Yoonjeonghan (341 yoonjeonghan stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Alina123456 Updated
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2510 views, 11 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

You’re my cure ❄️🩵

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 920 views, 1 comments, 7979 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Nothing, but a cute daily life of a married couple, and the husband taking care of his ill wife.


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 1870 views, 29 words

⚠️一个疯女人阴谋得逞的故事 dom崔胜澈*性转dom尹净汉*sub你


By blingblingjelly Updated
Tags  leeseokmin   yoonjeonghan   seokhan 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 720 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

*情场高手和纯情小狗的过招 *非典型破镜重圆 *超级ooc但我是土狗我要吃...


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 820 views, 24 words

au 梦向姐妹骨科 全文3w字 ⚠️预警 ltp养父/性犯罪/血腥暴力 自行避雷 “这一次,如果姐姐有任何只要抛弃我就能获得自由、获得幸福的可能,请一刻也不要犹豫,干脆利落地抛弃我。” 不要再因为我而陷入地狱。


By luckyduck0725 Updated
Tags  hansol   vernon   jeonghan   yoonjeonghan   hansolvernonchwe   verhan 
Characters jeonghan, hansol, vernon
With 2 subscribers, 1890 views, 2 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By ruoxinarinne Updated
Tags  kimmingyu   yoonjeonghan   cheolhan   xuminghao   gyuhao 
Characters seventeen
With 1 chapters, 370 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

左眼失明孤僻画者八 vs 家境富裕篮球奎   校园走到都市   破镜不一定重圆   ooc算我的 文笔不好致歉(╥﹏╥)


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 490 views

*现背 酸涩双向暗恋


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 4 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1720 views, 2 words



By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 340 views, 21 words

*兄妹骨科 狗血 单性转 第三视角 「我的罪是我和胜澈靠得太近了,汲饱了彼此的痛苦和寂寞,共享了成长的快乐和挣扎,所以我们相爱,一起长大是福惠也是诅咒,我明白了爱的真身,但明白没有用。」


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2390 views, 1 comments, 6 words



By CIRcleEmore Updated
Characters S.Coups,Vernon,Mingyu,Jeonghan and More
With 13 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3490 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 3690 views, 4 words

*澈汉x我   *R向 bd

【尹净汉梦向】I Don't Wanna Stop

By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1690 views, 8 words

尹净汉整肃梦女 涉及性功能缺失/ 非正常的、不出于对相方正向导向的、自我发泄式施虐行为


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 尹净汉,yoonjeonghan,JEONGHAN,文俊辉,wenjunhui,JUN
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 385 subscribers, 14820 views, 33 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By iheartkpopXD Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   fluff   romance   mingyu   ren   nuest   minhyun   minren   hwangminhyun   choiminki   seventeen   leejihoon   meanie   wonwoo   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   soonseok   jicheol   choiseungcheol   monstax   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   boonon   verkwan   yoonjeonghan   snuper 
Characters Won Woo | Mingyu | Jeonghan | Soo Min (OC) | Seungcheol | Jihoon | Ren & Minhyun | Sebin & Sangho | Hyungwon, Minhyuk, Kihyun & Daniel (I.M) | Buffy & Kyong Tak | SEVENTEEN | NU'EST | SNUPER | MONSTA X | MADTOWN | OCs from my other stories XD
With 62 chapters, 61 votes, 696 subscribers, 62890 views, 972 comments, 654965 words

20 year old Won Woo has never been sure of what he’s wanted in his life. He was average in school and had a few talents here and there but there hadn’t been anything he really wanted growing up… that was until he met


By BeReadyAllTheTime Updated
Tags  seventeen   yoonjeonghan 
With 4 chapters, 17 subscribers, 4920 views, 71 words
Status [M]


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 1 subscribers, 3020 views, 2 words

🌸每写一篇BE,就奖励自己一篇沙雕甜文 ❤️ 待开坑,占位  


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,wenjunhui,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 2010 views, 3 words

【队花|汉俊】入戏太深,他超爱!的前篇 💎 架空古代,正剧风,无性转,BE。 预告,待码…… 其他成员角色等解锁后再添加上。 🌸因为新预告改了设定!80%有肉,到时再修改阅读权限。

The light of my life 🌸🤍

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   drama   romance   shounenai   sliceoflife      lovelife   choiseungcheol   wheelchair   jeongcheol   yoonjeonghan   hancheol 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1 comments, 1938 words
Status Subscribers Only

Life is hard but when it starts to get darker, there comes the light out of nowhere.  

