Jaedo (679 jaedo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By cccandy Updated
Tags  mark   markchan   jaedo   haechan 
Characters mark haechan
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 132 subscribers, 25200 views, 94 comments, 20 words
Status [M]


By Sugar_ZZZ Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 5 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1220 views, 5 comments, 91 words
Status Members Only



By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaewoo   jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   ten   markchan   yutae   doyoung   johnten   nct   jaedo   johndo   taeyu   johnil   nct127   nctdream   nomin   wayv   tendery   nochan   nctwish   yusion   riyu 
With 45 chapters, 2 votes, 91 subscribers, 18590 views, 35 comments, 250 words
Status Members Only

ooc ‼️严重ooc‼️带划愿涉及出轨,LL,三观不正,多人婚姻,小三上位,换q,残疾,复仇,骨科,生子各种上流社会的糜烂事,病态世界观,跨物种恋情,小妈文学故事发生在欧洲贵族社会,以英国王室为背景的主线涉及好多cp乱炖吧,大概就是一个九子夺嫡(?)谋权篡位的故事,严重脱离现实,buff叠满‼️只是故事背景设定,请不要跟历史上纲上线~     每章涉及的cp都会打在tag上,大概都跟我最近的喜好相关,做的很烂的视频里会有大致剧情,may be会是个he,左位一致渣的很彻底,右位有心机的,傻的,搞纯爱的,反渣先锋的各有千秋,大部分都是大三角吧,啊~人物性格纯属我个人臆想,切勿上升正主❤️     年度撕逼大戏啊‼️攻撕,受撕,攻受一起撕‼️这次励志要写好每一感情线🫡虽然看起来他们的感情比我的命都要乱😂


By euphoria_ria Updated
Tags  doyoung   jaedo   nct127   jeahyun 
With 8 chapters, 6 subscribers, 500 views, 34 words

先婚后爱,年龄差,教授X男大,自割腿肉,写得很开心,希望喜欢 PS:NCTcp总选卡夹


By Nnyuan Updated
Tags  jaehyun   jeno   jaedo 
With 3 subscribers, 1920 views, 4 comments, 22 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Yumi_rebirth Updated
Tags  taeyong   johnten   kun   nct   jaedo   nct127   yuwin   taekun   wayv   yongkun 
Characters Taeyong Kun Ten Johnny Winwin Yuta Doyoung Jaehyun Jungwoo Sungchan
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 7760 views, 5 comments, 106 words

容锟/双队/队:李泰容×钱锟。 小爸文学,有点OOC,HE。


By SweetieChen Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 6 subscribers, 3010 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

郑在玹 x 金道英 师生 微 强制爱 短打一发完 全文6k+ 不喜勿喷 ooc 18x产物

Room No.9

By Horizon415 Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 3 chapters, 10 subscribers, 4130 views, 8 comments, 76 words

梗源九号房间 现背,或许是23年12月的故事 避雷:右位双性,会有暴力/血腥倾向  


By nowherelabd Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 82 subscribers, 9220 views, 22 comments, 132 words



By Annie_Nian Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 22 chapters, 1111 subscribers, 45380 views, 13 comments, 14 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

NCIT Entertainment

By Joshushua Updated
Tags  markchan   jaedo   nomin 
With 14 chapters, 5 votes, 294 subscribers, 41770 views, 183 comments, 1498 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

《十一区》 全员恶人 强强(已完结 番外更新中)

By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   ten   jaeten   markchan   yutae   nct   jaedo   taeyu   johnil   nct127   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin   sungchen   wayv   nctwish 
With 87 chapters, 4 votes, 249 subscribers, 29730 views, 35 comments, 376 words
Status Members Only

全员恶人高智商  首尔财阀当道背景下自相残杀的雇佣兵,突降首尔的真少爷瞬时引爆骚动,沉寂20年的他究竟是谋划怎样的棋盘,暗中拉拢的假少爷是自乱阵脚,还是要在混乱中自保。 各怀鬼胎,亦敌亦友,相互猜忌,天空一声闷雷。 利益驱使,被暗中出卖,这场战斗必须有人出局。 暗中结派站队,一个又一个牺牲者出现,最后谁是赢家


By cooane Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 9 chapters, 3 subscribers, 940 views, 7 words
Status Completed

青柑正文为be  (一个普普通通的暗恋故事 乌龙为if线番(he)


