Taeyu (82 taeyu stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaewoo   jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   ten   markchan   yutae   doyoung   johnten   nct   jaedo   johndo   taeyu   johnil   nct127   nctdream   nomin   wayv   tendery   nochan   nctwish   yusion   riyu 
With 45 chapters, 2 votes, 91 subscribers, 18590 views, 35 comments, 250 words
Status Members Only

ooc ‼️严重ooc‼️带划愿涉及出轨,LL,三观不正,多人婚姻,小三上位,换q,残疾,复仇,骨科,生子各种上流社会的糜烂事,病态世界观,跨物种恋情,小妈文学故事发生在欧洲贵族社会,以英国王室为背景的主线涉及好多cp乱炖吧,大概就是一个九子夺嫡(?)谋权篡位的故事,严重脱离现实,buff叠满‼️只是故事背景设定,请不要跟历史上纲上线~     每章涉及的cp都会打在tag上,大概都跟我最近的喜好相关,做的很烂的视频里会有大致剧情,may be会是个he,左位一致渣的很彻底,右位有心机的,傻的,搞纯爱的,反渣先锋的各有千秋,大部分都是大三角吧,啊~人物性格纯属我个人臆想,切勿上升正主❤️     年度撕逼大戏啊‼️攻撕,受撕,攻受一起撕‼️这次励志要写好每一感情线🫡虽然看起来他们的感情比我的命都要乱😂


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 560 views, 2 comments, 1 words

《十一区》 全员恶人 强强(已完结 番外更新中)

By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   ten   jaeten   markchan   yutae   nct   jaedo   taeyu   johnil   nct127   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin   sungchen   wayv   nctwish 
With 87 chapters, 4 votes, 249 subscribers, 29730 views, 35 comments, 376 words
Status Members Only

全员恶人高智商  首尔财阀当道背景下自相残杀的雇佣兵,突降首尔的真少爷瞬时引爆骚动,沉寂20年的他究竟是谋划怎样的棋盘,暗中拉拢的假少爷是自乱阵脚,还是要在混乱中自保。 各怀鬼胎,亦敌亦友,相互猜忌,天空一声闷雷。 利益驱使,被暗中出卖,这场战斗必须有人出局。 暗中结派站队,一个又一个牺牲者出现,最后谁是赢家


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1270 views, 3 comments, 2 words

《南韩异闻录》泰悠夕阳/all 悠

By aaaaan Updated
Tags  yuta   taeyong   yutae   nct   taeyu   nct127 
With 74 chapters, 1 votes, 51 subscribers, 12940 views, 23 comments, 256 words
Status Members Only

《南韩异闻录》 泰悠/all悠 ooc‼️涉及🚗/x行为详细描写/ABO生子/伪现实/人物性格纯属个人脑洞 请自行避雷‼️ 花花公子渣男海王攻×冷漠隐忍痴情受 强强互攻‼️ 总的来说就是一个虐妻一时爽追妻火葬场的故事,尽量让它不那么虐🙈


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 4 subscribers, 2010 views, 50 words


By aaaaan Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 10 chapters, 6 subscribers, 890 views, 3 comments, 15 words
Status Members Only

肠科医生容×珠宝设计师悠 总的来说,就是一个直掰弯最强男小三上位记❤️  


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 8 subscribers, 2870 views, 2 comments, 2 words

爱 人

By A1baquieresuicidarse Updated
Tags  yuta   taeyong   yutae   nct   taeyu   nct127 
With 6 chapters, 11 subscribers, 2810 views, 2 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Completed


By Surin0816 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 2 words
Status Members Only

“  '然后呢?'金道英这次想听的后续没有了结果,但事实上确实也没有了结果,中本悠太无话可说。”


By xiaozhaixing Updated
Tags  wootae   wooyu   taeyu   doublelee   markyu 
Characters jungwoo yuta mark taeyong
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 3270 views, 4 comments, 4 words

主九悠 微夕阳 马悠


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 2600 views, 1 comments, 3 words


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 1790 views



By ROLLYE Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 subscribers, 740 views, 1 comments, 28 words
Status Completed



By ROLLYE Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 850 views, 1 comments, 60 words



By ROLLYE Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 4 subscribers, 1140 views, 2 comments, 13 words
Status Completed


NCT王道|Night Killer

By Yumi_rebirth Updated
Tags  sungwoo   yutae   johnten   nct   taeyu   yuwin   taekun   yongkun   shodery 
Characters Taeyong Yuta Kun Hendery Shotaro Sungchan Winwin Jungwoo Ten Johnny
With 2 subscribers, 3220 views, 39 words
Status Completed


泰悠 迟到的美好结局

By merlot1026 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 950 views, 2 comments, 5 words
Status Members Only

夕阳 迟到的美好结局 没完全破的破镜重圆 讲述了高中、大学、工作的三段时光


By Prayeryoung Updated
Tags  yuta   taeyong   taeyu 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 2740 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

我生产一点废料 吃糖吗?


