Seventeen17 (54 seventeen17 stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By huxizhiye Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeen17   wonhui 
Characters 全圆佑 文俊辉
With 3 chapters, 53 subscribers, 29060 views, 4 comments, 2 words

作者正在努力憋文中。 佑灰wonhui,4性转,肉,有剧情,剧情为肉服务,先婚后爱,6暗恋。 ooc,全是我编的,我的世界我做主,别审判我,别上升正主

两小无猜 🚗(尹净汉X你)

By xixilc Updated
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 3860 views, 6 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 尹净汉,yoonjeonghan,JEONGHAN,文俊辉,wenjunhui,JUN
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 385 subscribers, 14820 views, 33 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

【率俊】 呔,妖精!

By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   wenjunhui   vernon   seventeen17   seventeenau   vernonxjun 
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,崔韩率,VERNON
With 3 chapters, 23 subscribers, 1990 views, 132 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟蜜糖风小甜文,非常规现背,假装不是娱乐圈的娱乐圈文 🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们   🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。   其他指路⬇️

Stay Strong Seventeen

By Ghad20 Updated
Tags  angst   bromance   sickness   comfort   mingyu   hurtandcomfort   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   sickfic   injured   vernon   the8   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenjun   seventeen17   svt   dkseventeen   the8minghao   staystrong   fainted   svtbro 
Characters S.coups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, WonWoo, Woozi, DK, MinGyu, The8, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino
With 28 chapters, 20 votes, 1518 subscribers, 33710 views, 84 comments, 24125 words
Status Completed

This is an other "Stay Strong" story from my "Stay Strong" sequels. In the form of One Shots, let's see what happens to  SVT members when things gets way too serious and difficult for every and each one of them.


By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   wenjunhui   leeseokmin   seventeen17   seventeenau   dkseventeen   dk17   dkxjun 
Characters 文珺慧(文俊辉性转),JUN,李硕珉,DK
With 2 chapters, 139 subscribers, 6780 views, 23 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 1 subscribers, 3020 views, 2 words

🌸每写一篇BE,就奖励自己一篇沙雕甜文 ❤️ 待开坑,占位  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 2010 views, 3 words

【队花|汉俊】入戏太深,他超爱!的前篇 💎 架空古代,正剧风,无性转,BE。 预告,待码…… 其他成员角色等解锁后再添加上。 🌸因为新预告改了设定!80%有肉,到时再修改阅读权限。


By EchoWong233 Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   seventeen   wenjunhui   joshua   joshuahong   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   seventeen17   joshua17   seventeenau   wonhui   wonwooxjunhui 
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,洪知秀,JOSHUA,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,全圆佑,WONWOO,金珉奎,MINGYU,崔韩率,VERNON,崔胜澈,S.COUPS
With 10 chapters, 2 comments, 99 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。   其他指路⬇️


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,文珺慧,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,崔胜澈,崔胜哲,S.COUPS,崔韩率,VERNON
With 1 subscribers, 6050 views, 25 words


By treetreeishere Updated
Characters 洪知秀,Joshua,尹净汉,Jeonghan,知汉
With 7 chapters, 10 subscribers, 28 words
Status [M]


By EchoWong233 Updated
With 1 votes, 35 subscribers, 7510 views, 12 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 💎各色次人 X 穿越女你(原社畜穿越成恶毒女配)。 💎 后来就是各次人AU出场,远离原剧情主角团。 🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定请咨询。  

📱【all jun all】海王翻车实录

By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,徐明浩,THE8,全圆佑,WONWOO,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,洪知秀,JOSHUA,权顺荣,HOSHI,夫胜宽,SEUNGKWAN
With 8 subscribers, 10950 views, 1 comments, 15 words
Status Completed

🆕 互动视频版点击体验   🌟OCC属于我,爱属于次人们 💎出场 2345611 🐶后来丝丝成了某粉站百万游戏UP(X ,详情请看我!男!被12个男人强制爱了,怎么办?  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,权顺蓉(权顺荣性转)
With 1490 views, 15 words
Status Completed

💎我最可爱的茸茸生快!!!🎉🎉🎉   ⚠️CP:4⃣️x5⃣️(性转)   🌟  OCC属于我,爱属于次人 🌟  🌙视角 🌟  酸甜的小甜饼 🌟  花吐症梗,背景校园,讲述少女间纯纯的悸动……   🈲️二改二转抄袭融梗等,借梗借设定

【尹净汉 X 你】末日轮回

By EchoWong233 Updated
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2510 views, 7 words
Status Completed

