Yoshinori (57 yoshinori stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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My Squeaky-Clean Minded Boyfriend

By Topfany8789 Updated
Characters Yu Jimin and Kanemoto Yoshinori
With 1 chapters, 33 subscribers, 300 views, 8593 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
Characters 朴志焄 金本芳典
With 1 subscribers, 1730 views, 2 comments, 129 words
Status [M], Members Only


By 3737337 Updated
Tags  parkjihoon   yoshinori 
Characters 金本芳典 朴志焄
With 7 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Schmetterling0515 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 1000 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Auraroqiuu Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 530 views, 8 words
Status Members Only


By Juluoluo Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 1610 views, 38 words

  装乖绿茶地雷系偏执典🐱 事业批白月光焄🐶


By Panpan___ Updated
Tags  yoshi   yoshinori 
Characters yoshi
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1720 views, 83 words
Status Completed



By Keikokawayii Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 430 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By kiu_for_you Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   asahi   yoshinori 
With 10 chapters, 5 subscribers, 2620 views, 1 words



By Keikokawayii Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 470 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

想了很久还是决定先把这篇发出来,作为点点的生日礼物。本来是打算《盼望你说爱我》完结后作为长篇而连载的,但是现在看来似乎写成一个短故事也不错?ㅋㅋㅋ 典实在是太好的一只了。无论是在文中保留了三年的耳洞,和三年都佩戴着的耳钉,被温柔对待的脆弱丝袜,还是现实生活中的有事永远有解释,参观生咖请大家喝饮料都好,都足以体现出这真的太温柔。 所以最温柔的点点小,也请一直在爱中长大吧! お誕生日おめでとう!    


By HellR00 Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshinori 
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 3190 views, 1 comments, 5 words



By mood4ndigo Updated
Tags  haruto   yoshi   asahi   yoshinori   yohito 
Characters 滨田朝光 渡边温斗 金本芳典
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 430 views, 23 words
Status Completed

我们之间,仍是充满无限可能的新月。     ·三鬼子大正设定pa ·个人视角 一人一篇

出轨指南 下

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 760 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

金俊奎又被送回了家。 在金本芳典的注视中,他打开了那个手提箱。 都是些看得让人面红心跳的东西,他无从下手,想到金本芳典那晚身上的痕迹,犹犹豫豫地抓了一根较小的鞭子。 金俊奎握住握把的手里冒了冷汗,金本芳典却又那样看着他。 带着那种的眼神。 … 直接抽自己吗… 金俊奎虽然并没有接触过sm,但本能的觉得他并没有什么受虐或者嗜痛的倾向,有人拿鞭子抽他他肯定不会觉得爽,只会告诉自己远离神经病。 但他真的对着自己胳膊抽下去了。在金本芳典的注视下。 下手好像重了,小臂迅速肿起一道,还有他的耳朵,烧得红彤彤的。 疯了吧,真的自己抽自己了。 金本芳典问他什么感觉,他摇摇头说疼,又说试过了,我不喜欢。 金俊奎正要措辞告诉他自己和朴志焄真的结束了并送走他,却被金本芳典捉住手忘他锁骨处带。 “那我呢?” “你那天看到我身上的痕迹,想不想…” 他的手被金本芳典按在


By Periodfy Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshi   yoshinori 
Characters 金本芳典
With 5 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2080 views, 1 comments, 7 words

我因为不懂得爱的方法而误杀了我所爱的人,就像那些蛮族的掠夺者。 我在那些倒地的人微微翕动的唇上接。                                                                ——三島由纪夫

金本芳典yoshi✖️ 你 『真实的你』treasure 3梦女

By corivinc Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
Characters yoshinori you
With 870 views, 14 words

