Hoshi (1,014 hoshi stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Tomatoegg Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1150 views
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荣 羁绊3  


By SvtVernon Updated
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 3599 words

Family - this word can have different meaning to different people. To Seungchoel, it's his husband and 11, naughty but adorable kids.  Scoups and Jeonghan adopt 11 boys and try to give all of them a big family.

The Walking Dead || EXO x KPOP ||

By Baeika49 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   horror   idols   jaemin   kpop      exo   kai   sehun   mingyu   baekhyun   romace   chen   chanyeol   minseok   lay   jongin   boyslove   kyungsoo   suho   sekai   baekyeol   kaihun   sulay   chanbaek   lucas   horrorcomedy   bts   seventeen   thiller   joshua   jungkook   taehyung   taekook   mark   taeyoung   mxm   hoshi   suengcheol   zombiesau   nct   zombieapocalyseau 
Characters Chanyeol, Baekhyun; Sehun, Jongin, Suho, lay, Taehyung, Jungkook, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, other idols
With 31 chapters, 33 subscribers, 1910 views, 61798 words
Status Subscribers Only

Who knew life would change in just seconds. They were just normal people living their normal lives yesterday, but now they're fighting and killing zombies to survive, day by day! It's gonna be hard, but they got each other's backs. Will they survive ?? Find out in 'The Walking Dead' !! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hoshingie(Hoshi's One shoot collection)

By yeyepapo Updated
Characters Kwon soonyoung choiseungcheol yoonjeonghan hongjisoo junhui hoshi jeonwonwoo leejihoon xuminghao kimmingyu leeseokmin hansol vernon seungkwan dino leechan woozi joshua dk dokyeom jun the8 seventeen carat
With 3 chapters, 360 views, 2571 words

Hoshi tuh manja sama hyungnya, eh tapi dia juga manja sama dongsaengnya 😂. Mood suka naik turun kaya bumil trimester pertama. Tapi semua sayang hoshi. No exceptions 🤗.


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  seventeen   hoshi   seventeenhoshi 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 5320 views, 2 words
Status [M]

荣 羁绊2

By Tomatoegg Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 第二章
With 2 subscribers, 1410 views, 2 words
Status Members Only

荣 羁绊 2


By Dittoqian-shu Updated
Tags  woozi   hoshi   hozi   hoshixwoozi 
With 1 subscribers, 1920 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only

Adore U

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters Scoups (Seungcheol) Jeonghan Joshua Jun DK (Dokyeom ) The8 (Minghao) Wonwoo Woozi (Jihoon) Hoshi (Soonyoung) Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 5090 views, 4 comments, 93229 words

A collection of Sick, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff one shots Seventeen members and different ships   


By Tomatoegg Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 第一章
With 2 subscribers, 2220 views
Status [M]


By ho5dxshi Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters hoshi you
With 570 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

窗外雨一直下个不停,你本来想等着权顺荣下班回来一起休息,但这样的白噪音格外助眠,你在床上没躺一会儿就想要睡觉。   但是因为最近你迷上了婆队的spell,所以入眠前你都习惯性掏出手机想要看看权顺荣的直拍…   手机屏幕上出现了你熟悉的脸庞,看着权顺荣在舞台上肆意散发着魅力,你知道他一直跳舞都特别好特别有自己的风格,但这一首歌的编舞更是让你感受到他有很好的消化并融合自己的感觉,脸上微微的笑容,仰起的下颚,半睁的眼眸,微张的…看得你莫名羞涩。   哇…大发…   “怎么有人这么适合这种刚柔并济的舞蹈!”你抱着手机在床上发出痴笑,“阿一古,这种慢慢的感觉太涩情了!怎么对身体的控制这样好…”   “嗯?eigi是在夸我吗?” 背后突然传出了权顺荣的声音。   你惊慌的盖住手机,回头看见他就侧躺着看着你,脸上挂着意味深长的笑。   “

是纯永还是顺荣 2

By Roselleee Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 3 subscribers, 7040 views, 1 comments
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By 18874002547 Updated
Tags  mingyu   soongyu   hoshi 
Characters Kim mingyu, Kwon soonyoung
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2890 views, 17 words
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By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  seventeen   hoshi 
With 4 chapters, 6 subscribers, 4390 views, 23 words

权顺荣×我  ‘独步春’为荼蘼花的别名(tú mí)Human cloning 未完结

金字塔游戏 (13 with you)

