Junkyu (62 junkyu stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By zzx078622 Updated
Tags  junkyu 
With 500 views, 11 words
Status Members Only



By zzx078622 Updated
Tags  junkyu 
With 140 views, 11 words
Status Members Only



By Remedios119 Updated
Tags  junkyu   treasure 
With 4 chapters, 1 subscribers, 380 views, 10 words

奎梦女 破镜重圆 全文2w


By colatrap Updated
Tags  junkyu 
With 1 subscribers, 380 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

我对金俊奎说的的第一句话是:你会抽烟吗? 不知道那个时候他有没有看穿我的故作成熟,但他一向是善解人意的,从善如流的从袋里摸出一只打火机来,递给我,反倒让我吃了一惊。 后来我我对金俊奎说的的第一句话是:你会抽烟吗? 不知道那个时候他有没有看穿我的故作成熟,但他一向是善解人意的,从善如流的从袋里摸出一只打火机来,递给我,反倒让我吃了一惊。 后来我问他,是什么时候开始抽烟的,他告诉我说,初中毕业后就学会了。我问他为什么,他只笑笑不说话。我一如既往的不了解他,他也一如既往的,一次又一次出乎我的意料。 我认识他比他想象的要早,或者说,我喜欢他比他想象的要早。他是高我两届的学长,新生入学时我就注意到他了。 我承认一开始我对他的喜欢全靠自己投射在他这个人身上的华丽幻想组成,但没办法,我就是如此冲动,如此不成熟,如此孩子气。 我宁愿用抽烟,或者是化浓妆这种挑衅校规的幼稚行为来引起他的注意,滑稽也好,卑微也罢,我少女时代罕见的心动,不想就这么平凡的错过。即使最后被狠狠抛弃也无所谓,总


By xunuhy Updated
Tags  junkyu   treasure   haruto   harukyu 
Characters kimjunkyu haruto 温心有奎 头奎
With 1 subscribers, 650 views, 22 words
Status Completed



By Adelina0122 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure   junkyujihoon 
With 7 subscribers, 5510 views, 1 comments, 18 words
Status [M]


By chengseyujing Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshi 
Characters jihoon,yoshi,junkyu
With 8 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1520 views, 1 comments, 67 words

宝石盒234 包含23 42 43

出轨指南 下

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 760 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

金俊奎又被送回了家。 在金本芳典的注视中,他打开了那个手提箱。 都是些看得让人面红心跳的东西,他无从下手,想到金本芳典那晚身上的痕迹,犹犹豫豫地抓了一根较小的鞭子。 金俊奎握住握把的手里冒了冷汗,金本芳典却又那样看着他。 带着那种的眼神。 … 直接抽自己吗… 金俊奎虽然并没有接触过sm,但本能的觉得他并没有什么受虐或者嗜痛的倾向,有人拿鞭子抽他他肯定不会觉得爽,只会告诉自己远离神经病。 但他真的对着自己胳膊抽下去了。在金本芳典的注视下。 下手好像重了,小臂迅速肿起一道,还有他的耳朵,烧得红彤彤的。 疯了吧,真的自己抽自己了。 金本芳典问他什么感觉,他摇摇头说疼,又说试过了,我不喜欢。 金俊奎正要措辞告诉他自己和朴志焄真的结束了并送走他,却被金本芳典捉住手忘他锁骨处带。 “那我呢?” “你那天看到我身上的痕迹,想不想…” 他的手被金本芳典按在

出轨指南 中

By puppy_86 Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   yoshinori 
With 2 subscribers, 960 views, 13 words
Status Members Only

金本芳典想想就笑,他真好奇朴志焄如果知道了会有什么反应。但他拿不准金俊奎会不会让朴志焄知道,朴志焄会提分手吗,分手了朴志焄能不能别再矫情了,总是拒绝做爱他也会烦的,真分手了他要不要和金俊奎试试。 金本芳典又觉得荒唐,正常人会瞒着吧,而且金俊奎昨晚好像是被下药了。   -什么时候回来?   -喂,你真的不回家了? -接电话   -金俊奎,我真怀疑你是不是死了 -明早回电话   金俊奎要回了自己的手机,看到朴志焄的消息手足无措,又看了崔玹硕发得比朴志焄还多。 -俊奎啊对不起 -哥后面喝得醉了ㅠㅠ -是后来喝了酒吗,


By Norah_15 Updated
Tags  junkyu 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 2810 views, 14 words
Status Completed

  入棺仪式不凑巧地在周一,因为要送法医署会同医生解剖确定具体死因,所以省去了死亡第二天的跪拜仪式,直接举办第三天的入棺。   周一,第一个工作日,谁要是在这一天大汗淋漓地冲进办公室发现打卡器刚好跳成完美的“00:00”,一整天,啊不,一整个周的好心情都将毁坏殆尽。所以,周一的地铁塞满了人。有人是柔软的生吐司,薄身板套进蓬松的羽绒服,在拥挤的丛林里没有任何的威慑力,有人是厚实的俄罗斯面包,肉囔囔的身材偏又畏寒似的裹了一层又一层,一晃周


