Treasure (366 treasure stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By Aoki021222 Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters 苏庭焕/金道荣
With 6 words
Status Completed



By suirandansu Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi   treasureasahi 
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1750 views, 3 comments, 42 words
Status [M]


By Ursiaoleil Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 3600 views, 2 comments, 30 words

我·朴志焄   ·文 / Soleil


By bxxxaeshan Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure 
Characters jihoon
With 1 subscribers, 700 views, 6 words
Status [M], Members Only


By LebbLebbLebbLebb Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure 
With 9 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1860 views, 1 comments, 209 words

【煮&我but all出场】feat:YG family  纯爱 校园文 小虐怡情  1️⃣中式高中校园 2️⃣年龄设定与现实稍微不同  阅读时跟着author的时间逻辑走就行 3️⃣其他部分成员有自己的感情线 介意请自行退出 4️⃣全文前半部分倒叙➕插叙 后续会有一点🚗 插曲系列是一些其他角色视角  祝大家阅读愉快!₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ 人无法同时拥有青春和对青春的感受,曾经我一心只想逃离高考的牢笼,躺在狭小的上下铺床上幻想着自己以后的样子,去化妆、去穿漂亮的衣服,去向往的城市读大学,去抓紧喜欢的人,去看能想到的所有景色。后来我才发现原来在成人世界里几乎没有什么东西是留得住的,包括过去的自己。 但学生时代那一段日子就像被记忆蒙上了最美好的滤镜一样,偷偷地渗透到了我的生活里。在陌生的城市吹着熟悉的热风时会想到它,在不经意打开一张微糊的旧照片时会想到它,在路过一家时隔很久没有去过的小店时会想到它…就好像我的灵魂有一小

My Squeaky-Clean Minded Boyfriend

By Topfany8789 Updated
Characters Yu Jimin and Kanemoto Yoshinori
With 1 chapters, 33 subscribers, 300 views, 8593 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By urnothingbutmydream_ Updated
Tags  treasure   asahi 
With 19 words

滨田朝光梦女 注*: 除本报记者松本葵小姐和于1965年失踪的滨田朝光先生之外,采访中出现的所有人物均使用化名代替。 本报仅对本采访进行整理与转述,请读者自行判断其中真伪。

come around me

By fafajelui Updated
Characters 朴炡禹
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 640 views, 17 words
Status Members Only

11梦女 有🚗 内🐍/尺度偏大/病娇心理 完全ooc 人设情节均虚构 如有雷同 纯属巧合 我也不知道能不能继续写下去。随缘吧😐看情况再说


By yannuan1124 Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1 chapters, 930 views, 1 words
Status Members Only



By tlzhsxd Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters 崔玹硕
With 1 chapters, 220 views
Status [M], Members Only


By tlzhsxd Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters 朴志焄
With 380 views
Status [M], Members Only


By tlzhsxd Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 2120 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M]


By lazareanu11456 Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 4 chapters, 80 views, 300 words



By BunnyFly Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1390 views, 46 words
Status [M]


By yannuan1124 Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 2 comments, 57 words


By fafajelui Updated
With 1 chapters, 300 views, 106 words
Status Members Only

11梦女 第一人称 oe 共10小节  


By Remedios119 Updated
Tags  junkyu   treasure 
With 4 chapters, 1 subscribers, 380 views, 10 words

奎梦女 破镜重圆 全文2w


By BunnyFly Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 15 chapters, 20 subscribers, 3610 views, 7 comments, 1002 words



By glassball Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1170 views, 7 words



By Schmetterling0515 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 1000 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only

Bunk Bed Fight

By Topfany8789 Updated
Characters Park Jihoon and Aeri Uchinaga
With 1 chapters, 36 subscribers, 330 views, 7893 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By fafajelui Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 370 views
Status Members Only

就这样真正闯进了炡禹的领地。 同情心泛滥的炡禹, 其实是因为有着包容一切、温暖一切的能力。 但有的时候只顾着看着别人,却忘了自己。


By lazareanu11456 Updated
Tags  treasure   junkyuharuto 
Characters 金俊奎 渡边温斗
With 1 chapters, 170 views, 20 words

