Taeil (613 taeil stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By 76143nunu Updated
Tags  taeil   2tae 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 460 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

干燥唇  长篇!(能写到哪算哪   文泰一略渣注意、大量心理描述      


By moonstarlight94 Updated
Tags  taeil   taeilxyou   nct   nct127 
Characters 文泰一Taeil
With 1 subscribers, 690 views, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only

NCT Fanfic Library

By thejeongjaehyun Updated
Tags  ryo   taeil   johnny   jisung   recommendation   lucas   library   jaehee   riku   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   shotaro   ten   leetaeyong   marklee   doyoung   johnnyseo   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   moontaeil   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   sion   hendery   wayv   nctlibrary   yushi   nctwish   sakuya 
Characters NCT x OC
With 486 chapters, 104 votes, 2825 subscribers, 67080 views, 76 comments, 11156 words
Status Subscribers Only

NCT FANFIC LIBRARY This graphic library is intended to compile NCT fanfictions from different platforms. Stories in this library are strictly ORIGINAL CHARACTERS X NCT MEMBERS


By aTaleTellingIdiot Updated
Tags  taeil   jaehyun   hyunil 
Characters 郑在玹 Jaehyun 文泰一 Taeil NCT
With 580 views
Status Members Only



By nctzenforever Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   jaehyun   yuta   mark   marklee   johnnysuh   nct   nct127 
With 1 chapters, 970 views, 1 comments, 39 words
Status Members Only

前情提要: *ooc     T大: 我=女主、微아싸(outsider/社恐)、母單 Cynthia=女主室友、인싸(insider/社牛)、勢必追到中本悠、母單 _____ 以上同寢室   Kathrine=一面之緣、鄭在玹的菜、一任前男友 Joyce=一面之緣、喜歡唱歌好聽又會彈吉他的男人、一任前男友 Eva=Cynthia的約飯對象、女生群的忙內(和李馬克同歲)、母單 _____ 以上同寢室   N大: 徐英浩:經濟系大四、排球隊隊長、風雲人物 鄭在玹:經濟系大四(和徐同班)、籃球隊隊長 李馬克:經濟系大二(芝桃直屬學弟)、籃球隊副隊長 _____ 以上同寢室   中本悠太:建築設計系(大四)、愛聽搖滾樂 文泰一:音樂系主修聲樂(碩一)、愛和

The Writings of a NCTzen - Collection of One and Two Shots

By LindaSeulyong Updated
Tags  jaemin      taeil   twoshots   johnny   oneshotcollection   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   marklee   doyoung   johnnysuh   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   drabblescollection   nctfanfic   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   nctdojaejung   nctimagines 
Characters Reader, NCT
With 30 chapters, 3 votes, 39 subscribers, 4810 views, 4 comments, 161801 words
Status [M]


By 76143nunu Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   johnil 
With 3 subscribers, 880 views
Status Members Only

      今天不知怎么了,很少主动的泰一哥突然跟我求欢,他穿着一件宽大的运动服和,撅着穿着黄色小的屁屁对我说想要想要。他毛茸茸的脑袋和上半身埋进枕头里,歪头眯着眼看着身后的我。我看见他黄色下白嫩又肉感的大腿,自然光透过宽松的裤子把他若隐若现的大腿根打得暖洋洋,他又扭了一下,我忍不住上前。     我伸出手放在他不安分的上,他又勾引我发出哼哼唧唧的声音,我问他就这么想要我吗,他点点他埋在枕头里乱糟糟的小头,我想看他更难耐的样子,于是我把手伸进他的裤腿摸他,大腿根的软肉暖和又滑溜,但他很怕痒,一摸就痒得夹紧了腿,我好不容易用腿撬开之后又摸索到里捏他的,这会他倒乖了,还直往我身上送,我上调戏着他好色,下边却硬得厉害,他不管我笑他,回头看我的眼睛,他眼睛像蒙着雾,眼角比平时更妩媚,脸也绯红,我哪经得住他这么看,摸着他那根撸了两下把他两裤子一起脱下,好像因为不好意思他哼唧了一声又把脸埋回枕头里,我用手指弄了唾沫就开始向他的后穴摁去。    

