Seventeenandoc (68 seventeenandoc stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Tall, Short, Short, Tall

By Wooyaboya Updated
Characters Kim Minah (OC) | Lee Jihoon (Woozi) | Kim Mingyu | Jeon Wonwoo
With 21 chapters, 18 votes, 342 subscribers, 6760 views, 60 comments, 41581 words
Status Subscribers Only


By Anlishes Updated
Characters leechan reader SEVENTEEN 李灿 dino
With 1 votes, 16 subscribers, 5640 views, 4 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only

他就那么直挺挺地站在门,面无表情地盯着我,不知道是从什么时候开始的。他的目光看起来并不能用炙热来形容,相反,是透满了如荒漠一般的凉意,紧紧地盯着我的身体,盯着我的脸,盯着我此刻放大的瞳孔,好像要把我的身体刺穿。 羞愤感如同潮水一般袭击了我,我下意识地想要拉起裤子坐直,但冷静半秒之后这样的行动看起来显然会令我的地位处于更加的劣势之中。高潮的余韵仍令我好像被悬挂在透明的云朵之间晃悠,剥夺了我思考的权利在我的身体里注入一股暖流。但随即我的心脏如同在跳水台上一般地发慌开始狂跳,整个人随着他的眼睛一样坠入冰冷的谷底, 我在李灿面前曾经所展露的形象永远都是那么肃穆,永远没换过的正装,不苟言笑的脸庞,梳理整齐的黑发,黑框眼镜。我给他的眼神里似乎总透露着一种冰冷的审视,凌驾于他的精神之上,居高临下地轻蔑地望着他,无处不在表示着我对他这个人的厌恶与不屑。而现在这样的角色竟然破天荒地发生了对换,刚刚明明还在一墙之隔的地方发出引人遐想的喘息声,不知道什么时候已经穿戴地十分整齐,在这里漠然地看着他的姐姐——那个所一直凌驾于他的姐姐——以最低贱最脆弱的姿态对着自己最看不起


By Anlishes Updated
Characters SEVENTEEN Wonwoo original character 全圆佑
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3690 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

我和全圆佑的初遇,听起来比言情小说还要俗套,直到如今我都感叹命运怎会如此神奇,将两只灵魂从世界诞生而来的亿万年之间,从这宇宙望不到边的浩瀚之间,牵引到同一时间同一地点,在此紧连。 当时的我是完美的电视剧丧家犬模板,本就一贫如洗,工作需要的资金又被转走,蹲在异国的街头,无亲无故,明天还有一个客户要见。深夜我结束了跟李灿的通话。他给我打电话的时候声音都耷拉下来,带着撒娇的意味。他跟我抱怨道,期末考试真的很多,今天出门没有带伞。我打起精神来,一句一句话认真地回应着。李灿的话没说完,我就听见他的室友叫他别打了,大家都要睡觉了。李灿很不好意思地对我说他也要继续复习去了,互相道了晚安,他好像是隔空给了我一个kiss,随之而来的是特别可爱的“爱你哦姐姐”,再次问了我一次我有没有生气,我很快地否定了,他就匆匆挂了电话。 我确实没有生气。对这样一个纯真可爱的孩子该怎么生气呢?这又不是他的错,他什么都不知道,也做不了什么。是啊,一个小孩。我有什么可以指望的呢?指望他现在放下功课买几万的机票飞到法国陪我受冻吗?指望他跟室友大吵一架跑到寝室外面听我倒黑泥,跟他讲我今天是怎

Lords of the Underworld

By delightae Updated
Characters Seventeen
With 24 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 950 views, 3 comments, 49960 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Pandora’s box was never meant to be opened, let alone be touched.   What happens when the Thirteen Immortals steal Pandora’s box, releasing all of the evils of the world? Each Immortal became a keeper, one that held a destiny that would one day seek the light or will eventually devour them within the dark.

