Scoups (1,261 scoups stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Aster_deep Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   jeonghan   scoups 
Characters 【珉漢/澈漢】UNDER THE ROSE 01
With 7 chapters, 26 subscribers, 5280 views, 4 comments, 35 words
Status [M]


By SvtVernon Updated
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 3599 words

Family - this word can have different meaning to different people. To Seungchoel, it's his husband and 11, naughty but adorable kids.  Scoups and Jeonghan adopt 11 boys and try to give all of them a big family.

60 Summer Nights

By jooyeonlee Updated
Characters seventeen
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 55 subscribers, 5880 views, 42933 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Sacrifices for Love

By Charlot1081 Updated
Characters Seventeen and More
With 185 chapters, 19 votes, 88 subscribers, 33310 views, 240 comments, 486445 words
Status [M]


By Rubyguo Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 5860 views, 5 words
Status Completed

  崔胜澈*你 内含⭕️s//m ⭕️⭕️背德⭕️下💊⭕️年下⭕️姐弟伪骨⭕️澈18你20 🙇‍♀️ooc致歉🙇‍♀️勿上升正主


By august_joy8 Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters scoups
With 4 subscribers, 10570 views, 5 words
Status Members Only



By S0ng_hua1 Updated
Tags  scoups   scoupsxyou 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 3 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2470 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 尹净汉 崔胜澈
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 1870 views, 29 words

Adore U

By Ghad20 Updated
Characters Scoups (Seungcheol) Jeonghan Joshua Jun DK (Dokyeom ) The8 (Minghao) Wonwoo Woozi (Jihoon) Hoshi (Soonyoung) Seungkwan Vernon Dino
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 16 subscribers, 5090 views, 4 comments, 93229 words

A collection of Sick, Hurt & Comfort, Fluff one shots Seventeen members and different ships   


By eeeeeeeeeeleven Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 2 subscribers, 1450 views, 24 words

ABO世界设定 私设如山 全文1w+ 一发完 非完全清水 剧情向为主


By wshyaaa Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 3 subscribers, 2540 views, 7 words

回到熟悉的小家,旅途奔波的和昨晚被金珉奎折腾到后半夜的疲惫感在躺在沙发上的一瞬间被狠狠治愈,如果不是收到金珉奎掐着点在你下飞机的瞬间发给你询问平安的讯息,你甚至怀疑前几天的经历只是一场梦,出去旅游一趟莫名其妙从被包养,变成保养别人,这个世界还是太疯狂了 洗了个澡收拾了一下自己,眼见到了崔胜澈回来的时候,你还是纠结着从衣柜中拿出了那件由几个布组成堪堪能遮住关键点的“衣服” 仔细将脖处的咬痕遮住,又将浴袍裹紧些,现在你要做的只是等待崔胜澈到来,或许是出于背叛崔胜澈的心虚抑或是偷情后人心底本源的原始刺激,你的心跳要比往常快些,安静的房内心跳声被无限放大,直到开门声想起。“啊好想你澈哩”你小跑到门边还没等崔胜澈反应过来扑进了他怀里 尽管被你突如其来的动作搞得一头雾水,但崔胜澈还是稳稳地将你搂进怀里 “这次这么想我?” “嗯,很想” 你将脸埋在崔胜澈的胸前,在柔软里点了两下头 崔胜澈将一只手穿过你的发丝,另一只手顺着腰滑到苹果上,用力捏了两下 “骗人” “才没有” 放置在臀上的大手向上一托,你熟练的将双腿


By C-zhizhi Updated
Tags  seventeen   scoups   seventeenscoups 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 10000 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only

金字塔游戏 (13 with you)

By SpreliaY Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   minghao   vernon   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 53340 views, 13 comments, 58 words
Status Members Only

校董儿子 1 & 贫困少女 u

By kidult_lt Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 1 subscribers, 2190 views, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Rainycat_rainynight Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 20 subscribers, 18510 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