By nowherelabd Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 5 chapters, 20 subscribers, 2690 views, 3 comments, 8 words
Status Completed

阴暗疯批🍑✖️白切黑小妈🐰 本文含有穴,强制性行为,以及血腥暴力等情节,请注意避雷⚠️


By Sicilia_notme Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 14 subscribers, 2100 views, 5 comments, 72 words
Status Members Only

  不带脑子的甜蜜偶像剧(?   扮猪吃老虎选✖️钓系猎人貂


By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaehyun   doyoung   nct   jaedo   nct127 
With 36 chapters, 1 votes, 101 subscribers, 27140 views, 48 comments, 223 words
Status Members Only

Jaedo周三叁 小甜豆脆皮疯批攻×毒强势禁欲受 酸甜小文/有🚗性行为描写/双洁/年下 娱乐圈大佬爱上练习生小趴菜


By nowherelabd Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 5 chapters, 23 subscribers, 3140 views, 5 comments, 6 words
Status Completed



By nowherelabd Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 1450 views, 1 comments, 29 words
Status Completed


【Jaedo】Best Part

By Nidaye Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 chapters, 1090 views, 1 comments, 61 words
Status Completed


想见 / jaedo

By Nidaye Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 4140 views, 1 comments, 72 words
Status Completed

1w+ 平淡小故事


By sunieeee Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters DoYoung、JaeHyun
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 1920 views, 1 comments

 🍑的父母被金父害死,🍑假意与🐰恋爱,为了复仇   金家被🍑弄得家破人亡,🍑却还要将🐰锁在身边的故事


By jarealdooo Updated
Tags  jaehyun   doyoung   jaedo 
Characters doyoung jaehyun
With 2 subscribers, 2430 views, 5 words

伪骨科 双🌟  我想搞纯爱你们知道吗,可是我满脑子黄色废料。   金道英还在抽的年纪的时候,那天中午风很大,他都怀疑是不是大得能吹碎心脏,郑在玹突然被领进了他家,他也只是捧着书愣愣的看着白白净净但不爱笑的男孩拘谨地咬着唇。两人的第一次见面就在这相顾无言中开始又结束,起初金父金母还担心两个孩子会相处的不愉快,毕竟自己的儿子从小被惯坏了,虽然是清冷的气质但耍起脾气来当妈的也会觉得匪夷所思莫名其妙。金妈别的不担心,她知道老郑的为人,培养出来的儿子也是一表人才,就是儿子这特殊的身体有点….不是难以启齿,金家素来不拘泥于这些,只是儿子因为女性特征有的时候会娇娇柔柔的,当妈的总感觉是招了一个童养夫进来。 但还好,自己儿子在不熟的人面前似乎还保留了一点人设,郑在玹在金家待了有一个月有余,和保姆管家都混熟了之后,略显顽皮开朗的性格也展现出来,和原先不爱笑的样子截然不同,金道英却像没看到一样,每天捧着本书在花园摇椅上慢慢摇着。郑在玹经常去敲他房门,金道英又羞又气,他连郑在玹为什么进自家都不清楚,只知道是战友遗孤托付给自家,具体自己爸爸为什么如此好


By yuzhiwu Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 subscribers, 1980 views, 3 words

现背 私设恋爱中已同居 壁垒:ooc 小学生文笔 全文7k+ 一发完 欢迎大家食用~ 文案(抽象版): “大狗狗…”金倒影低下头亲年下的发丝 郑在选:“是狼~”


By F_STAY_F Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 subscribers, 2160 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By HatethathatE Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters 郑在玹;金道英
With 6 subscribers, 4340 views, 2 comments, 3 words



By Shepherdsaid Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1680 views, 2 words
Status Members Only

捡手机全文见wb :@Shepherdsaid


By seikecola Updated
Tags  markchan   johnten   nct   jaedo   yuwin   markno   jaeren 
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 20 subscribers, 2180 views, 9 comments, 20 words

长篇/预计会缓慢更新 叁梯袜/传望镯 转 伪骨科(非亲生) 郑金家族:叁育诺 徐李家族:梯育传(东淑妹妹是收养的妹妹) 中本董家族:袜育镯(渽民哥哥是收养的哥哥)   搁置了好久了💔我会努力写完的🥹

Bunny Cage

By juzijuice_ Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters jaehyun doyoung
With 5 chapters, 8 subscribers, 4290 views, 6 comments
Status [M]


