Jenoxjaemin (186 jenoxjaemin stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By malibunightss Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 44 subscribers, 6 comments, 193 words
Status Members Only

诺民 轻松谈一下恋爱 模特和画画的 蓄谋很久的炮友转正 ^  ^

《十一区》 全员恶人 强强(已完结 番外更新中)

By aaaaan Updated
Tags  jaehyun   yuta   taeyong   ten   jaeten   markchan   yutae   nct   jaedo   taeyu   johnil   nct127   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin   sungchen   wayv   nctwish 
With 87 chapters, 4 votes, 249 subscribers, 29730 views, 35 comments, 376 words
Status Members Only

全员恶人高智商  首尔财阀当道背景下自相残杀的雇佣兵,突降首尔的真少爷瞬时引爆骚动,沉寂20年的他究竟是谋划怎样的棋盘,暗中拉拢的假少爷是自乱阵脚,还是要在混乱中自保。 各怀鬼胎,亦敌亦友,相互猜忌,天空一声闷雷。 利益驱使,被暗中出卖,这场战斗必须有人出局。 暗中结派站队,一个又一个牺牲者出现,最后谁是赢家

【诺民】Resist & Obey

By 777777Y Updated
Tags  nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters jeno jaemin
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 3300 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By chen3pi Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters jeamin, jeno
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 5370 views, 8 comments, 29 words
Status [M], Completed


By 777777Y Updated
Tags  nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters jaemin jeno
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 5990 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By chen3pi Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters lee jeno, na jaemin
With 7 subscribers, 3020 views, 24 words
Status [M], Completed


By xyybobo Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 subscribers, 3380 views, 1 comments, 2 words

排雷:非正常恋爱关系 /小三文学/出轨文学/渣男人设/18🈲️/女王s受/ *是我引诱你吗? 我曾经向你说过好话吗? 我不是曾经 明明白白地告诉过你 我不爱你 而且也不能爱你吗? *即这样 也只是使我爱你爱得更加厉害 我是你的一狗 你越是打我 我越向你献媚 请你像对待一狗一样对待我吧 踢我 打我 冷落我 忽略我 可是不要让我离开 虽然我微不足道 可是让我跟着你吧 在你的爱里 我的地位 还能比一狗都不如吗?


By JSO825 Updated
Tags  markhyuck   markchan   nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 5490 views, 1 comments, 21 words



By JSO825 Updated
Tags  nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 2670 views, 161 words

20年的文 影帝李帝努×歌手罗渽民 论坛体 新婚旅行的后续 当时看被子外面的激情创作


By JSO825 Updated
Tags  nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 6 subscribers, 2470 views, 56 words

19年的文了hh 现在搬过来 影帝李帝努×歌手罗渽民 论坛体 大概是看完battle trip写的 如果有笃姬没看过的,真的强烈推荐去看


By xyybobo Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 7890 views, 18 words
Status Members Only


EDEN 76—80

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 4510 views, 2 comments, 31 words

*兽向abo 先婚后爱 *我在叠什么奇怪的buff(?)  


By J0423_J0813 Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 6450 views, 10 words
Status [M]

Candy Necklace(中)

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 17 subscribers, 8340 views, 3 comments, 6 words
Status [M]


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 6 subscribers, 4450 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Completed

*左右位性转 gl *第一人称 双视角

EDEN 71—75

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 13 subscribers, 7310 views, 2 comments, 37 words
Status [M]

EDEN 66—70

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 4740 views, 3 comments, 28 words

*兽向abo 先婚后爱 *我在叠什么奇怪的buff(?)


By J0423_J0813 Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 8220 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By xyybobo Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 9300 views, 25 words
Status Members Only



By J0423_J0813 Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 5720 views, 8 words
Status [M]

Candy Necklace(中上)

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 15 subscribers, 8440 views, 34 words

*双模特 *炮友转正 笃1v1  两句话传  


By nameilikano Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 17 subscribers, 8800 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By malibunightss Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 19 subscribers, 3 comments, 11 words
Status Completed

*诺民 *HP AU  *也许算破镜重圆

歧时已到 1—3

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 8 subscribers, 2740 views, 1 comments, 1 words

*倒斗au 平行世界 含非常规无限流  *私设很多 介意可以左上角 你好我好大家好🙇🏻‍♀️ *情节均属虚构 相信科学 反对迷信


By xyybobo Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 8 subscribers, 13520 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

*第一次尝试 生疏 不喜请叉 友善指导 *有点无聊 且 短促的结局 *排雷:情趣 抱焯     

Candy Necklace(上)

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 37 subscribers, 13640 views, 2 comments, 35 words
Status [M]

EDEN 61—65

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 9 subscribers, 3960 views, 1 comments, 13 words

*兽向abo 先婚后爱 *我在叠什么奇怪的buff(?)


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 34 subscribers, 9610 views, 2 comments, 5 words
Status Completed

*社畜&主厨 *不记得第几次补档^^

EDEN 56—60

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 3910 views, 30 words

*兽向abo 先婚后爱 *我在叠什么奇怪的buff(?)  

【马民/诺民】Le Bien Qui Fait Mal

By nabbit0219 Updated
Tags  nct   markmin   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin   markxjaemin 
Characters mark jeno jaemin
With 1 chapters, 87 subscribers, 9600 views, 2 comments, 81 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By Pythia Updated
Tags  jeno   nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin   jeamin 
Characters jeno,jeamin
With 2 votes, 17 subscribers, 23310 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By alchemyy Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   nct   nomin   minno   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 11320 views, 35 words
Status [M]


By kissuii Updated
Tags  jenoxjaemin 
Characters 罗渽民 李帝努
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 320 views, 3 words
Status Members Only

ooc设定 be预警

樊笼祜雀 11—15

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 6 subscribers, 2640 views, 3 comments

*穿书重生 有年龄差 私设很多 *城府深沉反派王爷&男扮女装白切黑太子妃 *又名重生之成为黑莲花后与情敌暗渡陈仓(?)  

