Asahi (58 asahi stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By suirandansu Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   treasureasahi 
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1740 views, 3 comments, 42 words
Status [M]


By urnothingbutmydream_ Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi 
With 19 words

滨田朝光梦女 注*: 除本报记者松本葵小姐和于1965年失踪的滨田朝光先生之外,采访中出现的所有人物均使用化名代替。 本报仅对本采访进行整理与转述,请读者自行判断其中真伪。


By entropicdeath Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 80 views, 3 words

-ep5-   (asahi视角)   好幸运,在这个冬天 遇见了我的蝴蝶。   其实我并不相信什么一见钟情,但有些事情好像确实只能用命来解释。照相馆门的第一次相遇,我承认,看见她时心跳得厉害。   被雨打湿的翅膀扑闪着,在冷风中微微颤抖,那个眼睛湿漉漉的女孩,她好像受伤了,我想。   我并不曾了解过她,只是她看着照片的神情太让人心疼,让我第一次产生了奇怪的共鸣感,她的一举一动总是小心翼翼,频繁地说着谢谢,眼神明又忽暗。   遗照,为什么要拍遗照?   我好奇地问她,她捧着杯子沉默了许久。   “我杀死了我的房东。”   语气像是把字捏碎了抛在空气里,这下该换我沉默了。   她颤抖着,不断地扣着马克杯的外壁,把来之前在出租屋里发生的一切告诉了我,

Rainy Love

By juliee47 Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 8 chapters, 520 views, 78 words
Status Completed

听雨的声音 一滴滴清晰 你的呼 像雨滴渗入我的爱里 真希望雨能下不停 让想念继续 让爱变透明 我爱上给我勇气的 Rainie Love ——《雨爱》


By entropicdeath Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 160 views, 29 words

-ep4-   “你确定是这儿?”   “确定。”   破旧的楼梯每踩一步都发出诡异的叫声,木头板相互摩擦,感觉下一秒就要散架。我抓着扶手小心翼翼地向上走着,脑子里却不断浮现出恐怖片里的场景。   今天是asahi陪我来打耳洞的日子,他说他有个穿孔师朋友,他的耳洞都是那位朋友给穿的,技术很好,于是我们出现在了这个地方。怪就怪我一觉睡到了大中午还打了一下午游戏,出门时天都已经黑了,显得没有路灯的巷角更加阴森,也只能自认倒霉。   店铺在二楼,开在商业街后巷犄角旮旯里,房屋很破旧,甚至连招牌都是手写的。我踩着摇摇欲坠的楼梯紧跟在asahi身后,心里不断打着退堂鼓。   “你不会要把我拐卖了吧?”   “放心,卖谁都不会把你卖掉的。”   工作室的门半掩着,紫红色的灯光有些暗,贴满了海报的房间里坐着个粉头发的男生,头


By entropicdeath Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 140 views, 14 words

  -ep3-   asahi,相机,我。   三个名词从此构成了生活的全部。我开始触摸到这个世界的柔软,学着卸下防备,大笑着面对镜头。   他带着我去他最爱的那家古着店,店面不大快要被各种衣服饰品挤满,我们互相挑着戒指,意外地发现品味极其投合,只是店里的风衣对我来说都有些过于宽大,像小孩子偷穿爸爸妈妈衣服。   我故意挑了件最长的,衣摆直接盖住了脚尖,接着又找来一顶夸张的帽子戴上,正当我洋洋得意准备展示给asahi看时,扭头却发现他也打扮滑稽地向我小步跑来,鼻梁上的眼镜固执地斜翘起,不太聪明的样子。我们一对视,就哈哈大笑起来,他好像还燃起了莫名的胜负欲,跳起了一些奇怪的舞,像个小老头,逗我笑得前仰后合直不起腰来。   我们一起去江边骑单车,去环球影城模仿他小时候的照片,去打卡照片里我没去过的地方。我们为了找一家正宗的中餐厅怒跑两公里,我们因为早上起不来而选择看日落,我们因为没有顾及而选择


By entropicdeath Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 180 views, 3 words