(一) 直到绿色的液体一滴一滴从眼前坠落,我才终于反应过来自己被戏弄了,好像刻意又恶毒的诅咒一样,浑浊的墨绿色的液体,汇成一股流到我的脚下,甚至反着头顶倏忽得闪着的灯光,一切都真实的可怕。 除了滑稽的墨绿色, 和金本芳典尸体上不断冒出来的荧光的数据流, “被骗了” 早该意识到的,长相雷同的路人,极其短暂的夜晚 ,仿佛按照设定好的程序运行的社区,从我昏迷醒来之后就不同往常的父母... 一切都是假的! 好像是什么东西在拒绝不安定因素存在一样,大脑开始止不住的眩晕,只能扶着墙慢慢蹲下,高跟鞋晃动发出的声响回荡在这个不知道什么鬼地方的废弃工厂里,显得空荡的可怕。 而刚刚的歹徒不知道怎么的,已经凭空消失在这里。 一切都是假的... 玫红色裙摆早已被绿色的血水浸湿,被欺骗的愤怒渐渐变成无力。 明明只是想和金本芳典见面而已... 可是yoshi,为什么我记不起什么时候和你认识,什么时候和你在一起,什么时候和你分开,为什么

出轨指南 中

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 960 views, 13 words
Status Members Only

金本芳典想想就笑,他真好奇朴志焄如果知道了会有什么反应。但他拿不准金俊奎会不会让朴志焄知道,朴志焄会提分手吗,分手了朴志焄能不能别再矫情了,总是拒绝做爱他也会烦的,真分手了他要不要和金俊奎试试。 金本芳典又觉得荒唐,正常人会瞒着吧,而且金俊奎昨晚好像是被下药了。   -什么时候回来?   -喂,你真的不回家了? -接电话   -金俊奎,我真怀疑你是不是死了 -明早回电话   金俊奎要回了自己的手机,看到朴志焄的消息手足无措,又看了崔玹硕发得比朴志焄还多。 -俊奎啊对不起 -哥后面喝得醉了ㅠㅠ -是后来喝了酒吗,


By enori005 Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 3000 views, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By sylf_oo Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   yoshinori 
With 3630 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only


By akinin Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 290 views
Status Members Only



By akinin Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 460 views
Status Members Only



By akinin Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 360 views, 1 words


【all事】Misty Night

By Morpho_deidamia Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshi   yoshinori   treasureyoshi 
With 6 chapters, 22030 views, 3 comments, 211 words
Status [M], Completed


By Heyisayisha Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1020 views
Status Members Only


Second choice

By Heyisayisha Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 880 views, 3 comments, 8 words
Status Members Only

煮事 头事

永駐「This Could Be A Dream」

By doboki777 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori   hoonnori 
Characters 金俊奎,朴志焄,金本芳典,崔铉硕,滨田朝光
With 4 subscribers, 1600 views, 1 comments, 45 words
Status [M]


By Versolafine Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 560 views, 9 words

*3k第一人称 乙女向 *就算世界变成黑白色你也会从背后抱着我唱小情歌吗             “黑色是最不会出错的颜色。”   “那你一定是一个很自大的人咯。”   “欸?”,金本芳典像小那样把脑袋从枕头里抬起来,刚染完没过两天的白色头发正乱七八糟的竖在头顶,简直是一大块被风横穿过的流云,我看了没忍住笑起来。   “因为你几乎不穿黑色呀”,连不知道掉在家里哪片角落的耳环都可以凑出一整彩虹了。   尤其是那一对漂亮的金色耳骨环。刚拆开包装就笨笨的大叫起来,把鬓角的碎发掖在耳朵后面对着镜子转了好几圈。只不过再喜欢也逃不出丢失的结局,如果只是忘记收藏在哪里就好了。现在那两颗透亮的钻石上面应该还沾着鲜红的血迹,是金本芳典的血。   “快点过来,让我看看裂孔是不是发炎啦” “乌鸦,我看你是希望我痛死吧”


By kiu_for_you Updated
Tags  treasure   haruto   asahi   yoshinori 
With 12 chapters, 1 votes, 27 subscribers, 18990 views, 2 comments, 37 words
Status Completed