Short NCT Drabbles

By EXOlligence Updated
Tags  abuse   gore   jaemin   taeil   violence   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   dubcon   noncon   drabblecollection   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nct127   weapons   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   nctxreader   nctxyou   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   deaddovedonoteat 
With 2 chapters, 1170 views, 1119 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By 76143nunu Updated
Tags  taeil   2tae 
With 180 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

(补档)灵感来源于4月16号双泰出席发布会时泰容的蓝发和俩人的蓝色衣服。     设定:     泰一和泰容哥哥是夫夫。     泰容哥哥虚构人物。     泰一泰容10岁年龄差。李泰容小孩,17左右。     文泰一喜欢蓝色。     文泰一甜点师。     略be,可能有点ntr     第一次写这么长的!请多多关心吧!               我的哥哥去年和他结的婚,那时候他穿着一身深蓝色的纹西装,一头蓬松的棕褐色头发,长长的刘海有点戳眼睛,他一边冲我微笑着一边用手拨一拨眼前的头发。那个时候,我看他的眼神并不友善,即使这样,他也泰然自若地微笑着。     从一开始我就

【一你】Quiet storm

By LxLODDD Updated
Tags  taeil   nct127 
Characters taeil
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 500 views, 3 comments, 2 words



By OYUJiii Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   jungwoo   taeyong   doyoung   nct127   haechan 
With 13 chapters, 16 subscribers, 5790 views, 2 comments, 58 words

新坑试水没人看就不着急更新     女主后出现,多支线到时可自由选择。


By onyours_ryuaiityen Updated
Tags  taeil   taeilxyou   nct   nct127 
Characters taeil
With 10 subscribers, 2090 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By 76143nunu Updated
Tags  taeil   2tae   taeyong 
With 2 subscribers, 540 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status Members Only

双泰约酒,酒过三巡某人竟被曝出酒品极差!!他该如何应对! 又该如何保住身为大哥的尊严!   (ps 俺真的很想知道ltr为什么老是挑战他哥喝酒          —————————————————————             “哥,我的好哥哥,再陪陪我。”     李泰容趴在桌子上,骨节分明又细长的手举起酒杯对着文泰一乱晃。软糯甜腻的撒娇语气让文泰一有点招架不住。     “不喝了,你赢了。”     文泰一今天被李泰容强行抓来喝酒本来就够不情愿了,现在还要给醉鬼李泰容善后,别说心里多不爽了。     文泰一喝红了,眼睛也泛出水光。看李泰容手不稳要把酒撒出去,抓住了他的手腕。     “你不能喝也别喝了,干嘛非


By LxLODDD Updated
Tags  taeil   nct127 
Characters taeil
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 880 views, 3 comments

真的骨科注意 请勿上升注意  


By saewooeillo-220323 Updated
Tags  taeil   nct   nct127   nctxyou 
With 8 subscribers, 1600 views, 1 comments, 4 words
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送给自己 和所有人的十七岁 BGM-nct127《misty(阵雨)》


By yangroufen Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   haechan   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery 
Characters nct
With 3 chapters, 8 subscribers, 4330 views, 18 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By taety127 Updated
Tags  taeil   nct   nct127 
Characters taeil
With 4 subscribers, 2270 views, 1 comments, 27 words
Status [M], Members Only


By nefertari622 Updated
Tags  taeil   nct127 
With 1 subscribers, 650 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only



By Kyeelam0zZ Updated
Tags  taeil   nct   nct127   haechan 
Characters haechan taeil
With 2 subscribers, 1670 views, 2 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

九一 | 融化在澡堂里融化在亲里

By Yuanyuan00 Updated
Tags  taeil   jungwoo   jungil 
Characters Jungwoo Taeil 金廷祐 文泰一
With 9 subscribers, 2070 views, 3 comments, 10 words
Status [M]


By xZhulll Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   johnil 
With 1 subscribers, 890 views, 13 words