By Jwcqqqqqq Updated
Tags  jaedo   jaedojaehyundoyoung 
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 3690 views, 3 comments, 11 words
Status [M]

【NCT群像】二十二禁区(5.27更新 06 风沙)

By Piaochi Updated
Tags  jungtae   markchan   nct   jaedo   johnil   nct127   yuwin   nctdream   nomin   minno   sungchen   wayv   tenkun   sungtaro   henxiao   yangren 
Characters nct
With 6 chapters, 2 votes, 90 subscribers, 12260 views, 16 comments, 94 words

哨向 / 末世 / 正剧 / 群像 / 阵营 (持续更新中)


By kuridayashi Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters jaehyun doyoung
With 2 subscribers, 4420 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By lililinine Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 subscribers, 1990 views
Status [M], Members Only

小白 5

By longintermission Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 4 subscribers, 2840 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status Members Only



By tomayuku Updated
Tags  jaedo   markdo   alldo   jedo 
Characters markdo
With 1 chapters, 9 subscribers, 6000 views, 5 comments, 19 words
Status Completed

头貂 大学生x站街女 诺貂 骨科姐弟 私生女x小少爷 面貂(未更)   


By yaomm27 Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters yaomm27
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 6 words
Status Members Only

zzx jdy


By kuridayashi Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters 郑在玹 金道英
With 4 subscribers, 5630 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By liquorwhispers Updated
Tags  jaedo   johndo   johndojae   johnjae 
Characters 徐英浩 金道英 郑在玹
With 4 chapters, 33 subscribers, 16440 views, 1 comments, 26 words
Status [M]


By cooane Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 6 subscribers, 3960 views, 4 words

*一则复合后的小故事  有🚗(婴儿车)


By freewill_ Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 3 chapters, 10 subscribers, 2020 views, 2 comments, 56 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By kuridayashi Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters 郑在玹金道英
With 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 3030 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By ktt0221 Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 11 subscribers, 2990 views, 2 comments, 6 words

/补文2021 小修 /一发完 ooc预警 现实向  


By kuridayashi Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters 郑在玹 金道英
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 8720 views, 3 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By JSO825 Updated
Tags  jaehyun   jeno   ten   markhyuck   marklee   markchan   doyoung   johnten   johnnysuh   nct   jaedo   nct127   haechan   nctdream   renjun   jaehyunxdoyoung   johnnyxten   jenoxrenjun   nojun 
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 91 subscribers, 28500 views, 21 comments, 216 words

是郑在玹在直播提起过的综艺,很早就想写,现在才动笔 受方性转,cp都在tag里, 全都是我的私设,别当真,不喜勿喷 连载ing


By kuridayashi Updated
Tags  jaedo 
Characters 郑在玹 金道英
With 11 subscribers, 11480 views, 17 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Annie_Nian Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 5 subscribers, 5600 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By Annie_Nian Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 8260 views, 2 comments
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

Who`s Theme

By Sugar_ZZZ Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 chapters, 15 subscribers, 6360 views, 3 comments, 46 words
Status Completed


nct群像/裂流 Rip Current

By mattegin Updated
Tags  jisung   jaehyun   jungwoo   yuta   wooyu   jeno   nct   jaedo   jaeyu   renjun   noren   wayv   sungren 
With 4 chapters, 31 subscribers, 12740 views, 3 comments, 34 words
Status [M]


By Shepherdsaid Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 7 chapters, 2 votes, 47 subscribers, 5700 views, 7 comments, 76 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Elainevia Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 5710 views, 7 words
Status [M]


By Shepherdsaid Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 34 subscribers, 2210 views, 10 comments, 33 words
Status Members Only

hp au 格兰芬多(?)选*拉文克劳豆 含梯 东罗马cb/cp向(未定)


By Sicilia_notme Updated
Tags  johnten   jaedo 
With 1 votes, 33 subscribers, 3930 views, 8 comments, 40 words
Status Members Only

叁 有梯 天赋丧失银行家面✖️嗅觉失灵调香师貂 财阀老板囧✖️时尚杂志编辑疼 “在野心之中寻得真心。”   ⏺ 可能会通过此文发现我有一些爱装b的毛病希望大家不要介意。 ⏺ 文中涉及到的所有行业内情都是我编的,没什么考究,大家不要太去推敲。如果有专业知识的纰漏非常欢迎大家的指正。


By Annie_Nian Updated
Tags  jaedo 
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 244 subscribers, 3410 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only