Good To Me

By pawlinne17 Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo, Jung Eunhye (OC), Mark Tuan (GOT7), SEVENTEEN, Chanyeol (EXO), Zico, Hani (EXID), Sunmi, Sana (Twice), other idols (MonstaX, GOT7, iKON, Twice, Girl's Day, BlockB, Fanxy Child, TVXQ, Super Junior, Stray Kids, APink, etc.)
With 76 chapters, 20 votes, 508 subscribers, 153 comments, 251104 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

  It was one night, and Eunhye wanted to forget everything bad about her life. There was Wonwoo, offering exactly what she needed. She no longer wanted to be the broken, cheated-on, miserable person that she was. All she had to think about was him, and how to please him and herself. It was her first time doing it with someone she just met, and it was obvious he did not do those stuff either. It was okay because she did not know him, and he did not know anything about her. She

A King's Requiem

By mangomingyu Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   jihoon   romance   jun   mingyu   hansol   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seokmin   seungcheol   soonyoung   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc   seventeenmingyu   seventeenandoc   dokyeom   mingyuxoc   dk17 
Characters All of Seventeen? OCs? It's easier to just read it
With 4 chapters, 2 subscribers, 440 views, 13536 words

The war waged for days. It didn't take a week for us to realise that we were losing. Bullets destroyed our farmlands, bombs ripped our cityline to pieces and fear tore through our country. We were prepared in our own way. Having a bomb arsenal of own that was not to be taken lightly of and battalions of well-trained troops ready to be dispatc


By Nayoanzozo Updated
Characters Wonwoo, seventeen, dokyeom, Mingyu, vernon, seungkwan, jeonghan, joshua, scoups, woozi, the8, jun, dino, hoshi
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 150 subscribers, 1500 views, 2 comments, 5538 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Haylie & Seventeen Adventures in Wonderland

By bapbigfanficfan Updated
Tags  seventeen   svt   seventeenandoc   svtadventure 
Characters seventeen s.coups jeonghan joshua jun hoshi wonwoo woozi the8 mingyu dokyeom seungkwan vernon dino originalcharacter
With 7 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 1050 views, 2 comments, 15862 words

Class of Seventeen Summary When Haylie's mother remarried, she wasn't sure what was more annoying - her new stepfather or the fact that he and her mother decided sending her to boarding school was the best for her.  It didn't help when the class she was assigned to became to welcoming and overwhelming. That was until everything else around her began to shift beyond normal - from seeing fluffy rabbits in su

Bite with Blood

By Justsomeistaken Updated
Characters Jeonghan, OC
With 4 chapters, 59 subscribers, 770 views, 1 comments, 3370 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By BngMeBngtnStyle Updated
Characters seventeen, joshua x reader
With 13 chapters, 5 votes, 95 subscribers, 5510 views, 26 comments, 30878 words
Status [M]

Seventeens Princess

By Jonghyuns_Wifey Updated
Tags  seventeenandoc 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 160 views, 752 words

Continuation of hoshi x Eryn first chater wil be the one shot to see how the rest of there love story will play out by the end of the story. Even if you have ot read any of my one shot collection there is the one shot in the beggining of the first chapter and I decided to just make it into a full story.

Mist of the Realms

By me_cute Updated
Tags  fantasy   friendship   romance   mingyu   seventeen   junhui   demonau   the8   seventeenxoc   godau   seventeenandoc   dokyeom   mingyuxoc 
Characters Park Yujin (OC), Mingyu, The8, DK, Jun
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 10 comments, 31152 words
Status Subscribers Only

“Before he died, Zeus had left a prophecy which he called ‘The Clash’, a prophecy that talked about an impending doom that would damage the entire universe. During the on-going cold war of the Sphere and the Cavern, a new disruptive war would occur in the Realm


By yongharu21 Updated
Tags  angst   fantasy   jihoon   romance   sliceoflife   supernatural   exo   seventeen   seungcheol   soonyoung   oc0   scoups   woozi   hoshi   svt   seventeenandoc 
Characters Kai | Soonyoung | Rue | Seungcheol | Avie | Jihoon (more characters will soon be introduced!)
With 17 chapters, 6 votes, 142 subscribers, 4180 views, 33 comments, 48294 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Don't Kiss Me I'm Scared!

By Wooyaboya Updated
Characters Mingyu | Sooyoon (OC) | Vernon | Minghao | Seventeen Cameos
With 37 chapters, 71 votes, 1086 subscribers, 15900 views, 291 comments, 61714 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

It all happened when Jeonghan threw a party for the college kids staying on his floor, and one single tall boy had too much to drink. Unknown to all of us, he was a kissing monster after he's drunk. I just happened to be there to bear the consequences. 

