汗珠,接过了后辈递来的水。 眩晕感袭来的时候,他只觉得恍惚,后辈们的脸和他们调笑的声音随着意识的消逝逐渐模糊起来。 “前辈,真是好骗呢” 早就在练习生的时期就听说了公司里净汉前辈长得美貌,是难得一见的尤物,特别是出道时留着一头标志长发,再加上那双青涩又带着些灵动的眼睛,隔着屏幕就能把人七魂勾去六魄。他们也曾在宿舍对着这张漂亮的脸打手枪,把抹到贴在墙上的海报,如今,无数夜里的发泄对象就在他们面前,几乎不用费多大力气就能把他抱起来。 一想到

You are all I need

By SvtVernon Updated
Characters Vernon Jeonghan
With 4 chapters, 270 views, 4355 words
Status Completed

A Jeonghan×Vernon love story cause this ship is too underrated. I wanted something like this so yeah......I wrote it. 

Searching for my soul mate ✨🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   drama   romance      beta   alpha   orphanage   seungcheol   abo   omega   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 230 views, 3349 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Two wives 🦋🩵

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags        mpreg   hyunjin   jisoo   hansoo   seungcheol   joshua   twolovers   malepregnancy   cheolsoo   jeonghan   jeongcheol   jihancheol   jeongcheolsoo   shujeong   ahegao   ian   shuacheol   jeogin   2wives   twolover 
Characters 🦋🤍 Main: Jeonghan,Seungcheol,joshua , secondary, hyunjin and Jeongin 🦋🤍
With 277 chapters, 15 votes, 1064 subscribers, 23260 views, 27 comments, 199680 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By SvtVernon Updated
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 3599 words

Family - this word can have different meaning to different people. To Seungchoel, it's his husband and 11, naughty but adorable kids.  Scoups and Jeonghan adopt 11 boys and try to give all of them a big family.

Tails of Gumiho

By caratgarnishes Updated
Tags  angst   reincarnation   romance   romcom   schoollife   gumiho   seventeen   jeonghan 
With 6 chapters, 480 views, 13158 words

Jeonghan almost became a gumiho after hundreds of years but he was betrayed. Bora had an accident at seven which caused her to be in a vegetative state for three months. 

Sacrifices for Love

By Charlot1081 Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   comedy   drama   romance      superjunior   supernatural      exo   love   comfort   boyxgirl   hurt   straight   seventeen   seungcheol   monstax   jeonghan   scoups   jeongcheol   coupshan   nct   oneus   ateez   storkau   stork 
Characters Seventeen and More
With 185 chapters, 19 votes, 88 subscribers, 33310 views, 240 comments, 486445 words
Status [M]

Stubborn couple 🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   fluff   romance   sliceoflife         adult   company   worklife   stubborn   shounen   seungcheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol   cheolhan   hancheol 
Characters Jeonghan seungcheol
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 680 views, 5278 words
Status Subscribers Only

They both had stubborn sides, despite having feelings for each other, but they won't admit it, what is gonna happen from now on ?!  

You’re my cure ❄️🩵

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 920 views, 1 comments, 7979 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Nothing, but a cute daily life of a married couple, and the husband taking care of his ill wife.


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 1870 views, 29 words

⚠️一个疯女人阴谋得逞的故事 dom崔胜澈*性转dom尹净汉*sub你


By kirakita Updated
Tags  hanji   joshua   jeonghan   joshuaxjeonghan 
Characters Joshua jeonghan
With 880 views, 45 words


雨 夜

By xirrrr Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 1620 views
Status Members Only

你讨厌我的父亲,他是一个无能的人,在外花天酒地后对你拳打脚踢,最起码在你的记忆里,他一直都是这样的人,你的母亲也在我小时候离开了你…. 你父亲经常会把不同的女人带回家,你也已经见怪不怪,在他们在卧室发出阵阵声响时会带上耳机,装作若无其事 某段时间,父亲很长时间没有带女人回家,你懒得去知道原因,也不想知道原因 后来在你回家的时候,家里客厅坐着一个女人,她很美,给人一种温柔的感觉,和以往的女人都不一样 父亲看见你到家后很平静的说:这位是尹净汉,你以后喊她妈妈 你很诧异,盯着尹净汉上下大量了一番,心想:长得这么漂亮可惜了 你应了一声,回卧室了,晚上又听见外面的阵阵呻吟声,这次你不知为何,不仅没有堵住耳朵,反而打开了门,通过门缝看见正在和父亲在床上缠绵的她,汗水打湿他的长发凌乱的贴在脸上,唇微张发出细碎呻吟,你看了很长时间,在脑海里幻想着如果她能和自己做会是什么样子 之后的日子,尹净汉就在家里当家庭主妇,你时常会怀疑,这样一个温柔能干的女人为什么会选择和你父亲结婚

Adore U

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters Scoups (Seungcheol) Jeonghan Joshua Jun DK (Dokyeom ) The8 (Minghao) Wonwoo Woozi (Jihoon) Hoshi (Soonyoung) Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 5090 views, 4 comments, 93229 words

A collection of Sick, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff one shots Seventeen members and different ships   

Lost boy ❄️

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  drama   sad   jeonghan   jeongcheol   cheolhan   hancheol   homless   poorboy 
Characters 🦋 jeonghan/ seungcheol🦋
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 230 views, 3181 words
Status Subscribers Only

After running away from his abusive crazy father, Jeonghan got lost alone as he didn't have anyone and roamed around the town sick due to his father's intense beating he got half deaf, his ears didn't work well, his body hurt and he's suffering from many things. What will happen to him now ?!  