  -ep2-   那是我第一次遇见他时的样子。   木制柜台后露出了半个脑袋,有些长的头发向后面顺着,碎发散在两边,遮住了眼睛,照相馆暖调的灯光打在他的鼻梁上,显得五官更加立体,耳朵上闪闪的,打了很漂亮的耳钉,看上去比他人还大的围巾裹住了下半张脸,看不清正低着头捣鼓什么。   “那个…现在是营业时间吗?”   我推开门走进店里,挂在门上的风铃发出好听的声响。走进了,才终于看清他是在修理手上的老式相机,相机的年龄应该有些大了,他时不时吹去盖子里的灰尘,用一把小刷子扫着。   “嗯。” 他头也不抬地应着,声音轻轻飘落在我的肩膀又消失。我顿了顿,身体靠在柜台边上,用手扣着台边的木屑,有些不安地想着。会觉得我很奇怪吧,如果说出那样的请求…但是奇怪也无所谓了,大家只会为了满足好奇心假装关心,没人会在意为什么。   “我想,拍张遗照。”  


By entropicdeath Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 370 views, 2 words

  -ep1-   大阪的冬天潮湿而阴冷,雨水和水泥地交杂的味道随着冷风刺入鼻腔,显得格外辛辣。   12月,我在日本留学的第486天,说的好听是留学,说难听点,就是在流浪。   高三辍学后几斤波折来到日本,为了赌那不会花父母一分钱的气,靠着在利店打零工半死不活走到了今天。也不在乎这个选择是否正确了,因为在弟弟出生后 我就是那个家里连死活都不被在意的存在。   紧了紧身上从学校附近捡来的错版校服,一边想着日本女生怎么冬天都穿裙子,一边拐进了通往我出租屋的小巷。   真是一个连白天也透不进光的地方,与商业街的繁华形成了强烈的对比。长期住在这的我似乎也拥有了一般的夜视力,自如地穿梭在狭窄的墙壁间。   “真冷啊…”   寒风通过巷子灌进了我的衣领,我缩了缩,快步走到了熟悉的房门,哆嗦着在袋里摸索着钥匙,正要开门时,却发现房门已经被人打

愿 望

By Panpan___ Updated
Tags  asahi 
Characters asahi
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 4880 views, 2 comments, 43 words

asahi 伪骨,内含一点点🚗

Family Movie Night with a Twist

By Topfany8789 Updated
Characters Hamada Asahi and Kim Minjeong
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 44 subscribers, 610 views, 2 comments, 7438 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

The kids haven't got a clue that their parents are planning something.


By fracolove Updated
Tags  jihoon   junghwan   treasure   asahi 
Characters 滨田朝光 苏庭焕 朴志焄 asahi jihoon junghwan
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1780 views, 39 words
Status [M], Completed


By heoigaayil Updated
Tags  asahi   asahixyou 
With 3 chapters, 5 subscribers, 820 views, 4 comments, 26 words

asahi&you #先婚后爱 *身为普通人的我们,谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱吧。 :“朝光君是什么样的人呢?” :“我就是这样的人啊。”


By kiu_for_you Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   asahi   yoshinori 
With 10 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2620 views, 1 words



By Oniy_Yeah Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   asahixyou 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1560 views, 2 words


【J line】Entropy Rules

By Morpho_deidamia Updated
With 1 chapters, 1350 views, 7 words



By mood4ndigo Updated
Tags  haruto   yoshi   asahi   yoshinori   yohito 
Characters 滨田朝光 渡边温斗 金本芳典
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 430 views, 23 words
Status Completed

我们之间,仍是充满无限可能的新月。     ·三鬼子大正设定pa ·个人视角 一人一篇


By fracolove Updated
Tags  parkjihoon   asahi   asahixjihoon 
Characters ashai, park jihoon, yoshi,滨田朝光,朴志焄,金本芳典
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 370 views, 7 words
Status [M], Completed


By Norah_15 Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 520 views, 12 words
Status [M], Completed


By Honeysa Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 5 subscribers, 5520 views, 10 words


淤 青

By hihiimj Updated
Tags  asahi 
Characters imJ
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 2120 views, 11 words
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冬 病

By hihiimj Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 5 chapters, 2210 views, 10 words



By soosooyahsoo Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 3 chapters, 520 views, 72 words
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By jusyowl Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   yoonjaehyuk   jaesahi   treasurejaesahi 
Characters 尹材赫 滨田朝光
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 2820 views, 13 words
Status [M], Completed


By aaaaheyhey Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   asahihamada   treasureasahi 
With 2 chapters, 1080 views, 1 comments

濵田朝光梦女文/非纯爱 (甚至可能是一个渣女


By kiu_for_you Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   asahi   yoshinori 
With 12 chapters, 1 votes, 27 subscribers, 18980 views, 2 comments, 37 words
Status Completed



By hamadayeechi Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 630 views, 44 words
Status Members Only

