Scoupsxjeonghan (63 scoupsxjeonghan stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By SvtVernon Updated
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 3599 words

Family - this word can have different meaning to different people. To Seungchoel, it's his husband and 11, naughty but adorable kids.  Scoups and Jeonghan adopt 11 boys and try to give all of them a big family.


By shoii_O Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
With 1 chapters, 230 views, 3 words
Status Members Only



By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 1870 views, 29 words


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 490 views

*现背 酸涩双向暗恋


By peachcherry1004 Updated
Characters jeonghan scoups
With 6 subscribers, 5220 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By wsyld12138 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 17 chapters, 1 votes, 263 subscribers, 30410 views, 105 comments, 265 words

⚠️右位性转 语言粗俗 有佑灰 双av演员/破镜重圆/带球跑    

【澈汉】 虐向 《信》2.0

By Joshua1024 Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
With 110 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

对不起老婆们,我终于有时间更新了,我的论文还没写完:( 更新困难


By wsyld12138 Updated
Tags  jeongcheol   coupshan   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 52 subscribers, 10930 views, 11 comments, 94 words

⚠️右位性转 左位不洁 言语粗俗 有佑灰 天团队长x江浙沪名媛


By wsyld12138 Updated
With 34 chapters, 109 subscribers, 17950 views, 6 comments, 425 words

论坛体 ⚠️右位性转 娱乐圈/军官车x影后涵


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 4 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1720 views, 2 words



By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 340 views, 21 words

*兄妹骨科 狗血 单性转 第三视角 「我的罪是我和胜澈靠得太近了,汲饱了彼此的痛苦和寂寞,共享了成长的快乐和挣扎,所以我们相爱,一起长大是福惠也是诅咒,我明白了爱的真身,但明白没有用。」

净子 03

By zhangzhangAzhang Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
With 120 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

净子 03

By zhangzhangAzhang Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
Characters seventeen
With 1 subscribers, 150 views
Status [M]

净子 03

By zhangzhangAzhang Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
Characters seventeen
With 320 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2390 views, 1 comments, 6 words



By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 3690 views, 4 words

*澈汉x我   *R向 bd


By CathyHooo Updated
Tags  seventeen   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 3 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2430 views, 25 words
Status [M]


By CHtt-na Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
With 470 views, 15 words

小甜文~ 会有队友及cp出没! 文笔有限,愉快阅文! (一) "呦罗本下次见!"崔胜澈结束了繁忙一天的杂志拍摄。 接着马不停蹄的开车回家,回到家后换好衣服又出去了。 ————— "净汉呐!" "嗯!在这里"尹净汉挥了挥手,招呼着崔胜澈过去。 崔胜澈看见后快步走过去坐下,尹净汉接过崔胜澈脱下的大衣。 "呦!大忙人终于肯赴我约啦?"尹净汉调侃道。 "尹净汉!"崔胜澈羞恼地打断尹净汉。 "好了好了不调侃你了!吃饭吃饭!"   崔胜澈尹净汉一开始说谁也不要喝酒,结果一个喝的比一个欢。 许久未见的两人在酒中述说近况。 一杯又一杯,从清醒到微醺。 崔胜澈盯着尹净汉越来越红的脸,想说些什么,却又无法叙述... “coups呀!你想说什么就说吧,”尹净汉好似发现了什么。 "没什么,就是想跟你说去个


By Bunnies1023 Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
Characters Scoups,Jeonghan,Jun,Wonwoo,Seungkwan,Vernon
With 1 subscribers, 160 views
Status Members Only

遇见崔胜澈是个错误吗? 我常常这样想。 不,它不是个错误。 在那五年里,他是我的一切,我也是他的一切。 也仅仅是在那五年里。

《About daddy and mommy‘s baby diary》

By nineteen_0929 Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
With 2 subscribers, 1000 views, 22 words
Status Members Only

《About daddy and mommy‘s baby diary》   by nineteen   01 🎞️【幼稚园的演讲比赛】(第一视角)   “我的妈咪是世界最最最美的老婆”   “不对啦宝宝 不是老婆是妈妈”面前的人即无奈又宠溺的笑着对纠正我的错误   “可是爹地说的是最最最美的老婆呀”我记得很清楚这是爹地最常说的话   “哎一古,那是爸爸对我的称呼,宝宝对我的称呼应该是妈妈才对呀”他温柔的顺了顺我的头发,转头就朝房间吼了句“呀!崔胜澈,你出来”   我知道崔胜澈是爹地的名字,我也知道妈咪好像生气了   我的人突然悬空了,虽然有点怕但是我闻到了是爹地的味道就不怕啦,我知道爹地才才不会让我摔落呢   “怎么了,老婆大人”他以rapper该有的语速补充到“还有你是我的老婆,所以不可以叫我