大 梦

By S1ckie_ Updated
With 24 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 2 comments, 88 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By winter_aurevoir Updated
Tags  seventeen   wenjunhui   jeonghan 
With 3 chapters, 730 views, 27 words

-文俊辉*尹净汉 -次42 -民国背景,ooc预警


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 820 views, 24 words

au 梦向姐妹骨科 全文3w字 ⚠️预警 ltp养父/性犯罪/血腥暴力 自行避雷 “这一次,如果姐姐有任何只要抛弃我就能获得自由、获得幸福的可能,请一刻也不要犹豫,干脆利落地抛弃我。” 不要再因为我而陷入地狱。

The locked boy 🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  drama   army   enemies   soldier   seungcheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 230 views, 752 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

On a mission, during intense combat with enemies as a soldier, Seungcheol found an abounded locked lad in one of the enemies' rooms, what would he do ?!  

Village of love 💕🌺

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   romance      mpreg   village   alpha   gyusoo   seungcheol   heat   omega   jeonghan   jeongcheol   cheolhan   gyushua 
Characters Jeonghan, seungcheol, their upcoming kids 😊💕
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 175 subscribers, 1510 views, 1 comments, 9251 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

金字塔游戏 (13 with you)

By SpreliaY Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 53350 views, 13 comments, 58 words
Status Members Only

文by@Spreliay 群像文 / 改编自同名电视剧 / 含大量内容


By tianSweet2029 Updated
With 19 subscribers, 5540 views, 2 comments, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By bangdaebutt Updated
Characters changbin felix bang chan kim woojin lee know han hyunjin i.n seungmin
With 234 chapters, 7 votes, 60 subscribers, 11280 views, 9 comments, 410564 words

A compilation of one-shot fics of the different OTPs of Stray Kids + KIM WOOJIN. Mostly: Changlix, SeungMinho and HyunSung. If you do not like it nor the ships I preferred here, scroll down, it's free. Thanks!         Cross posted on ao3 under the pseudo name ScriptedBy. 


By nanaqqbbv Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹淨漢
With 840 views
Status Members Only


Hot spring love 🦋🩵

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  drama   mafia   romance         loveatfirstsight   straight   boss   jeonghan   jeongcheol   mafiaboss   toughandsoft 
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 820 views, 10047 words
Status Subscribers Only

In stressful late hours of the day, the mafia boss decided to drop by a hot spring resort alone, and he happened to meet his first love there.

Lucky me!

By jinseventeen Updated
Characters Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jisoo, Mingyu, Seventeen
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 460 views, 3 comments, 761 words

Teacher x student Or Prof. Seungcheol x Student Jeonghan


By sAtqshi Updated
Tags  wonwoo   jeonghan 
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1820 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By OnlyForJjongJjong Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1520 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

两小无猜 🚗(尹净汉X你)

By xixilc Updated
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 3860 views, 6 words
Status Completed, Members Only


前世鬼 2 & 今世人 u

By kidult_lt Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 660 views, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

"女装癖麻麻"2 & 领养女儿"

By kidult_lt Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 1230 views, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By luckyduck0725 Updated
Tags  hansol   vernon   jeonghan   yoonjeonghan   hansolvernonchwe   verhan 
Characters jeonghan, hansol, vernon
With 2 subscribers, 1890 views, 2 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By tianSweet2029 Updated
With 21 subscribers, 6590 views, 6 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Tapewater Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 4740 views
Status [M], Members Only


By Slurboo Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 720 views
Status Members Only



By Silera Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹净汉 jeonghan
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 4370 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By rita777-08 Updated
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 2640 views, 67 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

A Culinary Love

By jinseventeen Updated
Tags  vernon   jeonghan   2han   verhan 
Characters Jeonghan and Vernon
With 14 chapters, 3 subscribers, 230 views, 2 comments, 5226 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Jeonghan × Vernon Chef Jeonghan meets Vendor/Gardener Vernon A story cooked with love 🫶

To be or Not to Be

By jinseventeen Updated
Tags  jihoon   seungcheol   jicheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jihoon
With 13 chapters, 12 subscribers, 310 views, 8198 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Jeongcheol as seatmates with a conflict 🫣

The Bride of the sea 🦋🩵

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  action   drama   magic   romance   survival   island   jeonghan   jeongcheol   cheolhan   tripe 
Characters 🦋jeonghan / Seungcheol/ yuna 🦋
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 530 views, 1 comments, 3360 words
Status Subscribers Only

He was with a group of survivors, they started to be very harsh towards him because he was ill, and unable to do anything with benefit due to his illness, what will happens to him from now on ?!

