Henyang (59 henyang stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By bingolovingTart Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters 亨德里·杨阳/天坤
With 2 chapters, 6 subscribers, 270 views, 1 comments, 20 words

*2022小荡生日周联合产出 之前忘记搬运了 *星际ABO 单向暗恋 题目选自音乐游戏Phigros第六章 *有两句扑 *小荡今年总选上桌吃饭!


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 subscribers, 880 views, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only

[荡/亨扬abo]非典型囚禁 r18

By Wait4summer Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   wayv   henyang   hengyang 
With 3 subscribers, 1180 views, 3 comments, 25 words

一句话:暗恋管哼的刘小羊决定把他关起来做爱。 高攻低防的妹可太好搞了(抹泪) ⚠️:r18。无生理知识,不要深究 1 好热,好痛。 黄冠亨挣扎着睁开双眼,发现自己置身于一个陌生的房间里。腺体在他后处突突跳着,满屋都是因为身体不适而爆发出的野格味道。 他的双手被手铐禁锢在床头的栏杆上,因为长时间保持一个姿势已经稍微有些充血。 他尝试着挣脱,发现捆绑得很紧后作罢。躺回床上保存体力,一边在心里分析情况。 不知道对方处于何种目的将自己劫持,保密与防卫措施都做的很到位。但手铐内侧又甚至贴心的围绕上一圈毛绒防止擦伤。对方好像没有伤害自己的意图。 他的疑惑很快得到了解答。 那个戴兜帽的身影瘦削又单薄,打开门后端进来了一个餐盘。碗里是黄冠亨最喜欢的拉面。 兜帽人打开了屋内的灯,黄冠亨毫不意外地发现那人带着面罩,将自己全副武装。 橘黄色的光暖洋洋地撒下,一点也看不出这是一个囚禁着人的房间。


By Shusfree Updated
Tags  yangyang   nct   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery | 黄冠亨、Yangyang | 刘扬扬
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 2470 views, 10 comments, 8 words
Status [M]


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 subscribers, 1590 views, 6 words
Status Members Only


By xxNuruygnos Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 subscribers, 450 views, 3 comments, 6 words
Status Completed

/又名神不会辜负任何一只小 /萌萌治愈小甜饼,短打日记体,一发完阅读愉快^^ /btw日记时间很重要请关注!没有这个时间跨度概念的话可能看起来怪怪的👉👈               2022.12.31 今天下了好大雪。 早上起来发现妈妈和哥哥被车撞死了,鲜血和马路上的泥和血混在一起,我不敢多看一眼。 有个好心人帮忙把妈妈和哥哥移到路边埋了,我远远地看着,把地点记在心里,以后我会经常去看妈妈和哥哥的。   2023.1.3 可是我才四岁啊……   2023.1.5 我不能再哭了,我要振作起来,自己出去找吃的,自己养活自己!   2023.1.23 哥哥不在那些大都欺负我,他们都坏,扬扬好   2


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 960 views, 2 comments, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

How My Brother And I Kidnapped An Assassin

By jongkey_krisho Updated
Characters nct ensemble
With 23 chapters, 7 votes, 51 subscribers, 3600 views, 18 comments, 54017 words

  Donghyuck’s brother, Johnny, has somehow managed to snag a job in the palace as the role of a lowly assistant, but hey, a job was a job. When an attempted assassination on the king, however, also caused Donghyuck to almost get killed in the process, the two escape to the countryside for help, unknowingly bringing one of the assassins with them, Mark. The two go through struggles of survival, family, and romance while trying to deal with the revolution going on


By Shusfree Updated
Tags  yangyang   nct   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery | 黄冠亨、Yangyang | 刘扬扬
With 880 views, 109 words



By Shusfree Updated
Tags  yangyang   nct   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery/黄冠亨、yangyang/刘扬扬
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 880 views, 1 comments, 102 words

正剧向 | 星际大背景 | HE 短篇 | 正文1w8 预警预警预警 | 1.有病 2.左位女装


By Shusfree Updated
Tags  yangyang   nct   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery | 黄冠亨、Yangyang | 刘扬扬
With 1 subscribers, 590 views, 2 comments, 79 words

氪不改非小黄少×欧皇大人刘小羊 无厘头轻松向 | 恋爱脑大爆发的抽卡文(?)   Summary:氪不改非的小黄少毅然决然地找了一位欧皇大人“求包养”。  


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 4390 views, 1 comments, 3 words
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By Shusfree Updated
Tags  yangyang   sentinelguide   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery yangyang
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 950 views, 1 comments, 746 words