*本文摘抄:“备注啤酒花是因为啤酒花的花语是天真无瑕,哥对我来说是Angel般的存在” *本来想参加联文,但是来不及了呜呜呜,当大家的加餐叭嘿嘿嘿 *现背,若ooc请轻点骂 *一句话传 *一哥哥和囧尼是互相尊重互相成就一起进步的

A Compilation of My NCT One-Shots

By Anon33 Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   fantasy   fluff   horror   jaemin   romance   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   shotaro   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctxoc   haechan   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery 
Characters NCT
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1300 views, 1 comments, 4079 words

Like the title says, this is going to be where I dump the products of my imagination. I'll be posting my NCT One-Shots on here. It could be a OCxNCT member pairing or NCTxNCT. It's all welcome here 😁 I'm still a student so no regular updates but if my head just works well, there'll be more stories to be posted. I hope you like the stories as much as I loved writing them. Thank you for reading! 💕

【数你】Back 2 U (AM 01:27)

By taety127 Updated
Tags  taeil   jaehyun   jungwoo   taeilxyou   nct   nct127   nct127jaehyun   jaehyunxyou   nct127xyou 
Characters jaehyun,taeil
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 65 subscribers, 21850 views, 17 comments, 159 words


Winning Her Heart

By felishanne Updated
Tags  bbomb   blockb   fluff   jihoon   lovestory   minhyuk   romance   taeil   you   zico   leeminhyuk   fluffy   jaehyo   kyung   cute   yukwon   fluffyandcute   bbombxyou   minhyukblockb 
Characters Lee MinHyuk(B-Bomb) and You
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 280 views, 4547 words
Status Completed

Lee MinHyuk (B-Bomb) x You A story of a guy winning her heart. How? He needs to stop flirting around.


By taety127 Updated
Tags  taeil   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   doyoung   nct   nct127   haechan   yutaxtaeyong   doyoungxyou 
Characters taeyong,johnny,taeil,yuta,doyoung,jaehyun,jungwoo,mark,haechan
With 9 chapters, 43 subscribers, 41720 views, 6 comments, 48 words
Status [M]


By Chittamoon Updated
Tags  taeil   2tae   hyunil   doil   nct   johnil   markil   nct127   yuil   alltaeil   jungil   hyunckil 
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 6580 views, 28 words
Status [M]

All I Want for Christmas

By kai_appreciator Updated
Tags  christmas   fluff   jaemin   romance   taeil   johnny   drabble   exo   kai   sehun   baekhyun   chen   xiumin   chanyeol   jisung   lay   kyungsoo   suho   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   christmasau   shotaro   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   wayv 
With 32 chapters, 15 votes, 224 subscribers, 3800 views, 94 comments, 95412 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Series of drabbles dediated to Christmas. All of members of EXO and NCT (all units) will get a separate story. Exactly 32 stories filled with Christmas miracle and spirit!      There's a list of chapters in order for your convenience in the foreword.

Vampire Love

By Cclay2020 Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   vampire   johnny   forbiddenlove   jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   jaeyong   nct   vampirelove 
With 9 chapters, 5 votes, 139 subscribers, 3180 views, 7 comments, 24106 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Taeyong is having a night out with friends in a club. Little does he know there is someone in the darkest corner watching his every move. What happens when their paths cross?

• nct one-shot scenarios

By sassy_author Updated
Tags  fluff   jaemin   oneshot   romance   sliceoflife   taeil   you   johnny   originalcharacter   jisung   oneshotseries   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   jungjaehyun   mark   jeno   ten   parkjisung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   moontaeil   najaemin   nakamotoyuta   nct127   haechan   chenle   renjun   doyong   zhongchenle   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   liuyangyang 
Characters NCT x You/OC
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 187 subscribers, 4 comments, 14928 words
Status Subscribers Only

"imagination"noun                      the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.     Welcome to my imagination.  These one shots are pure


By qssssjx Updated
Tags  taeil   taeilnct   twotae 
Characters chap1
With 4 chapters, 4 subscribers, 4300 views, 60 words
Status [M]