By SpreliaY Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 53340 views, 13 comments, 58 words
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文by@Spreliay 群像文 / 改编自同名电视剧 / 含大量内容


By LFSZLK_xue Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 权顺荣
With 2 subscribers, 2700 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By JuuuuuJ Updated
Tags  seventeen   woozi   hoshi 
With 1970 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By donotbother Updated
Tags  kwonsoonyoung   hoshi   hoshixoc 
With 2 subscribers, 1580 views, 1 comments, 3 words
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是骨科   有少量成人情節


By grapedrawer Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   wonwoo   hoshi   minsoon   gyusoon   woosoon 
Characters woosoon,gyusoon,minsoon,wonwoo,hoshi,mingyu
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 46 subscribers, 20690 views, 4 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By Mymyii Updated
Tags  seventeen   hoshi   hoshiseventeen   hoshixyou 
With 2 subscribers, 3220 views
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权顺荣几乎是冲进病房的,看着你躺在床上,帽檐下的眼神晦暗不明,远远的站了一会儿,打开门干净利落的走了。 这是你第三次因为总不吃饭进的急诊室了,前两次权顺荣为了照顾你逼迫自己学会了做饭。两周不见,你又把自己的身体折腾坏了。 打了几瓶点滴后,医生嘱咐了你几句就放你回家了,一路上权顺荣一句话都没说,冷着脸回到家 “为什么不好好吃饭?” “忙忘了…况且我这不是没事吗” “你这叫没事?人都到急诊了!” 权顺荣没忍住吼出声。 你低头不敢和他对视,在你面前他从没发这么大的火,甚至连冷脸都没有。你一时间不知道怎么应对。胃部的不适感还残留在身体里,又被吼这么一通,啪嗒一声眼泪就跟着掉了下来。 权顺荣脸上的怒气还没消下去,看见这滴眼泪眼底开始泛起止不住的心疼。叹了气,拿出医生开的药递到你边,试了过水温后把杯子塞到你手里。看着你吃完药才上前把你拢到怀里,一下一下亲你的眼角的泪痕。 “我辞职照顾你吧” 权顺荣沉默了半晌说出这么一句话。

Always Pokemon

By Lostmyaccount Updated
Tags  seventeen   leejihoon   kwonsoonyoung   soonhoon   scoups   woozi   hoshi   hoshixwoozi   soonhoonau 
Characters Woozi, Hoshi, Seventeen
With 150 views, 228 words

In which both Hoshi and Woozi are Pokémon trainers (but they both really and Coups doesn't get enough credit for the things he does for them).   


By 198065 Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 subscribers, 1050 views, 1 words
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  被权顺荣抱紧后,你先是一惊,挣扎着起身却被权顺荣从身后把门关上,整个人被他锁在怀里,他软软的开: “xx,你不喜欢我吗……” “我好郁闷,荣荣好郁闷。” 他因为喝醉了把自己整个人的重量压在了你的身上,你回身抱住他想重新把他扔回床上,却没控制好平衡倒在了他身上。 身下的人似乎也感受到了重量,睁开了眼睛看着你,你们两个人大眼对小眼就这样互看了有一会,你却突然身体一轻,整个人被他抱了起来放在了桌子上。 “荣荣好喜欢你。” 你看着他凑过来的脸,还没把这一系列动作消化下去却被突如其来的所覆盖,带着一些酒味,紧接着的衣服的味道扑了上来,权顺荣不喜欢喷香水,你就给他换了洗衣液,你觉得檀香的味道格外适合他。 这个很轻,但权顺荣是细细斟酌的,好像要把你整个人都吃了,但又看对方是一只小奶,只好软软的抚摸着她的身躯。 权顺荣轻抚着你的腰身,这个蔓延到了耳朵、,好似在亲什么宝物,生怕把它弄坏了,就连你阻止他伸进你衣服作恶的手也不经意间变得