亨扬 | “弱不禁风”向导亨ד心狠手辣”哨兵扬 论坛体 | 向哨 预警预警预警 | 又家暴又有病的拉扯故事、会

How 23 Students Saved the Galaxy

By jongkey_krisho Updated
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 23151 words

Almost a year has passed since the so-called Korean Terrorist Attacks of 2020, as dubbed by many countries, and that means a new school year for the students who practically saved the world at the now-known NCT school in South Korea. As they, along w

青 鸟

By sangao448 Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   romance   friendstolovers   henyang   yangdery   getbacktogether   yanghen   lekun   kunle 
Characters zhongchenle qiankun huangguanheng liuyangyang
With 360 views, 45 words
Status Completed

钱锟×钟辰乐 黄冠亨×刘扬扬 全文清水 不分攻受 字数1w+


By wangzhuoyue Updated
Tags  wayv   yangxiao   henyang   tenkun   windery 
Characters ten kun hendery xiaojun wayv
With 2 chapters, 7 subscribers, 2250 views, 3 comments, 1 words



By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang   hengyang 
With 3 subscribers, 4430 views, 7 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang   hengyang 
With 5 subscribers, 6190 views, 2 comments, 4 words
Status [M]


By stayyou Updated
Tags  henyang   hengyang 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 4560 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Members Only


By liu1007 Updated
Tags  henyang   tenkun 
With 4 subscribers, 2410 views, 3 comments, 30 words
Status [M]


By Nnyuan Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   henyang 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3670 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Daybreak_Fffxxxx Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 3140 views, 13 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Daybreak_Fffxxxx Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 4 subscribers, 3320 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yewookeleven Updated
Tags  kunyang   henyang   hengyang   allyang 
Characters 钱锟/黄冠亨/刘扬扬
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 4590 views, 4 comments, 13 words

主播右位,单方性转,情感上非1v1,身体上1v1的all向,每篇都有其他角色提及,暂时持更至亨扬 锟羊


By RoseMary-C001 Updated
Tags  henyang   yangxiaodery   yangtie   guatie 
Characters 肖德俊 刘扬扬 黄冠亨
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 5140 views, 5 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Completed


By butterflyandswing Updated
Tags  henyang   hengyang 
Characters 刘揚揚,黃冠亨
With 17 subscribers, 4390 views, 1 comments, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By nayohchoyan Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   henyang   hengyang 
With 1 votes, 19 subscribers, 8030 views, 3 comments, 12 words
Status [M]

【锟羊+亨扬】Before Midnight

By yewookeleven Updated
Tags  kunyang   henyang   hengyang 
Characters 钱锟/黄冠亨/刘扬扬
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 3550 views, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By yewookeleven Updated
Tags  henyang   hengyang 
Characters 黄冠亨/刘扬扬
With 4 subscribers, 4000 views, 17 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By nayohchoyan Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   henyang   hengyang 
With 1 votes, 15 subscribers, 7160 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By 50milktea Updated
Tags  henyang 
Characters Hendery YangYang
With 8 subscribers, 2240 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Members Only



By chaofeiji_00 Updated
Tags  henyang 
Characters 黄冠亨 刘扬扬 hendery yangyang
With 9 subscribers, 2570 views, 1 comments, 44 words

    / 明明一切都伪装得很好,不应该有什么错漏才对。 刘扬扬看着包里凭空多出的抑制剂,整个人愣住的同时背后阵阵发凉,刚录完舞台而燥热的身体,瞬间就镇静了下来,诧异间似乎额上的汗都要变成了冷汗。 包里多出来的是供Omega使用的抑制剂,一旁还贴心的多放了两张创贴,看起来像是用来遮住打抑制剂留下的针眼的。刘扬扬脑袋里顿时平地一声雷,炸得他思维都混乱了几分,只剩下一个念头不断循环播放。 被发现了。 有人知道他是Omega了。 这个结论让刘扬扬差点要维持不住表情管理,全身的汗毛感觉都快竖立起来,但四周还都是人,有工作人员有经纪人还有自己的队友,如果此时表现出什么遭人疑心,事情可能会比现在这个局面还要差。 他咽了下水,起身拉上包走出待机室,直奔这一层的洗手间,进去后躲进最角落的杂物室,直到落锁的啪嗒一声传来,刘扬扬才把一直悬着的心给了拉下来。 也是这才嗅到空气中有股淡淡的酸涩味,在封闭空间里尤为明显,刘扬扬抬手摸上后劲,果不