410/奎头 postype无授权翻译 原作:감자


By Ursiaoleil Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2290 views, 46 words

你·滨田朝光   ·文 / Soleil


By Peachna Updated
Tags  treasure   treasureasahi 
With 2 chapters, 100 views, 10 words

昨晚我的梦里,满满都是你 传来了你清晰可闻的笑声 当我完美地深陷于你之时 你是知道的   明日 我要离去 将你忘却 忘却殆尽之后 就让我走吧 你是知道的 所爱隔山海 山海不可平     “这次要去多久?” ”不确定。” “设计稿交给我好了,假期愉快~”   我一边整理杂乱的桌面,一边笑着和同事做最后的交接。撇了眼桌上的手机,直到它息屏,却突然弹出一消息。 来自asahi。   “是...明早的飞机?“ ”嗯。“   两个人都没有再说什么。   其实,我和asahi之间那个算不上什么奇

Hiding the Truth

By akirasanogame Updated
Tags  kingdom   treasure   txt   soulmateau   goldenchild   oneus   cravity   enhypen   haww 
Characters Enhypen, HAWW, Treasure and other Kpop idols~!
With 14 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1590 views, 2 comments, 18635 words

Seobin was never the same since the accident. At least, that's what he made everyone believe. When he gets introduced to a new friend, how long could he continue the façade?  


By bearbobi Updated
With 1 chapters, 230 views, 4 words

瓜瓢葵 葵中心向 还有一点A材


By Peachflame_ Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters 渡边温斗 朴炡禹 苏庭焕
With 10 chapters, 5 subscribers, 3660 views, 2 comments, 84 words
Status [M]

Don't Stop the Clocks

By junkfinder Updated
Tags  treasure   treasureasahi   asahixyou 
With 3 chapters, 6 words


late night and a singer

By starxcheer Updated
Tags  oneshot   jeongwoo   treasure   belle   kissoflife 
Characters Park Jeongwoo | Belle Shim
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 140 views, 1 comments, 1092 words
Status Completed, Members Only

where it's late and jeongwoo heads to a store to meet up some friends and see a singer.

◇BOY!◇ A Male Group Writing Contest!☆ (OPEN & ACCEPTING ENTRIES!!!!)☆

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Characters Any boy group from the list!
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 20 subscribers, 1080 views, 6 comments, 3084 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Welcome to my new contest! The premise is simple: Pick at least one boy group and star them. There are a lot of great groups and prompts to choose from, but be sure to pay attention to the font of the group members! Have fun!


By Ursiaoleil Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1850 views, 22 words

你·尹材赫   ·疯批文学 两个人疯得有点不分上下 ·部分语言可能过分直白粗鄙 ·后续剧情可能涉及血腥暴力 ·请勿审判 请勿上升 感谢观看   ·文 / Soleil


By Ursiaoleil Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 4 chapters, 5 subscribers, 3840 views, 87 words

你·朴炡禹   ·非典型追妻火葬场 ·文字如有不适 请及时退出   ·文 / Soleil


By Auraroqiuu Updated
Tags  treasure   yoshinori 
With 1 chapters, 530 views, 8 words
Status Members Only

Long time no see

By sw0_0rdzz Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1160 views, 1 comments, 46 words
Status Members Only

a材 BGM:iKON-Long Time No See


By Juluoluo Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1 subscribers, 1410 views, 6 words

装乖绿茶地雷系偏执典🐱 事业批白月光焄🐶 陪伴型温情弟弟萨🤖   祝大家都能在爱里找到真正的自己。   🌟避雷预警:变人 装乖卖惨 地雷系 狗血 轻微轻sm(在下半部分) 第一次自割腿肉,事占比较高,铺垫稍长,希望客官们食用愉快🤲🏻


By loxoco Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 5 subscribers, 5150 views, 2 comments, 20 words
Status [M]


