Mingyu (2,997 mingyu stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Gyudream Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 7 chapters, 20 subscribers, 10540 views, 10 comments, 10 words
Status [M], Completed

The Puppeteer

By Carat_Authornim Updated
Characters Hong jisoo, jeon Wonwoo, Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Vernon, Hansol Chwe
With 31 chapters, 26 votes, 196 subscribers, 100 comments, 176859 words
Status Subscribers Only

  Mingyu and Wonwoo work as detectives in the Homicide Department. With their special skills, they are assigned to a case they already know. A gruesome serial killer who has never been caught resurfaces, and they have little time to solve the case. With Jisoo, Jeonghan, Minghao and Jun they  form a task force to solve the case and find the killer this time once and for all.


By wapianffff Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 54 chapters, 1 votes, 75 subscribers, 28250 views, 20 comments, 430 words
Status Members Only

霸总土文👊🏻先婚后爱 暗恋追妻 土土土土土我是超级无敌推土机

金珉奎*你 替身梗 长🥩文

By Carat_dream Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   mingyuxyou 
With 8 chapters, 29 subscribers, 14840 views, 23 comments, 42 words
Status [M]


By ANTARES0809 Updated
Tags  mingyu   minghao   gyuhao 
With 1 chapters, 410 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By Aster_deep Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   jeonghan   scoups 
Characters 【珉漢/澈漢】UNDER THE ROSE 01
With 7 chapters, 26 subscribers, 5280 views, 4 comments, 35 words
Status [M]


By kongxiahuinuan Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 4 chapters, 5 subscribers, 840 views, 27 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Yuuzuki_ Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 11 words
Status [M]


By SvtVernon Updated
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 3599 words

Family - this word can have different meaning to different people. To Seungchoel, it's his husband and 11, naughty but adorable kids.  Scoups and Jeonghan adopt 11 boys and try to give all of them a big family.

The Walking Dead || EXO x KPOP ||

By Baeika49 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   horror   idols   jaemin   kpop      exo   kai   sehun   mingyu   baekhyun   romace   chen   chanyeol   minseok   lay   jongin   boyslove   kyungsoo   suho   sekai   baekyeol   kaihun   sulay   chanbaek   lucas   horrorcomedy   bts   seventeen   thiller   joshua   jungkook   taehyung   taekook   mark   taeyoung   mxm   hoshi   suengcheol   zombiesau   nct   zombieapocalyseau 
Characters Chanyeol, Baekhyun; Sehun, Jongin, Suho, lay, Taehyung, Jungkook, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, other idols
With 31 chapters, 33 subscribers, 1920 views, 61798 words
Status Subscribers Only

Who knew life would change in just seconds. They were just normal people living their normal lives yesterday, but now they're fighting and killing zombies to survive, day by day! It's gonna be hard, but they got each other's backs. Will they survive ?? Find out in 'The Walking Dead' !! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

60 Summer Nights

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 5880 views, 42933 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By Karou111 Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen 
Characters 金珉奎
With 42 chapters, 48 subscribers, 5910 views, 7 comments, 171 words
Status Completed, Members Only

梦女爆改考试周 突然灵感大爆发 写了一篇很想写的换乘恋爱梗梦女文 主女主视角 (破镜重圆老梗预警 本人破镜重圆铁皮爱好者)   原小红书Karou)

Adore U

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters Scoups (Seungcheol) Jeonghan Joshua Jun DK (Dokyeom ) The8 (Minghao) Wonwoo Woozi (Jihoon) Hoshi (Soonyoung) Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 5090 views, 4 comments, 93229 words

A collection of Sick, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff one shots Seventeen members and different ships   


By -HoneyBread- Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 2 votes, 23 subscribers, 6420 views, 1 words

金珉奎x我 用语粗俗 注意避雷


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 13010 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By Tomatoegg Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 7 subscribers, 27820 views
Status [M], Members Only

These Summer Nights

By kikori Updated
Characters Jiae (OC) & Wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 190 views, 2959 words
Status Subscribers Only

The second year of university has finished, and summer was just beginning. Usually summertime evokes feelings of joy, fun, and laughs, but why did it feel like Jiae was still stuck in the cold dark depths of winter, tucked away in her part-time jobs. It's not until she meets Wonwoo that she begins to realize that maybe life is worth living in warmth.


