Mingyuxwonwoo (68 mingyuxwonwoo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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The Puppeteer

By Carat_Authornim Updated
Characters Hong jisoo, jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Vernon, Hansol Chwe
With 31 chapters, 26 votes, 196 subscribers, 100 comments, 176859 words
Status Subscribers Only

  Mingyu and Wonwoo work as detectives in the Homicide Department. With their special skills, they are assigned to a case they already know. A gruesome serial killer who has never been caught resurfaces, and they have little time to solve the case. With Jisoo, Jeonghan, Minghao and Jun they  form a task force to solve the case and find the killer this time once and for all.

Adore U

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters Scoups (Seungcheol) Jeonghan Joshua Jun DK (Dokyeom ) The8 (Minghao) Wonwoo Woozi (Jihoon) Hoshi (Soonyoung) Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 5090 views, 4 comments, 93229 words

A collection of Sick, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff one shots Seventeen members and different ships   


By winnie08 Updated
Tags  minwoo   mingyu   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters 全圆佑,金珉奎
With 9 subscribers, 6520 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

Stay Strong Seventeen 2

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters S.coups, Jeonhan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, the8, Dino, Junhui, Seungkwan, Vernon, Deokyeom, Woozi
With 21 chapters, 2 votes, 38 subscribers, 5890 views, 3 comments, 25600 words

Say the name ... Seventeen 


By Min9yue Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 930 views, 16 words
Status Completed

2023年11.23珉佑日贺文 短打甜饼    


By yyyxxxin_06 Updated
Tags  mingyu   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters mingyu wonwoo
With 3 chapters, 12 subscribers, 2630 views
Status Members Only

全圆佑发情了。 金珉奎一进屋就闻到味儿,他说不好那是股什么味道,但总归很特别,暖烘烘的、带着点甜,像是冬天被暖炉烘热了的咪皮毛。 这么说不太对,因为全圆佑本来就是只。 一只浅灰色的、漂亮又柔软的。

How did love become love (Minwon) (MingyuxWonwoo)

By Miniewonie17 Updated
Characters Mingyu Wonwoo Scoups Jeonghan Joshua Woozi Dokyeom Dino seungkwan Hoshi Vernon Minghao Jun
With 30 chapters, 5 votes, 3740 views, 18 comments, 35455 words
Status Subscribers Only

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason.  Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle th

It's Alive!

By yffismydrug Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1340 views, 1 comments, 6777 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By Linxiii Updated
Tags  mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters 。。。
With 1 subscribers, 1740 views, 3 words
Status Members Only



By Carat_Authornim Updated
Tags  action   angst   thriller   bromance   mingyu   dino   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   leechan   joshua   hongjisoo   joshuahong   slowburn   minghao   the8   jeonghan   hoshi   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Hong Joshua, Hong Jisoo, Lee Chan, Hoshi
With 14 chapters, 12 votes, 95 subscribers, 29 comments, 100670 words
Status Subscribers Only

Hitman Wonwoo gets a job to eliminate a target. But this job suddenly turns into a rescue mission, and he has only a short time to get the target to safety. And for the first time in his life, that target has a name. And that name is Kim Mingyu.  

The Wishes

By lucypher_ Updated
Tags  fluff      mingyu   minwon   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   seventeenau   mingyuxwonwoo   meanieseventeen 
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan and Lee Seokmin/DK as supporting casts
With 2 chapters, 25 subscribers, 910 views, 2344 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

With no one to trust, Mingyu felt so lonely and the only one who sincerely stayed by his side without caring about his fame, was his cat, Wonwoo. So when miracle happened and cat Wonwoo turned into human, their relationship somehow changes to something more. And little did Mingyu know there’s a cost behind the miracle.

珉佑||If you feel the same as me

By yykidviola Updated
Tags  minwoo   seventeen   meanie   mingyuxwonwoo 
With 10 subscribers, 13030 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

●珉佑/R18/2k+/痛感爱              全圆佑向前爬了几步,手臂伸向床铺,好容易抓到床单的一角就被人扣着腰拖回来。手不肯松开借力点,只能被迫抻直双臂。腰塌得更低,腰窝那里像一道坍塌下陷的桥梁。      他近乎跪不住,眼泪和水一块流,唇含不住外泄的呻吟。手指把床单攥得死紧,如同抓住了救命稻草。柔软的大床像是又变回练习生时期的架子床,小而脆弱,摇摇欲坠。      金珉奎跪在他身后,双手捏着他的腰胯。皮肤相贴的面积还不如练习生时期的打闹。绿色背景的练舞室里,年轻的肌肤自发散热,像两个烤炉。热啊,热得汗流浃背、干燥,但胳膊还是借着各种各样的理由,虚虚实实凑在一起。      此时他身体里埋着金珉奎的,对方掐着他的腰。他吃痛,于是后面含得更深。做着世界上最亲密的举动,动作却堪称疏离,仿佛是在同一具没有体温的鬼魂交合。      全圆佑想起金珉奎。是那个更青涩的、真如同鬼魂般萦绕在他记忆里的金珉奎。他