So,You Think You Can Break Me (Chanbaek)

By Cclay2020 Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   exo   kai   sehun   baekhyun   chen   chanyeol   minseok   lay   kyungsoo   suho   kaisoo   jaehyun   chanbaek   chenmin   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   marklee   doyoung   winwin   haechan 
Characters chanyeol
With 24 chapters, 26 votes, 755 subscribers, 7120 views, 50 comments, 73816 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

CLICK! ♡ [minzy x taeil - college au]

By darawonplease Updated
Tags  2ne1   blockb   minzy   romance   taeil   cafe   collegeau   taeilblockb   collegeromance   taeilzy 
Characters Gong Minzy (2NE1), Lee Taeil (BLOCK B)
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 31 subscribers, 810 views, 2 comments, 4870 words
Status Subscribers Only

Taeil is a music major at the National College. His friends always tell him that he doesn't care about romance, and they’re right. It’s just too hard to get in his heart. His only requirement when it comes to love?


By qssssjx Updated
Tags  taeil 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1210 views, 30 words

🌙小徐ins直播被问要5个泰一还是5岁的泰一,回答说要5个因为哥人气很高,5个泰一可以给成员们分,有一个要给他😊 🌙有 本体泰一,22岁刚出道的without you泰一,20岁的大学生泰日,27岁的动物饲养员泰逸,和???岁的血鬼泰一 =_=乱七八糟写了一堆  

Lockscreen | Yuwin NCT

By qvestchen Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   comedy   fluff   heartbreak   jaemin   kpop   romance   taeil   humor   jealousy   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   boyxboylove   jeno   ten   jaeyong   markhyuck   marklee   doyoung   johnnyseo   johnten   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   yuwin   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   neoculturetechnology   luwoo   winwinxyuta   yutaxwinwin   wayv 
Characters yuta winwin taeil doyoung kun taeyong jaehyun johnny ten jungwoo haechan mark lucas jaemin jeno renjun chenle jisung
With 9 chapters, 5 votes, 206 subscribers, 6660 views, 20 comments, 22585 words
Status Subscribers Only

There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.

dream about our own sweet dream

By InfiniteWoonique Updated
Tags  christmas   fluff   taeil   mpreg   jaehyun   angstfluff   jaeil   taeyong   doyoung   nct   nctu   taedo   nct127   toothrottingfluff   nct2021 
Characters Taeyong Doyoung Taeil Jaehyun NCT Ensemble
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 35 subscribers, 670 views, 1 comments, 6845 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

It's Christmas and the perfect time to deliver some really big news, but Taeyong and Doyoung don't know how to do it. But if Taeil and Jaehyun can do it, so can they

The Dokkaebi - Vol. 1

By DongBang5hinKi Updated
Characters Yoongi, Taehyung, Xiah, Taeil, Doyoung, Jimin, Yunho, Lee Byunghun, Song Il-Kook, Yoochun, Suzy, Lee Seung-gi, Changmin, Jaejoong, Sandara, Bona
With 37 chapters, 15 votes, 203 subscribers, 33 comments, 125684 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Xiah is the son of the great king Jaejoong and the Dokkaebi Sandara. Because he is a halfbreed, his soul gets captured in a magical amulet by his very own father. 160 years later the brothers Yoongi and Taehyung happen to revive him.

Where is jisung?!

By Taeyong2323 Updated
Tags  friendship   horror   jaemin   taeil   johnny   werewolf   jisung   jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   yangyang   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   thewayv 
Characters Taeyong doyoung jaehyun johnny jisung mark chenle ten yangyang
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 128 subscribers, 3730 views, 1 comments, 4497 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Some of nct members went on a trip and suddenly the maknae went missing

Never Have I Ever

By dtrang96 Updated
Tags  taeil   johnny   jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   mark   doyoung   winwin   nct   heechan 
Characters nct, ten, mark, johnny, jaehyun, doyoung, heechan, lukas, jungwoo, parkjimin, nctmembers, taeyong, jaemin, renjun, taeil, yuta, winwin, kun, chenle
With 2 subscribers, 610 views, 97 words
Status [M]