By Jouxery Updated
Tags  parkjihoon   yoshinori 
Characters parkjihoon,yoshinori,朴志焄,金本芳典,煮事
With 1 words
Status [M]


By akinin Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
With 1 subscribers, 1080 views
Status Members Only



By Hedian Updated
Tags  yoshinori 
Characters yoshi
With 3 subscribers, 4130 views
Status [M], Members Only


By doboki777 Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   yoshinori   asahixyoshi 
With 1 subscribers, 2740 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 3680 views, 9 words
Status Completed



By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 5720 views, 7 words
Status Completed



By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 2730 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1630 views, 11 words
Status [M]


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 1980 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshi   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 4360 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed

Territorial Boyfriend

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   sukhoon   jaesahi   harukyu   haruhwan 
Characters Watanabe Haruto, So Junghwan, Hamada Asahi, Kim Junkyu, Park Jihoon, Kanemoto Yoshinori, Park Jeongwoo, Yoon Jaehyuk, Choi Hyunsuk, Bang Yedam, Kim Doyoung, Takata Mashiho, Treasure
With 14 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 3300 views, 23396 words
Status [M]


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  jihoon   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 4530 views, 5 words
Status [M], Completed


By urfreedomismine Updated
Tags  treasure   hyunsuk   choihyunsuk   yoshi   yoshinori   yoshisuk 
With 1 chapters, 5980 views, 1 comments, 25 words
Status Completed

=====【R18】====== 自觉一嗲 =====【NTR预警】===== 不喜NTR快跑,提前给头子哥工具人滑轨 ==【满18了不雷ntr就点下面next chapter再点i am over 18】==  

A Million Pieces

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   asahi   yoshinori   haruhwan 
Characters Junghwan, Haruto, Junkyu, Yoshinori, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Jeongwoo, Asahi, Jaehyuk, Yedam, Doyoung, Mashiho
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 910 views, 3186 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

My Treasure

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto   treasure12 
Characters Haruto x Y/N
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 710 views, 1 comments, 2316 words

It's about Eunji, 8 years old girl, who is battling with brain cancer stage 4 and a big fan of Treasure. Her big sister, Y/N was ready to do anything for her little sister. all she wanted is her little sister's happiness.  -- 걱정 마, 한 번 더 뜨겁게 웃어줘 (ay, 뜨겁게, oh) 웃을 때 더 예뻐 넌 힘을 내, 우린 결국 빛날 테니 (ay, 감은 눈을 떠, oh) You're the only one treasure (Don't worry Smile at me warmly once more Ayy, with passion, oh You're prettier when you smile Cheer up

Age Is Just A Number

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   ygent   jeongwoo   junkyu   treasure   hyunsuk   junghwa   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto 
Characters Haruto x Reader
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 840 views, 3 comments, 1992 words

My Treasure

By happygirl3434 Updated
Tags  drama   fluff   romancecomedy   treasure   yoshinori   sojunghwan   yoonjaehyuk 
Characters so junghwa (oc), yoon jaehyuk, yoshinori, so junghwan, treasure
With 15 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 690 views, 1 comments, 9748 words
Status Completed

“First love never dies but true love can bury it alive.” -Anonymous So Junghwa’s first love was in her early childhood days. She had a longtime crush on her best friend Yoon Jaehyuk but she lost contact with him after her family suddenly moved back to Japan. She couldn’t forget him but one day she came back to Korea with her Japanese fiance Yoshinori Kanemoto and becomes friends with Yoon Jaehyuk again. It’s up to her to decide who will her lover be. Who will be th

the tails of clans

By treasure_mom Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   gdragon   seungri   exo   nyongtory   bigbangtop   junkyu   jenniekim   treasure   haruto   lisa   blackpink   asahi   yoshinori   treasurejunkyu   treasurehyunsuk 
With 1 chapters, 19 subscribers, 490 views, 3270 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Opposites Attract

By WritingAgain Updated
Tags  friendship   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   choi   bang   kim   junkyu   junghwan   park   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   ygtreasurebox   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   mashisho 
With 6 subscribers, 580 views, 37 words

It's said that opposites attract. It takes them years to realize how much.