By Micananana Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 3670 views, 2 comments, 53 words

  刘扬扬砸碎了本周的第11只杯子,在此之前还有三套餐盘。 被安排来照顾他的保姆无声地叹了气,不再像之前那样试图劝谏,只能在他上楼后再默默收拾残局。 她是三个月前被请来的,雇主开的薪资是市面上的几倍,工作内容也轻松,就是照顾一个刚怀有身孕的Omega。只是有一个要求——必须常住在那栋位于郊区的大别墅里。 第一次见到刘扬扬就是在这栋别墅里,他的小腹平坦,还看不出一点起伏,斜靠在楼梯的扶手望过来的视线也是冷冰冰的。她从事这行有些年头,也遇见过不少脾气不好的雇主,但刘扬扬这样还顶着一脸稚气却皮笑肉不笑的主还是第一次碰到。 倒是带她过来的人——站在身边的这位雇主,穿着一身剪裁得体的西装,脸上总噙着淡淡的笑容,看起来十分客气。即是被刘扬扬冷哼了一声,他也依然没有黑脸,维持着笑容向他介绍,“这是张姨,以后她会照顾你的起居。” 刘扬扬没搭话,回应两人的是二楼拐角处房门被用力甩上的声音。 “不好意思,扬扬的脾气不太好。”雇主姓黄,皮相生得好,似乎还是个明星。她年纪有些大了,娱乐圈的

2020 Variety Writing Contest (RESULTS REVEALED)

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  2pm   adventure   apink   contest   fantasy   fluff   fxband   heysayjump   hoya   infinite   romance   scifi   supernatural      yuri   competition   myungjong   writingcontest   bap   straight   nuest   hetero   daejae   ailee   ryosuke   btob   vixx   seventeen   soulmateau   redvelvet   twice   nct   pentagon   nct127   nctdream   sf9   ateez   wayv   ab6ix   henyang 
Characters Kpop artists
With 33 chapters, 16 votes, 131 subscribers, 4280 views, 57 comments, 2869 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Come join my variety contest, where there will be a lot of options and groups. Welcome to 2020!


By bingolovingTart Updated
Tags  yangyang   hendery   wayv   henyang 
Characters Hendery黄冠亨/YangYang刘扬扬-Ten李永钦/Kun钱锟
With 17 subscribers, 9550 views, 23 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

晚安小羊 上

By maltese21 Updated
Tags  henyang 
With 1 subscribers, 5840 views
Status [M]

Internal Demons

By atinystarteez Updated
Characters NCTOT23
With 10 chapters, 2 votes, 27 subscribers, 1570 views, 11 comments, 24379 words

Lee Donghyuck is an amazing detective that just wanted a day off from work, but a case has him questioning everything he thought he had gotten over. He reunites with his brother, Lee Taeyong and his ex, Mark Lee when the case ties NCT into its roots. From there, old feelings rekindle and new bonds are formed. Can Donghyuck protect himself and his new family?

The Perfect Opportunity

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  boyxboy   fluff   phobia   yangyang   nct   nctu   hendery   wayv   henyang   guanheng 
Characters WayV Hendery + Yangyang
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 47 subscribers, 850 views, 5 comments, 2086 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

While on a Summer retreat, Yangyang notices that one person will not go to the lake at night or when it's raining. In fact, Hendery has spent the entire morning in his tent. Saving Hendery from his phobia could work to his advantage, and Yangyang is determined to make that happen. 

The Boy in the Golden Shoes

By Batcrazy Updated
Tags  yangyang   nct   hendery   wayv   henyang   yangdery 
Characters Yangyang, Hendery, other WayV members
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 7 subscribers, 1780 views, 4 comments, 8842 words
Status [M], Completed

The Color of My Heart

By DGNA_Forever Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   fantasy   friendship   romance      lucas   ten   soulmateau   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   chittaphon   sicheng   nctdream   renjun   writingcontestentry   xuxi   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   henyang   yangdery   guanheng   guanyang   platonicrenyang   platonictendery 
Characters WayV Hendery + Yangyang, with appearances by NCT members
With 4 chapters, 8 votes, 101 subscribers, 1400 views, 7 comments, 7680 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Hendery has always enjoyed watching other people's soulmate  rings change color, based on the emotions their mate was going through. His own ring has changed color several times, but usually stays a dark color. One day it turns black, a sign his soulmate has died, but it's wrong, since it hasn't crumbled. 

Good morning baby

By exoseksie Updated
Characters WayV Hendery and Yangyang
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 79 subscribers, 2050 views, 982 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only