Regret Always Comes Late

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu/Jeon Wonwoo. Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo/Joshua as supporting casts
With 8 chapters, 4 votes, 129 subscribers, 2540 views, 10161 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In your life, there will be a moment when you have to choose one between two options. Each of them will lead you into different outcome. In Mingyu's case, he has to choose between his ex, Jeonghan, whom Mingyu still loves even after their breakup, or his current boyfriend, Wonwoo, who loves Mingyu so much and unconditionally.

A Constant Reminder

By lucypher_ Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Hong Jisoo/Joshua (SEVENTEEN)
With 10 chapters, 9 votes, 258 subscribers, 2370 views, 2 comments, 15141 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By anoldpot_04 Updated
Tags  mingyu   minwon   seventeen   seokmin   seokjin   jeonghan   mingyuxwonwoo   hybe 
Characters 金珉奎 全圆佑 尹净汉 李硕珉
With 5 subscribers, 1680 views, 2 comments, 1 words

我叫金珉奎,我重生了。重生在我绝食三天抗议,昏倒在金家中堂的那天。上一世,我不愿接受父母为我安排的婚配,一心心悦于隔壁府上的尹公子,抗议一个月终于成功,父母亲无奈之下把我嫁到尹府,过上了幸福的生活。不料,一年后,与尹氏勾结的崔氏一族发兵起义后被镇压,尹净汉有在海外安寨的洪公子接应,逃脱了牢狱之灾。国王搜寻不到尹氏一族,一气之下灭了我金家的门,连我长兄,阿米国的王后娘娘也含冤死去。这一世,我宁愿牺牲自己的爱情,也要保全养育我的爹娘,我的姊妹,我金府上下。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— 毒酒的味道很苦,很苦。苦到发麻。   麻到一片光亮透过了我厚重的眼皮,我猛地一张眼,硕珉忧虑的眉放大地在我眼前出现。   硕珉?硕珉还活着?你来救我了吗?   我顾不得一切,忙伸手捧着硕珉的脸就哭。眼泪喷涌而出,顺着我冰凉又颤动着的脸颊流下。我不明白现在是什么情况。硕珉把我救活了吗?但我半个时辰前亲

meet u in the dark

By hoshie_1596 Updated
Tags  mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters mingyu wonwoo, seungcheol ,jeonghan, junhui, jisoo ,hoshi,jihoon,minghao,seokmin,seungkwan,hansol,dino
With 120 views, 78 words

It was night time and the only thing he could hear was a person crying. This happened every night. Wonwoo never knew him but was it possible for wonwoo to see him every night and talk to him. Was it possible for wonwoo to fall in love with the person he met just in his dreams. Was wonwoo the only person seing these dreams? its  a journey for both wonwoo and mingyu. read this story to find out.................


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3520 views, 7 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个689背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^   by随随嗑嗑     *008   全圆佑怕金珉奎把脑子烧坏了,用手心测他额头温度,“怎么了珉奎?”金珉奎没缓过来,喃喃自语,“没想到是明浩在照顾我...”全圆佑轻轻弹金珉奎的额头,“明浩照顾你一整天呢,我回家时他趴在床头睡着了,抱他回去都没醒来。”   金珉奎大概真的烧得糊涂,想不起来发烧时的任何记忆,只记得一直抱着徐明浩不放手。躺在床上越回想越尴尬,缠着小辈撒泼一点没有做哥的样子。尴尬过后是后怕,怕自己在不清醒的状态下对徐明浩做了什么不好的事。   ///   全圆佑今天又要去学校,金珉

记忆倒带 中止与扭转

By Character2 Updated
Tags  seventeen   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters mingyu wonwoo
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1370 views, 6 words

