Jihoon (1,345 jihoon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By bxxxaeshan Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure 
Characters jihoon
With 1 subscribers, 700 views, 6 words
Status [M], Members Only


By bxxxaeshan Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 50 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

000. 苹果有毒,于是亚当吃了夏娃。 001. “如果是我,我就吃掉夏娃。” “苹果万一有毒呢。” 朴志焄捧着圣经云淡风轻地说出这样大逆不道的话,在父亲的眼皮子底下、上帝的膝下。 见我不应,他自顾自地在唱礼歌时又哼起王的摇滚乐,身上还穿着格格不入的教服,怀里抱着那本厚重的羊皮革圣经,看起来像个被迫改邪归正的辍学混混。我早让母亲不要再来这里做祈祷,牧师既然能教出这样的儿子,也不见得教会会有多诚心,可母亲不听,一来二去甚至和教堂上那位牧师发展成一段莫名其妙的关系。我第一次撞见他们是在教会主楼的扶梯,母亲小姑娘一样地羞红了脸低着头犹豫地问“你真的能接受我的女儿吗?”牧师当机立断地就点头说当然了,他还说我很乖,自己的儿子也一定会很喜欢这个妹妹。 无聊。我并不爱看这种俗套的老式罗曼蒂克剧情,正欲转身往回走,忽的撞了一鼻子,对面的朴志焄歪着脑袋似笑非笑地盯着我看,用型佯装惊讶地说“天呐,这什么?牧师在私会吗?”说着还故意将脸靠在我耳边向下面的扶梯看去,里嘀咕着“대박,接了呢。” 我闻声瞥了他一眼好奇地想转身


By LebbLebbLebbLebb Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure 
With 9 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1860 views, 1 comments, 209 words

【煮&我but all出场】feat:YG family  纯爱 校园文 小虐怡情  1️⃣中式高中校园 2️⃣年龄设定与现实稍微不同  阅读时跟着author的时间逻辑走就行 3️⃣其他部分成员有自己的感情线 介意请自行退出 4️⃣全文前半部分倒叙➕插叙 后续会有一点🚗 插曲系列是一些其他角色视角  祝大家阅读愉快!₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ 人无法同时拥有青春和对青春的感受,曾经我一心只想逃离高考的牢笼,躺在狭小的上下铺床上幻想着自己以后的样子,去化妆、去穿漂亮的衣服,去向往的城市读大学,去抓紧喜欢的人,去看能想到的所有景色。后来我才发现原来在成人世界里几乎没有什么东西是留得住的,包括过去的自己。 但学生时代那一段日子就像被记忆蒙上了最美好的滤镜一样,偷偷地渗透到了我的生活里。在陌生的城市吹着熟悉的热风时会想到它,在不经意打开一张微糊的旧照片时会想到它,在路过一家时隔很久没有去过的小店时会想到它…就好像我的灵魂有一小


By Keikokawayii Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi 
With 4 chapters, 7 subscribers, 2120 views, 62 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
Characters 朴志焄 金本芳典
With 1 subscribers, 1730 views, 2 comments, 129 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Schmetterling0515 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 1000 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only

Bloody Mary

By zzx078622 Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 2 subscribers, 1780 views, 15 words
Status Members Only

“你今天戴这么长的choker” “有很长吗” 我伸手扯扯朴志焄前面耷拉着的链子。 “有点像牵小狗啊” “汪汪?”

Bunk Bed Fight

By Topfany8789 Updated
Characters Park Jihoon and Aeri Uchinaga
With 1 chapters, 36 subscribers, 320 views, 7893 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By IceSugar_btxtd Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 430 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By Juluoluo Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 1610 views, 38 words

  装乖绿茶地雷系偏执典🐱 事业批白月光焄🐶


By IceSugar_btxtd Updated
Characters 金泳勋 金善旴 朴志焄
With 1 chapters, 800 views, 30 words
Status Members Only

-朴志焄*金善旴*金泳勋 非闭合三角


By Schmetterling0515 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 4 subscribers, 1260 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only

To be or Not to Be

By jinseventeen Updated
Tags  jihoon   seungcheol   jicheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jihoon
With 13 chapters, 12 subscribers, 310 views, 8198 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Jeongcheol as seatmates with a conflict 🫣


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 11 subscribers, 3210 views, 105 words
Status [M], Members Only


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
Characters 朴志焄,金本芳典
With 12 subscribers, 6980 views, 5 comments, 145 words
Status [M], Members Only

Tall, Short, Short, Tall

By Wooyaboya Updated
Characters Kim Minah (OC) | Lee Jihoon (Woozi) | Kim Mingyu | Jeon Wonwoo
With 21 chapters, 18 votes, 342 subscribers, 6760 views, 60 comments, 41581 words
Status Subscribers Only