Ima 今 - Breaking the Walls

By juyo94 Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo , You/OC, Seventeen, Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 930 views, 3 comments, 10620 words

There's just one thing I want, to hold onto That hint of a smile that plays on your lips That absolutely blinding smile If I could hold onto that, if I could just do that


By wangling Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan   chaehyungwon 
Characters 蔡亨源,尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 510 views, 21 words
Status [M]


By karona1219 Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan 
With 5 subscribers, 6430 views

  尹净汉暗恋蔡亨源一段时间了,以往队里那些男人都是他勾勾手就过来了,唯独蔡亨源这个老油总是忽略他的引诱,好像多正直一样,私底下估计透了不少批,却还是把尹净汉一而再再而三地推开。   尹净汉也不是什么普通男生,他长得要比其他人明显瘦弱很多,从小就是这样,雄激素分泌得太少,结果的时候发现自己也发育了点,鼓鼓囊囊的像个山丘,躺下的时候倒是平整,缀着一颗淡粉色的乳尖,还挺漂亮。洗澡的时候他会摸自己明显发育不良的,再顺着摸到了一小缝,那花穴也不知道什么时候长出来的,跟一张贪吃的一样着他的食指,尹净汉加到第二根第三根手指,摸到里面的凸起狠心一压,内壁瞬间分泌出湿滑的粘液浇到他的手上,他腿一软扶着洗手台就那样坐了下来,手指还插在花穴里不动,小还抽搐着,连带着闭合的一起抖,地板上都是湿滑的液体,他站都站不起来。   双性人的就是这么旺盛,自从那次之后他就买了些小玩具回来,有时候在宿舍盖着被子搞,一来二去的有些队友就发现了,刚开始也是偷偷地进房间搞,后来知道的人多了,两三个一起来也是可能的,把花穴后穴和巴都塞得满满的,几把


By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,文珺慧,尹净汉,JEONGHAN,崔胜澈,崔胜哲,S.COUPS,崔韩率,VERNON
With 1 subscribers, 6050 views, 25 words

💎 发个预告,猴年马月码完了发,也有可能边写边发的连载,应该会是中长篇。依旧,更新后会修改查看权限。   ⚠️ 没看错,是里兜、囧囧、啵哝和丝丝,我嫌不够修罗场,还加入了水仙。这就是我,不一样的烟火。   之前不是发过一个火葬场脑洞么,但不打算扩写。一是因为无法想象你次渣男的样子;二是13对,再来个3人行的随机组合,我个喜新厌旧的(酷爱开脑洞),要疯。所以有了这篇脑洞。   💎 假设我文中的他们来到现实世界,他们的世界观是独立的,丝丝分别的身份是他们的妻子,爱人,情人,以及“自己”。

夜行爱人·My Sins My redemption

By BeReadyAllTheTime Updated
With 4 subscribers, 4100 views, 94 words
Status [M]


By BeReadyAllTheTime Updated
With 7 subscribers, 4320 views, 54 words
Status [M], Completed

Amor eterno

By karona1219 Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 2540 views, 13 words

  微博: @你好世界—逃亡中  泥塑 第一人称 涉及129  短打  —   她是我店里最后一个客人。   我店门一直有个报废的游戏机,对面游戏城倒闭了,这个机子太旧,就扔路边了,不过它还好着,之前我扔了俩硬币进去过,屏幕闪了两下,给我打了一把拳皇,红很快就掉底了,显示了一行红色加粗的“game over”又灭了。   我用酒精喷壶把台子消了遍毒,在软垫上休息好的客人扬了扬他裹紧保鲜膜的胳膊,拍了一下正在数针的我,粗犷地说了声,走了,小姑娘一个人待店里不安全,赶紧回家。我没抬头,机械性地说了声,欢迎下次再来,就听见门开了,那光头走进了雨幕里。   圆针还剩二十个,如果来了大活肯定不够用,排针还可以,最近上色的人不多,我这样想,慢慢走出了店门,钥匙在手心转了两圈,把卷闸门拉了下来,随着卷帘砸在地面的一声巨响,我听见了硬币落在地上的声音。   她在那个快报废的游戏机面前打着电动,穿了一个黑色的长外套,刚好落在脚腕,头发很卷,从背后看像只小羊。