By lizhiaa Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 subscribers, 4740 views, 10 words
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By xirrrr Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 3 subscribers, 4100 views
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By hezijiangjiang Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 subscribers, 1320 views, 2 words
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前文:🍠盒子酱酱 在🍠被了所以在这里发一下~ 🐯  后续加餐         那一夜你听着权纯永的前半生,原来他和你年龄相仿         第二天醒来后,权纯永是紧紧抱着你的,就连项圈的牵引绳还紧紧拽着。         你看着他熟睡的脸庞,手轻轻覆在他的脸上,“权纯永,做我男朋友好不好”         指令触发,他马上就睁开了眼睛。         他蓝黑色幽深的瞳孔像你当初刚买回他的样子一样…          只不过那只是一瞬间,下一秒瞳孔像是被点亮了,变得灵动了不少         “真的吗!”他突然就坐了起来,没有平日里看起来的冷酷,现在更像是一个小男孩         “真的哦,我想跟纯永一直在一起。”你认真的看着他         “我们纯永…值得被爱着”你摸了摸他柔软的毛发          其实你听完他一番倾诉你才知道他的冷漠和不信任是他保护自己的刺罢了,他现在卸下自


By sAtqshi Updated
Tags  seventeen   kwonsoonyoung   hoshi 
With 9 chapters, 36 subscribers, 8630 views, 4 comments, 17 words
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这一周的日记 全

By Thistle-G Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   seungkwan   the8   hoshi   dokyeom 
Characters 文珺慧 文俊辉 jun 李硕珉
With 7 chapters, 770 views, 64 words

李硕珉x文珺慧    预警: *有点虐,第一人称视角,清水文。 *硕俊主线,队友有辈分差。 *全文约2w字。


By LFSZLK_xue Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 权顺荣
With 3 subscribers, 2790 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By Watsonoeanut_ Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 16 chapters, 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 16740 views, 3 comments, 44 words

OOC为校霸权顺荣 全文3.5w字 有已标注,可自行避雷


By xNjNcc Updated
Tags  seventeen   seungkwan   hoshi   soonboo 
With 930 views, 1 words
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By miuratatsuya Updated
Tags  sliceoflife   originalcharacter   mingyu   jisoo   lightangst   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom   woozixoc 
Characters Woozi OC
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 11 subscribers, 1450 views, 4 comments, 6518 words
Status Subscribers Only

  A love story of a blind photographer and a famous painter.      Bae Wooyeon  A blind photographer that is yet to see what she can't see. Waiting for an eye donor is like waiting for an uncertain hope. She's


By cicmel13 Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   romance   love   mingyu   romancedrama   boyxgirl   straight   dino   seventeen   junhui   meanie   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   managerandidol   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   jeongcheol   mingyuxoc 
With 4 chapters, 31 subscribers, 1730 views, 1 comments, 4335 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By mzy_1109 Updated
Tags  seventeen   woozi   hoshi   hozi 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 14440 views, 9 words
Status Members Only



By _zsrof_ Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 170 subscribers, 86910 views, 5 comments, 358 words
Status [M], Completed

拍摄日常 情侣解锁新场地

By wonwoliv Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 3040
With 11 subscribers, 1 comments, 8 words

和权顺荣的拍摄细节 vlog  偷录  女上位  玩具  车内


By Sakura_one Updated
Tags  seventeen   kwonsoonyoung   hoshi 
Characters 权顺荣
With 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 15500 views, 1 comments, 14 words
Status [M]

权顺荣*你 伪骨科

By shanna-1 Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 13 subscribers, 3460 views, 5 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Roselleee Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 7460 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By hoshi_- Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 13020 views, 12 words
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今天我陪我的闺蜜悦悦来看她偶像的演唱会,其实本来我是拒绝的,但她说请我吃一星期的鲫鱼饼,我想着免费看场演唱会还能免费吃上一星期的鲫鱼饼,想想也不吃亏,欣然的接受了。听她说她的偶像叫seventeen,于是我问她“所以seventeen是有十七个人吗”我的闺蜜噗嗤笑出了声,“svt只有十三个人,有三个小分队,他们是一个团体,所以13+3+1=17。”原来是这样,这个名字还挺有深意的,没多久我们准备检票进场了。 坐在位置上的时候,悦悦一直很高兴很激动,我看着她高兴的样子,自己的脸上也不自觉的扬起了笑容,因为我们买的位置还算前排,所以看起来更加清晰震撼,用作开场的歌的很炸裂,气氛很快就被活跃起来,我也不自觉投身到愉悦兴奋的氛围中,一开始并没有开灯,我只能看到他们脸部的轮廓以及挺拔的身姿,开场结束之后是一首情歌,听悦悦说这首歌叫做《I Don't Understand But I Luv U》,前奏过了之后我聚精会神的看向大屏,灯刹那间被点亮,突然放大的脸以及熟悉的薄荷奶糖音色打了我一个措手不及,我整个人征在了原地,悦悦发现我呆住的样子,转过身问我“你是被hoshi迷住了