A Game of Death

By YunegaTerugo Updated
Tags  angst   death   jun   mingyu   deadmanwonderland   dino   corpseparty   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   danganronpa   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   hoshi   seventeenandoc   dokyeom   dk17   majorcharacterdeaths 
With 2 chapters, 13 subscribers, 550 views, 2171 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Club 17 (HIATUS)

By Wooyaboya Updated
Characters Soonbuk (OC) | Sarah (OC) | Seungcheol | Seungkwan | Soonyoung (Hoshi) | All Other Seventeen Members
With 16 chapters, 2 votes, 95 subscribers, 3880 views, 28 comments, 23394 words
Status Subscribers Only

Soonbuk, Soonyoung, Sarah and Seungkwan are part of Club 17, a group headed by Seungcheol that solves any problem for clients at a fee. From spying, disguise to confession set ups, these five legendary college kids will do anything to help their clients live the diamond quality life. 

The Chinese Duo... Doubled! [HIATUS]

By Kyung_Liu Updated
Characters Wen Chāoxing (OC) | Wen Junhui (Jun) | Xu Minghao (The8) | Fu Longfei (Jason) (Nu'est) | Rest of Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 6 subscribers, 2640 views, 8976 words
Status Members Only

Wen Chāoxing (aka Cassie or Xin) is the unknown step sister of Wen Junhui (aka Jerry or Jun). She loves to sing and dance, and has a skilled talent for knowing how to read people very well. She loves to tell fortunes a lot as well. When Chāo enrolls into the same Performing Arts school as none other than Pledis Entertainment's very own Lee Jihoon (aka Woozi), Choi Seungcheol (aka S.Coups), Lee Seokmin (aka DK) and Jeon Wonwoo, she realises her mistake,

Trust is Fragile

By paniah Updated
Tags  drama   fluff   idollife   jihoon   originalcharacter   dino   seventeen   seungcheol   pledis17   soonyoung   joshua   vernon   woozi   hoshixoc   seventeenandoc 
Characters Hoshi, Dino, DK, Seungkwan, Jun, The8, Scoups, Woozi, Vernon, Josh, Jeonghan, Wonwoon, Mingyu, OC
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 2410 views, 3 comments, 14079 words

Trying to make it in the idol world is no easy task; however, when an up-coming girl group is given the opportunity to train under the leaders of Peldis' very own Seventeen the light at the end of the tunnel starts to become brighter. Of course, with most things, that light is not reached without some trials and tribulations. If that wasn't enough, the three leaders of Seventeen start becoming intangled in these three secretive lives.With secrets within the girl group, their patience, enduran

Intern Angel

By mehmeh984 Updated
Characters Winnie Lee (OC), Do Kyungsoo, Jeon Wonwoo, EXO, Seventeen and other subsequent characters
With 20 chapters, 12 subscribers, 1430 views, 3 comments, 14018 words

"Angels do exist."   Winnie Lee thinks that angels exist after witnessing how people survive fatal accidents mysteriously. From her childhood, she remembers the tale of angels helping humans out. However, no one her age still believes in these fairytales and no one thinks that angels are making these miracles. "It's just sheer luck." After her heartbreak, she gets into an accident. This time,

No Promises

By PrincessRosey Updated
Characters Park Mia, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, rest of Seventen
With 10 chapters, 2 votes, 5 comments, 19578 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By theagasaefangirl Updated
Characters Jeon Wonwoo and OC (And the rest of Seventeen)
With 2 subscribers, 230 views, 30 words
Status Subscribers Only

Ageless Dream

By BaoziXiuMinseok Updated
Tags  comedy   fantasy   fluff   romance   you   mingyu   immortal   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   samuel   seungkwan   joshua   samuelseventeen   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   seventeenxoc   seventeenandoc   woozixyou   woozixoc   dk17 
Characters You, Woozi, Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 2571 words

  In a world where only mortal and immortal exist, college do the same. Everything is fine until you fell into the deepest , and you meet this diabolical immortal who reincarnated from a demon monkey from his past life. Yes, you know how wicked he could be.  

The Art of Understanding

By taehcup Updated
Characters Woozi, Originalcharacter
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 310 views, 1875 words

“He's a wallflower. You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand.” She never knew that loving him means understanding his behaviors as well the reasons why he loved her at the first place.