  现背和一些虚无创作 全圆佑第一视角 有点点虐  


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3130 views, 12 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个689背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^     *006     雨下到第二天晚上还是没停,金珉奎回到家时浑身湿透,袜子也没能逃过一劫。光着脚走进房间,留下一水路。   看到金珉奎笑盈盈地打开房门,全圆佑把浴巾甩到他身上,“金珉奎,为什么不爱惜身体,你是下雨天就要淋雨淋个够的小狗吗?”金珉奎倒是很委屈,想靠近全圆佑又怕弄湿床,只好罚站似的站在床边擦身子,里一直嘟囔,“太想圆佑了,堵车堵了好久,就跑回家啦!如果不用拉行李箱,我能跑得更快!”   全圆佑假装面无表情,但是被微微上扬的角出卖。推金珉奎进浴室洗澡,金珉奎死活不愿意,双手背在身后,眼睛亮晶晶的,露出尖尖的虎牙。卖了一会关子,金珉奎把手伸出来,


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 2810 views, 4 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^     # 005     早晨在车上的那一,晚餐时间变得有些煎熬,两人简单问候几句,没再开,只有电视机里的播报员在说话:   “今晚到明天,阴转雷阵雨,气温8~12度。”   啊,要下雨了。     02:48     一道闪电过后,雷声像是要把房子劈裂那般地响亮,全圆佑好不容易睡着,被讨人厌的雷声震醒,醒来后发觉金珉奎出差不在身边,郁闷且憋屈,坐起来发呆。窗外的闪电和他作对般的,密集地照亮夜空,紧随其后的雷声轰隆隆地炸开。   不知道明浩


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo minghao
With 3620 views, 6 words

世界本浑浊,罪与爱同歌。   大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 wb、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑   *004   徐明浩一向起得早,边揉眼睛边走向厨房,迷迷糊糊睁开眼,才发现金珉奎正在厨房大展身手。自从半个月前从金珉奎房间里出来后,除了打招呼,徐明浩一直避开和金珉奎单独相处,每天只会在饭点时间出现,吃完马上躲回房间。再次单独和金珉奎共处一室,徐明浩不自觉地分泌水,“早上好,珉奎哥。”金珉奎今天看上去心情不错,身上套着以前超市打折,全圆佑给买的粉白格子花边围裙,对徐明浩张开双臂。徐明浩不明白这是什么意思,内心挣扎了许久,悲愤地闭上眼回抱金珉奎,脸红扑扑的。耳边传来金珉奎的哼笑,徐明浩的上多了一颗毛茸茸的脑袋,左摇右晃地蹭来蹭去,肩窝被鼻尖蹭得发痒。   “你是笨蛋吗?我是想让你帮我


By loveidol0516 Updated
Tags  mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters mingyuXwonwoo
With 1 subscribers, 2150 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao
With 1 subscribers, 4930 views, 7 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————     # 003     晚饭过后徐明浩还是在看韩语课程,本来计划在三月开学前赶到韩国,没想到签证出问题,拖到四月才弄好。韩语学得匆忙,语言学校的课程落后一个月,必须趁周末这两天恶补。金珉奎似乎对徐明浩早上说以后给全圆佑做早餐这件事耿耿于怀,忙活一晚上做出六菜一汤,三个人吃得肚子快要撑爆。全圆佑敲门进来时,看到的就是徐明浩瘫在椅子上揉肚子的景象。   “圆、圆佑哥!”徐明浩被全圆佑看到这幅糗态,立马站起来问好。全圆佑看到徐明浩脸红得像滴血的模样觉得可爱,伸手摸摸他的后脑勺,拿出藏在背后的东西,“今天在超市看到明浩喜欢就买了,很可爱。”在超市时全圆佑看到徐明浩低头发呆看鞋尖,以为小孩突然想家心情不好,顺着视线看过去才发现原来是在盯着那套小青


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao wonwoo
With 1 subscribers, 2400 views, 5 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————     # 002     徐明浩起得很早,打算给全圆佑和金珉奎做一顿早餐。冰箱里的牛肉颜色和纹路都很漂亮,熬一锅滑蛋牛肉粥再合适不过。为了不吵醒两位哥哥,徐明浩切肉的动作尽量轻。刀是金珉奎找人定制的,锋利轻薄,刀起刀落,牛肉听话的被切出徐明浩想要的模样。有一片粘在左手食指上,徐明浩图方用刀尖挑下来,没想到低估了刀的锋利程度,手指被划开一个小子。徐明浩反应弧还算不长,感受到痛觉后立刻移开手指,打开水龙头冲洗。怕吵醒还在睡梦中的两人,水流开得很小,汇成一细线将血冲洗干净,徐明浩用纸巾包住后继续未完成的工作。   等到米粒熬成炸开的米花,白水变成浓稠的米浆,牛肉片微微卷起,徐明浩关上火把蛋打进去搅散,最后撒上葱花,准备去客厅坐着等两位哥哥