权顺荣×你 偷偷去夜店被抓包怎么办

By hoshi_- Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 9 subscribers, 27800 views, 1 comments, 1 words
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今天是权顺荣出差的第三天,我平日里都是很黏权顺荣的。于是我打电话问他“宝宝我想你了,你什么时候回家?”权顺荣说事情办的差不多了,但今晚赶不回来,应该要明早到,语气里还透露着不舍,作为他大方又体贴的女朋友,我当然没有无理取闹,只是嘱咐他慢慢来,路上注意安全。 其实我心里打着自己的小算盘,和权顺荣在一起后,我几乎再也没有去过夜店,一是怕沾花惹草,惹得权顺荣嫉妒。二是我酒量差,一喝就趴。但是今晚几个大学闺蜜碰巧都有空,想约出来聚一下,我答应了。还特意换上了一特别性/感的紧身包臀裙,要玩就好好玩,少喝点应该就没事了吧,我心想。   走进许久未来的场所,里面还是灯红酒绿,亮的刺眼, 音乐声被开到最大肆意的放着,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的劣质香水味,我感到一丝晕眩,和权顺荣在一起这么长时间,我很少驻足在这种地方,竟然让我有点不适,虽然不算厉害,但以前还是夜店的常驻选手,压抑着已经有点翻江倒海的胃,我淡然的开了个卡座,过路看见个夜店女郎,衣着露骨,妆容艳俗,与她擦肩而过,让我身上也沾染了些许味道。本不打算喝酒,闺蜜们纷纷扬言会让我平平安安到家, 我的杯里被满上了威士忌,我的目光流连在台上

The Loopholes of Reality

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  fantasy   mingyu   darkfantasy   futuristic   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dkseventeen 
Characters Seventeen Junhui, with mention of others
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 330 views, 42 words
Status Subscribers Only

Junhui wakes up one morning to the entire world different from what he had known before. Every day, there is something new to discover...but just don't mention it. Not all will remember. 

Armorhide Diary

By NaturalZip Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
Characters seventeen
With 9 chapters, 156 words



By Watsonoeanut_ Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters 权顺荣x我
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 21500 views, 9 comments, 89 words

第一人称 ooc 牛郎/画家 友情出场:尹净汉/全圆佑/金珉奎 两场🚗,注意避雷


By Roselleee Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 13 subscribers, 25570 views
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By wmmmmm Updated
Tags  hoshi 
Characters hoshi
With 5 subscribers, 3310 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By sAtqshi Updated
Tags  hoshi 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 4220 views, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By siwei420 Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   wonwoo   woozi   hoshi 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 29 subscribers, 10830 views, 5 comments, 13 words
Status [M], Members Only

SVT Club - Severely and Viscerally Tiring Club

By choikangtabi Updated
Tags  crackfic   jun   mingyu   collegeau   seventeen   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   dokyeom 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 610 views, 1 comments, 127 words
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Picture this: a school club on the brink of extinction, fueled by the chaotic energy of a bunch of crackheads. Now, imagine poor Chan, caught in the crossfire of their shenanigans. He didn't sign up for this madness, quite literally. Enter Vernon, the mastermind behind dragging Chan into the whirlwind of absurdity that is Club Room 17. Suddenly, Chan finds himself a card-carrying member of the "Severely and Viscerally Tiring Club," all thanks to a chance encounter with Vernon, the self-appoin


By xyuuuovo1 Updated
Characters 权顺荣
With 63 subscribers, 5990 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By Writeurmushroom Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   jeonghan   scoups   hoshi 
Characters mingyu
With 1 chapters, 53 subscribers, 14500 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By wenwon Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   dkseventeen 
Characters Seventeen s.coups jeonghan joshua jun hoshi wonwoo woozi minghao mingyu dk seungkwan vernon dino
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 4800 views, 29 words
Status Members Only



By breather5_5 Updated
Tags  seventeen   hoshi   seventeenhoshi 
Characters 权顺荣
With 15 chapters, 43 subscribers, 9790 views, 4 comments, 14 words

权顺荣梦向 合租室友变炮友 xhs@我有权呼 全文2w


By Writeurmushroom Updated
Tags  seventeen   kwonsoonyoung   hoshi   hoshixyou 
Characters 权顺荣
With 2 chapters, 39 subscribers, 9350 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M]