Markhyuck (974 markhyuck stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By sulfurhexafluoride Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters 李东赫 李敏亨 李楷灿 李马克
With 220 views, 2 words
Status Members Only



By LetzTalkAboutLove Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct 
Characters MarkLee Haechan
With 1 chapters, 10 subscribers, 700 views, 8 comments, 205 words
Status Completed

【因为地球是圆的,所以在圆圆的爱的尽头,我们好像还是注定会反复地相遇,不是吗?】 人鱼王子mk和准大学生hc发生在平行宇宙的童话故事。 1.1w+激情呈现…为了总选…拼了… 家人们请把支持马克颤总选第一打在公屏上… ​​​

抓娃娃|Catch That Doll about Love

By Bussbin Updated
Tags  doll   friendshipandlove   teddybear   mark   clawmachine   donghyuck   markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct   haechan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 5 chapters, 67 words
Status Completed

*Only markchan/markhyuck. *Mark(机械臂 Mechanical claw.) × Haechan/Donghyuck(泰迪熊玩偶 Teddybear doll.) *全文7.5k+, 背景设定在商城的一座娃娃机内。Haechan/Donghyuck第一人称视角,番外为Mark第一人称视角。 *灵感来自240702 Dream物料。

there's a star that comforts you (it might be me)

By InfiniteWoonique Updated
Characters Mark Donghyuk
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 113 subscribers, 1940 views, 2 comments, 34677 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By highfireloading Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   markchanmark 
Characters mark haechan
With 9 chapters, 2 subscribers, 760 views, 18 words
Status Completed

⚠️馬東馬/我流OOC     李馬克的太陽一頭撲進他的宇宙裡。


By mylittlebear Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters 李马克 李东赫 Mark Donghyuck
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 3440 views, 7 comments, 28 words
Status Completed, Members Only

   markchan      剧情肉三七分 没什么文笔    普通社畜东爱上帅气鼓手马 无脑甜肉    有点M但不多受×礼貌攻    总而言之是俩正常人 ———————————————————               李东赫活了22年也没想明白爱情这东西到底是什么。从出生到成年的所有步骤经历得虽不能算是一帆风顺但也和大部分人没什么区别。以至于大学刚毕业的他一边被父母催着回家相亲,一边听着同班同学毕业就结婚的消息,着实是头晕目眩了好一阵子。        回家的时候他一脚刚踏进门,手就赶快摸着黑打开了灯,是昏暗的暖光,他怕黑又讨厌太亮,温柔的暖光会让他彻底的放松下来。        其实这所谓的家只是他大四实习时图方临时住的出租屋,当时凑巧捡了个一屋一厨一卫的宜,都不用找合租室友,可惜今年就毕业了,他还没想好下一步要去做什么,就快要从这个温馨的的小浮萍搬走了。        早早吃了晚饭洗了澡的李东赫扑向自己柔软


By Fillinger Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 4 subscribers, 1740 views, 1 comments, 29 words

-冷脸一见钟情1 × 美貌从小无爱0 -杀手之间的爱恨纠葛 1.5w+ -年上 狗血 悬疑 严重ooc❗️只有🚢出现


By Marchanlon Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct   nct127   haechan   donghyuckxmark 
With 3 subscribers, 1330 views, 1 comments, 6 words

和邻居301的故事。  捡手机系列在 wb:Marchanlon dy: 几分之几


By Marchanlon Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct127   haechan   donghyuckxmark 
With 1 subscribers, 710 views, 6 words

'敏亨,我站在济州的海风里忽然觉得,温哥华的这场大雪,它认识我。' MARKCHAN马东 | 前任关系 前任系列捡手机 在weibo:Marchanlon  dy: shibuyuwo8266


By Marchanlon Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct   nct127   haechannct 
With 1 chapters, 23 subscribers, 4210 views, 8 comments, 31 words

MARKCHAN马东  蓝鸟网簧×配音演员 py关系 ·每份莫名其妙的爱的正当性·


By hanni0524 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct   nct127   nctdream 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2370 views, 2 comments, 2 words



By Marchanlon Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct   haechan 
With 10 chapters, 12 subscribers, 760 views, 26 words

主【传|Markchan】/副【鲨|Dotae】 水族店老板MKx高功能自闭症患者HC “风雨如晦,年轻的生命一边流血一边游荡,急切找寻太阳犹如逃亡。东赫,你不是说马上就要艳阳天了吗,怎么还是这样冷。” weibo: Marchanlon  

感觉时刻 Sensory Moment

By Marchanlon Updated
Tags  donghyuck   markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct 
Characters Mark, DongHyuck
With 16 chapters, 2 subscribers, 760 views, 1 comments, 25 words