🆕YSL的活动混剪(可代)         ⬇️以下正文 是世界末世前夕。 你站在由机场改造的隔离疏散站的队伍中,前面大概还有十几个人就轮到你了。 这时,来了一个俊美的男人,着一身玄色暗纹套装,墨色中长发,披散的发尾落于两肩,有一种矜贵的美感。 他径直走向你,牵住了你的手,你有些错愕,一只手抱着你的毛孩子,另一只


By zuiaimaomao Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeen17   wonhui   gyuhui 
Characters 1-?
With 21 chapters, 42 subscribers, 36290 views, 6 comments, 63 words

是没有太多逻辑的产物,初衷是搞簧,本质all俊 *4性转 文笔不好 矫情 甚至很多错别字 磕头 含澈俊 队花 刷俊 双子 佑灰 珉灰 硕俊 率俊 灿俊

【ALL JUN】我!男!被12个男人强制爱了,怎么办?

By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,权顺荣,HOSHI,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 3 subscribers, 5840 views, 27 words
Status Completed

  文俊辉是某粉站百万游戏up主,也是某猪场忠实粉丝,每次都是内测玩家,比如阴阳X师,X魔法X学院等等。      某天他如往常一样打开邮件内测链接,无脑下载。登陆后发现UI界面绚烂又精致可爱,才发现居然是个乙女游戏,虽然互动剧情等玩法很多,但对于宇直而言就是个集卡游戏啊。   没有强迫症但是有仓鼠病的他对集齐全系列卡非常执着,尤其是对一个长相像仓鼠但是喜欢比虎爪的叫“Hoshi”的角色卡情有独钟。   第一次免费十连抽中的R卡就让他萌的心颤,尤其那鼓鼓的脸颊肉想让人啾~一——即使官方活动第一次赠送十连抽必送SSR,且其中五张是额外赠送的SR卡……      终于,在努力走剧情升级,以及PK做任务之后,攒足了💎,赶上了官方新出的活动——Hoshi的SSR新卡奖池。


By tabithe Updated
Tags  seventeen17 
Characters 。。。。。
With 350 views


Check In: Altair Vega(Needs Re-construction)

By gggaaallleee Updated
Characters Seungcheol Jeonghan Mingyu Wonwoo Vernon Seungkwan
With 46 chapters, 14 votes, 1356 subscribers, 14260 views, 41 comments, 43211 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Behind Closed Doors

By empresspeach Updated
Tags  jihoon   sickness   seventeen   woozi   seventeen17   woozihurt   woozisick 
Characters Woozi, Seventeen Members
With 11 chapters, 8 votes, 40 subscribers, 1260 views, 15 comments, 12697 words

Lee Ji Hoon has been the cornerstone of seventeen ever since their pre-debut days. On stage, he shines brighter than any other diamond but off-camera, he’s hiding a secret that could drastically change not only his life, but of those around him. One day, the inevitable happens and his greatest secret started coming to light. Now Seventeen was facing their biggest challenge yet, as a group and as a family.

Seventeen in a nutshell

By Lemonzest95 Updated
Tags  comedy   comedyromance   seventeen17 
Characters Seventeen
With 1 chapters, 200 views, 330 words
Status Completed

Just a collection of Seventeen shorts & imagines. Enjoy ❤️

Candi's Drabble, Oneshots, and Other Things

By Candi_Demon Updated
Characters Tao, Kris, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Taehyung, Jungkook, Eunhyuk, Donghae
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 1010 views, 4 comments, 10238 words
Status Subscribers Only

Like the title says, this is where I put the random stuff that doesn't turn into full-length stories or gets cut out from other fics I have. Leave feedback! I want to know what you think! This will be posted as they are finished. 

That girl

By Hannataolover Updated
Tags  fluff   you   dino   hoshi   seventeen17 
Characters Hoshi, Dino, Hana, Seventeen
With 22 chapters, 9 votes, 296 subscribers, 28 comments, 41557 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

My I (not really)

By bbgraflesia Updated
With 1 chapters, 300 views, 1695 words
Status Completed

Once being apart of your life was enough for me. (maybe not)

I Love You~ I Know

By Clips_Lipsticks Updated
Tags  seventeen17 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol
With 1 chapters, 20 views, 6990 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Seventeen(AMBW Imagine)

By _MentalBaby_ Updated
Tags  ambw   imagines   seventeen   seventeen17   carat 
Characters Minghao Y/n
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 520 views, 999 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Behind the Scenes: Cue