By suibianke Updated
Characters mingyu minghao wonwoo
With 2740 views, 4 words

大概是一个背德3p小故事 三个视角随时转换,不鸽的话可能可以写完 微博、lofter同步上传,食用愉快^ ^ by随随嗑嗑 ———————————————————————————   #001   天上的云被覆上一层灰黑,空气中潮湿的土腥味在作祟,大雨即至,四月的仁川机场每天都在上演分分合合,有人在相遇,有人在离别。雨季似乎会影响心情,低气压把人压得喘不过气,全圆佑把车停好,前往航站楼,拨通电话,“明浩,我在8号出。”电话那头传来男孩怯懦的道谢,全圆佑25年中说了无数次的谢谢,男孩说的磕磕绊绊,好不容易说完,长长的呼出一气,像完成一桩极其困难的大事。   航站楼冷气开得很足,全圆佑却感觉有些燥热,来源于胸左边的心跳声要把耳膜震碎,体内的血液在不安分的燃烧,热到一层紧密排列的水雾攀上镜片。原本清明的视线变得模糊,全圆佑只好脱下眼镜,用衣角擦掉水雾。失去清晰视觉后嗅觉和听觉变得格外敏感,男士香水、女士香水、消毒水混合成一股不太好闻的

The Visitor

By bluequartz_a Updated
Tags  drabble   minwon   seventeen   meanie   mingyuxwonwoo 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 3 subscribers, 960 views, 1 comments, 892 words
Status [M]


By PrettyPleaseMomo Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters Mingyu
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 400 views, 1355 words
Status Subscribers Only

Mingyu and Wonwoo two complete strangers on Earth, meet and become friends on an alternate universe and travel to other multiverses together through "multiverse tourism company" and discover about their other versions.

11:11 wish

By TinyMelocarat Updated
Tags  boyxboy   jun   mingyu   gay   collegeau   jisoo   hansol   dino   seventeen   junhui   meanie   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   chan   seungkwan   jihan   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   mingyuxwonwoo   wonwooandmingyu 
Characters Wonwoo, Mingyu
With 18 chapters, 5 votes, 205 subscribers, 2900 views, 25 comments, 24915 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

It's all about a stupid kiss Wonwoo had at 11:11 am.  "Let's not kiss someone with coffee-tasted lips again," he murmured with many regrets.  But of course, it happens a couple more times and a lot more later after he told himself not to...  

Check In: Altair Vega(Needs Re-construction)

By gggaaallleee Updated
Characters Seungcheol Jeonghan Mingyu Wonwoo Vernon Seungkwan
With 46 chapters, 14 votes, 1356 subscribers, 14260 views, 41 comments, 43211 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By woozien Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters meanie mingyu wonwoo seventeen
With 69 subscribers, 730 views, 1 comments, 768 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

A meanie soulmate au where a person gets a tattoo of the soulmate's description on their wrist will appear on their 18th birthday. Mingyu got '연구' (study) and Wonwoo got '개' (dog), what can this oneshot give you else? a bad plot that I thought of while doing Algebra. Notes: this au is in 2015 (Mingyu is 18 while Wonwoo is 19)


By zyranghae Updated
Tags  mingyu   angstromance   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo 
Characters Mingyu, Wonwoo
With 1 chapters, 50 subscribers, 610 views, 1 comments, 2870 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Hey guys! Rainy season had started in my country and it has been setting me in a type of mood so I decided to just write my feelings down. Our featured ship for today is Meanie/Minwon. I hope you guys enjoy this one-shot!   This short story was written after getting inspiration from the song Brokenhearted by Brandy (feat Wanya Morris) 

Dark Luck

By ThatOneFangirl190 Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 420 views, 1595 words

Wonwoo stared, eyes blown wide in horror as he stared directly down the barrel of a gun which was pointed straight at his forehead. The cold wind gently tugged at the edges of his scarf and nipped at his already freezing cheeks, but he could hardly feel anything, already numb from the fear coursing through his veins.

Don't be angry you are so y!