By fracolove Updated
Tags  jihoon   junghwan   treasure   asahi 
Characters 滨田朝光 苏庭焕 朴志焄 asahi jihoon junghwan
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1780 views, 39 words
Status [M], Completed


By specimenbottle Updated
Characters parkjihoon
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2780 views, 20 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yannuan1124 Updated
Tags  jihoon 
Characters 朴志焄
With 3 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1 comments, 3 words



By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 5 subscribers, 1890 views, 20 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Adelina0122 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure   junkyujihoon 
With 7 subscribers, 5510 views, 1 comments, 18 words
Status [M]


By 1001oo Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasurejihoon 
Characters 朴志焄
With 2430 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By LebbLebbLebbLebb Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   haruto 
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 2460 views, 189 words
Status [M]


By chengseyujing Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshi 
Characters jihoon,yoshi,junkyu
With 8 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1520 views, 1 comments, 67 words

宝石盒234 包含23 42 43

出轨指南 下

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 760 views, 6 words
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金俊奎又被送回了家。 在金本芳典的注视中,他打开了那个手提箱。 都是些看得让人面红心跳的东西,他无从下手,想到金本芳典那晚身上的痕迹,犹犹豫豫地抓了一根较小的鞭子。 金俊奎握住握把的手里冒了冷汗,金本芳典却又那样看着他。 带着那种的眼神。 … 直接抽自己吗… 金俊奎虽然并没有接触过sm,但本能的觉得他并没有什么受虐或者嗜痛的倾向,有人拿鞭子抽他他肯定不会觉得爽,只会告诉自己远离神经病。 但他真的对着自己胳膊抽下去了。在金本芳典的注视下。 下手好像重了,小臂迅速肿起一道,还有他的耳朵,烧得红彤彤的。 疯了吧,真的自己抽自己了。 金本芳典问他什么感觉,他摇摇头说疼,又说试过了,我不喜欢。 金俊奎正要措辞告诉他自己和朴志焄真的结束了并送走他,却被金本芳典捉住手忘他锁骨处带。 “那我呢?” “你那天看到我身上的痕迹,想不想…” 他的手被金本芳典按在


By hihiimj Updated
Tags  jihoon 
Characters Jihoon
With 5 chapters, 11 subscribers, 20 words

*朴志焄梦女   *先婚后爱

出轨指南 中

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 960 views, 13 words
Status Members Only

金本芳典想想就笑,他真好奇朴志焄如果知道了会有什么反应。但他拿不准金俊奎会不会让朴志焄知道,朴志焄会提分手吗,分手了朴志焄能不能别再矫情了,总是拒绝做爱他也会烦的,真分手了他要不要和金俊奎试试。 金本芳典又觉得荒唐,正常人会瞒着吧,而且金俊奎昨晚好像是被下药了。   -什么时候回来?   -喂,你真的不回家了? -接电话   -金俊奎,我真怀疑你是不是死了 -明早回电话   金俊奎要回了自己的手机,看到朴志焄的消息手足无措,又看了崔玹硕发得比朴志焄还多。 -俊奎啊对不起 -哥后面喝得醉了ㅠㅠ -是后来喝了酒吗,


By ciwei33 Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 3 subscribers, 1270 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Gojyaa Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure 
With 3 subscribers, 890 views, 13 words

-不像小狗也爱你。   242无差,含几句话头事。     ——————————   过马路的时候被朴志焄拽住卫衣帽子一把扯了回来,是红灯啊红灯!你个白痴是想被车撞死吗!本来就在生气的人看起来好像更生气了,金俊奎想怎么会有人一天能生那么多气呢难道朴志焄的根本就是一个气球吗。   虽然这种时候完全不该笑吧,但还是因为想到气球朴志焄而忍不住笑了出来。朴志焄已经气到没力,说金俊奎你从店里出来开始就没有在听我说话了是不是?   「不是啊,我在听。」几乎是下意识的为自己狡辩了。   「在听的话根本就不会走神到没注意红绿灯颜色吧!」   「就是因为听的太认真了所以才……」   「呀金俊奎我看你现在还是闭吧!」   又变成这样了,纪念日什么的,最后还是以大吵一架收场了。说是大吵一架也不对,从外

永駐「This Could Be A Dream」

By doboki777 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori   hoonnori 
Characters 金俊奎,朴志焄,金本芳典,崔铉硕,滨田朝光
With 4 subscribers, 1600 views, 1 comments, 45 words
Status [M]

Ice Cream By The Beach

By TheEmeraldGirl23 Updated
Tags  fluff   jihoon   icecream   firstkiss   firstdate   bxb   volleyball   seventeen   junhui   beachau   seungcheol   chan   soonyoung   seungkwan   soonhoon   minghao   jeonghan   junhao   jeongcheol   nonfamousau 
Characters Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups, Wen Junhui | Jun, Boo Seungkwan, Xu Minghao | The8, Lee Chan | Dino, Yoon Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 350 views, 3615 words
Status Completed