By eros17 Updated
Tags  comedy   bromance   seventeen   meanie   jihan   wonhan   seunghan   cheolsoo   minghan   verkwan   junhan   seventeen17   jeongcheol   junshua   gyuhan   seokhan   woohan   soonhan   saythename17   verhan 
Characters Seungcheol Jeonghan Joshua Jun Hoshi Wonwoo Woozi DK Mingyu The8 Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 21 chapters, 18 votes, 153 subscribers, 9410 views, 86 comments, 135294 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

This is a sequel of the "Behind the Scenes: Standby". Sebongies taking their love for their angel to the next level. Sweeter than sweet, I guess. ;)


By AJarOfHyunnie Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   originalcharacter   mingyu   pledis   slightangst   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   pinky   pledis17   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc   seventeenjun   seventeen17   svt   dokyeom   seventeenoc   ocseventeen   kyulkyung 
Characters ||Hong Byul (OC)|| Joshua || Rest of Seventeen members || Kyulkyung (Pristin/PledisGirlz) (Minor)
With 27 chapters, 9 votes, 306 subscribers, 4680 views, 48 comments, 35057 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Being in a relationship with your bias from Seventeen is literally every.Carat's.dream. That was the same for Byul, except she didn't have a bias. And she wasn't a Carat. And she knew literally nothing about and no one from Seventeen. Except for her brother, Joshua. Now that she had caught the eyes of most, if not all of Seventeen, would she return the feeling to that one special person?

Fun'n Fluffs

By KimCai Updated
Tags  comedy   bts   jihan   soonseok   jicheol   junhao   verkwan   seventeen17   mpregandfluff 
Characters Seventeen and other Idols who I would like to add :)
With 3 chapters, 164 subscribers, 5310 views, 7 comments, 3083 words
Status Subscribers Only

Have you ever been in a private daycare where 9 talented kids meet eachother and suddenly falls for their first time? Such oddly cute young couples would they be to just make you want to cuddle them much more including the 4 adults who takes care of them? Aren’t you curious?

Life Support

By xrainismx Updated
Tags  angst   sad   hansol   seventeen   vernon   seventeen17 
Characters Hansol Vernon Chwe
With 11 chapters, 8 votes, 131 subscribers, 5890 views, 29 comments, 14943 words

Hansol Vernon Chwe is a rich and narcissistic 17 year old who is forced to volunteer at the children's ward of a local hospital. There, he meets Soo Jin, a girl his age who is suffering from a debilitating heart condition. Hansol plasters on a fake smile and plays sympathy for the dying teen until he realises that she is Su Soo Jin, who he used to tease and torture for years. Every day, Soo Jin looks weaker and Hansol is determined to make her last days as beautiful as it can be.

House 7-0

By ArainaSoul Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   romance   seventeen17   svt 
Characters seventeen, s.coups, jeonghan, joshua, jihoon, hoshi, jun, wonwoo, mingyu, seokmin, minghao, seungkwan, vernon, dino
With 4 chapters, 3 subscribers, 430 views, 3511 words

Greeting your neighbours is a must when you are a newbie at the place but this time one thing is certain. You just don’t know this one neighbour. You started to feel anxious.

Late night oneshots ^o^

By imnotuglyimexotic101 Updated
Tags  seventeen17 
Characters BTS, Seventeen, Monsta X, IKON, and GOT7
With 1 chapters, 150 views, 471 words

The tittle pretty much explains it all :D...well at least I hope it does. Kay well you know when you just happen to be up late night listening to k-pop or when you've just finished watching an anime because you just happened to wake up in the middle of the night *wink wink*. Ok well to cut to the chase, this will be a place hwre you can request oneshots, or enjoy some of my own, but please take note I may be busy and might not update often (;( sorry, well that may ony apply if you're enjoying

The New Girl

By Hannataolover Updated
Tags  jihoon   ren   dino   originacharacter   vernon   woozi   seventeen17 
Characters Kaisa o/c, Jihoon/Woozi, Vernon/Hansol, Seventeen, Ren, Jujin
With 19 chapters, 3 votes, 220 subscribers, 15 comments, 26911 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

♥ Seventeen Oneshot Collection ♥

By AnnieAnnAnn143 Updated
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jun, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Minghao, Seokmin, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1250 views, 1 comments, 13079 words

Hey guys! Since I have no dedication in making major fanfics, I just decided to create oneshots with the seventeen members! I really hope you guys enjoy these oneshots! 