Written by :weibo@Marchanlon 梦呓过后醒来抱住他,其实还是在梦里头。太多幻想,太多疑问,太多错误,月光和真相一同变得不可企及。索性烟头燃了那笔糊涂账,烟散了,可空气里都是他。嗨,怎么又想他了。自我革新太难,不如糊涂在这感觉时刻。  

Back To Square One

By Seimari Updated
Characters Lee Donghyuck, Mark Lee, Na Jaemin, Lee Jeno, Zhong Chen Le, Park Jisung, Lee Taeyong, Jaehyun, Ten, Johnny
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 510 views, 1 comments, 36073 words
Status Members Only

Donghyuck has moved on. Hate replaced love and anger replaced infatuation... Yet the hardest step to take is to avoid giving Mark attention. Maybe, he should've tried harder.   As a friend once said: "Moving on doesn't mean hating each other. It means accepting what happened and feeling the pain no longer... No, even that is wrong. Sometimes, you can still feel the pain but it no longer wears you down. Attention though, it's a world-class ... Giving him too much o

How My Brother And I Kidnapped An Assassin

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Tags  action   medieval   romance   chensung   technology   jaeyong   markhyuck   johnten   times   henyang   tinybitof 
Characters nct ensemble
With 23 chapters, 7 votes, 51 subscribers, 3600 views, 18 comments, 54017 words

  Donghyuck’s brother, Johnny, has somehow managed to snag a job in the palace as the role of a lowly assistant, but hey, a job was a job. When an attempted assassination on the king, however, also caused Donghyuck to almost get killed in the process, the two escape to the countryside for help, unknowingly bringing one of the assassins with them, Mark. The two go through struggles of survival, family, and romance while trying to deal with the revolution going on

No or no

By ihlaotv3u Updated
With 520 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status Completed

7.6k字  左右位无差 是BE^ω^ 复仇小仆·东赫×痴情少爷·敏亨 墓碑中间有几行字好像被什么人用墨水涂掉,有一个字却清晰的展露在中间:爱。   —————— 1 见面礼   李敏亨正在自己的房间欣赏音乐的时候,一个仆人“砰”一下撞开门,仆人的脸色告诉他,即将发生的不是什么好事。   “敏亨少爷,曼宁....呼困难了!!”曼宁,曼宁?哦,陈曼宁,是一个很漂亮的姑娘,一个仆人,在他眼里最特别的仆人。和他年纪相仿,生得漂亮,还有那楚楚可怜的样子,让李敏亨忍不住在日记里写过她:像一样。   李敏亨连播放器都没关就匆匆跑出去,毕竟他不可置否的喜欢过陈曼宁。   是,不可置否。   他还在日记写过她的笑容像阳光。阳光,多么温暖的形容,在李敏亨心里也确实,她就像洒进来的阳光。写她在擦走廊上挂的名画像时,好像从画里偷跑出来的青涩少女来人间到处挥散爱意

[马东] DRAG-·谈公车私用

By AmelCROSS Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct   markchanmarkhyuck 
Characters marklee, haechan,najaemin
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 65 subscribers, 10270 views, 7 comments, 403 words
Status [M], Completed

[马东] 艳俗世界

By AmelCROSS Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct 
Characters marklee, haechan
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 5220 views, 7 comments, 50 words
Status [M], Completed


By Bluecod Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 2840 views, 4 comments, 2 words
Status [M]

don‘t change

By mkhchappylife Updated
With 570 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

灵感来自歌名回归预告   我在广播传来的警铃声中醒来,头顶的窗户给房间带来唯一一束微弱的光,床前方就是洗漱台,这里小到无法延展,几乎要呼不过来。 “wash up。” 我盲目地站起来,走到洗漱台前进行日复一日的动作,像机器人一样僵硬的身体,马上就要发出嘎吱声。 排队去吃饭的时候我注意到了对面的队列,他们刚从餐厅出来。里面有一个男生,66号,他住在我隔壁。按道理来说我不会对任何人有印象或者其他怪异的感觉,但刚刚他撇了我一眼,我莫名其妙觉得他有点熟悉。 因为愣了一下我没能跟上队列,“82号,跟上。”旁边的警卫警告我,我只能将想法暂时抛之脑后。 餐厅全白的装修配着白织灯,光从餐盘反射进我的眼睛,眼前的景象每天都在发生。吃着一样的饭菜,身边坐着一样的人,水永远摆在右手边,角度、距离从来没有变过。右上角两粒药片,我跟着人群同时拿起,“swallow。”。 提示音响起,我们被按了启动按钮,把药服下。服下药前一秒我还在想,66号到底是谁呢,但没多余时间了,我知道三秒后我会忘掉一切。


