Seventeenxoc (89 seventeenxoc stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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60 Summer Nights

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 5880 views, 42933 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

The Assassin's Mistress

By clumsydumbty Updated
With 5 chapters, 39 subscribers, 510 views, 45281 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Happy Ending (Good To Me II)

By pawlinne17 Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Jung Eunhye(OC), SEVENTEEN, GOT7, EXO, Monsta X, BlockB, FXCD, and many more
With 25 chapters, 12 votes, 139 subscribers, 4070 views, 72 comments, 118509 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

They are happy. Even though it is not always rainbows and butterflies, they get through. No matter how many things life throw at them, they find home with each other. They grow together, both individually and as a couple. But Wonwoo has one wish that she does not seem to be capable of granting. The words, "I love you," Wonwoo has yet to hear from his girlfriend. Even though he longed to confirm her feelings, he does not want to force the sentence out of her. Unaware, as usual, Eunhye

The Elemental Werewolf

By NicoleKpop99 Updated
Tags  seventeenxoc 
Characters OC, Wonwoo, DK, SEVENTEEN
With 80 views, 36 words
Status Members Only

One body, three souls. Seems easy right? 

徐明浩X你 奶油味的夜

By Navaeh_lung Updated
Tags  seventeen   minghao   the8   seventeenxoc 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 7420 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Ima 今 - Breaking the Walls

By juyo94 Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo , You/OC, Seventeen, Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 930 views, 3 comments, 10620 words

There's just one thing I want, to hold onto That hint of a smile that plays on your lips That absolutely blinding smile If I could hold onto that, if I could just do that


By Anlishes Updated
Characters leechan reader SEVENTEEN 李灿 dino
With 1 votes, 16 subscribers, 5640 views, 4 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only

他就那么直挺挺地站在门,面无表情地盯着我,不知道是从什么时候开始的。他的目光看起来并不能用炙热来形容,相反,是透满了如荒漠一般的凉意,紧紧地盯着我的身体,盯着我的脸,盯着我此刻放大的瞳孔,好像要把我的身体刺穿。 羞愤感如同潮水一般袭击了我,我下意识地想要拉起裤子坐直,但冷静半秒之后这样的行动看起来显然会令我的地位处于更加的劣势之中。高潮的余韵仍令我好像被悬挂在透明的云朵之间晃悠,剥夺了我思考的权利在我的身体里注入一股暖流。但随即我的心脏如同在跳水台上一般地发慌开始狂跳,整个人随着他的眼睛一样坠入冰冷的谷底, 我在李灿面前曾经所展露的形象永远都是那么肃穆,永远没换过的正装,不苟言笑的脸庞,梳理整齐的黑发,黑框眼镜。我给他的眼神里似乎总透露着一种冰冷的审视,凌驾于他的精神之上,居高临下地轻蔑地望着他,无处不在表示着我对他这个人的厌恶与不屑。而现在这样的角色竟然破天荒地发生了对换,刚刚明明还在一墙之隔的地方发出引人遐想的喘息声,不知道什么时候已经穿戴地十分整齐,在这里漠然地看着他的姐姐——那个所一直凌驾于他的姐姐——以最低贱最脆弱的姿态对着自己最看不起


By Anlishes Updated
Characters SEVENTEEN Wonwoo original character 全圆佑
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3690 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

我和全圆佑的初遇,听起来比言情小说还要俗套,直到如今我都感叹命运怎会如此神奇,将两只灵魂从世界诞生而来的亿万年之间,从这宇宙望不到边的浩瀚之间,牵引到同一时间同一地点,在此紧连。 当时的我是完美的电视剧丧家犬模板,本就一贫如洗,工作需要的资金又被转走,蹲在异国的街头,无亲无故,明天还有一个客户要见。深夜我结束了跟李灿的通话。他给我打电话的时候声音都耷拉下来,带着撒娇的意味。他跟我抱怨道,期末考试真的很多,今天出门没有带伞。我打起精神来,一句一句话认真地回应着。李灿的话没说完,我就听见他的室友叫他别打了,大家都要睡觉了。李灿很不好意思地对我说他也要继续复习去了,互相道了晚安,他好像是隔空给了我一个kiss,随之而来的是特别可爱的“爱你哦姐姐”,再次问了我一次我有没有生气,我很快地否定了,他就匆匆挂了电话。 我确实没有生气。对这样一个纯真可爱的孩子该怎么生气呢?这又不是他的错,他什么都不知道,也做不了什么。是啊,一个小孩。我有什么可以指望的呢?指望他现在放下功课买几万的机票飞到法国陪我受冻吗?指望他跟室友大吵一架跑到寝室外面听我倒黑泥,跟他讲我今天是怎

Protecting My Secret Lover | Seventeen DK x OC | Romantic Drama AU Short Story

By beautiepatootie Updated
Characters Seventeen's DK and OC
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 2210 views, 2378 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Lords of the Underworld

By delightae Updated
Characters Seventeen
With 24 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 950 views, 3 comments, 49960 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Pandora’s box was never meant to be opened, let alone be touched.   What happens when the Thirteen Immortals steal Pandora’s box, releasing all of the evils of the world? Each Immortal became a keeper, one that held a destiny that would one day seek the light or will eventually devour them within the dark.