4 Walls 四墙

By LoversDiscourse Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   joshuahong   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   jeongcheol   the8minghao   4walls   coupshan   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan   wonwooxjunhui 
Characters seventeen
With 65 chapters, 4 votes, 283 subscribers, 30920 views, 17 comments, 1366 words
Status Completed

CP:澈汉/佑灰 >>> 未来世界打丧尸,科学家净X特种部队澈佑灰,队花同母异父兄弟设定  


By Rebecca0307 Updated
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 14490 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only

Healing |第二章

By Rebecca0307 Updated
With 1390 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By LoversDiscourse Updated
Characters seventeen
With 34 chapters, 22 subscribers, 6130 views, 1 comments, 212 words
Status Members Only

CP: 澈汉/佑灰 友情向:HOZI/奎八 >>>30分钟随手打没头没尾流水账  


By Rebecca0307 Updated
Tags  coupshan   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 4510 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only

The Art and the Artist

By frustrated Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups) and Yoon Jeonghan
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 5 comments, 4838 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

How did love become love (Minwon) (MingyuxWonwoo)

By Miniewonie17 Updated
Characters Mingyu Wonwoo Scoups Jeonghan Joshua Woozi Dokyeom Dino seungkwan Hoshi Vernon Minghao Jun
With 30 chapters, 5 votes, 3740 views, 18 comments, 35455 words
Status Subscribers Only

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason.  Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle th


By xiangyun Updated
Tags  scoupsxjeonghan 
Characters Scoups Jeonghan
With 2 subscribers, 3510 views, 1 comments, 6 words

听话 澈汉🚗🚗 成熟稳重澈哩×叛逆双⭐小寒 私设两人年龄差6岁 尹净汉在学校里永远一副听话乖乖的模样,在崔胜澈眼里也只是一个性格很软粘人的弟弟,但私下其实是个刚进入叛逆期的小孩。正好周五,第二天就是双休日,放学后尹净汉心里就打着主意出去寻点刺激。崔胜澈这边,他刚进公司实习不久,一上来就被要求加班了,看着时间已经快到尹净汉放学的时候,就发消息给他“净汉呐,今天要加班咯,可能得晚很久回来~” 尹净汉看到消息角就控制不住上扬,这不天时地利人和可以出去咯,回到家换好衣服还顺偷了崔胜澈的身份证就出门了。 尹净汉来到了酒吧,拿着崔胜澈的身份证很容易就进去了,点了一杯浓度不算大的酒。尹净汉穿的特别清凉,上半身的吊带和下半身的超短皮裤,简单的穿搭在他身上就显得很性感勾人,酒吧里灯光与酒杯交错,晶莹剔透的与尹净汉白皙的身子更加显得诱人,自然引到了一些人,一个男生走过来上下打量着尹净汉开:“美女,认识一下吗”手倒是直接不安分的摸上了尹净汉的腿,由于有点喝醉了的情况下,尹净汉头上拒绝了那个男人,却

Sweet night

By jiageifanqieguo Updated
With 11 subscribers, 6950 views, 2 words
Status [M]

When Thirteen Become One

By anthemgal18 Updated
Tags  kpop   jun   mingyu   superpowers   kidnapped   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   injured   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenau   seungkwanxvernon   scoupsxjeonghan   woozixmingyu   the8xjun 
Characters Seventeen
With 20 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1360 views, 1 comments, 38899 words
Status Completed

When the kpop group Seventeen encounters a crazy scientist, they suddenly end up gaining superpowers. Will they be able to gain control of their new powers and escape from the crazy woman? This story is also on archiveofourown. 


By Jiongniii Updated
With 790 views, 28 words
Status Members Only

“胜澈啊,我怀孕了……”我攥紧了藏在身后的报告单,“胜澈,我……”   崔胜澈没有抬头,只是低头划弄着手机屏幕,手机屏幕的冷光将他严峻的轮廓勾勒的更加明显,那么好看的一张脸,张却用一句轻飘飘的话打断了我,“尹净汉,你知道的,我不喜欢孩子。”   我低着头没有说话,崔胜澈的目光还是没有看向我,他依旧摆弄着他的手机,处理他的工作,没什么感情的声音提醒着我我们只是合约关系。   为母则刚,能屈能伸,我扑通一声跪在他的面前,他终于抬起头看了我一眼,镜片后锐利的眼神上下扫视着我,“你这是干什么?”   我几乎乞求般看向他,“求你了,让我留下这个孩子吧,这是我的第一个孩子,也是……你的孩子。求求你了,不要让我打掉好不好?刚好也能给你们家一个交代。”   他终于没了耐心,站起来掸了掸外套收起了他的手机,不咸不淡地扔下一句话,“随你的,但你记住我不会爱这个孩子的。”   “尹净汉,收起你的那些心机,我不