By mattegin Updated
Tags  johnny   ten   nct   taeyu   jaeminxjeno   teail   channo   haechanxjeno 
With 8 chapters, 29 subscribers, 15630 views, 2 comments, 83 words
Status [M]


By xixihah Updated
Tags  wooyu   taeyu   doyu   jaeyu   johnyu   markyu   allyuta 
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 5970 views, 1 comments, 100 words
Status [M]

I Just Want To Be Loved

With 17 chapters, 5 votes, 8 comments, 24348 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By merlot1026 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 530 views, 1 words



By merlot1026 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 subscribers, 720 views, 11 words



By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2680 views, 2 words


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1840 views, 1 words

You Are My Reason

By jhengchie Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   wedding   yutae   taeyu   vows 
Characters Taeyong, Yuta, Ten, kun, johnny, Sicheng, doyoung, jaehyun, Sungchan, shotaro
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 580 views, 3602 words
Status Completed

You Are My Reason Yutae Romance It’s been a decade since they met and got together, and now they are ready to take the next logical step, to spend forever in each other’s arms   A/n: Based on the clip of Taeyong saying Yuta is his reason in one of the me

Love Talk

By elailee Updated
Characters YutaxTaeyong
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1080 views, 1 comments, 2179 words
Status [M], Completed, Crowdfunded


By elailee Updated
Characters YutaxTaeyong
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1370 views, 2 comments, 1866 words
Status [M], Completed, Crowdfunded

No Longer

By elailee Updated
Characters YutaxTaeyong
With 7 chapters, 3 votes, 8 subscribers, 1860 views, 8 comments, 26591 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

Ex-lovers Lee Taeyong and Nakamoto Yuta meets again after a bad break up. Taeyong was just starting to heal (2 years late) and Yuta wanted to start all over again.


By Shirohako Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 3 subscribers, 3470 views, 3 words


By Sophialau0807 Updated
Tags  yutae   nct   taeyu 
With 1 subscribers, 630 views, 1 comments, 2 words

无差   猎户座/オリオン座       中本悠太靠在床角随手翻阅着刚刚从楼下顺上来的杂志。不知道是几年前的旧刊了,纸张的边缘微卷泛黄,随手一翻都是能叫得上名字的过季款。老式排版下的文字密密麻麻地挤在一起,伴随着楼下震耳欲聋的音乐声刺得他太阳穴生疼。好不容易才放过了自己唱得嘶哑的嗓子,再做这种脑力劳动未免也太折磨人,还不是自己的母语。他干脆地放弃了,将杂志随手往地毯上一扔仰头靠在床垫上。   房门外的拐角处传来淅淅沥沥的水流声,时不时被楼下的音乐声和某些人冲破耳膜的高音盖过。李泰容在里面洗澡。十分钟前他们还软软地瘫在楼下唱歌房的沙发上,进入二十代后半期之后体力也随着急速消退,在其他弟弟们还在唱歌房尽情释放精力的时候劳累感已经将他们困住。承受不住队友们旺盛精力的两人隔着人群对了一下眼神一前一后上楼回到了房间。在派对的最高潮悄然退场,听起来就像情歌里的浪漫出逃一样,明明已经和对方相处了八年之久但还是会忍不住因为这些幼稚的理由恍惚。上楼梯的时候连心跳都变快了


By Sophialau0807 Updated
Tags  yutae   nct   taeyu 
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 800 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By SylviaLan Updated
Tags  leetaeyong   yutae   taeyu   nakamotoyuta 
Characters Lee Taeyong,Nakamoto Yuta
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 1540 views, 9 words
Status Completed

【夕阳 泰悠/悠泰】 跌入副本系统 无逻辑 bug遍地 也许会有后续,也许没有…… ===================   因着明天还有工作安排,今晚李泰容早早就躺在了床上,虽然他的早也已经是快十二点了。只有到了深夜才能静下心来,抛掉白天的焦虑烦恼,李泰容呆呆看着天花板酝酿着睡意。   指针指向十二点的一瞬间,李泰容突然感觉有点不对劲,一股力在拉扯着自己向上。   “??!!”   还没来得及做出反应,人就仿佛被一双无形的手直接拽起来。一道白光过后,旁人看来李泰容就这样凭空消失了,指针停在12不再前进,卧室空无一人,安静得好像什么也没发生过,除了方才还躺在床上的人和他的被子。   一阵天旋地转,凭着多年的舞蹈功底,李泰容稳了稳身形站定,看了看周身的环境,一个小屋,充满着乡野生活的气息,墙壁上挂着农具,餐桌上还摆着些许食物,壁炉在烧着炭火。