It Was Him

By CONIYA Updated
Tags  seventeen17 
Characters You, IM (Monsta X), Joshua (SEVENTEEN), Red Velvet members, SVT members, Monsta X members
With 9 chapters, 2 subscribers, 140 views, 7802 words
Status Completed

Your brother Im Changkyun (I.M.) and his group (Monsta X) are rivals with a group called SEVENTEEN. You never really cared for their rivalry or competition. But one day someone from SEVENTEEN caught your eye, stole your heart. What will happen?

Some things are not meant to be Said

By Cheesy_Ramyeon Updated
Tags  angst   mingyu   seventeen17   mingyuxoc 
Characters MingyuxOc
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 570 views, 226 words

Have you ever thought that what you say may affect someone? Have you thought about what do they feel when u tell them something?

Corrupted Game

By XXBakaBaekXX Updated
Characters B.A.P ( Zelo)/ (BTS) Jung Kook/ SHINee ( Taemin)/ (EXO) Kai/ (Seventeen) Vernon/ (GOT7) BamBam/ (B.A.P) Yongguk/ BOA/ IU
With 4 subscribers, 1320 views, 2 comments, 1118 words

 " I'm afraid you know to much. Time to pull the Trigger." - Yongguk        New York, the city of lights and utter beauty. Nobody ever mentions what goes on in the alleways, that always has more then just darkness in them. Citizen's in New York are just merely prey to Gangs that roam there freely. Yes, gang's that will shoot you if you look at them wrong or try and be a hero and stop them. For almost 5 years has been hell for the people of New York as everyone slowly began to vanish, w

Only Yoon JeongHan Seventeen Scenarios

By Jiyeon_Jin Updated
Tags  jeonghan   seventeen17   jeonhanxyou 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan X You
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 130 subscribers, 2420 views, 8 comments, 6842 words
Status Subscribers Only

The fanfic is not fully mine or 100% not my fanfic.My work is just to copy and paste the one short stories about Yoon JeongHan. Credits to the owner of the story.Dont sue me.I just in love with other author fanfic. Well. For our Angel Boy Yoon JeongHan. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Maybe it will have a Rated M fic.Sorry for the mistakes(Bow) and English is not my language.(Peace)

The Fallen

By hzhfobsessed Updated
Tags  seventeen   fallenangelau   junhan   seventeen17 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Wen Junhui, the rest of Seventeen
With 16 chapters, 10 votes, 37 subscribers, 2600 views, 5 comments, 6035 words
Status Completed

In which Jeonghan falls from Heaven to Hell, straight into Jun's heart.

Dance Practice Ver. 1

By kpop0218 Updated
Tags  jihoon   seventeen   soonyoung   soonhoon   woozi   hoshi   seventeen17 
With 10 chapters, 24 votes, 1700 subscribers, 18080 views, 77 comments, 25889 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Seventeen members were practicing ‘Adore U’ part switch for the video on the beach which the members switched their parts. When Hoshi turned around to crouch down in front of Woozi, instead he was met with a blushing Woozi with his fists up.  What happens when Soonyoung and Jihoon both have strong feelings for each other and Jihoon decides to

I'm 17

By littlekpopfan4ever Updated
Tags  comedy   romance   twins   dino   vernon   seventeen17 
Characters Lee MinYoung (OC), Lee HaYoung (OC), Lee Chan (Dino), Chwei Hansol (Vernon), Seventeen
With 3 chapters, 8 subscribers, 390 views, 4976 words

STARRING Lee MinYoung (16 turning 17) -Born February 17 1999 (Using Korean age) -2 Minutes older than HaYoung -Quiet, Smart, Caring, Loving, athletic -Captain of the Basketball, Volleyball, Ultimate team - Student Council Co President with Dino -Exceeds in school -Loves to sing and dance -Chilldhood friends with Sevente


By MemaA90 Updated
Tags  joshua   vernon   seventeen17   beer 
Characters you
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1250 views, 2 comments, 964 words
Status Completed

1 girl 13 boys 1 room  

My Personal Angel

By inimeg19 Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 41 subscribers, 4820 views, 13 comments, 1065 words
Status Completed

TITLE: My Personal Angel LENGTH: Short Oneshot

It's Just A Number

By asaz17 Updated
Tags  romance   seulgi   humor   wonwoo   redvelvet   wonwooxseulgi   seventeen17 
Characters Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet), Jeon Wonwoo (SEVENTEEN)
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 334 subscribers, 6000 views, 19 comments, 3346 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Kang Seulgi had somehow been crushing on Jeon Wonwoo after she was in a team with him in the variety show Running Man and they became really good friends, but she was an idol and so was he, he was younger than her, she was older than him, could their close friends status turn into Lovers? Age Is Just A Number