•Very lazy one-shot compilations•

By Exotic_Baby_99 Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   doyoung   winwin   nct   nct127   haechan   chenle   renjun 
Characters NCT members
With 1 subscribers, 770 views, 1 comments, 59 words

Collection of one shot, short stories, short imagines of NCT or any other random idol we feel like writing 🤪🤪

Our Side of the Story

By suhpremacy Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   tagalog   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   shotaro   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   wayv 
Characters NCT
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 650 views, 688 words

A series of interviews about love, heartbreaks, and maybe happy endings. 

It's Not Fair (I'm Not Gonna Let It Slide)

By Mossrose_X Updated
Characters Seo Johnny | Moon Taeil | Lee Haechan | Zhong Chenle | Jung Jaehyun | Lee Taeyong | Mark Lee | Park Jisung
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 1670 views, 8247 words
Status Completed

Johnny, the head Alpha is having a meeting with the other packs but he really, really can't focus all his attention to what is being said and he is pretty sure his second head alpha can't concentrate either as they listen to the screams penetrating from the next door. "Haha.. Wonder whose cubs are they... Right Jaehyun?" "Right... Haha" 

Left behind

By bakayaroKyul Updated
Tags  angst   blockb   drama   jihoon   taeil   taepyo 
Characters Taeil, Jihoon, Jiho, Kyung, Yukwon, Jaehyo, Minhyuk
With 32 chapters, 37 votes, 345 subscribers, 20320 views, 240 comments, 64305 words

Taeil has been fighting with depression for years, never thinking he was that great and no one had proved him otherwise either. Ever since young he had always been left behind - by his family, his friends and lovers. No one cared and never would care, so why would he believe in happiness when the darkness was much closer to his heart?

KakaoTalk Group : NCT Girlfriends

By huangsushi4 Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   shotaro   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   wayv 
With 900 views, 1 comments, 121 words

Hi guys, I’m creating a KakaoTalk group :) For NCT girlfriends only, each member has one representative. Pls DM me your bias in NCT to join this group if you’re interested <3 Maybe we’ll do fun activities inside and don’t ask me why I only want 23 people in this group (for each boy) cause it’s what my bestfriend and I planned x) 

NCT Fanfic Recommendation List

By ladykwonxiwu Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   recommendations   jisung   jaehyun   recommendation   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   jungjaehyun   mark   jeno   shotaro   ten   leetaeyong   marklee   doyoung   johnnyseo   parkjisung   yangyang   kimjungwoo   leejeno   winwin   kun   nct   moontaeil   leeten   najaemin   nakamotoyuta   nct127   haechan   kimdoyoung   dongsicheng   nctdream   chenle   renjun   huangrenjun   qiankun   zhongchenle   nct2018   wongyukhei   xiaojun   xiaodejun   hendery   wayv   liuyangyang   nct2020 
Characters NCT
With 149 chapters, 43 votes, 1413 subscribers, 16310 views, 43 comments, 19923 words
Status Subscribers Only

  [C] Completed   |   [OG] On Going   |   [M]   |  [TW] Trigger Warning | [E] Editing Taeil [ MTI ] Neo Vision Writings : If felt like love

T-Y :How did you learn how to forgive?

By Taeyong2323 Updated
Tags  friendship   jaemin   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   mark   jeno   ten   leetaeyong   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   thewayv 
Characters Leetaeyong and the rest of nct members
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 127 subscribers, 1760 views, 9 comments, 14790 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

  Leading an eighteen members exhausted taeyong with all the responsibilities it came with it,despite that taeyong loved the members and adored them until they broke down and broke him    

the redamancy of us

By neorotz Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   jaemin   oneshot   taeil   hospitalau   jeno   kpopau   markhyuck   marklee   leejeno   nct   moontaeil   najaemin   nct127   haechan   nctdream   renjun   nctau   huangrenjun   leedonghyuck   leehaechan   nctfluff   markleexhaechan   nctangst 
Characters Mark Lee, Lee Donghyuck (Haechan), Moon Taeil, Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 10 subscribers, 2 comments, 7331 words
Status Completed

Mark had always believed that hospitals weren't a place for happiness, yet he couldn't help the fluttering in his chest and the smile on his lips whenever the golden, twinkly-eyed boy was around.