By karona1219 Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan 
With 3 votes, 31 subscribers, 16090 views, 38 words

ummary: 金珉奎 车银优 蔡亨源×尹净汉 聚餐偶遇脑补产物 网黄四小哥 双性小涵 全文一万字 涉及1v1 3p 4p 失禁 吃药 产乳 直播 ××全为爽服务×× Work Text:   尹净汉自己运营了一个频道,名叫小涵的快乐时光,订阅数全站第一,在众多网黄中杀出了一血路,直接占领排行榜长达一年。 而原因除了他的双性人的体质,能发骚爱流水,还有他选攻的品味。 他的搭档上半身的肌肉可谓无可挑剔,腰部极其有力,每一次进入都很有力气,把软绵绵的小涵能拎起来翻来覆去草,偶尔发出的低沉喘息性感得要命,麦色和白色皮肤的碰撞简直是一场绝美的视觉盛宴。 但和小涵做爱的男人都从未露脸,每次只有小涵一个人对着镜头一边挨操一边喘息,被肉穴里的棒子捅得水液横流,未露脸的大手紧紧掐住他白皙的腰把肉棒更深地往里送,碾着肉壁上的敏感点冲撞,让小涵一边喊着不行了,一边又抱着肚子说老公好棒,最


By karona1219 Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan 
With 4 subscribers, 6280 views, 8 words

  warning:   涵双性 三观不正  暴力描写  r18   大量62少量92  雷者慎入   00.   我曾以为他是我的救赎。   01.   尹净汉推开木门,冲向里屋,厕所里苍蝇乱飞,嗡嗡作响,但他顾不了那么多,脱下裤子从兜里摸出棉,剥开血淋淋的穴,把雪白的东西放进去,才得以喘息。   洗完手才发现镜子里的自己大汗淋漓,眼睛里面是空洞洞,他翻了个白眼又撇了撇,却被自己可笑的行为逗笑了。水渍冲走手上的污垢,血色变成粉红色,在下水道打转。   尹净汉叹了气,用手拍了拍自己的肚皮,那下面好像藏着一个若有若无的子宫,正向外面奔涌着毫无意义的血,阵痛像锤子般敲打。   无所谓了,尹净汉想,反正都习惯了。   于是他关上灯,锁上门,走了。   走在楼下才知道来了个搬家公司,尹净汉想他的隔壁会不会来了人,抬头看见有个男人进去了,很高,长什么样没看清楚,尹净汉吹了个哨,反正不是什么好人就


By karona1219 Updated
Tags  yoonjeonghan 
With 5 subscribers, 2700 views, 3 words

《胆小狗》金珉奎×尹净汉 微博@你好世界-逃亡中   00.   “哥哥呀哥哥爱与你一起   傻笑发梦顽皮,         天光到天黑仍乐此不疲,         朋友和伴侣 最好是你,         是你最爱的 爱的是你。”       01.   尹净汉想到很多能留住青春的方法。   穿白衬衣,把头发弄蓬松,戴圆框眼镜,背双肩包,考上博士,留在大学校园,骑单车往返,和正值青春的男孩做爱。   风是热的。尹净汉躺在床上看着窗户留下的缝隙,蝉鸣源源不断地从外界灌入,树叶晃动掀起绿色的波浪,天空泛起孤寂的白,太阳躲藏着,穿过缝隙映着他泛红的身体。   有些刺眼,尹净汉眨了眨眼睛,流下一滴酸涩的眼泪,被旁边的人着脸颊舐掉。   “是我太用力了吗?”尹净汉听见旁边的人用自责的语气说,“让你哭了…”   尹净汉盯着窗外

【尹净汉 X 你】末日轮回

By EchoWong233 Updated
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2510 views, 7 words
Status Completed

🆕YSL的活动混剪(可代)         ⬇️以下正文 是世界末世前夕。 你站在由机场改造的隔离疏散站的队伍中,前面大概还有十几个人就轮到你了。 这时,来了一个俊美的男人,着一身玄色暗纹套装,墨色中长发,披散的发尾落于两肩,有一种矜贵的美感。 他径直走向你,牵住了你的手,你有些错愕,一只手抱着你的毛孩子,另一只

【ALL JUN】我!男!被12个男人强制爱了,怎么办?