Love'in Music

By bitterswee Updated
Tags  originalcharacter   jun   mingyu   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc   dokyeom 
Characters OC // Seventeen
With 7 chapters, 4 votes, 8 subscribers, 420 views, 2 comments, 7068 words

  Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed hearts open. - Maria von Trapp

Kaelos Ball

By Rubyfur Updated
Tags  jihoon   jun   mingyu   royalau   aufic   seventeen   junhui   joshua   auworld   minghao   woozi   seventeenxoc   seventeenau 
Characters Joshua, Jun, Woozi, The8, Mingyu, Original Characters
With 6 chapters, 5 subscribers, 200 views, 4932 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only


The One Who Lies in Your Heart

By scarletzx Updated
Characters Kwon Soonyoung, Choi Seungcheol, Lee Chan, OC (Main Character)
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 500 views, 3470 words
Status Completed

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another dream story! Today's dream stars some members of SEVENTEEN! We have Hoshi (Soonyoung), S.Coups (Seungcheol) and Dino (Chan) today.  You and Soonyoung met in primary school. You were a very shy person, and Soonyoung was the exact opposite, he was full of energy and fun. Through him, you met Seungcheol and Chan as well. And the four of you became inseperable.  This is a story about you and the three boys living the lives of highsch

By your side, always

By Esah_95 Updated
Characters Joshua Hong (Seventeen)
With 3 chapters, 4 subscribers, 360 views, 5263 words


Seventeen: A Collection

By nochujjang Updated
Tags  jihoon   oneshots   jun   mingyu   jisoo   hansol   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   chan   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc 
Characters Seventeen Members
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 159 subscribers, 5850 views, 8 comments, 47057 words
Status Completed

This is a collection of short stories featuring Seventeen. 


By alwaysyoon Updated
Tags  seventeenxoc 
Characters Seventeen x oc
With 1 chapters, 70 views, 5629 words
Status Subscribers Only

Short fic based on Seventeen's Affirmation video

The Past, The Present

By rilakkuma_love Updated
Characters Xu Minghao (The8), Kim Mingyu, Lee Jinah (OC)
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 320 views, 2 comments, 2282 words

Lee Jinah. She is perfectionist when its come to do school project. She straightforward type of person. She speak honest and it could hurt anyone.  Everyone hates her and often mistaken her as the bully because of her personality. Until an incident, everyone turns their back on her. She's alone. But MInghao, the quiet  boy in the school always there for her. Everyone scare of him since day one. He just got a vibe that high probability could kill anybody. Since that day, they always together a

Silent Sympathy

By Rawrsadoodle Updated
Characters Seventeen, Original Character, Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Jisoo, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Lee Seokmin, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Hansol, Lee Chan, Chae Hyungwon
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 2090 views, 6 comments, 29170 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

SEBONG Imagines

By alwaysyoon Updated
Characters Seventeen x You
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 320 views, 558 words
Status Completed

Just a short imagine for our SEBONG. Follow alwaysyoon for more. 🤍 - A.

Come to me

By joyful_joy Updated
Characters Joshua Hong, and the rest of the gang obviously
With 5 chapters, 11 subscribers, 890 views, 4 comments, 12097 words

After what happened in the past with your ex-boyfriend, you found yourself difficult to trust someone with the gentleman image. 'Gentleman' seems like merely a concept and it was probably impossible for someone to be a genuine one. Now that you're stuck with the number one gentleman at campus for a group project, how would you cope with the one and only Joshua Hong?

The Witching Hour

By Arfina1 Updated
Characters Ahn EunAe (OC); Jeon Wonwoo; SEVENTEEN members; Red Velvet members; EXO members
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 340 views, 2 comments, 4782 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Seventeens Princess

By Petra_Ackerman36 Updated
Tags  seventeenxoc 
With 2 chapters, 30 views, 718 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

A King's Requiem

By mangomingyu Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   jihoon   romance   jun   mingyu   hansol   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc   seventeenmingyu   seventeenandoc   dokyeom   mingyuxoc   dk17 
Characters All of Seventeen? OCs? It's easier to just read it
With 4 chapters, 2 subscribers, 440 views, 13536 words

The war waged for days. It didn't take a week for us to realise that we were losing. Bullets destroyed our farmlands, bombs ripped our cityline to pieces and fear tore through our country. We were prepared in our own way. Having a bomb arsenal of own that was not to be taken lightly of and battalions of well-trained troops ready to be dispatc

he's different now

By xlunari Updated
Tags  seventeen   joshua   hongjisoo   seventeenxoc 
Characters Seventeen Joshua
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 220 views, 3775 words

Sometimes I see him on TV or on giant billboards. Sometimes I hear his name screamed by other girls and sometimes I hear his voice on the radio. He's someone who I spent my childhood with, someone I trusted the most. But ever since life took us both away, I can't help but think that this man on the billboard isn't the same person I spent my past with. We're living different lives. And he's different now.