Pulp Fiction

By LoversDiscourse Updated
Characters seventeen
With 10 chapters, 63 subscribers, 13600 views, 4 comments, 111 words
Status Completed

《Pulp Fiction》 低俗小说 X SEVENTEEN CP: 澈汉/佑灰/HOZI/奎八 >>>非线性叙事/低俗小说paro/沙雕黑帮  

Mafia's Game 《S.Coups x Jeong Han》

By shadowwavvee Updated
Characters Choi Seung Cheol Yoon Jeong Han Kim Min Gyu Xu Ming Hao
With 6 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1610 views, 1 comments, 15094 words

Jeong Han works as a journalist, trying to undercover the biggest Mafia Association in Korea.  He is known as the most famous journalist in his agency for collecting all kinds of news, stories, scandals, and more. He set off a new challenge which is "SVT" the most prominent Mafia Association currently in Korea. With one small mistake he made during that one massive event for the Mafia groups, his fate turned upside down.

清醒梦 Lucid Dream

By LoversDiscourse Updated
Characters seventeen jeonghan scoups mingyu junhui
With 2 votes, 13 subscribers, 9280 views, 2 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Completed


By LoversDiscourse Updated
Tags  seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   jeonghan   scoups   jeongcheol   wonhui   scoupsxjeonghan 
With 7 chapters, 6 subscribers, 7130 views, 40 words
Status Completed

CP: 佑灰/澈汉 >>>双盒小魔仙拯救凡人贵族五/背景参考哈尔的移动城堡+哈利波特


By LoversDiscourse Updated
With 10 subscribers, 2870 views, 21 words

CP:澈汉(伪队花/真澈汉) 此篇为上篇 下篇:流非飞 番外:红烧土豆炖牛腩(佑灰,见流非飞) 部分设定参考:驱魔  背景:结晶是一切能力的来源,世界上大约有30%的人能与结晶同步从而产生超能力。根据不同能力又能分为各种不同的派别:输出派,后勤派,辅助派。大多结晶能力者都受用于国防军队。  

J的故事 All About J

By LoversDiscourse Updated
Characters seventeen
With 24 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 13640 views, 4 comments, 517 words
Status Completed

CP: 澈汉/佑灰/率知 >>>3J破案悬疑 >>>非线性叙事 >>>前几章的问题体是有根据当下评论提问来回答的XDD 感谢大家陪我玩儿 >>>请大家自动脑内把'J‘当成一个正常的名字(比如尹知辉之类的(((因为我懒得想名字了

Its always the quiet one ..

By nxoxo09 Updated
Characters Seungcheol Jeonghan Jisoo Jun Hoshi Wonwoo Woozi Dk Mingyu The8 Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 9 chapters, 6 votes, 77 subscribers, 2870 views, 18 comments, 16915 words

S.V.T known as seventeen are not your average killers who would simply let you leave without a bargain, they are highly trained assassins, who takes down their enemies silently whether you want to live or not. As a 12 member group they work well together. In regular days when they aren’t ordered to kill, they are college students who has a reputation for being cold, distant, ruthless if they are being messed with, and very popular. Everyone except wonwoo didn’t pay attention to jiso

Check In: Altair Vega(Needs Re-construction)

By gggaaallleee Updated
Characters Seungcheol Jeonghan Mingyu Wonwoo Vernon Seungkwan
With 46 chapters, 14 votes, 1356 subscribers, 14260 views, 41 comments, 43211 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Lean On Me

By giveitupforcmh Updated
With 16 chapters, 28 votes, 282 subscribers, 8760 views, 76 comments, 21570 words
Status [M], Completed

Between the corn field🌾💛

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Characters 🌷💕Jeonghan / Seungcheol 🌷💕
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 170 subscribers, 1440 views, 10 comments, 6214 words
Status Subscribers Only

After a long depression that took over him , for the past two years , Seungcheol decided to live with his grandparents for while in countryside having to be surrounded with fresh air and breath-taking green world .  Along the time he’s there , Seungcheol caught a sight of that angelic beauty in middle of the Corn field , straw hat that suddenly flew by the wind making that hair fly around beautifully and once he turned to ran after his hat , he stopped when he saw him standing few bloc

Sweet Devils Trap

By MadRabbit1004 Updated
Characters All seventeen members / Jeonghan / Seungcheol / Joshua / Junhui / Wonwoo
With 19 chapters, 32 votes, 1104 subscribers, 16380 views, 116 comments, 66625 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

One Kind Act

By Daoine_Tine Updated
Tags  angst   dark   fantasy   jun   darkfantasy   seventeen   wonwoo   seokmin   minggyu   joshua   faeries   minghao   faerie   the8   jeonghan   scoups   hoshi   jeongcheol   dokyeom   scoupsxjeonghan 
Characters Seventeen
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 270 views, 1 comments, 30 words
Status Subscribers Only

When he's saved from certain death, Seungcheol only thinks to thank his savior. He didn't realize that Jeonghan had his price and it's not what he is ready to pay.