By EchoWong233 Updated
Characters 文俊辉,JUN,权顺荣,HOSHI,尹净汉,JEONGHAN
With 3 subscribers, 5840 views, 27 words
Status Completed

  文俊辉是某粉站百万游戏up主,也是某猪场忠实粉丝,每次都是内测玩家,比如阴阳X师,X魔法X学院等等。      某天他如往常一样打开邮件内测链接,无脑下载。登陆后发现UI界面绚烂又精致可爱,才发现居然是个乙女游戏,虽然互动剧情等玩法很多,但对于宇直而言就是个集卡游戏啊。   没有强迫症但是有仓鼠病的他对集齐全系列卡非常执着,尤其是对一个长相像仓鼠但是喜欢比虎爪的叫“Hoshi”的角色卡情有独钟。   第一次免费十连抽中的R卡就让他萌的心颤,尤其那鼓鼓的脸颊肉想让人啾~一——即使官方活动第一次赠送十连抽必送SSR,且其中五张是额外赠送的SR卡……      终于,在努力走剧情升级,以及PK做任务之后,攒足了💎,赶上了官方新出的活动——Hoshi的SSR新卡奖池。

Claiming a Swindler

By Chimmyjams Updated
Tags  boyxboy   romance         mingyu   trauma   noncon   omegaverse   alpha   seventeen   meanie   wonwoo   seungcheol   choiseungcheol   abo   omega   jeonghan   scoups   jeongcheol   svt   yoonjeonghan   alphaxomega 
Characters Seungcheol , Jeonghan , Mingyu , Wonwoo
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 29 subscribers, 2140 views, 3 comments, 4821 words
Status [M]

Long lost brothers 🌺

By sweetnono Updated
Tags  angst   sad   brothers   brotherhood   choi   sorrow   seungcheol   jeongcheol   yoonjeonghan   cheolhan   hancheol 
With 19 subscribers, 730 views, 112 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

He's searching for his long lost abounded brother since ten years ago , and the shock comes when he found him in a state he never imagined .

Reset: What Kind of Lover?

By eros17 Updated
Characters Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Joshua, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soon Young, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Xu Minghao, Kim Mingyu, Lee SeokMin, Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Vernon, Lee Chan, Manager Jeon
With 49 chapters, 7 votes, 55 subscribers, 6100 views, 31 comments, 246936 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

Continuation of the series Behind the scenes: standby, behind the scenes: Cue; Soundcheck; and action. If you like the previous series, please stay tuned with this. See You!   Here's the link: (From 1st series to last before the RESET) https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1249543/behind-the-scenes-standby

To Be Or Not To Be

By miuratatsuya Updated
Characters Yoon Jungchae OC, Yoon Jeonghan, Johnny Suh
With 36 chapters, 5 votes, 26 subscribers, 960 views, 67 comments, 74943 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

​​​​​​ What do I do? This small heart of mine is longing for something that everyone fear. I am Jungchae and I am longing for death. - Yoon Jungchae , 26 ​​​ I want to protect

The Banana Milk

By anyuki Updated
Tags  seventeen   kimmingyu   yoonjeonghan   gyuhan 
Characters Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 1160 views, 1 comments, 267 words
Status Completed

Mingyu realizes what is his.

Intoxicated on you

By lietothedevil Updated
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 15 subscribers, 1830 views, 3 comments, 588 words
Status Completed

Scenes from a rut

Scandalous Arrangement {hiatus}

By XOXOBlockMania_21 Updated
Characters S.coups & Jeonghan, SVT
With 4 chapters, 6 votes, 7 comments, 12893 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

The New Maid

By LunarMoonshine Updated
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo
With 17 chapters, 22 votes, 975 subscribers, 9780 views, 56 comments, 55225 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By heemander Updated
Characters Jeonghan x OC
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 270 views, 2961 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Sieun’s worry about Jeonghan and goes to visit him.