Til I Die

By AKPhantom Updated
Characters Seungcheol, Persephone (OC), Jeonghan, Seventeen, OCs
With 3 chapters, 6 subscribers, 1 comments, 13515 words

I examined the purple bruises that danced across my body. My skin was enjoying a yellow and indigo cocktail of discolouration after the experiment. I tried to relish the pain as it dissapated and the bruises absorbed into my skin, leaving behind its perfect golden glow. Lightning had been an interesting choice but it hadn't worked. It never worked. I was going to have to try harder. . I woul

The Gentleman

By justmye Updated
Tags  seventeen   joshua   woozi   seventeenandoc   joshuaxoc   woozixoc 
Characters Arin(oc), Joshua, Eunmi(oc), Woozi
With 4 chapters, 12 subscribers, 690 views, 3755 words
Status Subscribers Only

The Man's Tag is a book made by Eunmi and Arin that labels the guy into their own tag - The Playboy, The Puppy, The Leader and etc. The new student from LA need his own tag as well so Arin figures it out while Eunmi is struggling to get that one short guy a tag. What if it is all an act of reasoning just to be close to the new student, Joshua and the Secretary of Student Council, Jihoon?  

⦑ One Hundred Ways to Say 'I Love You' — Seventeen Collection ⦒

By gwiyeomi Updated
Characters SEVENTEEN, You
With 4 subscribers, 410 views, 2008 words

  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧   ❝ I love you is the word widely used for expressing affection or love towards someone. But for some, it's n

Why I Hate Nice Boys

By somanystories Updated
With 39 chapters, 12 votes, 121 subscribers, 5630 views, 79 comments, 76664 words
Status Completed

Ellie is just an exchange student in Seoul with her own problems. One day she bumps into Vernon on the subway and suddenly, she has 13 more problems. While her life is turned upside down, thier lives turn rightside up as she and her friends give them the inspiration they need to write their music.    

∴ ⁂ ℱ l o r i f e r o u s ⁂ ∵

By seungwei Updated
Tags  seventeen   up10tion   seventeenandoc 
Characters seventeen,oc,up10tion,etc
With 150 views, 173 words

∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼ [flaw-rif-er-uh s, floh-]  1. producing blossoms; flower -bearing. ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼   ⊰  A b o

░ ⧉ V O I X ⧉ ░

By seungwei Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeenandoc 
Characters seventeen,oc,etc
With 1 chapters, 80 views, 1344 words

⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ AXEAN Entertainment Project Girl Group ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ AXEAN Entertainment looking for talented people from around the world to audition for Girl Group Project called.. VOIX and this news spread so fast and very famous among kpoppers around the world even the artist become interest with this news because of that Cha So L

Accidentally fall for you

By Yoo_Seop Updated
Characters Woozixoc,SEVENTEEN
With 17 chapters, 2 votes, 84 subscribers, 3670 views, 12 comments, 30520 words
Status Completed

♦Accidentally fall for you  A story of a normal 20 year old girl who’s currently studying in Sangmyung University. She faces the hard and intense world of teens who just passed the SAT exam. She lived with her parents,grandmother and 4 brothers who loved her very much. Until her fate meets 13 boys who’re currently on the rising charts ‘SEVENTEEN’ is the name of the group. Her life started lighting up


By Shin_Seo Updated
With 2 chapters, 10 subscribers, 500 views, 186 words

He is a member of the popular group called Seventeen.   ...   While she's just an international fan.      

Attention Boys! I'm Different

Characters Krystal,Victoria, EXO, Seventeen, TaeTiSeo, Lee Jong Suk, Kang Seung Yoon, Kim Ji Won, BTS, Lee Taeyong(NCT-U)
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 3780 views, 10 comments, 30813 words

|Story Plot At The End Of The Page|  CHARACTERS:   

Story of Us

By svtwonwoo Updated
Tags  seventeenandoc 
Characters wonwoo x you seveteen
With 15 chapters, 3 votes, 11 subscribers, 640 views, 5 comments, 32574 words

Your not-so-typical highschool love story

✏ Love letter.

By wonwoosbae Updated
Tags  drama   mingyu   seyoung   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   seventeenandoc 
Characters Oc (Jung Sunghyo) | Kim Mingyu | Jeon Wonwoo | Kwon Soonyoung | Oh Sehun | Oh Hayoung | Lee Hayeon (OC) | Boo Seungkwan | OTHER
With 4 chapters, 6 comments, 6590 words
Status Subscribers Only

 « You became my light for every light. Can you say: "I couldn't leave you" ? »  

♥ Seventeen Oneshot Collection ♥

By AnnieAnnAnn143 Updated
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jun, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Minghao, Seokmin, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1250 views, 1 comments, 13079 words

Hey guys! Since I have no dedication in making major fanfics, I just decided to create oneshots with the seventeen members! I really hope you guys enjoy these oneshots! 