By wshyaaa Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 1980 views, 2 words

“我明天出差,大概一周左右” 这消息,是崔胜澈离开后发给你的第一消息,也是唯一一 嘱咐他照顾好自己的话语删删减减,到头来只变成了一个字 “好” 既然崔胜澈出差了,那就意味着你不用二十四小时待命安抚他的情绪和,何尝不出去走走呢?正好安抚一下自己胡思乱想的内心 说走就走,只拎了一个行李包,你就踏上了散心的旅程 因为决定的突然,落地时已经是深夜,回市中心的机场大巴已经下班,你只能排队等出租车 深夜的机场人总是少的,没排多久就到了你 “师傅,去市中心xx酒店大概多少钱” 打车前,你特地查了大概的价格,心里有数,毕竟陌生的城市,多留个心眼总没错,这也是崔胜澈教你的道理,防人之心不可无 “500” 远远高出正常价的报价还是震惊到了你,你刚要开质问,就被身后的一道声音打断 “师傅,你也太敢要了吧!从城南到城北都用不了500吧?” 你循着声音找去,一个又高又壮的男生出现在你的视野里,黑色的鸭帽外还套了个卫衣的帽子,五官在阴影的掩盖下实在看不太清,但上挂着的耳机和书包看起来应该


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 2810 views
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By wshyaaa Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 1 subscribers, 2830 views

伴着要散架的酸痛感,你迷迷糊糊地醒来,厚重的窗帘将光源彻底隔绝在外,时间似乎不会再这个房间中流逝 你能明显的感觉到腰腹上搭着一个重物,你顺着摸下去,果然是金珉奎的手臂,你本想轻轻的把它挪开,却没想到再触碰的瞬间,手臂收力,将你搂的更近、贴的更紧 身边人不耐烦的哼哼唧唧两声,你不敢再乱动,只能任由金珉奎将头埋在你的间又沉沉睡去 反正也走不掉,你干脆从枕头下摸出了手机 “明晚十点下飞机,去找你” “睡着了吗?这么早?” “玩累了吧,好好休息,乖乖在家等我” 看着崔胜澈昨晚一连串的消息,仅存的一点道德感谴责着自己 “昨晚有点累了,休息的早,好想你” “醒了?回家了吗?要我帮你订机票吗?” “不用啦,我自己可以的” 你和崔胜澈你一言我一语地聊着,全然没注意到身边原本平稳的气息逐渐变得急促 “姐姐,他是谁?” 贴近耳膜的声音传来,喷洒在你耳垂的热气,放在平时绝对是催情的利器,但此刻你却只觉得“毛骨悚然” 你僵硬的想要放下手机,却被金珉奎抢先一步夺走,你想去抢,金珉奎用一只大手


By Acold-bloodedbystand Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 7 chapters, 14 subscribers, 5580 views, 3 comments, 12 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By 18874002547 Updated
Tags  mingyu   soongyu   hoshi 
Characters Kim mingyu, Kwon soonyoung
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2890 views, 17 words
Status Members Only


金字塔游戏 (13 with you)

By SpreliaY Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 53350 views, 13 comments, 58 words
Status Members Only

文by@Spreliay 群像文 / 改编自同名电视剧 / 含大量内容


By -HoneyBread- Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 6440 views, 2 comments, 1 words

梦女向/金珉奎x我 用语粗俗 注意避雷

Love Moves In Mysterious Ways

By katykaty_ Updated
Tags  fluff   romance      originalcharacter   kai   mingyu   slightangst   seventeen   wonwoo   bestfriendau   ceoau   wonwooxoc   mingyuxoc   jeonwonwooandoc 
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Lim Kaelin (oc), Kim Mingyu, Kim Jongin
With 33 chapters, 177 subscribers, 4160 views, 4 comments, 161756 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 11000 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M]


By CathyHooo Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen 
With 3 subscribers, 6200 views
Status [M]


By kongxiahuinuan Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   seventeenmingyu 
Characters 金珉奎 mingyu
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 61 subscribers, 13710 views, 2 comments, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Dairyleading Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 15 subscribers, 2770 views, 2 comments, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By ruoxinarinne Updated
Tags  mingyu   minghao   gyuhao 
With 1 subscribers, 910 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only

鬼父 9 & 待嫁女儿 u

By kidult_lt Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 1770 views, 7 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Echorrr Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   dkseventeen 
With 5 chapters, 17 subscribers, 11840 views, 8 words



By kongxiahuinuan Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 3350 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By Tomatoegg Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 8 subscribers, 27080 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 2850 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By eeeeeeeeeeleven Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 11 subscribers, 6470 views, 1 comments, 7 words

金珉奎✖️你 养的小狗变人情节 微微🚗 小狗发情期到了怎么办 下次直接喂点发烧药算了

my palagi | au

By drinkyouraqua Updated
Tags  filipino   tagalog   alternateuniverse   mingyu   seventeen   joshua   scoups   sungcheol   seventeenau   mingyuxoc   bini   colet   maloi   mikha   biniau 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 600 views, 1 comments, 9801 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