伏 夏

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 5 subscribers, 6070 views
Status [M], Completed

Casado con la literatura

By Liuu23 Updated
Characters Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin.
With 1 chapters, 1490 views, 2866 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 21 subscribers, 7680 views, 2 comments, 3 words
Status Completed



By nameilikano Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 3 votes, 17 subscribers, 12210 views, 1 comments, 133 words
Status [M]

樊笼祜雀 06—10

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 8 subscribers, 2960 views, 1 comments, 1 words

*穿书重生 有年龄差 私设很多 *城府深沉反派王爷&男扮女装白切黑太子妃 *又名重生之成为黑莲花后与情敌暗渡陈仓(?)

EDEN 51—55

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 5560 views, 35 words

*兽向abo 先婚后爱

樊笼祜雀 01—05

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 5160 views, 3 comments, 4 words

*穿书重生 有年龄差 私设很多 *城府深沉反派王爷&男扮女装白切黑太子妃 *又名重生之成为黑莲花后与情敌暗渡陈仓(?)  

Sweet Choker

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 21 subscribers, 12630 views, 2 comments, 30 words
Status [M]


By J0423_J0813 Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 10210 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By J0423_J0813 Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters 罗渽民;李帝努;Jaemin;Jeno;nomin;Jeno×Jaemin
With 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 11540 views, 26 words
Status [M]


By nabbit0219 Updated
Tags  nct   nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
Characters jaemin jeno
With 8 subscribers, 10660 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M], Completed

EDEN 46—50

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 7 subscribers, 7330 views, 2 comments, 54 words

    *兽向abo 先婚后爱 *我在叠什么奇怪的buff(?)


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 19 subscribers, 9840 views, 4 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By nowhitew Updated
Tags  nctdream   nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 16 subscribers, 6630 views, 2 comments, 252 words

01 断指   “著名歌手、演员Sulli于10月23日清晨被发现在京畿道城南市的家中身亡。警方接到Sulli的死亡申报后,前往现场鉴定并确认死亡事实。25日,警方发布国立科学调查研究院对Sulli进行的尸检结果,表示没有发现外力或他杀致死的痕迹。Sulli的出殡仪式将于本月29日举行,葬礼的所有程序均未公开,已知同司的Hari前辈将会出席参加。今日下午三点,Sulli所属娱乐公司官方发文悼念:她的美丽、她温柔的心,将被我们永远铭记、珍藏于心底。以上,来自KBS新闻报道。”   晚上八点半,崔泰焕从地下车库的玄关进门,刚踏入客厅发现女儿对着电视屏幕啜泣不止,不知道究竟哭了多久。   崔宥利听见公文包放下的响动,回头看到崔泰焕,立马跑过来紧紧抱住他,因为哭的太久嗓子


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 22 subscribers, 7550 views, 2 comments, 1 words

    *黑道 破镜重圆 *1v1 只有笃    


By nameilikano Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 2 votes, 28 subscribers, 13440 views, 2 comments, 2 words
Status [M]

EDEN 41—45

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 8870 views, 2 comments, 51 words
Status [M]


By HeavenDelight Updated
Tags  angst   friendship   jaemin   romance   sad   sliceoflife   bromance   writingcontest   rose   jisoo   jaehyun   jeno   tearjerker   leejeno   nct   najaemin   blackpink   nct127   jisooblackpink   nctdream   nomin   roseblackpink   jenoxjaemin   jaehyunnct 
Characters Jaemin, Jeno, Jisoo, Jaehyun, Rose
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 760 views, 2 comments, 2408 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

"There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more." Robert M. Hensel   The birth of a child in a family is something that every couple looks forward to. The child you hope is perfectly healthy, but no one can deny it when fate says otherwise. So, just remember, perfection is not a guarantee of happiness, but happiness is the main path to perfection.   Jaemin: Is it my fault that I was born like this? Jeno: It


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 26 subscribers, 10750 views, 2 comments, 2 words

    *黑道 破镜重圆 *1v1 只有笃    

Welcome to Ashgate

By mandalee Updated
Characters do kyungsoo, byun bora, byun baekhyun, luhan, siwon, mark lee, oh sehun, kim kai, park chanyeol,
With 12 chapters, 40 votes, 113 subscribers, 3560 views, 108 comments, 102499 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Byun Bora, a city nurse, had never imagined herself living in a small town like Ashgate, a town seven hours away from the city with a population of 900 people where everyone knows everyone.


By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 46 subscribers, 17480 views, 9 comments, 22 words
Status [M], Completed

EDEN 35—40

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 14 subscribers, 9220 views, 2 comments, 56 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

EDEN 31—35

By Luki_Bacchus Updated
Tags  nomin   jenoxjaemin 
With 1 votes, 13 subscribers, 10520 views, 3 comments, 35 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By bluemoon067 Updated
Tags  jenoxjaemin 
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 810 views, 4 comments, 104 words
Status Completed



By D04280168 Updated
Tags  jenoxjaemin 
Characters jeno jaemin
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 7080 views, 3 comments, 14 words

随手写的一个小故事^ ^