Chasing Butterfly

By this-isforyou Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   romance   mingyu   kimmingyu   seventeenandoc 
Characters Kim Mingyu and OC, seventeen
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 20 subscribers, 390 views, 4 comments, 2050 words

Meet Min Nabi. She's small, innocent and quiet. Now, meet Kim Mingyu. He's tall, dark and athletic. When Kim Mingyu first entered school, he was mesmerised by this girl standing under the cherryblossoms. He wondered to himself, how could a girl be so pretty? He was enchanted. It was there and then, he decided to chase this mysterious girl.

A Normal Love Story

By Dorkykitty Updated
Tags  redvelvet   seventeenandoc 
Characters S.Coups Vernon Wonwoo Mingyu Minghao Jun Hoshi Dino Jeonghan Woozi Joshua DK Seunggwan OC
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 230 views, 1 comments, 5083 words

Thirteen boys. One girl. Friendships will ensure and will love rise too? Read to find out!~ 

Miserable at best

By LindaMyungsooL Updated
Characters wonho, monsta x, vernon, seventeen, L, oc
With 7 chapters, 3 subscribers, 960 views, 2 comments, 7551 words

Linda, seorang remaja perempuan yang sering didera oleh neneknya sendiri dibela oleh keluarga angkat barunya atas permintaan ibunya yang tidak dapat melindunginya atas sebab sebab tertentu.  Kehidupan barunya di Korea sering dipenuhi dengan kejutan. bagaimanakah dia mengharungi hari harinya di sana?    Characters  Kim Myeongsoo seorang bapa

mr mr

By izzahnadzirah_ss Updated
Tags  seventeenandoc 
Characters kanghyekyo(oc),kimmingyu(seventeen),bangminah(girl's day)dan banyak lagilahh..
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 170 views, 1851 words
Status Subscribers Only

Kang Hye Kyo,gadis yang selekeh dan menjadi BAKAL ISTERI kepada Kim Mingyu Kim Mingyu,SEGAK,TAMPAN,BERGAYA  AND  P  L A B O Y.

Wasted on You

By foreverakpop Updated
Characters joshua, oc
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 56 subscribers, 3050 views, 8 comments, 2298 words
Status [M], Completed

괜찮아 (It's Okay)

By wonwoo-dahoe Updated
Characters Mingyu, OC
With 7 subscribers, 80 views, 700 words
Status Subscribers Only

It's been 10 year 120 months 521

A journey to become 20.

By allchanyeol Updated
Tags  seventeen   seventeenandoc 
Characters SEVENTEEN
With 1 chapters, 50 views, 1652 words

Do you still think of me as the person before? In your small eyes, I’m probably still a kid This isn’t the first time so what can I do? I can’t get over how you laugh in front of me I can’t just stay still

We Got Married: Vernon & Jenny

By rutht418 Updated
Tags  seventeenandoc 
Characters Vernon, Jenny, all of Seventeen, all of Beautiez
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 520 views, 2884 words

A WGM virtual marriage with Seventeen's Vernon and Beautiez Jenny(OC)    I recommend you read the how to read page because it has character descriptions that you may need to know to unde


By blanchx Updated
Tags  seventeenandoc 
Characters Seventeen , Yoon Hayoung (OC) , Yoon Dayoung
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 120 views, 2 comments, 1171 words

A story of Yoon Hayoung and her sister,Yoon Dayoung as an orphan. She could say that life is really hard,but what can they do. Life must go on. But did their life turns better or worst after being the maid /housekeeper  for a rookie idol,Seventeen?  Did life will become better when Hayoung have to

Seventeen Boysbe beyond imaginations

By Iamagirlfriend Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   oneshots   seventeen   seventeenandoc 
With 16 chapters, 4 votes, 61 subscribers, 2170 views, 17 comments, 20610 words

Admit it. We have all slipped in the diamond life. We have all been converted into Seventeen trashes.  The thirteen boys slayed my life. help. And thats the reason why this oneshots are born.  I actually am posting this in wattpad as well. so. yeah.  Enjoy. /heart aegyo/ /vomits/