By Gojyaa Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure 
With 3 subscribers, 890 views, 13 words

-不像小狗也爱你。   242无差,含几句话头事。     ——————————   过马路的时候被朴志焄拽住卫衣帽子一把扯了回来,是红灯啊红灯!你个白痴是想被车撞死吗!本来就在生气的人看起来好像更生气了,金俊奎想怎么会有人一天能生那么多气呢难道朴志焄的根本就是一个气球吗。   虽然这种时候完全不该笑吧,但还是因为想到气球朴志焄而忍不住笑了出来。朴志焄已经气到没力,说金俊奎你从店里出来开始就没有在听我说话了是不是?   「不是啊,我在听。」几乎是下意识的为自己狡辩了。   「在听的话根本就不会走神到没注意红绿灯颜色吧!」   「就是因为听的太认真了所以才……」   「呀金俊奎我看你现在还是闭吧!」   又变成这样了,纪念日什么的,最后还是以大吵一架收场了。说是大吵一架也不对,从外


By yuguuu Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure 
Characters ch1
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2070 views, 6 words



By yuguuu Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   junkyujihoon 
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 990 views, 15 words



By OO-LIz Updated
Tags  junkyu   readerxbias   treasure   kimjunkyu 
Characters junkyu
With 2 votes, 19 subscribers, 15920 views, 2 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By RouqiuACT Updated
Tags  junkyu 
Characters Kim Junkyu,Watanabe Haruto
With 4 subscribers, 7010 views, 10 words



By RouqiuACT Updated
Tags  junkyu   haruto 
Characters haruto junkyu
With 5 subscribers, 11220 views, 198 words



By RouqiuACT Updated
Tags  jeongwoo   junkyu 
Characters Park Jeongwoo,Kim Junkyu
With 8 chapters, 6 subscribers, 4220 views, 1 comments, 26 words



By sahi_kiyo Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure   hyunsuk   yoshi 
With 7 chapters, 11 subscribers, 5050 views, 1 comments, 8 words


Territorial Boyfriend

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   sukhoon   jaesahi   harukyu   haruhwan 
Characters Watanabe Haruto, So Junghwan, Hamada Asahi, Kim Junkyu, Park Jihoon, Kanemoto Yoshinori, Park Jeongwoo, Yoon Jaehyuk, Choi Hyunsuk, Bang Yedam, Kim Doyoung, Takata Mashiho, Treasure
With 14 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 3300 views, 23396 words
Status [M]

what i could've done

By kyufics Updated
Tags  junkyu   treasure   mashikyu   mashiho   treasure13   ygtb 
Characters junkyu, mashiho, doyoung, haruto, hyunsuk, junkyu, mashiho, yedam
With 7 chapters, 6 subscribers, 620 views, 1 comments, 11179 words

junkyu remembers everything. how they met, how they got together, their first kiss. all of it; even where he went wrong.


By SayTooMuch Updated
Tags  junkyu   haruto 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 5080 views
Status [M], Completed


By Dayz944 Updated
Tags  drama   highschool   romance   yewon   kai   youngjae   junkyu   rebels   jiwoo   treasure   txt   jungkook   soobin   somi   highsociety   jeonsomi 
Characters Somi, Soobin, Junkyu, Yewon, Jungkook, Jiwoo, Kai, Youngjae
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 520 views, 1053 words

  Seoul Elite High is well known to be a prestigious private boarding high school for the chaebol family teens. The students are the member

A Million Pieces

By michyeoganeee Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   asahi   yoshinori   haruhwan 
Characters Junghwan, Haruto, Junkyu, Yoshinori, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Jeongwoo, Asahi, Jaehyuk, Yedam, Doyoung, Mashiho
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 910 views, 3186 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

What will the change be?

By Exo_Chanyeollies Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   jinwoo   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   mashiho   asahi 
With 23 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1560 views, 29412 words
Status Completed

      Things arent rival unless they make it as one.