By SylviaLan Updated
Tags  leetaeyong   yutae   taeyu   nakamotoyuta 
Characters Lee Taeyong,Nakamoto Yuta
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1920 views, 3 words
Status Completed

* 夕阳小段子 *论那直播没做完的bobo     “辛苦了,大家都辛苦了。” 直播结束,终于下班了,离开了镜头大家干着各自的事情,一伙人吵嚷着等会要不要吃宵夜。   “悠太啊,bobo~” 在没人留意的角落里,李泰容将中本悠太压在墙角,向他讨要刚才直播时没有做成的事。中本悠太环住李泰容的腰,冲他抛了个wink,“泰容你刚刚也太明显了,马克都被你惊到了。” 说罢揉了揉李泰容的后腰,“腰没事吧?”   听到中本悠太带着一丝抱怨的语气似乎想扯开话题,急了,紧了紧怀里的人,“我刚刚看到你嘟了!明明你也.....” 看着李泰容嘟着巴像个讨不着糖的孩子,中本悠太笑了起来,好了,不逗他了。 倾身向前,中本悠太轻轻住那嘟起的双唇,顿时顺毛了,乖乖闭上了眼睛,将人抵在墙角加深了这个轻柔的。   糖到了,甜进心了,无人知道的角落里,藏着一个甜甜的秘密.....  

I Want You

By SylviaLan Updated
Tags  leetaeyong   yutae   nct   taeyu   nakamotoyuta 
Characters LeeTaeyong,Nakamotoyuta
With 14 chapters, 3 subscribers, 2290 views, 87 words
Status [M]

You came with the waves

By Habanero Updated
Characters Nakamoto Yuta/ Lee Taeyong
With 4 chapters, 18 subscribers, 360 views, 6458 words
Status Subscribers Only

The ordinary life of Taeyong and his extraordinary mermaid boyfriend.


By serasutsu Updated
Tags  nct   taeyu 
With 2 subscribers, 3360 views, 15 words
Status [M]


By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 1 chapters, 26 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 1192 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Could you hold my hand for a moment?" - or how Taeyong met Yuta at a party he didn't want to go to.

What a Kitty!

By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 24 chapters, 157 subscribers, 1520 views, 4 comments, 17548 words
Status Subscribers Only

The daily life of an unusual marriage, where both don't resemble their schematic roles.   Yuta is a cat hybrid and Taeyong is his owner and the love of his life.


By Habanero Updated
Characters Nakamoto Yuta/ Lee Taeyong
With 7 chapters, 4 votes, 106 subscribers, 1030 views, 1 comments, 23152 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By serasutsu Updated
Tags  nct   taeyu 
With 8300 views, 8 words
Status [M]

Memories of Alhambra

By Habanero Updated
Tags  comedy   lovestory   romance   wedding   spain   fallinginlove   travel   summer   guide   jaehyun   students   yuta   taeyong   flirting   leetaeyong   yutae   nct   ncttaeyong   nctjohnny   taeyu   nakamotoyuta   seojohnny   nctyuta   nct127   jungyoonoh   yutaxtaeyong   alhambra   granada   malaga 
Characters Nakamoto Yuta/ Lee Taeyong / Johnny Suh / Jaehyun
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 59 subscribers, 680 views, 2 comments, 19681 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

I met you here, didn't even want to know you. But I fell in love and stayed forever.

Mountain Man

By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 1 chapters, 45 subscribers, 600 views, 3897 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Going on a hike, Taeyong didn't expect to meet the love of his life.

Miracles happen

By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 11 chapters, 3 votes, 180 subscribers, 1140 views, 4 comments, 20820 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Being a lonely father is not the easiest task. Yuta tries to do everything he can to ensure a happy and peaceful life for his child.


By az50825 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 2 subscribers, 2600 views, 35 words
Status [M]


By az50825 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 2 subscribers, 2140 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By lzj0122 Updated
Tags  taeyu 
With 3 subscribers, 2770 views, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

The Interlude of our Love

By scoutfinch0819 Updated
Characters IU Lee Jieun, Kim Taeyeon, Kim Eana, Kang Hanna
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 910 views, 1963 words
Status [M]

Cotton Candy [YUTAE TXT]

By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 30 chapters, 2 votes, 89 subscribers, 1220 views, 5 comments, 15543 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Yuta accidentally sent a picture to the wrong person but thanks to this he has one another chance to win the heart of his old crush!