“Hello. I’m Soonyoung,” he greeted.The ice cream seller smiled. “So, you’re the one that’s been looking my way all weekend. I’m Jihoon, nice to meet you. Would you like an ice cream?”“Would that ice cream come with a date by any chance?”Jihoon chuckled. “How about my number?”“That also works. A mango popsicle, then.”Jihoon grabbed a mango popsicle from inside the cart and wrote his number on the wrapper before handing it to Soonyoung. “On me.”“Thank you. I’ll talk to y


By yuguuu Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure 
Characters ch1
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2070 views, 6 words



By yuguuu Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   junkyujihoon 
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 990 views, 15 words



By zero_z Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 12 subscribers, 8290 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

ruthless | gotsvt

By Jaeesoul Updated
Tags  action   friendship   jaebum   jihoon   jinyoung   bromance   jun   mingyu   youngjae   brotherhood   jisoo   bambam   jjproject   myungho   bloodandgore   dino   seventeen   wonwoo   seungcheol   jeonwonwoo   kimmingyu   seungkwan   joshua   jackson   mark   got7   yugyeom   vernon   the8   jeonghan   woozi   dokyeom   majorcharacterdeath 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 2490 views, 6014 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Ice cream

By Fraistarwberry Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 10 subscribers, 6640 views
Status [M], Members Only


By Honeyduke Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 29 subscribers, 20370 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Fraistarwberry Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 11 subscribers, 7390 views, 1 comments, 30 words
Status [M], Members Only

The Impotent Lover

By ctrldfghjux_ Updated
Tags  jihoon 
Characters Jihoon and You
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1450 views, 2 words
Status Friends Only



By Fraistarwberry Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 6 subscribers, 7060 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Fraistarwberry Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 15 subscribers, 12050 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By QiQi_Diary Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 7640 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only

Fan Service

By lumosia Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 14 subscribers, 11920 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only

第六海 | Sixth Sea

By Constantinee_ Updated
Tags  jihoon   mingyu   wonwoo   seungcheol   jeonghan   seventeenandyou 
With 18 chapters, 1 votes, 16 subscribers, 7320 views, 202 words
Status Completed

【12679】玛丽苏/1v5式纯爱/第三人称梦女文 by @Constantinee_ /wb同名 前排提示:真骨科/无车


By froangh Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 1080 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M], Members Only


By _staRwberry Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 1 subscribers, 1000 views, 7 words
Status [M]


By natalie99 Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 6160 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By natalie99 Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 3 subscribers, 6660 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By QiQi_Diary Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 9 subscribers, 11800 views
Status [M], Members Only

all the small things

By omona-mark Updated
Tags  jihoon   seventeen   soonyoung   soonhoon   woozi   hoshi 
Characters Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi), Lee Jihoon (Woozi) | Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 52 votes, 310 subscribers, 11150 views, 39 comments, 1470 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

There's probably an explanation behind everything, but maybe it's better left unsaid.    

that's a lot of gifts

By omona-mark Updated
Tags  jihoon   seventeen   seungcheol   jicheol   scoups   woozi 
Characters Lee Jihoon (Woozi), Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups) | Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 23 votes, 98 subscribers, 3090 views, 18 comments, 1508 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Wonwoo deserved more than just chocolate for being Jihoon and Seungcheol's friend.

one night stand

By omona-mark Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   jihoon   seventeen   soonyoung   soonhoon   woozi   hoshi 
Characters Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi), Lee Jihoon (Woozi) | Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 19 votes, 150 subscribers, 3080 views, 21 comments, 1623 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Jihoon was beginning to think this was A Big Mistake. Bigger than he already knew it was going to be the moment they met.

show me (tell me)

By omona-mark Updated
Tags  jihoon   seventeen   seungcheol   jicheol   scoups   woozi   coupzi 
Characters Lee Jihoon (Woozi), Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups) | Seventeen
With 2 chapters, 15 votes, 120 subscribers, 2630 views, 9 comments, 1588 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

His Ravenclaw senses were tingling with how following Seungcheol was a bad idea, but Jihoon could never resist.


By eros17 Updated
Tags  action   angst   jihoon   romance   mpreg   mingyu   dino   seventeen   junhui   wonwoo   seungcheol   seungkwan   joshua   vernon   the8   jeonghan   hoshi   eungyu   junhan   jeongcheol   chaeunwoo   junshua   dokyeom   eunwooastro 
Characters Choi Seungcheol. Yoon Jeonghan, Wen JunHui, ... Joshua, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, Jihoon, The8, DK, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino, Cha EunWoo and other boy groups
With 70 chapters, 24 votes, 277 subscribers, 12900 views, 56 comments, 282744 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

Who will you choose? The person who SUITS you perfectly or the person you are TIED with? 


By bluetamong Updated
Tags  jihoon 
With 1 chapters, 15 subscribers, 9660 views, 3 comments, 3 words