婚礼终于快要结束了,经过早上洪知秀的一番搅和,剩下的环节我都有些心不在焉,每次牵着胜澈的手都会心虚,尤其是后腰那块骨头被揽住时我猛地直起身子吓了他一跳。   “你怎么了亲爱的?哪不舒服吗?” 胜澈把我翻来翻去检查着,我下意识压紧了衣服。 “没事…就是被你吓到了,不要突然搂我嘛。” “我自己的老婆还不能碰吗…” 他委屈起来,声音带着波浪线。 “我会不好意思啦。”我违心地说,想起洪知秀压住我的腰的大手。 “今天你好像有点不在状态。” “有吗?”我一惊,强装镇定地反问,胜澈看我紧张的眼神笑了笑,揽住我的肩膀, “很累了吧,早知道就少搞这么多流程了,念完誓词直接入洞房。” 我被他的话无语到了,紧张的心情有些放松,嗔怪着用手肘顶了下他的肋骨。   送走最后一波客人,终于可以回家了,我的腰和大腿拜洪知秀所赐酸胀了一天,无力地瘫在副驾驶座,趴在车窗上催促着慢悠悠走来的崔胜澈,

my palagi | au

By drinkyouraqua Updated
Tags  filipino   tagalog   alternateuniverse   mingyu   seventeen   joshua   scoups   sungcheol   seventeenau   mingyuxoc   bini   colet   maloi   mikha   biniau 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 600 views, 1 comments, 9801 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

    Welcome to a story about second chances and coming home. Our story follows a retired NBA player who returns to the Philippines to stay for


By rita777-08 Updated
Tags  seventeen   scoups   seventeenscoups 
With 6 subscribers, 5800 views, 21 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Cheolove Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters Cheolove girl 玉女
With 1 subscribers, 3160 views
Status [M]

崔胜澈×你 (小妈)

By 19891213 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 12 chapters, 10 subscribers, 5950 views, 2 comments, 4 words
Status Completed

纯情少爷在线追爱  by 自卑的烤马铃薯


By wenwengyu Updated
Tags  mingyu   scoups 
With 2 chapters, 1540 views, 1 comments, 16 words
Status [M]


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 490 views

*现背 酸涩双向暗恋

6⃣和1 9的三人进行曲

By CeMyNeMe Updated
Tags  kimmingyu   choiseungcheol   scoups 
With 5 subscribers, 4350 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

1x9x你  三人夹心


By peachcherry1004 Updated
Characters jeonghan scoups
With 6 subscribers, 5220 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 3 chapters, 10 subscribers, 2030 views, 8 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By eeeeeeeeeeleven Updated
Tags  scoups   scoupsxyou 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 1 votes, 24 subscribers, 7870 views, 5 comments, 3 words


By Eharu_Kinan Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters 1.0
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 3790 views, 1 words
Status Members Only



By moonlit_coral Updated
Tags  mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   dkseventeen 
With 11 chapters, 3 votes, 87 subscribers, 26160 views, 10 comments, 482 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Always Pokemon

By Lostmyaccount Updated
Tags  seventeen   leejihoon   kwonsoonyoung   soonhoon   scoups   woozi   hoshi   hoshixwoozi   soonhoonau 
Characters Woozi, Hoshi, Seventeen
With 150 views, 228 words

In which both Hoshi and Woozi are Pokémon trainers (but they both really and Coups doesn't get enough credit for the things he does for them).   