滨田朝光ASAHI×你 我和笔友恋爱了   author:hamadayeechi 滨田朝光ASAHI × 你 “아니,사랑니가 왜이래…히쿤또 왜?”   📬部分灵感来自f(x)的歌曲《첫 사랑니(初智齿)》,再一次表示我的感恩与喜爱!!! 🎶推荐BGM:     《Can't Help Falling in Love》——Kina Grannis


By Honeyduke Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 3 subscribers, 2380 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Minus0- Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 5 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1080 views, 20 words

阪大nerd滨天朝光 x 丧女我 关于成长、自由和爱


By doboki777 Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   yoshinori   asahixyoshi 
With 1 subscribers, 2740 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By botchedtulip_ek Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshi   asahi   yoshixasahi 
Characters yoshixasahi
With 6 subscribers, 33 words
Status [M], Completed


By seeusoon Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   treasureasahi 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1230 views, 6 words



By BunnyFly Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   asahi   treasureharuto   treasureasahi 
Characters haruto asahi
With 5 subscribers, 3330 views, 193 words
Status Members Only

*现背一发完 *又名睡在我下铺的兄弟


By shun0820 Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 2 subscribers, 630 views, 2 words
Status Members Only

‘今晚见面。’  来信是简短的四个字,滨田朝光盯着屏幕好久,最后只回复了‘好的’,关上手机。不知道从什么时候起,和尹材赫的联络除了约见面的时间,再没有其他内容。本来是在准备新的作品, 因为这简讯,思路也被打断,弹不出什么旋律,滨田朝光摘掉眼镜走到窗前。 自己的工作室地段很好,在首尔最中心区域,有巨大的落地窗,每次没有灵感,看看窗外的开阔的景致总是能平复内心的焦躁。刚刚入冬就开始飘雪,说起来,这间工作室还是因为尹材赫的帮忙,才租下来。尹材赫第一次去自己的工作室参观的时候,滨田朝光还住在半地下室,只有小小的窗户,逼仄的空间让两人只能并肩坐在单人床上聊天,然后自然而然地又滚到了一起。单人床很窄,两个人只能紧紧的搂在一起,才不会掉下去。结束之后,尹材赫抱着晕晕乎乎的滨田朝光,咬着他的耳朵,说sahi大艺术家应该配拥有全首尔最好的工作室。滨田朝光笑着拍他的脸,让他别说傻话。然后第二天,尹材赫就把这间工作室的钥匙快递给了自己。当时的滨田朝光站在空荡又明亮的房间里,从顶楼俯瞰着首尔的全貌,心情复杂,尹材赫的电话打来时,犹豫了很久才接。只开说了‘材赫…’, 对面就仿佛

【all萨】当滨田朝光负责叫人起床时 R①⑧

By mpimad Updated
Tags  asahi 
With 13 subscribers, 6120 views, 5 words
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*cp涉及#haa #牛啤 #飘带 #A材 *时间设定为原dorm3   滨田朝光是被冷醒的。 虽然说是这样,但后背却是被渡边温斗的怀抱闷了一夜的汗。本来就是易出汗体质的他,在每次相拥而眠后的清晨醒来都不是那么好受。 他把手伸进枕头下面,划掉了本应该还有半个小时才响起的闹钟。他刚想把被被子遗落在外一夜的腿伸进来,不小心碰到了渡边温斗。 渡边温斗嘟囔了一声,把毛茸茸的脑袋撒娇般抵在滨田朝光的后背上,放在腰间胳膊也收得更紧了。 “这么早……”渡边温斗显然是半梦半醒的状态,说话都含含糊糊,但手却是一点也不老实,摸了两把朝光平坦的小腹后似乎不尽兴,又挑开边缘不轻不重地捏起了。 滨田朝光倒是没理会一大早的性骚扰。既然他醒了,那我刚好起床。正这么想着准备支起身子的他,又被渡边温斗按了回去。而他也很清楚原因,因为后腰正被一个硬邦邦、热乎乎的东西抵着。 渡边温斗笑了两声,恶劣地挺起下身对着朝光的臀缝蹭了蹭,明知故问道:“我晨勃了,怎么办?”

Sweet Lies

By soulbambi_ Updated
Tags  gang   mafia   romance   schoollife   reverseharem   exo   kai   luhan   tao   sehun   baekhyun   xiumin   chanyeol   lay   kyungsoo   suho   exoxoc   haruto   ot11   doyoung   yoshi   asahi 
Characters Kim Junmyeon , Byun Baekhyun , Kim Jongin , Oh Sehun , Zhang Yixing , Park Chanyeol , Do Kyungsoo , Kim Minseok , Luhan , Tao
With 4 chapters, 8 votes, 37 subscribers, 900 views, 6 comments, 5304 words

Choi Sena is a 17-year old girl just trying to start a new fresh life after moving to Seoul and getting a scholarship to study at the prestigious Seoul Academy. But what happens , when she accidentally get herself into trouble with one of the biggest crime syndicate in Korea ?