Office Drama

By jinseventeen Updated
Characters Jeonghan and Cheol
With 20 chapters, 18 subscribers, 400 views, 8574 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

coworker!Jeonghan x coworker!Cheol Enemies-to-lovers brain rot. Enjoyyyy  

The Tutor's Charm

By jinseventeen Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   seungcheol   tutorxstudent   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeonghan & Cheol
With 1 chapters, 13 subscribers, 170 views, 813 words
Status Subscribers Only

student!Jeonghan x tutor!Cheol


By Estatenelmillenovant Updated
Tags  seventeen   jeonghan 
Characters jeonghan
With 5 subscribers, 3110 views, 9 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By sqsssssss_ Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3830 views
Status Members Only

“尹净汉,这里还有个文件…唔…” 我刚进办公室就被尹净汉一把拽进怀里亲,尹净汉虽然看着瘦,但他力气可不小,没有几次我能逃过他的手掌心。他抱着我一步步移动,拉下百叶窗后就把我扑在办公桌上。他把我的包臀裙撩起来,狠狠地操了我一顿。   “尹净汉 我们分手了吧,你这样是什么意思” “没什么意思” “堂堂尹总着火了也就只能找我熄火了?”我转过头看着在身下猛烈顶撞我的人。尹净汉不知道吃了什么火药还是精虫上脑,听了这句话就更用力了。我被撞出荡的声音,他俯下身趴在我的背上   “宝宝,别喊出来哦,小心被发现了^ ^” “尹净汉你…” “我劝你别说话,一会被发现了对我们都不好”   不知道过了多久,他才心满意足地停了下来。把我抱到沙发上帮我清理着刚刚留下的痕迹。我已经疲惫不堪,但工作还要继续,只能硬撑。   和尹净汉分手的原因就是他身边花花草草太多,我接受不了这样的恋爱。我们很早就同居了,


By sqsssssss_ Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 4780 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

“呀!给我调一杯烈的!” 因为被父母催婚心情不好的我来到一家98,听说这里有一位有名的调酒师,调的酒很烈,不超过三杯就会倒地,怒气上头又一向喜欢刺激的我毫不犹豫地冲进去寻找着那位调酒师。来到他的吧台面前,“今天你只能给我调,我给你钱”我喊出那句话后就抬头看到他戴着帽子。低着头专心调酒,动作很快,酒杯被他玩弄于股掌之中。   “小姐,你的酒”他依旧保持低头,让我有些不爽os:现在调酒师都这么高傲吗?脸还不给看……   “小姐,建议你慢点,这酒上头快” “切,能有多上头”我从来都不是个听劝的人,一杯直直倒入中,喉咙被辣了一下我有些清醒,随后开始头晕目眩,说着胡话。但脑子里依旧存留着刚刚与父母吵架的画面,越想越气就开始刁难他,我用手轻轻抬起他胸的名牌“尹…净…汉?”   “小姐,你喝多了”他把我的手挪开 “什么意思啊…你也欺负我呗…从我进来开始你就一直低着头,我倒要看看你长什么样” 说完就伸手把他的头扶起他的下巴,被他的脸


By sqsssssss_ Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 2 subscribers, 3930 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

“喂!尹净汉!来接你老婆!她醉了!” “呀!想逃酒吗?!再来一杯!”闺蜜正在和尹净汉打电话,身后传来我发酒疯的动静,此时正在家的尹净汉准备出门来接我。   “我还能喝呢!没醉” “哦?那跟我喝怎么样?”尹净汉在我身后俯下身凑到我耳旁,挑衅的语气让本身就充满醉意的我兴趣突起。 “好啊好啊”我转过身通红的脸对着尹净汉,嘿嘿了一声 。 “那我们回家喝” “好~嘿嘿 净汉最好啦” 尹净汉跟朋友们打完招呼后把我带走了,在车上 我的话就没停下来过,一会说着要喝什么酒一会又说家里灯关没关,一本正经地胡说八道…尹净汉没有打断我,反而是静静地听着我的絮絮叨叨。   到停车场后尹净汉开车门叫我下车,我伸出双手向他撒娇 “老公要背背 老婆没力气了” 即使是结婚后,我也很少叫他老公,他瞬间面红耳赤,宠溺地把我背起来。我说想要在小区楼下逛逛再回家,他也答应了。   “净汉呐~~~”


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 490 views

*现背 酸涩双向暗恋


By eeeeeeeeeeleven Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 6720 views

尹净汉✖️你 教授与不完全网簧? 🚗 很多技巧需要教授手把手教


By LFSZLK_xue Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹净汉
With 3 subscribers, 3130 views, 11 words
Status [M]


By Tapewater Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
Characters 尹净汉
With 1690 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only