By PrettyPleaseMomo Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   meanie   wonwoo   seungkwan   soonhoon   minghao   woozi   hoshi   junhao   mingyuxwonwoo   hoshixwoozi 
Characters Jeon Wonwoo , kim mingyu, Kwon Soonyoung, hoshi,woozi,Junhui,minghao,the8,seventeen
With 10 chapters, 3 votes, 158 subscribers, 1470 views, 2 comments, 4413 words
Status Subscribers Only

Behind the Camera

By floydandgigi Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo & Kim Mingyu
With 1 chapters, 34 votes, 114 subscribers, 3760 views, 16 comments, 7618 words
Status [M], Completed

those early nights

By wonuunow Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, SEVENTEEN
With 7 chapters, 11 subscribers, 1030 views, 3 comments, 8195 words

"But little did he know, the boy he doesn’t really care about will change his heart along with his life." -an excerpt   (This story is purely fictional and heavily inspired by Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember. To all the people who will support this story, thank you very much!)  

Do not call me overprotective

By meanieauthor Updated
Characters mingyu wonwoo
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 27 subscribers, 660 views, 12 comments, 19797 words

So, this is my first story about Mingyu and Wonwoo. I love their friendship/bromance so much and how much they care about each other.  This story will contain lots of angst, drama, hurt but also tons of fluff and maybe some cheesy moments :D  I got this idea and I am not quite sure where this story is heading to but i just let it go with the flow :)  Always thankful about reviews -nice ones and also constructiv! I am not good with this description thing, so just try to

Be mine [book two]

By thewonupuppy Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu, Jeon Wonwoo, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Kwan Soonyoung, Lee Seokmin
With 4 chapters, 7 votes, 292 subscribers, 3030 views, 10 comments, 8142 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Is it true?

By _Ayumi_ Updated
Characters Seventeen but mainly meanie
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 190 subscribers, 1160 views, 4 comments, 1164 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Be mine

By thewonupuppy Updated
Tags  minwoo   chansoo   exo   kai   sehun   mingyu   baekhyun   chanyeol   lay   yixing   kyungsoo   doexo   laysoo   seventeen   junhui   meanie   seokmin   seungcheol   soonyoung   meaniecouple   soonhoon   minghao   topchanyeol   chanyeolxkyungsoo   bottomkyungsoo   the8   mingyuxwonwoo   wonhui   topmingyu   bottomwonwoo   beanie 
With 25 chapters, 22 votes, 1251 subscribers, 15850 views, 68 comments, 47818 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Save The Best For Last

By CheolOfMe Updated
Tags  mingyu   schoolau   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   mingyuxwonwoo   wonu 
Characters Mingyu, Wonwoo, other Seventeen members
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 21 subscribers, 410 views, 2 comments, 2131 words
Status Subscribers Only

There is a wickedness in your smile that drives me wild - gemma troy

cup of coffee

By minghaooo Updated
Characters wonwoo mingyu and the rest of seventeen members
With 1 chapters, 19 subscribers, 570 views, 2 comments, 762 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Violet eyes

By Bambamthedablord Updated
Characters xu Minghao, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Hoshi, Woozi, Jun, Junhui, S.coups, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Joshua, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino, Chan, Dk, Dokyeom, Seokmin,
With 3 chapters, 8 subscribers, 750 views, 4738 words

Telepathic Dragons have been extinct for over 700 years. They were incredibly feared for their ability to kill without even lifting a finger. ___________________________________ Minghao is the last telepathic dragon and is living on the streets, always on the run from those who want to use him. He accidentally runs into Seventeen, a group of dragons and humans that takes on cases too dangerous for normal people.

I'm Sorry, I Love You

By n_sya00 Updated
Tags  jihoon   mingyu   jisoo   hansol   dino   seventeen   junhui   meanie   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   chan   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   jihan   jicheol   minghao   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   verkwan   mingyuxwonwoo 
With 20 chapters, 10 votes, 170 subscribers, 8960 views, 40 comments, 38398 words
Status Completed

Mingyu is madly in love with Wonwoo, but Wonwoo just sees Mingyu as his best friend. But everything changes after Mingyu and his friends witness Wonwoo kissing a girl under a tree.


By wonwhale Updated
Characters Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, S.Coups, Woozi, DK, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Vernon, Jun, The8, Dino, Joshua
With 6 chapters, 11 votes, 372 subscribers, 3540 views, 16 comments, 20628 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

A quiet evening.

By wonwhale Updated
Characters Kim Mingyu & Jeon Wonwoo
With 1 chapters, 21 votes, 88 subscribers, 4260 views, 12 comments, 4117 words
Status [M], Completed

Hawaiian liquor.

By hiyoriiki Updated
Characters wonwoo & mingyu, also random hyungline in the background for funsies
With 2 chapters, 8 votes, 534 subscribers, 3610 views, 13 comments, 5477 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only