By xirrrr Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 5140 views, 1 comments
Status Members Only

“崔胜澈,我们离婚吧”你终于做出了这个决定 崔胜澈反应很平淡看着你“那小宝呢,归谁” “我其他的都可以不要,小宝归我,毕竟是我十月怀胎生下来的” “好”崔胜澈冷冷地答应了 你们走到现在这个结果并不是无迹可寻,你们曾经深爱着彼此,互相陪伴着,扶持着,可自从你怀了宝宝之后,崔胜澈的事业逐渐起势,越来越忙,甚至产检都是你一个人去的 你本以为过了那段时间就好了,无限的包容着他,试图理解他体谅他,可你发现你做不到,自己的丈夫每日不沾家,你自然会多想 他起身走向书房,什么都没说,你多么希望他刨根问底,尝试挽留你,可是他没有,你心如死灰,回想着曾经的过往,忍不住流下了眼泪,这真的是你们想要的结果吗 崔胜澈不爱你吗?爱,他很爱你,所以才全心投入工作,想给你和小宝更好的生活,可是在这路上,他好像越走越偏了 有时候他的身上会带着不同的香水味回家,你假装不在意,表面上若无其事,实际上每一次都像扎在你的心 你回到房间,抱起小宝和往常一样哄他睡觉,你轻轻拍着小宝的肚子,控制不住去想刚

My Best Friends Friend

By Winterberry04 Updated
With 4 subscribers, 200 views, 1704 words
Status Subscribers Only

"I am in love with my best friends friend what could be so wrong about that?"     


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 6700 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 10930 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

谎言 全

By Thistle-G Updated
Tags  mingyu   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   dokyeom 
Characters 文珺慧 文俊辉 jun
With 20 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1720 views, 226 words

  说谎言的人要一千根针哦   ———— 阅读须知: *all文珺慧向 *狗血清水文 *出场人物:1/2/3/4/6/7/8/9/10/11 *短篇,全文约3w字  


By kukucoups Updated
Tags  mingyu   wonwoo   scoups   scoupsandyou   wonwooandyou   mingyuandyou 
With 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 12560 views, 5 words
Status Members Only


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 7220 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 4 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1720 views, 2 words



By Chenowpat Updated
With 9 chapters, 8 words
Status Members Only

崔胜澈X你,民国架空,纯爱纯爱纯爱!ooc致歉,不要上升到澈澈本人。谢谢你看我的文。 “和崔胜澈第一次见面,我有些怕他,但是他对我很好很好。”----年历十三年春 “喜欢和崔胜澈约会,今天…第一次了他,他也了我。”----年历十三年夏 “崔胜澈离开了,他去守护梧江城了,等他回来后,我要与他成婚。”----年历十三年秋 “崔胜澈要我想想我要做的事,我终于想好了,我要读书。”----年历十三年冬 “每天都能见到崔胜澈,好开心。”----年历十四年春 “和崔胜澈成婚了。”----年历十四年夏


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 6840 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By palolembeach2004_ Updated
Characters 崔胜澈 尹净汉
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 340 views, 21 words

*兄妹骨科 狗血 单性转 第三视角 「我的罪是我和胜澈靠得太近了,汲饱了彼此的痛苦和寂寞,共享了成长的快乐和挣扎,所以我们相爱,一起长大是福惠也是诅咒,我明白了爱的真身,但明白没有用。」


By cherry890808 Updated
Tags  scoups 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 6 chapters, 53 subscribers, 18000 views, 8 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By _zsrof_ Updated
Tags  jun   mingyu   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dokyeom 
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 170 subscribers, 86910 views, 5 comments, 358 words
Status [M], Completed

The bodyguard

By Winterberry04 Updated
Characters Scoups You
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1260 views, 3 comments, 6697 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

Mi Nuevo Alfa - Seventeen Juncheol

By boonito Updated
Characters junhui, wen junhui, choi seungcheol, seungcheol, scoups
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 220 views, 1823 words
Status [M], Members Only

The Loopholes of Reality

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  fantasy   mingyu   darkfantasy   futuristic   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   scoups   woozi   hoshi   dkseventeen 
Characters Seventeen Junhui, with mention of others
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 330 views, 42 words
Status Subscribers Only

Junhui wakes up one morning to the entire world different from what he had known before. Every day, there is something new to discover...but just don't mention it. Not all will remember. 


By shanna-1 Updated
Tags  scoups 
With 6 chapters, 23 subscribers, 8040 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only