My Treasure

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto   treasure12 
Characters Haruto x Y/N
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 710 views, 1 comments, 2316 words

It's about Eunji, 8 years old girl, who is battling with brain cancer stage 4 and a big fan of Treasure. Her big sister, Y/N was ready to do anything for her little sister. all she wanted is her little sister's happiness.  -- 걱정 마, 한 번 더 뜨겁게 웃어줘 (ay, 뜨겁게, oh) 웃을 때 더 예뻐 넌 힘을 내, 우린 결국 빛날 테니 (ay, 감은 눈을 떠, oh) You're the only one treasure (Don't worry Smile at me warmly once more Ayy, with passion, oh You're prettier when you smile Cheer up

Age Is Just A Number

By Dumdumgum Updated
Tags  jihoon   ygent   jeongwoo   junkyu   treasure   hyunsuk   junghwa   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori   watanabeharuto 
Characters Haruto x Reader
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 840 views, 3 comments, 1992 words

Ways to avoid drowning

By ky_stories Updated
Tags  jihoon   junkyu   treasure   jihoonxjunkyu 
Characters Park Jihoon, Kim Junkyu
With 10 chapters, 5 votes, 129 subscribers, 1270 views, 12 comments, 49194 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

THE BOX (Upcoming!!!)

By EunNikka Updated
Tags  idollife   jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   treasurebox   mashiho   asahi   treasureau 
Characters Soomin (OC), Lily (OC), Rose (OC), Iya (OC), Hyunsuk, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Mashiho, Jaehyuk, Asahi, Yedam, Doyoung, Haruto, Jeongwoo, Junghwan
With 6 subscribers, 320 views, 878 words
Status Subscribers Only

YG's New Girl Group Debuts! After the survival show Treasure Box, YG holds another survival show "Treasure Box 2" for the female trainees. From the first until the last released episode, YG announced that the number of members who will debut is still uncertain. Nevertheless, tomorrow will be the the girls' last chance to show what they got in order to purs

Nct, skz and treasure oneshot

By rianti Updated
Tags  jaemin   jihoon   oneshot   taeil   seungmin   johnny   jeongwoo   hyunjin   jisung   bangchan   junkyu   jaehyun   junghwan   lucas   treasure   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   yedam   mark   jaehyuk   jeno   haruto   ten   felix   jeongin   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctxoc   changbin   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   nctxreader   straykids   choihyunsuk   leeknow   xiaojun   hendery   yoshi   wayv   mashiho   asahi 
Characters Straykids, nct, treasure
With 17 chapters, 1 votes, 109 subscribers, 2680 views, 1 comments, 13352 words
Status Subscribers Only

It has onshots and imagines like a dating door but with plot. Please leave comment if like it . ???

the tails of clans

By treasure_mom Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   gdragon   seungri   exo   nyongtory   bigbangtop   junkyu   jenniekim   treasure   haruto   lisa   blackpink   asahi   yoshinori   treasurejunkyu   treasurehyunsuk 
With 1 chapters, 19 subscribers, 490 views, 3270 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Why do we hate eachother?

By exolung Updated
Tags  junkyu   haruto   harukyu 
Characters haruto junkyu jihoon hyunsuk treasure
With 3 votes, 60 subscribers, 1600 views, 1 comments, 133 words
Status Subscribers Only

All Haruto and Junkyu has ever done is fight. Even they themselves don't know why!

Opposites Attract

By WritingAgain Updated
Tags  friendship   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   choi   bang   kim   junkyu   junghwan   park   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   ygtreasurebox   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   mashisho 
With 6 subscribers, 580 views, 37 words

It's said that opposites attract. It takes them years to realize how much.

Daddy Issues

By mastermind Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   jihoon      ygent   mino   kangseungyoon   angstromance   junkyu   teenromance   bxb   treasure   hyunsuk   winner   yedam   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   magnum   treasurebox   kimjunkyu   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori   jihoonxjunkyu 
Characters Junkyu
With 2 chapters, 10 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 12260 words

Kim jungkyu is a extremely overprotective son. He lives taking care of his single dad who is a young soft and lovely guy while Park rude Jihoon has a poor relationship with his own. Both found their ways tangled when their parents decide to date. Junkyu's goal is to separate them while jihoon  just lives his life being the rudest boy of the street. 

Disaster's Heart

By Eureka16 Updated
Tags  jihoon   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   yoonbin   jaehyuk   haruto   doyoung   yoshi   mashiho   asahi   ygtreasure 
Characters Haruto Yoshi Yedam Jeongwoo Asahi Hyunsuk Jihoon Junkyu Jaehyuk Mashiho Doyoung JunnghwanYoonbin
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 430 views, 4051 words

This is a story dedicated to Treasure and Treasuremakers or Teumes. I was inspired by the years spent by the boys to debut which was highlighted in YGTB. With this, I decided to make a story for each of them. Hope you'll like it. Teuhaaaaa :D

What is Life?

By peppapig16 Updated
Tags  2ne1   bigbang   jihoon   ygfamily   jeongwoo   junkyu   junghwan   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   doyoung   blackpink   ygtreasurebox   mashiho   harutowatanabe   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters Haruto, Yedam, Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Mashiho, Yoshinori, Asahi, Jaekhyun, Jeongwoo, Junghwan, Jihoon, Doyoung, Hanbin, Blackpink, Big Bang, 2ne1, YG
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 840 views, 4599 words

“I need to live…”   “I’ll protect you…”   “You should be blamed for everything!”   “We’re happy without you…”   “We’re family…”     Where life is not a fairytale

Oh My, Princess?!