By Juluoluo Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 1610 views, 38 words

  装乖绿茶地雷系偏执典🐱 事业批白月光焄🐶


By Sharkspeare Updated
Tags  treasure   treasurejunghwan 
Characters you
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2900 views, 3 words

* 用来存放一些短打。 * 什么类型都有。


By 02Teahos Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters Yoshi asahi
With 710 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

疯批地雷男3×冷淡但是无法拒绝哥的7   ooc算我的,,,,不要上升真人


By saIku_ Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 2 subscribers, 3540 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By Morgan_Foxy Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters Park Jeongwoo/Yoon Jaehyuk
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 870 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By IceSugar_btxtd Updated
Characters 金泳勋 金善旴 朴志焄
With 1 chapters, 800 views, 30 words
Status Members Only

-朴志焄*金善旴*金泳勋 非闭合三角


By Schmetterling0515 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 4 subscribers, 1260 views, 3 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Ursiaoleil Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 2 chapters, 6 subscribers, 6270 views, 1 comments, 8 words

我·朴志焄   ·文 / Soleil


By Oasisahi_ Updated
Tags  treasure 
Characters yoshi,asahi
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 650 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By lazareanu11456 Updated
Tags  treasure   junkyudoyoung 
Characters 金俊奎 金道荣
With 7 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1230 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
With 11 subscribers, 3210 views, 105 words
Status [M], Members Only


By weihu3002 Updated
Tags  jihoon   treasure   yoshi   jihoonyoshi   hoonnori 
Characters 朴志焄,金本芳典
With 12 subscribers, 6980 views, 5 comments, 145 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Verrine Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 900 views, 6 words
Status [M], Members Only


By sw0_0rdzz Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 1610 views, 2 comments, 62 words

问题无关 阿菜 双视角 一句话陶土  

all菜 (101112 6)

By jia_704_ Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 4720 views, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  2pm   apink   boyxboy   challenge   contest   infinite   mystery      yuri   writingcontest   boyxgirl   girlxgirl   straight   nuest   bts   treasure   seventeen   bangtanboys   ohmygirl   twice   nct   pentagon   blackpink   sf9   theboyz   straykids   ateez   itzy   everglow   enhypen 
Characters Any from the group list.
With 23 chapters, 12 votes, 53 subscribers, 5200 views, 44 comments, 2001 words
Status Completed

Life is full of mysteries. In fact, it IS a mystery. This contest is centered on exploring the unknown and putting your (writing) life in my hands. Discover how it works below. 

In A Year's Time! A Writing Contest (CLOSED)

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  contest   fantasy   fluff   horror   scifi   writingcontest   bts   treasure   twice   nct   blackpink   sf9   straykids   itzy   enhypen   aespa   lesserafim 
Characters Any groups from the list
With 16 chapters, 12 votes, 89 subscribers, 3910 views, 27 comments, 1712 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

One year to enter and complete a story! Come join my new contest and let your imagination form into a masterpiece. 


By fracolove Updated
Tags  jihoon   junghwan   treasure   asahi 
Characters 滨田朝光 苏庭焕 朴志焄 asahi jihoon junghwan
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1780 views, 39 words
Status [M], Completed

犬 齿

By asahibeer Updated
Tags  treasure 
With 2900 views, 21 words

©️ikebukuro版权所有 禁抄袭或随意篡改剧情 合作请电联微博@全地球的大恩人   食肉动物犬齿发达,但在进食时,用不到犬齿,而是把头侧向一边,用犬齿后面的像剪刀般锋利的肉齿(是特化的臼齿,也称作裂齿)剪碎食物后再咽下。犬齿主要用作刺杀猎物、制敌的武器。   ”That my tooth's been wiggling for years."   “And my world's been wiggling fo

` breaking the unbreakable

By kwonpapi Updated
Characters junghwan wonyoung
With 3 chapters, 6 votes, 90 subscribers, 570 views, 4 comments, 10306 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only