    Welcome to a story about second chances and coming home. Our story follows a retired NBA player who returns to the Philippines to stay for


By rita777-08 Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   wonwoo   seventeenmingyu 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 7710 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only

金珉奎X你 我会一直爱你

By qibeisijiu Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 6 subscribers, 9220 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By 19891213 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 3510 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Completed

胸的疤痕是爱人艰难赋予的勋章 by  自卑的烤马铃薯


By 19891213 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2490 views, 1 words
Status Completed

瓮中捉鳖  by 自卑的烤马铃薯


By grapedrawer Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   wonwoo   hoshi   minsoon   gyusoon   woosoon 
Characters woosoon,gyusoon,minsoon,wonwoo,hoshi,mingyu
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 46 subscribers, 20690 views, 4 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By 19891213 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters mingyu
With 10 chapters, 12 subscribers, 6430 views, 4 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Completed


By 19891213 Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   dinoseventeen 
Characters dino
With 31 chapters, 53 subscribers, 30750 views, 61 words
Status [M], Completed


By Gyudream Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters 金珉奎
With 1 chapters, 10 subscribers, 11530 views, 58 words
Status [M], Completed


By Rainycat_rainynight Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 9720 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

从金珉奎那回来我看到硕珉已经到家了, “老婆你去哪了…”他贴过来哼哼唧唧, “去见了个朋友。” “同学吗?” “嗯嗯。”我有些心虚,不对,我又没做什么坏事…还好硕珉没觉得有什么奇怪的。   硕珉告诉我他们公司要举办一个慈善晚宴,要我跟他一起去。 “可是我不是你们公司的呀,也可以去吗?” “当然了,我要让大家都知道我有一个多好的老婆。”硕珉笑起来,眼睛弯弯的像在撒娇,我不太想去,怕自己不习惯那种场合,但又不想让硕珉不开心,去就去吧,我想。   我和硕珉一起去了晚宴,穿了他给我挑的一粉色丝质礼服裙,腰后有个蝴蝶结,像个礼物包装一样,我突然觉得, “宝宝就是我最好的礼物。”李硕珉又在贫了。   到了宴会厅内,我有些紧张,周围都是我不认识的人,我挽紧他的胳膊,看他向人一个个介绍我,又安抚似的拍拍我的手。我向他们一个个打招呼,觉得有些无聊,眼神四处游离着,突然看到个熟悉的身影。


By wenwengyu Updated
Tags  mingyu   scoups 
With 2 chapters, 1540 views, 1 comments, 16 words
Status [M]


By wenwengyu Updated
Tags  mingyu 
Characters mingyu。 scoups
With 510 views, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By lizhiyou9596 Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 8 subscribers, 6030 views, 2 comments, 3 words
Status Members Only



By wapianffff Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 3 subscribers, 4640 views, 3 comments, 6 words
Status Members Only



By wapianffff Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   mingyuyou 
Characters 金珉奎-你
With 15 chapters, 5 votes, 159 subscribers, 67480 views, 12 comments, 31 words
Status Members Only



By xirrrr Updated
Tags  mingyu 
With 5 subscribers, 5620 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

“呀,西…”你被一个易拉罐砸到腿骂了一句 你抬头看见金珉奎靠在摩托车上,“没长眼啊这么没素质” 金珉奎低头抬手摸了一下眉毛“西….” 你气不打一出来,用力把易拉罐踢了回去,金珉奎向你走来攥住你的手腕眼神里充满警告意味,你从小都是不怕事的性格,自然不怕他,死死盯着他 他松开手“算了,我今天不给你计较”然后骑车走了 你本来今天被导师骂就很不爽,出门还碰到这么一个莫名其妙的人,你整理了一下校服在路边买了一杯奶茶弥补一下自己今天的不幸 第二天,你又在学校门看见了金珉奎,你装没看见他,他仍然是靠在车上那副吊儿郎当的样子,他看见你出了校门,对你吹了个哨 你没在意,继续往前走,他看你没反应跑向你和你并排走 “你叫什么”金珉奎开 “我叫什么关你什么事,你还要报复我不成”你语气淡淡的 “呵…我只是想认识一下你” “我不想认识你”说完你加快了脚步 “昨天的事情是我不对,交个朋友吧”金珉奎有些着急拉着你的手腕 你白了他一眼甩开他走开了,他也没继续跟上来

I Don't Understand But I Love You

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 10 subscribers, 1160 views, 284 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

  "Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."— Dr. Brand, Interstellar. ⟟ ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅, ⏚⎍⏁ ⟟ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍.


By moonlit_coral Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   dkseventeen 
With 11 chapters, 3 votes, 87 subscribers, 26160 views, 10 comments, 482 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only