By blinkingline Updated
Tags  jihoon   timetravel   yeri   exo   sehun   rose   chanyeol   parkchanyeol   junkyu   exopink   jimin   bts   treasure   yedam   jungkook   lisa   redvelvet   jungri   blackpink   parkchaeyoung   pcyxpcy   chanrose   hunlice   blackexo   treasure13   yoshinori 
Characters Chanyeol x Rosé
With 64 chapters, 22 votes, 301 subscribers, 6070 views, 71 comments, 68564 words
Status Completed, Members Only

1897 Joseon Dynasty. A war is looming over and the King and Queen will do anything to spare their daughter's life even if it means not seeing her anymore. It is better to cast her to the unknown rather than seeing her die in a brutal death.

Think Before You Click!

By blinkingline Updated
Tags  comedy   jihoon   romcom   ygfamily   smtown   jeongwoo   rose   chanyeol   parkchanyeol   junkyu   exopink   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   jaehyuk   haruto   chaeyoung   doyoung   parkchaeyoung   chanrose   blackexo   mashiho   treasure13   asahi   yoshinori 
Characters ChanRose
With 65 chapters, 14 votes, 310 subscribers, 5270 views, 24 comments, 68359 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Blackpink's Park Chaeyoung caught herself in trouble when she clicked on the link that lead her to the world of Fan Fiction. She should have obeyed the first rule in using the internet properly. Think Before You Click.

YG Treasure Stories Box

By papillonoir Updated
Tags  action   angst   comedy   drama   fluff   jihoon   romance   jeongwoo   junkyu   slightangst   junghwan   treasure   hyunsuk   yedam   yoonbin   jaehyuk   bangyedam   haruto   doyoung   kimdoyoung   parkjihoon   choihyunsuk   magnum   ygtreasurebox   kimjunkyu   hayoonbin   mashikyu   mashiho   treasure13   ygtb   parkjeongwoo   asahi   yoshinori   hajeongwoo 
Characters Treasure 13 members, some YGTB trainees
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 32 subscribers, 3210 views, 3 comments, 76319 words

A collection of YG Treasure Box/Treasure 13 stories!   1st story: Mashikyu | comedy, drama, slightangst | hotel!au. 2nd story: Mashikyu | action, angst, drama (M) | butler!au | 1st story bonus. 3rd story: Hajeongwoo | action, drama, romance, comedy, angst | biker/racer!au (part 1) 4th story: second part of the 3rd story NOTE: I set the 3rd & 4th chapter on draft because after re-reading them again, I se

Ellister's Legacy #2: The Storms

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  angst   bangyongguk   boyxboy   fantasy   jonghyun   supernatural   yongguk   gunwoo   chaejin   junq   seyong   insoo   sejin   myname   zelo   himchan   jongup   bap   characterdeath   daehyun   youngjae   nuest   daejae   junhong   junkyu   bigstar   jude   zjin 
Characters B.A.P, MYNAME, Nu'Est, Bigstar
With 15 chapters, 14 votes, 67 subscribers, 35 comments, 20844 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Ellister's Legacy#3: The Darkness

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   fantasy   supernatural   chaejin   junq   seyong   sejin   myname   jongup   bap   characterdeath   daehyun   youngjae   daejae   junkyu   bigstar   jude 
Characters MYNAME's Seyong + Chaejin; B.A.P's Daehyun + Youngjae; B.A.P's Jongup + Nu'Est's JR; Big Star's Jude + MYNAME's Junkyu
With 15 chapters, 6 votes, 42 subscribers, 3760 views, 33 comments, 23666 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

and i will be the best damn constellation that is in your sky tonight

By heartb Updated
Tags  gunwoo   myname   junkyu   gunkyu 
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 370 views, 2 comments, 795 words
Status Completed

high school au; junkyu is infatuated with the kid who runs the astrology club

i’d rather waste our time together

By heartb Updated
Tags  gunwoo   junq   myname   junkyu   gunkyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 340 views, 1269 words
Status Completed

domestic au; gunwoo and junkyu enjoy doing nothing together 

say it's true, say you like me

By heartb Updated
Tags  junq   seyong   myname   sekyu   junkyu 
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 10 subscribers, 650 views, 1 comments, 1338 words
Status Completed

high schoo au; junkyu receives a clumsy valentines (and he loves it)

made one wish for a permanent kiss

By heartb Updated
Tags  junq   insoo   myname   inq   junkyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 420 views, 1 comments, 934 words
Status Completed

uni au; junkyu is a photography major, he wonders if he can take some pictures of insoo