Territorial Boyfriend

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   sukhoon   jaesahi   harukyu   haruhwan 
Characters Watanabe Haruto, So Junghwan, Hamada Asahi, Kim Junkyu, Park Jihoon, Kanemoto Yoshinori, Park Jeongwoo, Yoon Jaehyuk, Choi Hyunsuk, Bang Yedam, Kim Doyoung, Takata Mashiho, Treasure
With 14 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 3300 views, 23396 words
Status [M]

100 Confessions

By myworldyura Updated
Characters Asahi, Hamada Asahi, Original character, Treasure, Yoshi
With 6 chapters, 2 subscribers, 360 views, 5973 words

Harada Asami is an art stream student, she falls in love at the first sight with Hamada Asahi during their first year of senior high school. So started that day she has her goal, to be Asahi's girlfriend. But things is not going on her way because for sure Asahi don't like her and probably will reject her if she confessed. She make a deal with herself that once Asahi reject her confession, she will confessed to Asahi for 100 times until he say yes.

A Million Pieces

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   asahi   yoshinori   haruhwan 
Characters Junghwan, Haruto, Junkyu, Yoshinori, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Jeongwoo, Asahi, Jaehyuk, Yedam, Doyoung, Mashiho
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 910 views, 3186 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

What will the change be?

By Exo_Chanyeollies Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   jinwoo   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   mashiho   asahi 
With 23 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1560 views, 29412 words
Status Completed

      Things arent rival unless they make it as one.

My Treasure

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto   treasure12 
Characters Haruto x Y/N
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 710 views, 1 comments, 2316 words

It's about Eunji, 8 years old girl, who is battling with brain cancer stage 4 and a big fan of Treasure. Her big sister, Y/N was ready to do anything for her little sister. all she wanted is her little sister's happiness.  -- 걱정 마, 한 번 더 뜨겁게 웃어줘 (ay, 뜨겁게, oh) 웃을 때 더 예뻐 넌 힘을 내, 우린 결국 빛날 테니 (ay, 감은 눈을 떠, oh) You're the only one treasure (Don't worry Smile at me warmly once more Ayy, with passion, oh You're prettier when you smile Cheer up

Age Is Just A Number

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   ygent   jeongwoo   junkyu   treasure   hyunsuk   junghwa   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto 
Characters Haruto x Reader
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 840 views, 3 comments, 1992 words

THE BOX (Upcoming!!!)

By EunNikka Updated
Tags  idollife   jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   treasurebox   mashiho   asahi   treasureau 
Characters Soomin (OC), Lily (OC), Rose (OC), Iya (OC), Hyunsuk, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Mashiho, Jaehyuk, Asahi, Yedam, Doyoung, Haruto, Jeongwoo, Junghwan
With 6 subscribers, 320 views, 878 words
Status Subscribers Only

YG's New Girl Group Debuts! After the survival show Treasure Box, YG holds another survival show "Treasure Box 2" for the female trainees. From the first until the last released episode, YG announced that the number of members who will debut is still uncertain. Nevertheless, tomorrow will be the the girls' last chance to show what they got in order to purs

Cinderella and the Treasure

By DoubleN Updated
Tags  jihoon   you   jeongwoo   student   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   mashiho   asahi 
Characters Treasure | You | Park Jihoon | Hyunsuk | Yoshi | Junkyu | Mashiho | Jaehyuk | Asahi | Yedam | Doyoung | Haruto | Jeongwoo | Junghwan
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 570 views, 1 comments, 12264 words

Story unfolds where a girl who got the nickname “Cinderella” becomes the topic wherever she goes ever since that one incident. Things get even interesting when twelve shining boys conquering every club in the university get’s tangled with the girl’s life. Unexpectedly. Who are the twelve boys? Why is this “Cinderella” getting in their picture after years being inside a rock in the campus?  