By wxramanda Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   johnten 
With 7 chapters, 2 votes, 21 subscribers, 5070 views, 6 comments, 16 words
Status Members Only

马东 温暖的小故事


By mkhchappylife Updated
With 5 subscribers, 2600 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

骨科 真骨科 灵感来源vb绝情绝爱的代餐机器:抓周抓的是哥哥的手


By bricekym Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 8590 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By mkhchappylife Updated
With 7 subscribers, 1680 views, 3 comments
Status Members Only

一点同居现背 ^_^  微博发文小号超话等级有点低 感觉被屏蔽了


By bricekym Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct 
With 11 subscribers, 5390 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

His First

By Art-Game-Write-Love Updated
Tags  friendship      mpreg   firsttime   exboyfriends   jungwoo   doil   crushes   fluffand   wolfau   jaeyong   markhyuck   omegaverseau   cheatingangst   friendstolovers   kun   nct   nctu   tenil   nct127   nctdream   renjun   yukhei   luwoo   jaeminxjeno   yutjohn   loverstofriends   babyjisung   babychenle 
Characters Mark, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, Taeil, Taeyong, Haechan, Yuta and Johnny.
With 16 chapters, 5 votes, 130 subscribers, 12210 views, 3 comments, 12806 words
Status [M]


By Art-Game-Write-Love Updated
Characters Mark, Jaehyun, Winwin, Ten, Taeil, Taeyong, Haechan, Yuta
With 23 chapters, 8 votes, 848 subscribers, 13500 views, 10 comments, 19569 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

【传】The Man

By seikecola Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct   markleexhaechan 
With 7 subscribers, 1250 views, 2 comments, 32 words


The Cherry Blossom Star-Crossed Lovers

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Characters yuta, winwin, johnny, mark, jaehyun, taeyong, ten, haechan
With 1 chapters, 250 views, 1 comments, 3434 words
Status [M], Members Only

How 23 Students Saved the Galaxy

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Tags  action   comedy   drama   romance      highschoolau   minor   chensung   minwon   doil   soonhoon   jaeyong   markhyuck   junhao   johnten   yuwin   luwoo   norenmin   xiaokun   henyang   savetheworldau   sungtaro 
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 23151 words

Almost a year has passed since the so-called Korean Terrorist Attacks of 2020, as dubbed by many countries, and that means a new school year for the students who practically saved the world at the now-known NCT school in South Korea. As they, along w


By 2459209631 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 81 subscribers, 10310 views, 9 comments, 16 words
Status [M], Members Only


By JSO825 Updated
Tags  jaehyun   jeno   ten   markhyuck   marklee   markchan   doyoung   johnten   johnnysuh   nct   jaedo   nct127   haechan   nctdream   renjun   jaehyunxdoyoung   johnnyxten   jenoxrenjun   nojun 
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 91 subscribers, 28500 views, 21 comments, 216 words

是郑在玹在直播提起过的综艺,很早就想写,现在才动笔 受方性转,cp都在tag里, 全都是我的私设,别当真,不喜勿喷 连载ing

Spiraling in Peril

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Tags  angst   siblings      violence   happyending   chensung   jaeyong   markhyuck   johnten   yuwin   luwoo   norenmin   mafiasau 
With 20 chapters, 4 votes, 52 subscribers, 15700 views, 12 comments, 66552 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Apiggie Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 1 votes, 21 subscribers, 8400 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Completed

By EighthHouse Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   haechan 
Characters mark haechan
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 1450 views, 6 comments, 47 words
Status Completed

⚠️be预警,李马克第一人称视角行文 ⚠️全文共十章,一次性全部完结,24000+长文预警 ⚠️有无姓名第三人非重要角色出现 ⚠️和两位现实中的家庭没有关系 ⚠️两位设定为同级生,高中生时期的初恋 ⚠️不要骂我,不吃就关掉,也不准骂markchan,我认为两位的行为都是符合逻辑的   序   (以下对话出自韩版《花样男子》苏易正初恋线) 苏易正:像空气一样随时在我身边徘徊的人一瞬间消失时,我那惶恐的心情如果你能了解,就不会对我这样了。 车恩彩:不是空气。 苏易正:什么? 车恩彩:易正,我不是空气。可能是误以为是空气的风吧。 …… 车恩彩:易正啊


By wxramanda Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 58 subscribers, 16210 views, 12 comments, 38 words

bot投稿 深柜马x撩人东

【爱撒娇的秘密】纯爱 完结

By chie1128 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark,haechan,doyoung,taeyong,jaehyun
With 12 chapters, 2 votes, 24 subscribers, 4350 views, 17 comments, 43 words
Status Members Only