If you were mine, if I was yours

By Ttiyfb Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Lee Jihoon, Yoon Jeonghan, Kwon Soonyoung
With 6 chapters, 3 votes, 18 subscribers, 1400 views, 8 comments, 6567 words
Status Completed

"Seungcheol was tired of trying to be strong, and his heart broke even more when Jihoon admitted that he also felt something for the older, but he couldn’t be with him." "Jihoon had reached the point where he had to let go, but first he had to apologize to Seungcheol’s heart." They never defined their relationship, but it left smiles, hugs and kisses. But also tears, heartbreak and too many unspoken feelings. Jeonghan and Soonyoung had been there.  Had

The Promised Land of Forever

By ssahyo Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 13 subscribers, 750 views, 5 comments, 4458 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

Jeonghan had always prided himself in being a rational man, a realistic man, so with that being said, when Seungcheol had asked him months ago if he believed in forever, Jeonghan had quickly answered no, he didn’t. “Nothing lasts forever; everything will come to an end at some point.”

Love Me For All My Imperfections

By annonwolfangel Updated
Characters Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jihoon, Woozi, Scoups, Joshua, Jisoo, DK, Seungkwan, Sookmin, Hoshi, Mingyu, Dino
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 460 views, 1 comments, 1165 words

Seokmin and Seungkwan were both absurdly good at singing, Jisoo was perfect at acoustics, Jihoon was the man to look for with regards to arrangements and composing. Truly they were the best team ever. If that didn't include himself. Jeonghan sometimes wondered why he was accepted as part of the Seventeen family. He didn't have any special talents. He could sing, but it dulled in comparison to the better vocals in the team. He couldn't entertain, not in the way Seungcheol could lead th

The Different Tones

By annonwolfangel Updated
Characters Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jihoon cameo
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 720 views, 731 words

" Jeonghan- ah... " was normally the first thing Jeonghan becomes aware of before he dully recognizes the song that was supposed to be his alarm ringing in the background. And around this moment he would think: how ironic, it's my alarm that should be waking me up. And his eyelids would threaten to close then and there again, his limbs would refuse to move for anything. Well almost.   " Jeonghan-ahhhhh!" The gruff voice would call from nearby followed by grunts and groans. 

Pusong Ligaw

By tolparebro97 Updated
Characters Jeonghan, S.coups, Joshua, Hoshi, Soonyoung, Seungcheol
With 2 chapters, 5 votes, 7 subscribers, 1160 views, 11 comments, 3510 words
Status Completed

This fanfic is written in Filipino.     Si Jeonghan. Mahilig siyang matulog. Mahilig din siya sa pogi. Dalawang bagay na nga lang ang hilig niya’y nagiging dahilan pa ng kamalasan. Kung tutuusin, hindi naman talaga siya malas. Gusto niya lang ng tulog at pogi. Hindi nga lang siya gusto.

Awitin Mo, Isasayaw Ko (Sing to Me and I will Dance to It)

By tolparebro97 Updated
Characters Jeonghan, S.Coups, Minor: Hoshi, DK, Samuel, Dino, SEVENTEEN
With 2 chapters, 5 votes, 7 subscribers, 1270 views, 3 comments, 715 words
Status Completed

What do we do when it gets hot? We know.

Seungcheol's convincing powers

By Yoon_Keito Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, The rest of the SVT members,
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 610 views, 2 comments, 1040 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

one touch, one kiss (and then a lot more)

By ssahyo Updated
Characters seventeen
With 12 chapters, 4 votes, 206 subscribers, 1850 views, 13640 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

All in your head

By Emmmsss Updated
Characters Jeonghan seungcheol
With 2 chapters, 8 votes, 15 subscribers, 1720 views, 10 comments, 5573 words
Status Completed

The smell of fancy perfumes suffocates him but deep down, seungcheol knows the real reason why he’s suffocating is that board right at the end of the aisle that says “Yoon Jeonghan and Kim Minkyung”    is this what i want? Jeonghan thought. 

Form of Therapy

By MadRabbit1004 Updated
Characters Jeonghan / Seungcheol / Joshua / Wonwoo / Jun / Seokmin / Seungkwan / Minghao / Myung ho / Hoshi / Jihoon / Mingyu / Vernon
With 12 chapters, 17 votes, 406 subscribers, 5770 views, 75 comments, 41248 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

lost & found

By milksenpie Updated
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo
With 1 chapters, 13 votes, 1560 views, 12 comments, 4875 words
Status [M]