Nct, skz and treasure oneshot

By rianti Updated
Tags  jaemin   jihoon   oneshot   taeil   seungmin   johnny   jeongwoo   hyunjin   jisung   bangchan   junkyu   jaehyun   junghwan   lucas   treasure   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   yedam   mark   jaehyuk   jeno   haruto   ten   felix   jeongin   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctxoc   changbin   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   nctxreader   straykids   choihyunsuk   leeknow   xiaojun   hendery   yoshi   wayv   mashiho   asahi 
Characters Straykids, nct, treasure
With 17 chapters, 1 votes, 109 subscribers, 2680 views, 1 comments, 13352 words
Status Subscribers Only

It has onshots and imagines like a dating door but with plot. Please leave comment if like it . ???

the tails of clans

By treasure_mom Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   gdragon   seungri   exo   nyongtory   bigbangtop   junkyu   jenniekim   treasure   haruto   lisa   blackpink   asahi   yoshinori   treasurejunkyu   treasurehyunsuk 
With 1 chapters, 19 subscribers, 490 views, 3270 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Opposites Attract

By WritingAgain Updated
Tags  friendship   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   choi   bang   kim   junkyu   junghwan   park   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   ygtreasurebox   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   mashisho 
With 6 subscribers, 580 views, 37 words

It's said that opposites attract. It takes them years to realize how much.

Daddy Issues

By mastermind Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   jihoon      ygent   mino   kangseungyoon   angstromance   junkyu   teenromance   bxb   treasure   hyunsuk   winner   yedam   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   magnum   treasurebox   kimjunkyu   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   jihoonxjunkyu 
Characters Junkyu
With 2 chapters, 10 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 12260 words

Kim jungkyu is a extremely overprotective son. He lives taking care of his single dad who is a young soft and lovely guy while Park rude Jihoon has a poor relationship with his own. Both found their ways tangled when their parents decide to date. Junkyu's goal is to separate them while jihoon  just lives his life being the rudest boy of the street. 

Disaster's Heart

By Eureka16 Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   yoonbin   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   mashiho   asahi   ygtreasure 
Characters Haruto Yoshi Yedam Jeongwoo Asahi Hyunsuk Jihoon Junkyu Jaehyuk Mashiho Doyoung JunnghwanYoonbin
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 430 views, 4051 words

This is a story dedicated to Treasure and Treasuremakers or Teumes. I was inspired by the years spent by the boys to debut which was highlighted in YGTB. With this, I decided to make a story for each of them. Hope you'll like it. Teuhaaaaa :D

Music From Another Room

By fangirlissyang Updated
Tags  japanese   kpop   ygfamily   love   treasure   asahi   asahihamada   hamadaasahi   ygtreasure 
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 650 views, 3 comments, 8337 words

I failed at life, I failed myself. When I thought not anything or even anyone can put all the broken pieces back together that’s when I met this boy, along with that secret room and his secret self

What is Life?

By peppapig16 Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   jihoon   ygfamily   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   doyoung   blackpink   ygtreasurebox   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters Haruto, Yedam, Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Mashiho, Yoshinori, Asahi, Jaekhyun, Jeongwoo, Junghwan, Jihoon, Doyoung, Hanbin, Blackpink, Big Bang, 2ne1, YG
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 840 views, 4599 words

“I need to live…”   “I’ll protect you…”   “You should be blamed for everything!”   “We’re happy without you…”   “We’re family…”     Where life is not a fairytale

Think Before You Click!

By blinkingline Updated
Tags  comedy   jihoon   romcom   ygfamily   smtown   jeongwoo   rose   chanyeol   parkchanyeol   junkyu   exopink   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   chaeyoung   doyoung   parkchaeyoung   chanrose   blackexo   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters ChanRose
With 65 chapters, 14 votes, 310 subscribers, 5270 views, 24 comments, 68359 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Blackpink's Park Chaeyoung caught herself in trouble when she clicked on the link that lead her to the world of Fan Fiction. She should have obeyed the first rule in using the internet properly. Think Before You Click.

YG Treasure Stories Box

By papillonoir Updated
Tags  action   angst   comedy   drama   fluff   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   junkyu   slightangst   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   yoonbin   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   doyoung   kimdoyoung   parkjihoon   choihyunsuk   magnum   ygtreasurebox   kimjunkyu   hayoonbin   mashikyu   mashiho   treasure13   ygtb   parkjeongwoo   asahi   yoshinori   hajeongwoo 
Characters Treasure 13 members, some YGTB trainees
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 3210 views, 3 comments, 76319 words

A collection of YG Treasure Box/Treasure 13 stories!   1st story: Mashikyu | comedy, drama, slightangst | hotel!au. 2nd story: Mashikyu | action, angst, drama (M) | butler!au | 1st story bonus. 3rd story: Hajeongwoo | action, drama, romance, comedy, angst | biker/racer!au (part 1) 4th story: second part of the 3rd story NOTE: I set the 3rd & 4th chapter on draft because after re-reading them again, I se