Nct, skz and treasure oneshot

By rianti Updated
Tags  jaemin   jihoon   oneshot   taeil   seungmin   johnny   jeongwoo   hyunjin   jisung   bangchan   junkyu   jaehyun   junghwan   lucas   treasure   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   yedam   mark   jaehyuk   jeno   haruto   ten   felix   jeongin   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctxoc   changbin   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   nctxreader   straykids   choihyunsuk   leeknow   xiaojun   hendery   yoshi   wayv   mashiho   asahi 
Characters Straykids, nct, treasure
With 17 chapters, 1 votes, 109 subscribers, 2680 views, 1 comments, 13352 words
Status Subscribers Only

It has onshots and imagines like a dating door but with plot. Please leave comment if like it . ???

She Was Everything

By bubslav28 Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctu   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery 
Characters NCT OC
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 1080 views, 5 comments, 13778 words

One girl and One Kpop group bound to meet for the first time. Different world, different dreams, different destinies, different fates. But one thing they have similar on, honour.  Laviéra Risamary Gerpierrè

Melt the cold

By Exo_Chanyeollies Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   johnny   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   doyoung   nct127   haechan 
With 30 chapters, 23 subscribers, 2660 views, 35024 words
Status Completed


I Look Up as I Walk

By HaebaeNCT Updated
Tags  angst   taeil   johnny   orginalcharacter   comingofage   lucas   taeyong   mark   bildungsroman   minhyung   doyoung   nct   rareparing   youngho   nct127   yukhei   johnmark   hendery   wayv   markhei 
Characters Johnny, Mark, Lucas
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 23 subscribers, 9 comments, 10675 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  To begin is to unknowingly anticipate an end; however, an ending is merely another beginning.  Two lonely boys, one alley, an ending or a beginning. 


By Taeyong2323 Updated
Tags  angst   friendship   jaemin   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mark   jeno   ten   doyoung   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery 
Characters Taeyong,all of nct members
With 15 chapters, 7 votes, 326 subscribers, 6020 views, 27 comments, 16207 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Taeyong is tired 

By the next winter.

By Stresswritings_af Updated
Tags  jaemin   taeil   jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   sungchan   yuta   taeyong   jeno   ten   markk   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   nct2000line   johnnyy   doyoungu   lucass   shotaroo   nct1277   nct20200 
Characters Nct2020, Oc
With 9 chapters, 2 subscribers, 430 views, 1 comments, 5984 words

When you know the times you spent with the most precious people in your life wasn't worth it, but it was  just a winter you never saw. You could feel the coldness. But never knew the snow

Boys Over Flowers ↬ NCT 127 (Chapters 1-4 Only)

By kdramanetwork_wp Updated
With 4 chapters, 9 subscribers, 970 views, 13360 words
Status Completed

Daisy Kim is a girl from a poor family but has an unrivaled sense of optimism. It all comes to a head when she is forced to transfer schools from Texas to Seoul. There she meets the infamous group of nine astonishingly good looking and rich boys who are known as NCT 127. The group's leader is Lee Taeyong, who is a spoiled heir to a world-leading conglomerate. He is joined by mysterious and breathlessly handsome Jeong Jaehyun. Taeyong enjoys the thrill of making Daisy's life miserable. Gradual

Exist for Love

By HaebaeNCT Updated
Tags  jaemin   sliceoflife   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   mark   jeno   donghyuck   friendstolovers   nct   rareparing   jaeno   nct127   haechan   nctdream   renjun   nohyuck   renhyuck 
Characters Jeno, Haechan
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 72 subscribers, 8 comments, 6851 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  The four times Jeno comes to a realization and the one time he fits all the pieces together.