Daddy Issues

By mastermind Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   jihoon      ygent   mino   kangseungyoon   angstromance   junkyu   teenromance   bxb   treasure   hyunsuk   winner   yedam   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   magnum   treasurebox   kimjunkyu   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   jihoonxjunkyu 
Characters Junkyu
With 2 chapters, 10 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 12260 words

Kim jungkyu is a extremely overprotective son. He lives taking care of his single dad who is a young soft and lovely guy while Park rude Jihoon has a poor relationship with his own. Both found their ways tangled when their parents decide to date. Junkyu's goal is to separate them while jihoon  just lives his life being the rudest boy of the street. 

What is Life?

By peppapig16 Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   jihoon   ygfamily   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   doyoung   blackpink   ygtreasurebox   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters Haruto, Yedam, Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Mashiho, Yoshinori, Asahi, Jaekhyun, Jeongwoo, Junghwan, Jihoon, Doyoung, Hanbin, Blackpink, Big Bang, 2ne1, YG
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 840 views, 4599 words

“I need to live…”   “I’ll protect you…”   “You should be blamed for everything!”   “We’re happy without you…”   “We’re family…”     Where life is not a fairytale

Oh My, Princess?!

By blinkingline Updated
Tags  jihoon   timetravel   yeri   exo   sehun   rose   chanyeol   parkchanyeol   junkyu   exopink   jimin   bts   treasure   yedam   jungkook   lisa   redvelvet   jungri   blackpink   parkchaeyoung   pcyxpcy   chanrose   hunlice   blackexo   treasure13   yoshinori 
Characters Chanyeol x Rosé
With 64 chapters, 22 votes, 301 subscribers, 6070 views, 71 comments, 68564 words
Status Completed, Members Only

1897 Joseon Dynasty. A war is looming over and the King and Queen will do anything to spare their daughter's life even if it means not seeing her anymore. It is better to cast her to the unknown rather than seeing her die in a brutal death.

Think Before You Click!

By blinkingline Updated
Tags  comedy   jihoon   romcom   ygfamily   smtown   jeongwoo   rose   chanyeol   parkchanyeol   junkyu   exopink   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   chaeyoung   doyoung   parkchaeyoung   chanrose   blackexo   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters ChanRose
With 65 chapters, 14 votes, 310 subscribers, 5270 views, 24 comments, 68359 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Blackpink's Park Chaeyoung caught herself in trouble when she clicked on the link that lead her to the world of Fan Fiction. She should have obeyed the first rule in using the internet properly. Think Before You Click.

YG Treasure Stories Box

By papillonoir Updated
Tags  action   angst   comedy   drama   fluff   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   junkyu   slightangst   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   yoonbin   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   doyoung   kimdoyoung   parkjihoon   choihyunsuk   magnum   ygtreasurebox   kimjunkyu   hayoonbin   mashikyu   mashiho   treasure13   ygtb   parkjeongwoo   asahi   yoshinori   hajeongwoo 
Characters Treasure 13 members, some YGTB trainees
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 3210 views, 3 comments, 76319 words

A collection of YG Treasure Box/Treasure 13 stories!   1st story: Mashikyu | comedy, drama, slightangst | hotel!au. 2nd story: Mashikyu | action, angst, drama (M) | butler!au | 1st story bonus. 3rd story: Hajeongwoo | action, drama, romance, comedy, angst | biker/racer!au (part 1) 4th story: second part of the 3rd story NOTE: I set the 3rd & 4th chapter on draft because after re-reading them again, I se