White Roses on a Pastel sky

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  jeongsoo   seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   hybridau   svt   yoonjeonghan   yoonhong 
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 16 subscribers, 1680 views, 3 comments, 1073 words
Status Completed

“I’m going to get some snacks. Do you want anything Jeonghan?” Joshua looked at him, with those pretty eyes and pretty mouth that scolded him earlier.

Give us one More Chance

By lietothedevil Updated
Characters Joshua Hong, Hong Jisoo, Yoon Jeonghan
With 6 chapters, 17 votes, 109 subscribers, 2780 views, 41 comments, 14084 words

The guests applauded thunderously. Everyone smiled, happy for the bride and the groom. Everyone, except for Joshua. Granted, he faked his smile as best as he could. Even when his heart felt broken in two and the urge to cry and hug himself was damn near killing him, he faked a smile. Faked because of the person who was getting married tonight, Joshua's friend turned lover, Joshua's former lover now.  

You Know I Want You, It's not a Secret I Tried to Hide

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  mpreg   seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   aboverse   svt   abodynamics   yoonjeonghan   hongjoshua   yoonhong 
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 36 subscribers, 1830 views, 2 comments, 2453 words
Status [M], Completed

Took it Personal

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   yoonjeonghan   yoonhong 
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 13 subscribers, 1140 views, 2 comments, 566 words
Status Completed

If he was in the mindset that Joshua’s attention should be purely on him then he’d be that annoying mosquito that never went away. Not until Joshua gave him and looked at Jeonghan like he should. 

Silent Sympathy

By Rawrsadoodle Updated
Characters Seventeen, Original Character, Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Jisoo, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Lee Seokmin, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Hansol, Lee Chan, Chae Hyungwon
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 2090 views, 6 comments, 29170 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

First Love, Last Love

By teuksolover Updated
Characters KimMingyu YoonJeonghan
With 16 chapters, 10 votes, 212 subscribers, 1890 views, 23 comments, 37483 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Jeonghan is a new transfer student in Mingyu's college.

Number One Fan

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   yoonjeonghan   yoonhong 
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 19 subscribers, 1330 views, 2 comments, 845 words
Status Completed

Joshua’s head followed, his slightly glazed eyes blinking themselves back to sobriety. “A jersey? What’s so special about that.” Jeonghan pinched Shua at the hip, smiling as he elicited a tiny squeal. “It’s who the jersey belongs that makes it so important and special you brat.”

Throat Conditioning

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   idolverse   svt   yoonjeonghan   yoonhong 
With 1 chapters, 10 votes, 24 subscribers, 1390 views, 3 comments, 1716 words
Status [M], Completed

Special is as Special Does

By lietothedevil Updated
Tags  jeongsoo   seventeen   hongjisoo   joshuahong   jihan   aboverse   yoonjeonghan   yoonhong 
Characters Joshua Hong, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Jisoo, Boo Seungkwan, Vernon
With 3 chapters, 22 votes, 105 subscribers, 2610 views, 18 comments, 4708 words
Status Completed

Joshua has heard it a plenty in his life. Despite the new age of thinking and how people tried not to put such an emphasis on secondary genders, he couldn’t stop the slight pang when he heard those damn words. “Betas are nothing special.” So why the hell was this Alpha following him around!

Somebody's Heartbreak (Hiatus)

By Just_a_noona Updated
Tags  angst   drama   gang   jihoon   mafia   mature   psychological   romance      rough   fluffy   otp   jun   mingyu   blood   jisoo   teasing   guns   bxb   hansol   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   jeonwonwoo   chan   soonyoung   seungkwan   jihan      ualcontent   characterdeaths   minghao   vernon   the8   woozi   hoshi   junhan   yoonjeonghan   junxjeonghan   flirty   ualxconvo 
Characters Hong Jisoo Yoon Jeonghan Choi Seungcheol Vernon Chwe Boo Seungkwan Kim Mingyu Jeon Wonwoo Lee Chan Kwon Soonyoung Lee Jihoon Lee Seokmin Xu Minghao Wen Junhui
With 14 chapters, 7 votes, 104 subscribers, 2860 views, 28 comments, 28043 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only