文/孑孑 微博@不要再实名上网了孑_ 后续拍立得画完会发在微博 #马东#现实融梗#成长向甜文#造谣式现背 -东赫 会撒娇是与生俱来的天赋吗? -好像不是呢 哥  

榫 卯

By EighthHouse Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   haechan 
Characters mark haechan
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 67 subscribers, 7380 views, 19 comments, 34 words
Status [M], Completed

No More Stupid Love

By Seimari Updated
Tags  collegeau   markhyuck   nomin 
Characters Lee Donghyuck, Mark Lee, Na Jaemin, Lee Jeno, Jung Sungchan
With 2 chapters, 280 views, 1 comments, 6114 words
Status Members Only

{MarkHyuck - angst with a happy ending} When Haechan gives, he gives his all. When Haechan tries, he tries his best. And so, when Haechan loves, he'd love forever--with his whole heart, with his whole being... even if it hurts.


By JSO825 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 5490 views, 1 comments, 21 words



By Apiggie Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 7940 views, 1 comments, 17 words

为了满足我xp写的,第一次写写不好轻点骂>< 有点无脑进展可能有点快主要是我等不及了哈哈哈 双星   马克家教今天又来了,今天教东赫点什么好呢


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   marklee   markchan   nct   haechan   nctdream   marknct   haechannct   nachan   markhae   allhaechan   chanle   markchanmarkhyuck   hyuckle 
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 30 subscribers, 11950 views, 7 comments, 8 words
Status Members Only



By Ja5_mine Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 177 subscribers, 32740 views, 30 comments, 7 words
Status [M], Completed


By 2459209631 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 119 subscribers, 15600 views, 45 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zerosbin49 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Lee, Haechan
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 1590 views, 6 comments, 3 words

架空宫廷,男扮女装,胡乱私设,副cp买皮草 “我愿成为朝鲜的月亮,哪怕仅仅四个时辰。”  


By 2459209631 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 1760 views, 2 comments, 650 words
Status Members Only



By 2459209631 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 1 chapters, 30 subscribers, 5870 views, 11 comments, 164 words
Status [M], Members Only

Watermelon seeds

By Sunflowerhearts Updated
Tags  collegeau   markhyuck   marklee   textingau   nct   haechan   nctdream   leedonghyuck 
Characters Mark, Haechan, the rest of the dreamies (maybe)
With 4 chapters, 58 subscribers, 2260 views, 7 comments, 7267 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By 2459209631 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters Mark Haechan
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 71 subscribers, 27380 views, 9 comments, 18 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yasmineunoo Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
Characters haechan mark
With 1 votes, 57 subscribers, 13180 views, 5 comments, 3 words
Status Completed

纯🚘簧 有剧情但不多 他逃他追/sm bt/脏/无三观/落地窗/ 自行避 灿性转


By kjia03 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 5460 views, 3 comments, 7 words
Status Members Only

不以分手为目的的吵架都是耍流氓 有一点笃


By 2019260115 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 1 votes, 55 subscribers, 13810 views, 6 comments, 4 words
Status [M]


By Ja5_mine Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   allhaechan   johnchan 
With 2 votes, 23 subscribers, 13730 views, 6 comments, 33 words
Status [M]


By Bluecod Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan 
With 4 chapters, 5 votes, 149 subscribers, 19000 views, 28 comments, 35 words
Status [M]


By Nnyuan Updated
Tags  mark   markhyuck   markchan   haechan 
With 6 subscribers, 7540 views, 3 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Falling for the wrong-ish (Markhyuck)

By Mailelavaka_05 Updated
Tags  mafia   secret   chenji   jaeyong   markhyuck   johnten   nct   nct127   nctdream   luwoo   norenmin   wayv   xiaoyangdery   dokunil 
Characters Mark Lee, Lee Haechan, and the other nct members
With 1 chapters, 610 views, 861 words

Mark Lee "The number one thing I promised myself when I moved to Korea was to not fall in love again……

Rise Of The Phoenix

By Lost_Pharaoh Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   drama      vengence   revenge   jaehyun   angstdrama   lucas   yuta   taeyong   mark   ten   jaeyong   leetaeyong   donghyuck   markhyuck   doyoung   yangyang   nctu   nct127   haechan   wayv 
With 6 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3470 views, 24622 words

Years has passed and NCT has disbanded with each member going each their own way with different career paths. Their bonds are still strong, and they still keep contact with each other. But on one fateful day, when they all decided to do do a reunion, their leader met with a fatal accident. No one could be