The lucky charms of kitty

By mrskaidomyeon Updated
Tags  seventeenxoc 
Characters mingyu oc otherseventeenmember
With 2 subscribers, 70 views, 52 words

Han Naeun is 21 years old and she loves cat so much.....more than anything....she thinks she' doesnt need any other companion other than all her ball of fluffiness... But fate decide it as the other way round.


By Faded_dreams Updated
Tags  arrangedmarriage   mafia   exo   luhan   seventeenxoc 
With 1 chapters, 260 views, 324 words

she knew the dark side existed.she knew that people around her are a part of it.But one day her world changes as she ties the knot with  man, who owns the dark side."My hands are tainted princess" "I don't care"......

Please Insert The Title

By smelissa Updated
Tags  leeseokmin   seventeenxoc   dokyeom   seokminxoc   booseoksoon   bss 
With 1 chapters, 23 subscribers, 270 views, 2399 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In which you received a pack, a huge one from the mail man and you wonder what's inside.

Secrets that should last

By Chelina Updated
Characters jeonghan,reader
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 520 views, 2031 words


Lean On Me

By xiaobear_17 Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   ocs   mingyu   seventeen   mark   got7   marktuan   seventeenxoc 
Characters Cho Minju (OC), Seventeen and other characters
With 14 chapters, 1 votes, 196 subscribers, 2120 views, 1 comments, 14749 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Idols always tell their fans to lean on them when they are in despair and needed help. They think of their fans than themselves.  But, this fan is different. Instead of leaning on them, she tells them to lean on her instead. Her heartfelt words remain in their hearts and one rapper seems to be very interested in her.  "Lean on me." Those

"His Shadow" SEVENTEEN Lee Chan Fanfic/ Novel

By lililyabbay Updated
Tags  kpop   you   dino   seventeen   chan   leechan   seventeenxoc   seventeenau 
Characters leechan, chan, dino, seventeen dino, seventeen, dino x you, chan x you, seventeen fanfic, dino fanfic, novel, kpop
With 15 chapters, 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 2460 views, 3 comments, 81971 words
Status [M], Completed

Mist of the Realms

By me_cute Updated
Tags  fantasy   friendship   romance   mingyu   seventeen   junhui   demonau   the8   seventeenxoc   godau   seventeenandoc   dokyeom   mingyuxoc 
Characters Park Yujin (OC), Mingyu, The8, DK, Jun
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 10 comments, 31152 words
Status Subscribers Only

“Before he died, Zeus had left a prophecy which he called ‘The Clash’, a prophecy that talked about an impending doom that would damage the entire universe. During the on-going cold war of the Sphere and the Cavern, a new disruptive war would occur in the Realm

Because He's Hong Jisoo

By Bigbabylee Updated
With 1 chapters, 3225 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

It's a short story about me and my boyfriend, Hong Jisoo. Yep. Seventeen's Joshua. Why do I like him? Because he's Hong Jisoo. And why Hong Jisoo?  

☀ My Happy Star (내 행복한 별)

By itstosun Updated
Characters Seokmin x OC; SVT
With 13 chapters, 16 votes, 5700 views, 82 comments, 36438 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

In which the love between the sun and his moon was more complicated than everybody thought.

Don't Kiss Me I'm Scared!

By Wooyaboya Updated
Characters Mingyu | Sooyoon (OC) | Vernon | Minghao | Seventeen Cameos
With 37 chapters, 71 votes, 1086 subscribers, 15900 views, 291 comments, 61714 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

It all happened when Jeonghan threw a party for the college kids staying on his floor, and one single tall boy had too much to drink. Unknown to all of us, he was a kissing monster after he's drunk. I just happened to be there to bear the consequences. 

When Death Takes Holiday

By PockyKoo Updated
Tags  seventeenxoc 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2006 words
Status Friends Only

Grim Reaper Au x Death Parade

Last Dance

By shinusual Updated
Tags  jun   seventeen   junhui   seventeenxoc   junxoc 
Characters junhui, baekhee (OC)
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 870 views, 1 comments, 3530 words
Status Completed

For as long as she'd loved him, Baekhee knew how much her boyfriend, Junhui, loved to dance. And she knew how good he was at it, but she could never fulfill his greatest request: to dance with him.   Note: This is actually a rerelease from my 13 days of SEVENTEEN holiday collection that I tried to put out last year. Even though I didn't finish the project, there were some one-shots in there that I thought d

Hot or Iced?

By PaperAirplanes89 Updated
Characters Seventeen, OC’s
With 9 subscribers, 460 views, 266 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Cafe 17, with a revolving roster of baristas, is run by, and for, the students of the adjoinjng university. It’s a melting-pot of personalities, an escape and a one-stop-shop for all the student gossip!  Anything could happen!